Ukraine’s NATO Membership 'Will Not Take Place': German Chancellor

That can still be changed, only traitors support the murdering sons of a bitches who controls Russia and China

It won't be changed,

Cry....and cry some more! :biggrin:
... Scholz said he shares Russian President Vladimir Putin’s security concern and clarified to Putin that Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO.

What chancellor Scholz did not say in this form as far as I know. Currently the Ukraine is not able to become a NATO member because for to be a NATO member it needs also the ability and will to protect all other NATO members and not to be a risk for anyone else to have to go in war. That has only to do now with the current situation of the Ukraine which is not caused from the Ukraine but from Russia. And this has also nothing to do with justice but with realism, power and responsibility. What the future will bring is always open. Once - in the good old time where whishes still had helped - it had existed for example also serios dicussions about to make whole Russia to a member of the NATO.
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Olaf was wrong before when he was soft on sanctions, then the people straightened him out and severe sanctions were implemented.
Remember when weapons headed for Ukraine couldn't fly ovr German airspace?

Ukraine should be admitted into NATO, just to poke Putin in the eye.
Ukraine was just admitted into the EU.

Both ways are blocked from Russia anti-German, anti-European and anti-American. No one with a sane mind will go steps direction a nuclear war between East and West. What means in the reverse Putin has not a sane mind. Time for the Russians to eliminate him or his influence and the criminals who support him.
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Glad to hear that many in the EU still have some common sense left! :clap:

Ukraine’s NATO Membership 'Will Not Take Place': German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Friday.

“I also made it clear in Moscow and in my visit that this option [Ukraine’s membership of NATO] is not on the table and will not take place,” he said during an interview with German public broadcaster ZDF.

“I said publicly that we all know that Ukraine’s NATO membership is not on the alliance’s agenda today,” he added. “That was understood by the American president, that [was] also understood by the French president.”

Scholz said he shares Russian President Vladimir Putin’s security concern and clarified to Putin that Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO.

that was a dumb thing to say

The germans should have held that back as a negotiating chip
that was a dumb thing to say

The germans should have held that back as a negotiating chip

It's done ,Ukraine is out of NATO,

Nobody wants a Nuclear War.

Do you?
Both ways are blocked from Russia, anti-German, anti-European and anti-Amerocan. No one with a sane mind will go steps direction a nuclear war between East and West.
Are you saying putin is insane?

why are the western nations the only ones responsible for preventing a nuclear war?
It may be done

But it's also incredibly stupid to say that while russia is still in ukraine


It's incredible stupid to wish for a Nuclear War and poking the bear.



This time let Europe fight their own wars!

Wrong. He lost. The problem for us is not to win against Russia - the problem is the rest of the world will kill us and Russia if we will do so. Also the USA and the Ukraine. You don't know yourselve and your own extremism and brutality.

It's incredible stupid to wish for a Nuclear War and poking the bear.


Who wishes for a nuclear war?

do you want russia to annex ukraine?

if not then avoid both extremes by negotiating like you have a pair of balls instead of like a clumsy frieghtened rabbit
Who wishes for a nuclear war?

do you want russia to annex ukraine?

if not then avoid both extremes by negotiating like you have a pair of balls instead of like a clumsy frieghtened rabbit

NO...I don't want a Nuclear War.

Nobody does you moron.
go play among yourselves now .... you play with zaangalewa and zangaleawa plays with you Mac-7 :up:

Yes? ok.;)
Putin would take the Baltic States next ...

The baltic states are NATO members. Who attacks a NATO member attacks all NATO members. Nevertheless it could be a good idea to let the UNO decide to make the so called "Kaliningrad Oblast" to an own independent state (I suggest the name "Prussia" for this state) and to forbid there the use of the Russian language. This could minimize the political and militaristic problems and risks in this area of the world.
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Are you saying putin is insane?

Whatelse should he be ? What he is doing is bad for the mothercountry of all Russian - the Ukraine, specially the area around Kiew - and is bad for Russia, Europe and many many others. It is good for no one - not even for Putin himselve.

why are the western nations the only ones responsible for preventing a nuclear war?

If you like to die the radiation sickness we don't need a nuclear war. Jump into the cooling bath for nuclear fuel rods together with your best co-worker Homer J. Simpson.

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