Ukraine's Second Front: The Balkans (again)


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Serbian leader holds security talks over Kosovo unrest

"On Saturday a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in north Kosovo, where Serbs form a majority, and local police exchanged fire with unknown groups.

"Ethnic Serbs set up road blocks after Kosovan police were deployed in a dispute over car number plates.

"Serbia refuses to recognise Kosovo as an independent state.

"Kosovo, which has an overwhelmingly ethnic Albanian majority, broke away from Serbia after a war in 1998-99.

"Nato, which has peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, called on all parties to avoid provocations. The EU has done likewise, warning that it will not tolerate attacks on EU police or criminal acts."

Is Russia's Serbian ally being set up as the next Ukraine?
Serbian leader holds security talks over Kosovo unrest

"On Saturday a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in north Kosovo, where Serbs form a majority, and local police exchanged fire with unknown groups.

"Ethnic Serbs set up road blocks after Kosovan police were deployed in a dispute over car number plates.

"Serbia refuses to recognise Kosovo as an independent state.

"Kosovo, which has an overwhelmingly ethnic Albanian majority, broke away from Serbia after a war in 1998-99.

"Nato, which has peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, called on all parties to avoid provocations. The EU has done likewise, warning that it will not tolerate attacks on EU police or criminal acts."

Is Russia's Serbian ally being set up as the next Ukraine?

You love to talk about occupation.

The occupation of Kosovo by Albania is real - unlike Israel.

But you'll support the Albanian occupation - because it's Muslims taking territory.
Ukraine doesn't border on the Balkans ... she borders on Bessarabia ... and yes, Ukrainian and Russian military forces have been "opposed" to each other there for Ukraine's entire existence (30 years) ...

Slavs killing Slavs ... nothing new there ...

"...There are many parallels between the situation in the Ukraine and the situation in Kosovo, the main one being that in both cases the West was trying to buy time to prepare for war (which they successfully executed against the UN “protected areas” in Croatia). The recent admission by Merkel that the sole point of the Minsk Agreement was to give time to prepare the Ukraine for war (they somehow managed to overlook that Russia would use the same time to ALSO prepare for war) has now confirmed the following conceptual plan:

  1. Begin by pretending to want to broker some semi-reasonable deal which, while not perfect, would preserve peace and give time to negotiate (they did that with the Palestinians, the Serbs, the Russians and many others!).
  2. Then break the terms of this deal over and over again and dare the other side to “do something about it”.
  3. If the other sides does nothing, keep on provoking until the entire deal is clearly dead, then let your proxy attack in “retaliation” against some putative “violation” by the other side. And if your proxy is weak and mostly apt at murdering civilians, give them the full NATO support (which in Kosovo became the “KLA airforce”).
  4. If the other side does preempt your attack, accuse it of breaking the terms of the deal and attack it in “retaliation”.
  5. Mantrically repeat that “Country X” (Kosovo or Israel, same difference) has the “right” to “defend” itself from “attacks” but never recognize that same right for the other side.
In the case of Serbia this is all made much worse by the “multi-vector” policies of the Vucic government which, on one hand, seeks EU membership and support and, on the other, has to deal with an outraged public opinion. Truth be told, Serbia’s economy is entirely dependent on her neighbors so any perceived “excess patriotism” (no matter how minimal and even lame) could result in even more devastating sanctions from a united West hell-bent on breaking every and any sovereign country out there.

Even worse is the fact that the EU/NATO are both party to the conflict AND the judge and jury which has the right to impose anything or ignore any complaints."
Ukraine doesn't border on the Balkans ... she borders on Bessarabia ... and yes, Ukrainian and Russian military forces have been "opposed" to each other there for Ukraine's entire existence (30 years) ...

Slavs killing Slavs ... nothing new there ...

Bessarabia - Wikipedia

"About two thirds of Bessarabia lies within modern-day Moldova, with the Ukrainian Budjak region covering the southern coastal region and part of the Ukrainian Chernivtsi Oblast covering a small area in the north."

If Russia is forced to divert resources to the Balkans, US proxies inside Ukraine benefit, no?

"...There are many parallels between the situation in the Ukraine and the situation in Kosovo, the main one being that in both cases the West was trying to buy time to prepare for war (which they successfully executed against the UN “protected areas” in Croatia). The recent admission by Merkel that the sole point of the Minsk Agreement was to give time to prepare the Ukraine for war (they somehow managed to overlook that Russia would use the same time to ALSO prepare for war) has now confirmed the following conceptual plan:

  1. Begin by pretending to want to broker some semi-reasonable deal which, while not perfect, would preserve peace and give time to negotiate (they did that with the Palestinians, the Serbs, the Russians and many others!).
  2. Then break the terms of this deal over and over again and dare the other side to “do something about it”.
  3. If the other sides does nothing, keep on provoking until the entire deal is clearly dead, then let your proxy attack in “retaliation” against some putative “violation” by the other side. And if your proxy is weak and mostly apt at murdering civilians, give them the full NATO support (which in Kosovo became the “KLA airforce”).
  4. If the other side does preempt your attack, accuse it of breaking the terms of the deal and attack it in “retaliation”.
  5. Mantrically repeat that “Country X” (Kosovo or Israel, same difference) has the “right” to “defend” itself from “attacks” but never recognize that same right for the other side.
In the case of Serbia this is all made much worse by the “multi-vector” policies of the Vucic government which, on one hand, seeks EU membership and support and, on the other, has to deal with an outraged public opinion. Truth be told, Serbia’s economy is entirely dependent on her neighbors so any perceived “excess patriotism” (no matter how minimal and even lame) could result in even more devastating sanctions from a united West hell-bent on breaking every and any sovereign country out there.

Even worse is the fact that the EU/NATO are both party to the conflict AND the judge and jury which has the right to impose anything or ignore any complaints."
Your link:

"To expect the Europeans to show even a modicum of decency would be absolutely naive.

"They are too busy hating and freezing

"But time is running out for the Hegemony.

"Once the NATO defeat in the Ukraine becomes undeniable, the organization will quickly become irrelevant and unable to agree on yet another military operation.

"As for the USA, having lost the 'fig leaf' provided by NATO, they are unlikely to have what it takes to attack Serbia, not after having being comprehensively defeated in the Ukraine (the collapse of NATO will also trigger a major crisis inside the USA)":eek:
The army, police and other Serbian law enforcement agencies have been put on full alert. At the moment, it is known that columns of military equipment are being pulled up to the administrative border with Kosovo.

Let's not forget that Lavrov and Selakovich signed a secret clause. What was the point — many probably guess. According to preliminary information, a major military provocation against the Serbian minority in the province is being prepared tonight.

Whole lists with Serbian surnames have already been compiled in Kosovo, for whom it is necessary to "declare a hunt" and expel from Serbian territory. The situation in the province is very tense — the country is on the verge of war. Won't it all start again with Serbia, as it was in the First World War?

The Serbian authorities have already made several frank statements: Serbian security forces will definitely respond to threats against Serbian citizens in Kosovo from Albanian separatists. According to First Deputy Prime Minister Dacic, if it comes to an armed attack on Serbs in the northern part of the province, the Serbian army and police are ready to enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

In simple words: KFOR can get involved, and then NATO. Russia, of course, will not sit on the sidelines — fraternal Serbia will certainly be followed by military assistance. The war in Europe can start at any minute! God grant that this would not happen.
Serbian leader holds security talks over Kosovo unrest

"On Saturday a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in north Kosovo, where Serbs form a majority, and local police exchanged fire with unknown groups.

"Ethnic Serbs set up road blocks after Kosovan police were deployed in a dispute over car number plates.

"Serbia refuses to recognise Kosovo as an independent state.

"Kosovo, which has an overwhelmingly ethnic Albanian majority, broke away from Serbia after a war in 1998-99.

"Nato, which has peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, called on all parties to avoid provocations. The EU has done likewise, warning that it will not tolerate attacks on EU police or criminal acts."

Is Russia's Serbian ally being set up as the next Ukraine?
So then Vojvodina shouldn't be part of Serbia?
So then Vojvodina shouldn't be part of Serbia?
I don't know if there are any alternatives.
From a demographic standpoint, Serbia seems a likely choice:

Demographic history of Vojvodina - Wikipedia

"The general demographic trend in Vojvodina is a natural decrease in population.

"According to the 2011 census, the average age of the population of the province was 41.8.

"Ever since 1989, Vojvodina recorded negative natural growth, including all the ethnic groups.

"Despite that, number of ethnic Serbs in the province is increasing due to the constant immigration of Serbs from other parts of Serbia as well as Serbs from Republika Srpska and parts of Croatia neighboring Serbia.

"It is expected that by 2021 census, Serbs become relative majority in Bečej and Čoka municipalities as well as in the city of Subotica itself."
There is virtually no chance. Serbia is surrounded by NATO countries.
Lavrov would probably agree.

Last Friend in Europe: How Far Will Russia Go to Preserve Its Alliance With Serbia?

"The events of the past few days have shown that Russia remains determined to preserve its special relationship with Serbia despite its confrontation with Europe over the war in Ukraine.

"On May 29, the presidents of the two countries spoke on the phone and reached a gas agreement that secured Serbia another three years of Russian gas at a price several times lower than the current one in the EU.

"On June 6–7, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was scheduled to visit Belgrade—just days ahead and in clear defiance of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s June 10 trip to Serbia.

"When neighboring Bulgaria, North Macedonia, and Montenegro closed their airspace to Lavrov’s plane, making the visit impossible, the Russian leadership minced no words in expressing its outrage and called for redoubling efforts to preserve the country’s 'eternal friendship' with Serbia.

"But is Russia able to deliver on its promises?"
Serbian leader holds security talks over Kosovo unrest

"On Saturday a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in north Kosovo, where Serbs form a majority, and local police exchanged fire with unknown groups.

"Ethnic Serbs set up road blocks after Kosovan police were deployed in a dispute over car number plates.

"Serbia refuses to recognise Kosovo as an independent state.

"Kosovo, which has an overwhelmingly ethnic Albanian majority, broke away from Serbia after a war in 1998-99.

"Nato, which has peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, called on all parties to avoid provocations. The EU has done likewise, warning that it will not tolerate attacks on EU police or criminal acts."

Is Russia's Serbian ally being set up as the next Ukraine?

Ukraine doesn't border on the Balkans ... she borders on Bessarabia ... and yes, Ukrainian and Russian military forces have been "opposed" to each other there for Ukraine's entire existence (30 years) ...

Slavs killing Slavs ... nothing new there ...
Our Albanian wall will do the job, the horde have no force left to help (even theoretically) servs - semi- turks (who are the losers and moscow poodles )

Our Albanian wall will do the job, the horde have no force left to help (even theoretically) servs - semi- turks (who are the losers and moscow poodles )

Slavs ... I'm not saying Hitler was right, but I'm not saying he was wrong either ... if you get my drift ...

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