Ultracapitalism: TrumpUSA Comics(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA comic I've been working on for some time now, and I managed to put all the elements together at last; it's inspired by Mars Attacks!, and since it's overtly patriotic, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but what do you think?

Thanks (signing off),


A great patriotic American soldier and commander of the secret paramilitary crusader-unit known as 'G.I. Joes' named Duke agreed to enter a magical transformation portal NASA discovered on the moon. Duke was transformed into a flying valiant robot named Superion. Duke/Superion knew he'd have to marshal a new capitalism-defense plan because of this transformation, which was obviously symbolic and meant to convey some capitalism apocalypse by whoever placed the transformation portal on the moon.


Duke's second-in-command, Lieutenant Falcon, also entered the portal and transformed into the multi-tasking warrior-robot named Metroplex. Falcon/Metroplex would serve as a soldier/general of teamwork for patriotic missions involving defense of capitalism on Earth...and perhaps elsewhere in the universe. 'Metroplex' was resolved to serve under 'Superion.' President Trump was very optimistic...


Duke's third-in-command, Snake-Eyes, a ninja-assassin, entered the portal and transformed into the creature-like robot named Swoop. Snake-Eyes/Swoop was charged with basic and complex procedures involving the extraction of adversaries threatening Earth capitalism and also the detection of anti-capitalism terrorism around the universe. 'Swoop' was excited about his opportunity to serve as a 'knight' of universal capitalism.


However, the portal which was in NASA's hands was stolen by the super-terrorist organization Cobra, which was a 'conglomerate' of ISIS, IRA, and Taliban terrorists. Cobra's leader Destro entered the portal and transformed into the wolfish jet-fighter robot named Cyclonus. Destro/Cyclonus wanted to undermine all capitalism-initiatives being engaged by the transformed G.I. Joes (Superion, Metroplex, and Swoop). 'Cyclonus' was designing terrorist schemes to create a fascist colony on the moon. President Trump tweeted, "I worry we're nearing World War III."


Destro's second-in-command, Serpentor, entered the portal and transformed into the bat-like menacing robot named Scourge. Serpentor/Scourge was basically a killer and venom-wielder and was charged with destroying Metroplex (Lieutenant Falcon). 'Scourge' wanted to test the 'mettle' of 'TrumpUSA' by supporting Cobra's efforts to reinvent capitalism and make it more 'bloodlust-based.' Would Cobra succeed?


Destro's third-in-command, a wily and vile terrorist named Nemesis entered the portal and transformed into the espionage-geared warrior-robot named Soundwave. Nemesis/Soundwave intended to complicate matters regarding this 'Joe-Cobra War' over capitalism by placing devastating explosives in major 'capitalism-monuments' such as Fort Knox, Wall Street, and Disneyland and then placing espionage-transmitters in the offices of the NSA (National Security Agency).


Finally, Destro's female vizier and wife Pythona entered the portal and transformed into the menacing evil female robot named Destiny. Pythona/Destiny wanted to steal chemical weapons from the Middle East and use them to create defense-fortresses on the moon to help Cyclonus (Destro) build his ambitious fascist colony there. The only one who could challenge 'Destiny' was the female G.I. Joe soldier/consultant Scarlett, but she was stricken with a plague. Destiny was very excited!


Cobra and Cyclonus managed to built the fascist mechanical colony on Earth's moon, and it resembled something like a giant 'machine.' Superion's forces (G.I. Joes) invaded the fortified planet with lasers and smoke and tried to usurp Cyclonus's 'government.' After a long 3 full years of fighting, the G.I. Joes managed to dismantle Cyclonus's sinister 'dominion' on Earth's moon, and the Cobra agents transformed into robots (Scourge, Destiny, etc.) were incarcerated and waited interrogation.


CYCLONUS: You idealistic Joes failed to see the 'vision' of our moon-dominion!
SUPERION: Your 'colony' was nothing more than a Babylon-Behemoth.

SCOURGE: Don't you understand the real scope of power/governance?
SWOOP: No! Your fake government was just a veil for a terrible new 'Reich.'

DESTINY: Our chemical weapons were considerable; you foiled us.
METROPLEX: Capitalism will always triumph over the schemes of fascists.

CYCLONUS: Why do you believe we built that dominion, Swoop?
SWOOP: You stole the transformation-portal and used it as a toy!

CYCLONUS: Perhaps that's true, but our moon-base was impressive...
SWOOP: Well, now you're prisoners-of-government, and you're going to trial.

CYCLONUS: We'll be remembered as revolutionaries...
SWOOP: No; you undermined basic ideals regarding TrumpUSA sanity.

CYCLONUS: 'TrumpUSA' is nothing more than Starbucks mixed with Watergate.
SWOOP: No; Wall Street reminds us of the pure value of peace-promoting commerce.

CYCLONUS: TrumpUSA will become a masthead for 'ultracapitalism folly.'
SWOOP: Americans care about democratic reforms, and your moon-dominion was ugly.

CYCLONUS: The power-machine we designed could've erased 'capitalism dioramas.'
SWOOP: America will continue its championing of capitalism-aesthetics.

CYCLONUS: Everyone will remember the 'Behemoth' Cobra managed to invent.


After the Joe-Cobra War was declared over, all the G.I. Joes and Cobra agents went back through the transformation portal and were re-transformed into their human selves. Joe commander Duke (formerly 'Superion') joked, "Cobra minions didn't look 'human' to begin with." Cobra was imprisoned, and President Trump worked with the CIA and the G.I. Joes to reorient humanity's idealism towards capitalism ingenuity. Meanwhile, a rock-music group in America called Warrant released a controversial song on MTV about the intricacy of capitalism creating all sorts of 'cholesterol.'


Comics writer/artist William Gibson and Hollywood (USA) movie-stars Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise established a comics enterprise called Archangel Comics which would release a series of illustrated stories about G.I. Joes and Cobra agents warring while transforming into good and evil robots (Scourge, Superion, Destiny, etc.) on Earth's moon. The story series would be a synopsis of the Joe-Cobra War and remind Americans how capitalism-rhetoric was saved in a time of Great Tribulation (regarding spiritual threats to democratic governance). Michael Bay would adapt these Archangel Comics stories into a big-budget pro-TrumpUSA film titled Joe-Cobra: Robotic Covenant and starring Tom Cruise, Jude Law, Leo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington, and Jennifer Connelly(!). The film made a ton of money.


U.S. President Donald Trump met with the leader of North Korea and assured them that all this new age capitalism-crusade intrigue would crystallize modern opportunities to use commerce to forge peace. North Korea seemed to believe in America's claim that capitalism would catalyze peaceful trade and political relations. Trump told Joe commander Duke that the U.S. government should trumpet the achievement of the PyeongChang Olympics in 2018 which saw a relations-based alliance between North and South Korea. TrumpUSA would be considered a 'beacon' for globalization rhetoric.


The unknown beings who sent the transformation portal to Earth's moon was a species of female robots called Sentinels. The Sentinels wanted to see if consciousness-altering technology would prompt war and vanity among humans and if capitalism would stand a serious test about democracy and tribulation. The Sentinels were like 'angels' who earnestly cheered on TrumpUSA but wanted to test its mettle. The Sentinels concluded that the triumph of the G.I. Joe forces (Superion/Duke, Swoop/Snake-Eyes, etc.) would mean a long-term faithful investment in Earthly capitalism, even when that capitalism reached very 'ultra-ambitious' dimensions(!).


TRUMP: We've been through a Great Tribulation, Carter!
CARTER: Indeed, Mr. President.
TRUMP: I'm relieved Duke/Superion prevailed...
CARTER: Who do you think placed that transformation portal?
TRUMP: Maybe a species wanting to test our faith!
CARTER: I believe TrumpUSA passed the test...with flying-colors.
TRUMP: Let's hope we can simply get over that Cobra-Behemoth.
CARTER: Capitalism will endure.
TRUMP: Hail to the philosophers!



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