Ultra brave British man tells Muslim mob that Muhammed was a pedo.

how is he brave? he has police protection. looks more like a crazy homeless guy.
So he should be beaten for an opinion? How about jailed with no bail? Fascist dickhead.
No, but he should expect that outcome if he is going to provoke a crowd. Wonder how brave the idiot would be if there wasn't a copper standing behind him.
He has every right to say whatever he wants. But if he is foolhardy enough to go provoke a crowd, then he should be willing to take the lumps. Fair is fair.
No, you're condoning violence and assault. You have Freedom of Expression (aka, Freedom of Speech) and he's exercising his right. If any in the crowd think he's wrong, take the guy to court for slander or whatever. But unfortunately they can't because the guy didn't lie about anything.

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