UN agrees to let Iran inspect its own nuclear site. Yes, really.

Who goes to extremes of vilifying in response to very simple, basic, verbally neutral questions?
Kerry has to be the dumbest motherfucker on planet Earth.
He's a typical liberal. Hates his own country, stabs his friends in the back, does everything he can to weaken the U.S.

How does going to war with iran and spending trillions to rebuild it = a stronger America?

and in the first place...you fell for the "no agreement means war" crap Obama was lying about.......you maintain the sanctions...tighten them, and do any number of other things to bring down their government.
unilateral sanctions would not be very effective.

Who said it would need to be unilateral…a real leader would get the cowards in Europe to fall in line with sanctions and other actions…….but of course, giving the terrorist nation Iran billions of dollars to fund international terrorism, and giving them a nuclear weapon is a much better idea….right?
Please merge this with the other one.

The Iranian inspectors do the work under the supervision of the UN officials.

Why is this always left out?
Please merge this with the other one.

The Iranian inspectors do the work under the supervision of the UN officials.

Why is this always left out?
Then we should also mention how fucking bad of a job the corrupt UN did at running the oil for food program with Saddam,ya its a real confidence builder,facky real confidence builder.
Please merge this with the other one.

The Iranian inspectors do the work under the supervision of the UN officials.

Why is this always left out?
Then we should also mention how fucking bad of a job the corrupt UN did at running the oil for food program with Saddam,ya its a real confidence builder,facky real confidence builder.
So telling all of the truth is a bad thing?
I remember when the IAEA told America that the aluminum cylinders were the wrong size to be part of an Iraqi nuclear program and the far right war lovers accused them of lying. Of course W ignored the IAEA, along with his own Dept of Energy who said the same exact thing.
Just some facts, but have no fear, facts can be forgotten . I trust the IAEA more than I trust Hackett, any day.
Please merge this with the other one.

The Iranian inspectors do the work under the supervision of the UN officials.

Why is this always left out?
Then we should also mention how fucking bad of a job the corrupt UN did at running the oil for food program with Saddam,ya its a real confidence builder,facky real confidence builder.
So telling all of the truth is a bad thing?
What that the UN has proven time and time again they are corrupt and incompetent? those truths?
Who has used nuclear weapons on other countries?

No one. After we used it to end a war everyone realized we were serious about ending wars….then….

Here is the crowning example of how far certain individuals can go to rationalize their position.

Can it actually be believed that someone could say in any intellectual honesty that "no one" has used atomic bombs on other another country? What definition of what word would we have to fail to understand in the historical account of the US bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? US? Bomb? Or is Japan somehow figured to be not a country?

This one goes very far into the far-fetched region.
No, this is not a satire article from The Onion.

We have actually agreed to let Iran inspect it's own nuclear site, and report back to us whether they have found any evidence they were developing a Bomb there.

I'll have to check again. This HAS to be a joke from The Onion.

In a related story, Barack Obama has agreed that Hillary Clinton can be the sole inspector to look through her own emails and tell us whether any of them were classified, or related to the American deaths in Benghazi etc.

And John Dean has agreed that Richard Nixon will be the only one allowed access to his White House tapes, to tell us whether he did anything illegal.

The only significant difference in these cases, is that neither Hillary nor Nixon has threatened to wipe other nations off the map.

Does the Obama administration actually think people will go along with this as a "legitimate inspection that puts the accusations to rest"?


News from The Associated Press

AP Exclusive: UN to let Iran inspect alleged nuke work site

Aug 19, 2:03 PM EDT
Associated Press

VIENNA (AP) -- Iran, in an unusual arrangement, will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect a site it allegedly used to develop nuclear arms under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.

Some countries are required to do no more than give a yearly accounting of the nuclear material they possess. But nations- like Iran - suspected of possible proliferation are under greater scrutiny that can include stringent inspections.

But the agreement diverges from normal inspection procedures between the IAEA and a member country by essentially ceding the agency's investigative authority to Iran. It allows Tehran to employ its own experts and equipment in the search for evidence for activities that it has consistently denied - trying to develop nuclear weapons.
This has already been exploded in the other thread, "We have actually agreed to let Iran inspect it's own nuclear site, and report back to us whether they have found any evidence they were developing a Bomb there." They are supervised by UN officials.
Please merge this with the other one.

The Iranian inspectors do the work under the supervision of the UN officials.

Why is this always left out?
It depends on what 'supervised' means in this context.

Is the supervision located on site?
Please merge this with the other one.

The Iranian inspectors do the work under the supervision of the UN officials.

Why is this always left out?
It depends on what 'supervised' means in this context.

Is the supervision located on site?
Thank you. Under the beady eyeballs of the officials. Now how that works out is something else.

I get the feeling only a few on the Board have looked at the entire treaty.

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