Ultimately, "Leftyism" is Sociopolitical Psychopathy

Leftyism is anathema to everything that is true and good and beautiful.

Two truly evil men are almost exclusively responsible for the direction of the modern democratic party. Their names are Le Marquis de Sade and Jacques Derrida. Marquis de Sade was a vocal, almost religious fanatic for universal abortion, bestiality, violent sexual abuse of women and pedophilia. Derrida was a French philosopher who forwarded a new postmodernist ideology where obvious truths could be denied as mere constructs of the human psyche and the philosophy of Deconstructionism, which involves tearing down all ancient institutions and knowledge and essentially redefining their purposes to suit his own beliefs. Some might call the beliefs of both men Satanic, while others would argue their source to be human evil alone. I'm still on the fence myself, truth be told. However one classifies the evil of these two men and their centuries spanning influence any who worship them, who attempt to corrupt minds with their ideologies, should be stamped out of existence.
Two truly evil men are almost exclusively responsible for the direction of the modern democratic party. Their names are Le Marquis de Sade and Jacques Derrida. Marquis de Sade was a vocal, almost religious fanatic for universal abortion, bestiality, violent sexual abuse of women and pedophilia. Derrida was a French philosopher who forwarded a new postmodernist ideology where obvious truths could be denied as mere constructs of the human psyche and the philosophy of Deconstructionism, which involves tearing down all ancient institutions and knowledge and essentially redefining their purposes to suit his own beliefs. Some might call the beliefs of both men Satanic, while others would argue their source to be human evil alone. I'm still on the fence myself, truth be told. However one classifies the evil of these two men and their centuries spanning influence any who worship them, who attempt to corrupt minds with their ideologies, should be stamped out of existence.
To be sure deconstructionism, which presupposes epistemological and ethical irrationalism (relativism) is evil to the core. Given that the laws of logic are a priori incontrovertible, I conclude that human nature is inherently corrupt. Evil men don't care. Good men strive for virtue. They are constantly vigilant regarding the inclinations of human nature.

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