Ukrainian Fascist Torture Russian POWs

Donetsk People's Republic Defense Spokesman Basurin says that Ukrainian force will not be allowed to leave Mariupol: "They have already been made such an offer, they refused. Therefore, they are no longer considered soldiers, they are criminals, because they were killing civilians."
"Yes, we guarantee to keep them alive, but I don't think we will let them go." He adds that foreign fighters captured in Mariupol will be arrested and brought to trial.
Donetsk People's Republic Defense Spokesman Basurin says that Ukrainian force will not be allowed to leave Mariupol: "They have already been made such an offer, they refused. Therefore, they are no longer considered soldiers, they are criminals, because they were killing civilians."
"Yes, we guarantee to keep them alive, but I don't think we will let them go." He adds that foreign fighters captured in Mariupol will be arrested and brought to trial.

I love it when Communists admit it. Peoples Republic. That is always what the Communists call their nations. The Peoples Republic of China. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. There never have been any nations that were called Peoples Republics, that were not Communist.
Videos are surfacing of Ukrainians shooting POWs in the genitals, knee caps, and feet.
Videos show men committing war crimes.



You pro-Ukraine people are suckers and you support Nazi war criminals.

More truth will come...but you will continue to ignore it.

Even if Ukrainians murder all non-Ukrainians nothing happens.
They are darlings of the West
There never have been any nations that were called Peoples Republics, that were not Communist.
Unlike capitalists, communists do not need to hide behind false names and euphemisms.
"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win." (c) Communist manifesto

Video appears to show Ukrainian soldiers shooting Russian prisoner of war​

The BBC has confirmed the location west of Kyiv and found satellite images showing bodies on the ground

Fri 8 Apr 2022


Video appears to show Ukrainian soldiers shooting Russian prisoner of war​

The BBC has confirmed the location west of Kyiv and found satellite images showing bodies on the ground

Fri 8 Apr 2022

View attachment 627601
I love it when Communists admit it. Peoples Republic. That is always what the Communists call their nations. The Peoples Republic of China. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. There never have been any nations that were called Peoples Republics, that were not Communist.
Yes, and communism was being practiced on the Mayflower (Rothbard, Conceived in Liberty).
the world must see the true nature of the Ukrainian Nazism. Ukrainian social networks are circulating this photo and laughing over the dead body of a Russian soldier. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the russian soldier was chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle, then tortured and afterwards, as it appears from the photo, he was set on fire while still alive. Ukraine embodies ISIS in the middle of Europe.



Now, even if they do it in the center of Europe, in Berlin, for example, and the locals will watch it alive... No one will believe their eyes. They will find a million excuses, because they were said something completely different on TV. They use TV there for a long time instead of a head.

And when in 1945 the Germans said "we didn't know what was going on in this sanatorium" (about the concentration camp), the germans were taken by the arm and led to this very "sanatorium" to see. And not only to look at, but also to load corpses into cars.
What is verification? Is it when the CNN says it? If so there can't be any.
Most reputable media will state whether or not something can independently verified.
Most reputable media will state whether or not something can independently verified.
Again, what's reputable? No "reputable" media noticed any innocents that perished in Donbass since 2014, but there were 14 000 of them. On the other hand it's in hysterics now over Bucha butchery (notice how the words match) when the fake massacre goes in unison with the western agenda to show Russia as the root of all evil today.
the world must see the true nature of the Ukrainian Nazism. Ukrainian social networks are circulating this photo and laughing over the dead body of a Russian soldier. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the russian soldier was chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle, then tortured and afterwards, as it appears from the photo, he was set on fire while still alive. Ukraine embodies ISIS in the middle of Europe.



Now, even if they do it in the center of Europe, in Berlin, for example, and the locals will watch it alive... No one will believe their eyes. They will find a million excuses, because they were said something completely different on TV. They use TV there for a long time instead of a head.

And when in 1945 the Germans said "we didn't know what was going on in this sanatorium" (about the concentration camp), the germans were taken by the arm and led to this very "sanatorium" to see. And not only to look at, but also to load corpses into cars.
Recent internet posts: "Odessa gonna burn."
the world must see the true nature of the Ukrainian Nazism. Ukrainian social networks are circulating this photo and laughing over the dead body of a Russian soldier. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the russian soldier was chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle, then tortured and afterwards, as it appears from the photo, he was set on fire while still alive. Ukraine embodies ISIS in the middle of Europe.



Now, even if they do it in the center of Europe, in Berlin, for example, and the locals will watch it alive... No one will believe their eyes. They will find a million excuses, because they were said something completely different on TV. They use TV there for a long time instead of a head.

And when in 1945 the Germans said "we didn't know what was going on in this sanatorium" (about the concentration camp), the germans were taken by the arm and led to this very "sanatorium" to see. And not only to look at, but also to load corpses into cars.
So the shithead Russians invades another country, destroying cities, killing civilians, raping women and killing children and then they bitch how the locals treat them? .
That Russian's crucifixion, above, is done on the steel hedgehog, a symbolic swastika. Yes, the crooks of the cross, the arms of the swastika, point to the origins of the swastika as being located in Paleolithic Ukraine. Though the Vikings did travel there and thus the swastika on Lisa of Finshult's smojtra (Scandinavia) link the north-south communication. Sweden and NATO romancing one another, deliriously poetizing themselves as reliving ancient history.
I agree that, if true, that this is horrible. I assume that it meets any reasonable definition of a war crime. That said, as bad as it is, it pales in comparison the the Putin slaughter of civilians.
the world must see the true nature of the Ukrainian Nazism. Ukrainian social networks are circulating this photo and laughing over the dead body of a Russian soldier. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the russian soldier was chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle, then tortured and afterwards, as it appears from the photo, he was set on fire while still alive. Ukraine embodies ISIS in the middle of Europe.



Now, even if they do it in the center of Europe, in Berlin, for example, and the locals will watch it alive... No one will believe their eyes. They will find a million excuses, because they were said something completely different on TV. They use TV there for a long time instead of a head.

And when in 1945 the Germans said "we didn't know what was going on in this sanatorium" (about the concentration camp), the germans were taken by the arm and led to this very "sanatorium" to see. And not only to look at, but also to load corpses into cars.
This crucifixion was done by the psycho POS Ukrainian nazis. We can now understand Putin's 'denazification' operation. Thank You, President Putin.

Post #189
Says the guy who has a genuine, non-ironic, Ukraine flag avatar.

You are literally a propagandist for the western media.

You have apparently so completely lapped up the western narrative that you are promoting the symbols they tell you to promote.


Be gone, douche nozzle.

Gay Blackmann is a Russian troll


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