Ukrainian Military Base Under Attack

Not one single county on the U.N. Security Council agreed to recognize the election in Crimea as legitimate. Not one. In fact the 13 voting members declared the election illegal. China, amazingly, refused to record a vote. They refused to support Russia with a spuppotive vote and instead abstained from voting. Russia was the only country, and remains the only country on the U.N. Security Council that recognizes the election.
Maybe you have a list of the counties that recognize Crimea as an independent nation and not still a part of Ukraine. We know you do, but you aren't a nation. Putin fans don't count in these regards. They are just fans.

The UN? Seriously?
In all of world history there has never existed a comperable waste of time and money.

Somebody has to be in charge of deciding if Crimea is a legit country, or not. You want to go with somebody calling themselves Katzndogz on a message board, fine, I can respect that. Me, I'm going with the U.N.

Of course you would. You're an idiot.

Just as a quick note, do you know who's on the UN HRC (Human Rights Council)

No, you don't. Nor do you care.

How about Vietnam? Yep. They're on the HRC. You know, the country whose defense minister once bragged that, "We were worse than Pol Pot, except nobody knows about it"

How about the Island Prison, Cuba?

How about Venezuela? Yup. Them too. The Country currently murdering pro-democracy protesters who can't feed their children because of your fav-o-flav, communism?

How about Russia? Yup. The Country this thread is about. You know, the one that just invaded and annexed the Crimea?

How about Namibia and Mexico?

How about Kenya and Kazakstan?

How about..... You're an idiot. Just another stupid fucking dimocrap who claims to know what he doesn't know. And is too lazy to bother learning about. Mostly because it would expose his lifelong belief system as a joke.

Continue to march, moron. It will lead you down the same path as millions of other dimocrap losers.

Unless you grow up, wise up, and change.

Your choice.
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Not one single county on the U.N. Security Council agreed to recognize the election in Crimea as legitimate. Not one. In fact the 13 voting members declared the election illegal. China, amazingly, refused to record a vote. They refused to support Russia with a spuppotive vote and instead abstained from voting. Russia was the only country, and remains the only country on the U.N. Security Council that recognizes the election.
Maybe you have a list of the counties that recognize Crimea as an independent nation and not still a part of Ukraine. We know you do, but you aren't a nation. Putin fans don't count in these regards. They are just fans.

The UN? Seriously?
In all of world history there has never existed a comperable waste of time and money.

Somebody has to be in charge of deciding if Crimea is a legit country, or not. You want to go with somebody calling themselves Katzndogz on a message board, fine, I can respect that. Me, I'm going with the U.N.
So the people of Kosovo, Crimea, Scotland, Venice, Quebec, or anywhere else can only determine their own destiny if it is rubberstamped by a collection of unelected assholes with only the authority they grant themselves.
That fool notion may work for a collectivist one world cant/wont think for themself nitwit, but as for me, each man, each people is soverign.
The UN? Seriously?
In all of world history there has never existed a comperable waste of time and money.

Somebody has to be in charge of deciding if Crimea is a legit country, or not. You want to go with somebody calling themselves Katzndogz on a message board, fine, I can respect that. Me, I'm going with the U.N.

How about..... You're an idiot. Just another stupid fucking dimocrap who claims to know what he doesn't know. And is too lazy to bother learning about. Mostly because it would expose his lifelong belief system as a joke.

Continue to march, moron. It will lead you down the same path as millions of other dimocrap losers.

I considered answering your interesting post with an intellectual response but decided it would be better to attempt to answer your comment with a response that seems more suited to your level.

You are a poopy doo doo head. How is that fantasy boy? Right on your level.
The UN? Seriously?
In all of world history there has never existed a comperable waste of time and money.

Somebody has to be in charge of deciding if Crimea is a legit country, or not. You want to go with somebody calling themselves Katzndogz on a message board, fine, I can respect that. Me, I'm going with the U.N.
So the people of Kosovo, Crimea, Scotland, Venice, Quebec, or anywhere else can only determine their own destiny if it is rubberstamped by a collection of unelected assholes with only the authority they grant themselves.

Kosovo was being ethnicly cleansed and under violent attack by an ethniclly different neighbor of a different religion and a history of exerting oppressive measures. The U.N. passed Resolution 1199 on 23 Sept 1998 that started the process to allow military assistance and action to prevent further atrocities against the population in Kosovo.

Scotland, Venice and Quebec all have avenues and processes they could and would follow when and if they desire to make a change in their status. It is doubtful any of those three selected would invite outside military force and a single outside nation to surpervise an election.
Crimea doesn't fit in or compare to the other countries you mention. You are comparing apples to hammers or pogo sticks or something.
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Seriously, you people need to quit believe the western news groups. When will you learn ?
No other country invaded and removed their elected president either.

This started over a trade agreement and a decision by the elected president that the EU didn't like. That's how this started and why the behavior of the United States is so reprehensible.
I could give shit one whats going on in the Ukraine.

Thats Europe. Let the Europeans do something if something needs doing.

We have no dog in this fight let Europe handle it.

That's right. It's Europe. The US doesn't unterstand Europe. The US doesn't unterstand Russia. The US don't really want to unterstand both of them. This land of hypocrisy has to stay on it's western continent.

Bullshit. The US understand Europe just fine. The US understand that Europe could care less about America unless it needs someone to shed blood for em or they need money. Then we are everyones best friend. They all suck and I could give shit one about Europe or the Ukraine. We've done more than enough for a very ungrateful Europe.

We saved their asses in two world wars. Let em save their own ass if it needs saving. Let them deal with the Ukraine or better yet let the Ukraine deal with its own problems.

Your land, that pretends to bring peace, democracy and freedom to the world, has commenced more wars, terror, death and destruction to the world than any other country in this world. The list of military operations and wars since 1945 is countless. This double moral is pitiful. Kerrys statement to Putin´s Intervention in Crimea is ridiculous. Luckily, no one with reason does take this for serious.
That's right. It's Europe. The US doesn't unterstand Europe. The US doesn't unterstand Russia. The US don't really want to unterstand both of them. This land of hypocrisy has to stay on it's western continent.

Bullshit. The US understand Europe just fine. The US understand that Europe could care less about America unless it needs someone to shed blood for em or they need money. Then we are everyones best friend. They all suck and I could give shit one about Europe or the Ukraine. We've done more than enough for a very ungrateful Europe.

We saved their asses in two world wars. Let em save their own ass if it needs saving. Let them deal with the Ukraine or better yet let the Ukraine deal with its own problems.

Your land, that pretends to bring peace, democracy and freedom to the world, has commenced more wars, terror, death and destruction to the world than any other country in this world. The list of military operations and wars since 1945 is countless. This double moral is pitiful. Kerrys statement to Putin´s Intervention in Crimea is ridiculous. Luckily, no one with reason does take this for serious.

It's not pretending to bring peace and democracy and freedom. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes not. We are only willing to give up a finite amount of blood and treasure. And that crap about more wars and terror, death and destruction is, well, it's crap. The USSR and Russian Federation along with China have not had a days peace since the end of WWII. They just haven't gotten the attention because the violence and crimes go on behind their borders. Both those countries are constantly at war with one of their captured territories inside their borders. At the same time they are involved in exporting war and war material all over the planet and have been continuously financing and promoting war as a main source of income and economic growth for their countries.
You neo-cons, shut up and sit down.

We saw how well it all worked out when Dick was running George all over the place.

I remember too... Russia was not invading other countries while threatening war with the US if we keep trying to get involved.

You fucking progressives and your wars.
Only liberals would go to war for European bankers and try to pass it off as helping poor people.
Obama has it tuff... Obama has to balance seeming tough while simultaneously seeming like he is doing everything to avoid war, that's how he has been his whole presidency. Putin understands this, that it's an act, but that Obama still gets us involved and spends money and lives on wars.

Russia knows that if we go to war with them it will likely be ww3, the worlds hatred of the US will cause divide and countries looking to be a super power or be the biggest super power will turn on the US. Our allies will get behind the US, right behind us... Us leading the way, us front the cash that we have to borrow.

Obama is scared shitless. This would be real war, not some fucking Libya Egypt crap that he can kill any amount of people and call it a "not war" to appease his mindless zombie base for political reasons. No this shit could get real and blow up in our faces literally.

Thank you Obama for being a balless **** that worries about pretending to be a man rather than just saying "ain;t our problem, sucks and we should all learn from Russia as how to be a assclown nation." Instead he has to keep drawing red lines on the ground taunting Russia into war, and that's what Putin has counted on.
Another fact that is being ignored by the MSM is that we signed a TREATY promising to protect Ukraine in return for them giving up their soviet-era nuclear weapons. If I were a NATO member or Japan, or anybody in the Americas, I wouldn't sleep too well thinking Barry would come if I were in peril. They put him in a trick bag giving him that Nobel Peace Prize....maybe he thinks they'd want it back if he honored our treaties.
Another fact that is being ignored by the MSM is that we signed a TREATY promising to protect Ukraine in return for them giving up their soviet-era nuclear weapons. If I were a NATO member or Japan, or anybody in the Americas, I wouldn't sleep too well thinking Barry would come if I were in peril. They put him in a trick bag giving him that Nobel Peace Prize....maybe he thinks they'd want it back if he honored our treaties.

Just a quick couple of questions, can you name the treaty and the date it was ratified by congress?

I'll wait.

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