Ukraine’s President Says Biden Handed Putin a ‘Weapon’ By Caving On Pipeline

They worked enough, you idiot?
So, Putin stopped 2 plus years of construction, because of Trump's 'sanctions', then Biden drops sanctions and 30 months worth of work gets done in 30 days?

That's one magical construction site,
Did the lizard people complete it?
I didn't suggest the sanctions stopped work completely...nobody suggested that.

Not sure what your point is here.

Xiden lifted the sanctions....the world, as the OP highlights, is now saying that Xiden through his approval, handed Putin a weapon.

Deal with it, your cult leader Joey Xiden is a Russian agent.
Yet your walking silver alert handed the whole thing over to his boss, Putin.
May as well, your idiot dear leader allowed 99.9% of it to happen under his watch.
So, GQP NUTS blame Bide for the 0.1% that Biden did?
WOW, you GQP NUTS are delusional, but everyone knows that.
I didn't suggest the sanctions stopped work completely...nobody suggested that.

Not sure what your point is here.
I believe that.
Xiden lifted the sanctions....the world, as the OP highlights, is now saying that Xiden through his approval, handed Putin a weapon.
Biden's approval?
So, Germany has to get 'approval' from the US to operate their own affairs?
Bet Merkle HAS an alternate plan, unlike the orange retard, that didn't have any, when the dumbass issued sanctions on China.

Deal with it, your cult leader Joey Xiden is a Russian agent.
Let me know when Biden tweets.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
I believe that.

Biden's approval?
So, Germany has to get 'approval' from the US to operate their own affairs?
Bet Merkle HAS an alternate plan, unlike the orange retard, that didn't have any, when the dumbass issued sanctions on China.

Let me know when Biden tweets.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
1) good
2) no they don’t need the US approval hence why they continued to do it, when we sancted them.

but by lifting sanctions, xiden showed his approval

3) hahaha you think Joey Xiden would be invited to a beauty pageant? the xiden’s like crack whores in strip clubs, not classy women at places pageants
Even though its in Europe the pipe line will ease commodity prices here in the US...Biden has no choice...If he wants a little wiggle room he needs to reopen the Keystone

Biden just killed another energy deal.

I didn't suggest the sanctions stopped work completely...nobody suggested that.

Not sure what your point is here.

Xiden lifted the sanctions....the world, as the OP highlights, is now saying that Xiden through his approval, handed Putin a weapon.

Deal with it, your cult leader Joey Xiden is a Russian agent.

We allowed sovereign countries to make their own choices and do what they think is best for them.

The unmitigated hubris of the US and its citizens, think we have the god fucking given right to tell other countries what is best for them.
We allowed sovereign countries to make their own choices and do what they think is best for them.

The unmitigated hubris of the US and its citizens, think we have the god fucking given right to tell other countries what is best for them.
sure we do, as they do us,,.if it effects our security

why wouldn’t we
sure we do, as they do us,,.if it effects our security

why wouldn’t we

Because they are their own nation and we are our own nation. We have not right to tell anyone how to run their country.
Because they are their own nation and we are our own nation. We have not right to tell anyone how to run their country.
sure we do. We can certainly voice our opinions in particular if it impacts our country, and it’s security…especially if they are an suppose to be an friend, in a treaty with us, take our money
sure we do. We can certainly voice our opinions in particular if it impacts our country, and it’s security…especially if they are an suppose to be an friend, in a treaty with us, take our money

No, really we do not just like we do not listen to them when they try and tell us what to do. I know that we American think we are god's gift to the world and that everyone should do what we tell them to do...but it just ain't so.
Biden just killed another energy deal.

He is forcing everyone to buy their solar panels that is if they want to be warm this Christmas.

And so let's help Biden to have a Merry Christmas by purchasing their products before Christmas.

1) good
2) no they don’t need the US approval hence why they continued to do it, when we sancted them.
No, they don't.
So, why are the GQP nuts, panties in a wad?
but by lifting sanctions, xiden showed his approval.
As Trump, not lifting a finger to enforce his 'sanctions' allowed construction to continue for two years is as good as 'our thoughts and prayers'..................................worthless, like Trump.
3) hahaha you think Joey Xiden would be invited to a beauty pageant? the xiden’s like crack whores in strip clubs, not classy women at places pageants
Right, Trump wasn't inviting Biden, Trump was hoping Putin would be his new boyfriend.
No, they don't.
So, why are the GQP nuts, panties in a wad?

As Trump, not lifting a finger to enforce his 'sanctions' allowed construction to continue for two years is as good as 'our thoughts and prayers'..................................worthless, like Trump.

Right, Trump wasn't inviting Biden, Trump was hoping Putin would be his new boyfriend.
1) because it’s dangers our security and xiden’s approval highlights he is a danger to our security
2) he enforced his sanctions
3) yeah…most people that want a boyfriend don’t sanction them
1) because it’s dangers our security and xiden’s approval highlights he is a danger to our security
A pipeline?
No, Biden doesn't moron.
The only president who threatens our security is Trump.
He defends our enemies.

2) he enforced his sanctions
No, he didn't otherwise he pipeline construction wouldn't have taken place the last two years.
3) yeah…most people that want a boyfriend don’t sanction them
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

The Trump administration has lifted sanctions on three companies, including the aluminum giant Rusal, linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Democrats had led a push in Congress to continue the restrictions.

Earlier this month, Senate Republicans blocked an effort to keep the sanctions on Rusal, En+ Group and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
A pipeline?
No, Biden doesn't moron.
The only president who threatens our security is Trump.
He defends our enemies.

No, he didn't otherwise he pipeline construction wouldn't have taken place the last two years.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

The Trump administration has lifted sanctions on three companies, including the aluminum giant Rusal, linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Democrats had led a push in Congress to continue the restrictions.

Earlier this month, Senate Republicans blocked an effort to keep the sanctions on Rusal, En+ Group and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
hahaha ok now you are recycling comments that I already debunked you on.

True cult status there my friend...your Dear Leaders are happy
Because they are their own nation and we are our own nation. We have not right to tell anyone how to run their country.
Well then I guess we had better stop dumping money on them for in return for no consideration eh?
You miss the point dude. Most of these places take billions a year in aid from us....we do have some say in whether or not
we should be doing that in light of their actions that may either benefit or harm us.,
Well then I guess we had better stop dumping money on them for in return for no consideration eh?
You miss the point dude. Most of these places take billions a year in aid from us....we do have some say in whether or not
we should be doing that in light of their actions that may either benefit or harm us.,

Be sure to list all the foreign aide we give to Germany. Then we can talk
A pipeline?
No, Biden doesn't moron.
The only president who threatens our security is Trump.
He defends our enemies.

No, he didn't otherwise he pipeline construction wouldn't have taken place the last two years.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

The Trump administration has lifted sanctions on three companies, including the aluminum giant Rusal, linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Democrats had led a push in Congress to continue the restrictions.

Earlier this month, Senate Republicans blocked an effort to keep the sanctions on Rusal, En+ Group and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
You people are so stupid that I am surprised you still have heartbeats. The sanctions affected the top Tier Russian Oligarchs and directly impacted Putin's authority structure. Putin has plenty of enemies in Russian...moron. Also, Moron..... how excactly do you " lift a finger? " You want nuclear war? Do you think that's going to make fuel cheaper? (You blithering idiot who looks out of his Colon instead of his eyes?) The Sanctions alone constituted major " finger lifting",.... high school drop out ...moron...sycophant...political puppet...ding bat...
You people are so stupid that I am surprised you still have heartbeats. The sanctions affected the top Tier Russian Oligarchs and directly impacted Putin's authority structure. Putin has plenty of enemies in Russian...moron. Also, Moron..... how excactly do you " lift a finger? " You want nuclear war? Do you think that's going to make fuel cheaper? (You blithering idiot who looks out of his Colon instead of his eyes?) The Sanctions alone constituted major " finger lifting",.... high school drop out ...moron...sycophant...political puppet...ding bat...
Another GQP, moron, as if there is any other kind.
No brain activity, at all, just like Trump likes his cult.

One sentence you say Trump sanctions on Nord Stream affected 'the top Tier Russian Oligarchs and directly impacted Putin's authority structure'.
They were as worthless as Trump claiming Mexico was paying for the border wall.

Then you state 'Do you want nuclear war'?
Defending Trump inaction on the sanctions.

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