Un agenda 21


Jun 19, 2011
I am very concerned about the plans of action contained in the UN Agenda 21. While little is discussed in the media,, the tenets of this plan are already in motion. In the new book by Dick Morris, Here Come The Black Helicopters, he paints a rather grim picture of American society as the plan unfolds.

As a country that financially supports so many nations, the UN Agenda 21 imposes a level of mediocrity that violates the U.S. Constitution and imposes exactly what scumbags like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggest as a New World Order !

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And even though it's agenda is being implemented across the globe as we speak, this thread is liable to be moved to 'Conspiracy Theories'...

How whack is that?
Everything that agenda 21 says is clearly being put into place.
1# Clean renewable energy-wouldn't suprise me if global warming was a mask for this.
2# Non-whites being put on top of whites
3# restructuring of the economic system of the world from the first to third world
4# restructuring of the power from nation states to regional

It can't be more clear! Who ever that can't see this isn't reading agenda 21.
And even though it's agenda is being implemented across the globe as we speak, this thread is liable to be moved to 'Conspiracy Theories'...

How whack is that?

I HOPE it's not moved to the CT thread!!!
I'm very surprised this is NOT getting more traction. WTF?
I once thought this was bullshit until I took a deeper dive into this.
It's difinately not a cospiracy theory, it is a conspiracy, and is being implementd all across the country. There are groups across the nation that know what is being done and are fighting it. There are videos and books that lay out the agenda, I only hope people wake up and start getting involved like the group I work with.
Most people have their heads firmly planted in the sand when it comes to the NWO.

They've been brainwashed to believe that our government HASN'T been sold out to the Corporations, even though that sale has been ongoing for the last 100 years...
Yup. The dollar is dying. Next the Amero!

A student named Michelle was taking a class taught by Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago. After a late night studying, she fell asleep in class.

This sent Friedman into a little tizzy, and he came over and pounded on the table, demanding an answer to a question he had just posed to the class. Michelle, now awake, said, "I'm sorry, Professor. I missed the question, but the answer is increase the money supply."
this topic has been sent to the conspiracy threads before...glad to see it is still surviving this time around....

beware "sustainability" and "smart growth".....

these are really code words for attacking private property rights and creating "collective" communities per the international agenda 21 for a new world order....ending national sovereignty and implementing a global government.....note the UN does NOT respect private property rights....and Obama is a big supporter of the UN ecomarxists....

"sustainable development" communities have been popping up all over the country since Obama came into office and they receive funds through HUD...these are nothing more than commie front groups establishing the new world order agenda behind a green mask....this is part and parcel of Obama's "transformation of America"....

Some things these commies have planned for us....

Eliminate private property rights
Require UN-mandated "green" homes
Take over farmlands (control our food)
Take over other private lands (control all resources)
Tell you where to live
Tell you what to eat
Take away your gas-driven cars
Control your utilities
Control your movements
Make the USA submissive to the UN
Glenn Beck on Agenda 21...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esJY2SK_4tE]"Agenda 21" The UN's diabolical plan for the world is explained on the "Glenn Beck Show" - YouTube[/ame]

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