UN braces for action...

This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

I was thinking ISIS could use some aid in going away. They're nasty bastards.

Last thing I saw from them, Syrian soldiers were clearing them out. ISIS guy fought to the death and left behind an IED that injured a Syrian soldier's leg. The Syrians could use some help. You got Erdogan to their west trying to grab land and kill the Kurds. It's a mess.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

I was thinking ISIS could use some aid in going away. They're nasty bastards.

Last thing I saw from them, Syrian soldiers were clearing them out. ISIS guy fought to the death and left behind an IED that injured a Syrian soldier's leg. The Syrians could use some help. You got Erdogan to their west trying to grab land and kill the Kurds. It's a mess.

We need to scale things back bigtime. I'm stunned they're pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. This can't be sustained. We need to seriously reconsider this aggressive Interventionist Foreign Policy. Hopefully, it won't take a collapse here at home to end the policy.
The UN announced that the use of chemical weapons by Isis in Mosul could represent a violation of international law...and be a war crime. Beyond that, they stood paralyzed much like Foo and his apoplexy over Ws wmd allegations. In the meantime...Obabbles strategic patience seems to still rule the day.

UN says chemical weapon use in Mosul would be war crime | News | DW.COM | 04.03.2017
What about beheadings? Are they violations of international law?

What about mass killings? Are they violations of international law?

Does anybody think ISIS gives a ratz azz ??

ISIS consist of radical militants - the law is irrelevant to them. I do not see what this UN announcement means. All the proclamations and announcements in the world are not going to do a damn thing when it comes to terrorism.
The only thing to do is to kill them...along with their family and goat.

The goat can be reformed.

Keep him away from our leftists and the goat will be fine.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

You have one big falsehood in your statement that destroys your reasoning.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

How close of an ally is Erdogan again? :anj_stfu: The thing is: You are the one that really doesn't know what's happening.

Think we still have nukes in Turkey? :haha: Take your AP-approved knowledge and stuff it. The AP lies routinely.

That is why you don't know what's really happening. Erdogan is not much of an ally. Not much of one at all. I suppose you believe that Assad used chemical weapons on his citizens, too. Hmm, gee, where have I heard that story before?

Oh yeah, it's the same bullshit the AP spread before Hussein and Ghaddafi

were killed to soften the blow and provide "justification". That lie isn't flying anymore, baby. I heard whispers of it just a couple days ago about something. Watch out!

Perhaps you didn't see that Russian Ambassador get killed. I think it could just as easily have been an American one. Turkey is all kinds of Allahu Akbar.
Last edited:
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

The US/West and Saudi Arabia have been funding & arming radical Islamists for many years. But then we end up fighting against them at some point. It's an insane bloody foreign policy. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East especially. All this meddling and war is gonna come back to bite us.
How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

How close of an ally is Erdogan again? :anj_stfu: The thing is: You are the one that really doesn't know what's happening.

Think we still have nukes in Turkey? :haha: Take your AP-approved knowledge and stuff it. The AP lies routinely.

That is why you don't know what's really happening. Erdogan is not much of an ally. Not much of one at all. I suppose you believe that Assad used chemical weapons on his citizens, too. Hmm, gee, where have I heard that story before?

Oh yeah, it's the same bullshit the AP spread before Hussein and Ghaddafi

were killed to soften the blow and provide "justification". That lie isn't flying anymore, baby. I heard whispers of it just a couple days ago about something. Watch out!

Perhaps you didn't see that Russian Ambassador get killed. I think it could just as easily have been an American one. Turkey is all kinds of Allahu Akbar.

Yeah, Turkey is another country i'm ashamed my Government considers a 'Close Friend.' Erdogan is a very bad dude. He's rapidly moving Turkey in the Islamist direction. He's also seeking to be a Dictator.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia are stirring so much shit up in the Middle East. Why is Turkey even in Syria? It's such a bloody mess. We need to move towards a Disengagement Policy in the region. I'm good with continuing trade, but it's time to end the meddling and war.
How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

The US/West and Saudi Arabia have been funding & arming radical Islamists for many years. But then we end up fighting against them at some point. It's an insane bloody foreign policy. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East especially. All this meddling and war is gonna come back to bite us.
. The oil is the culprit, and if not careful it will remain the culprit.
How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

The US/West and Saudi Arabia have been funding & arming radical Islamists for many years. But then we end up fighting against them at some point. It's an insane bloody foreign policy. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East especially. All this meddling and war is gonna come back to bite us.

You do that and try to have our economy survive on oil prices that have never been seen before.
Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

The US/West and Saudi Arabia have been funding & arming radical Islamists for many years. But then we end up fighting against them at some point. It's an insane bloody foreign policy. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East especially. All this meddling and war is gonna come back to bite us.

You do that and try to have our economy survive on oil prices that have never been seen before.

Not even in Carter or W. days?
Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

The US/West and Saudi Arabia have been funding & arming radical Islamists for many years. But then we end up fighting against them at some point. It's an insane bloody foreign policy. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East especially. All this meddling and war is gonna come back to bite us.

You do that and try to have our economy survive on oil prices that have never been seen before.

Trade would continue. But we need to increase our domestic output as well. The less we depend on evil nations like Saudi Arabia, the better off our nation will be.
This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to bite us. Our Founding Fathers warned against it. How many countries are we invading and bombing these days? Now they're even pushing to invade Syria and Yemen too. It's absolutely out of control.

But sadly, most Americans are completely unaware that it's going to come back around on them at some point. They will pay a hefty price. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt. Empires always collapse from within. The few Elites will be fine when the collapse comes. But average Citizens are gonna suffer greatly. I would advise we end this 'Empire-Building' agenda. End the wars and come home. Otherwise, suffer the grave consequences.

How quickly you forget 9/11!

You are such a rube!

Doesn't justify this Permanent War policy. The more we invade and bomb, the more Terrorists we create. We should leave those lands. We don't belong in them. We killed Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. It's over now. Time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We've already been there way too long.

We can kill all the people we want, but the problems in those countries won't go away. We opened Pandora's Box in Iraq especially. The Sunnis and Shiites will continue to fight each other. We destabilized that situation. But it's time to leave and allow them to sort out their problems. If they choose all-out Civil War, so be it. That'll be their decision. It's their country, not ours.

Yeah but.

I have some sympathy for Assad. For one thing, the US armed and funded the ISIS rebels Assad is having to fight. That's not cool, but that's in the past. Special forces have been assisting in painting targets and whatnot.

Can Russia and Syria and Iran fix the mess by themselves? If so, let them.

I really think there should be a US/Russian/Iran/Syrian/NATO type coalition for a while until ISIS is eradicated.

That last president we had could have decimated ISIS while they were in convoy.

He chose not to. Very odd decision. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives since. It's all on his head, too.

Very good points. Wikileaks showed that both Obama and Clinton were aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'Allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS. They kept it secret from the American People. I think it was just about criminal.

It was all about our Government's disturbing close relationship with Saudi Arabia. I mean, it is the country that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks. I think it may be the most evil nation on earth. I'm ashamed my Government considers it a 'Close Friend.'

OK. Let's assume for minute you are are correct. Saudi Arabia funds ISIS because they oppose Iran, which the Saudis oppose. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, we are not funding ISIS, we are fighting non-ISIS rebels who are opposing Assad. There are more than two sides in this conflict.

Turkey is our ally and helping us fight ISIS while at the same time they are killing Kurds who are fighting ISIS.

You don't even have the first clue as to what is going on over there, so I suggest you simply shut up until you do.

I don't want ISIS, Saudi Arabia, or Turkey as a 'Friend.' I don't subscribe to your convoluted thinking.

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