UN Cheapskates - How Predictable

Fuck the UN. Kick 'em outta New York. They can go to one of those 3rd-world shitholes they favor.
Let them relocate their HQ in Caracas or Pyongyang.

Even Trump won't really play hardball with the UN, if we told those countries "pay up or we're out and you can find somewhere else to exist" they would of course bend the knee, the UN would cease to exist without us and they know it.
It's simple. Tell them they pay or the US leaves the UN...if we do the UN is finished and they know it.

It's not like the anti Semetic pro muzzie organization is good for anything anyway.
Cut the US pledge to a token payment, maybe 5% maximum.

Trump wanted others to pay more at UN. No one picked up the tab
Another failed negotiation. Shocker.

How pathetic, yet predictable, that you would cheer on other countries not paying an equitable share of the UN's bills because TRUMP
Equitable share? Maybe if they get veto power and 800 militay bases around the world. The UN is our bitch. Not theirs.
Cut the US pledge to a token payment, maybe 5% maximum.

Trump wanted others to pay more at UN. No one picked up the tab
Another failed negotiation. Shocker.

How pathetic, yet predictable, that you would cheer on other countries not paying an equitable share of the UN's bills because TRUMP
Equitable share? Maybe if they get veto power and 800 militay bases around the world. The UN is our bitch. Not theirs.

The UN certainly isn't our bitch, however I have a VERY strict policy of not engaging in debate with obviously retarded posters, so have a nice day
Without the UN where could Colin Powell have gone to lie to the world about Iraq`s "mobile weapons labs"?
We should pay just what the other countries pay and not one dollar more. We should also kick the UN out of New York City.

That land is prime and the buildings could be turned into shops, stores and apartments. The city would make a fortune.

The UN is pretty much useless anyway. All they ever do is make resolutions and sanctions which everyone ignores.

Kick em the hell out of America. Let some other country babysit their asses.
We should pay just what the other countries pay and not one dollar more. We should also kick the UN out of New York City.

That land is prime and the buildings could be turned into shops, stores and apartments. The city would make a fortune.

The UN is pretty much useless anyway. All they ever do is make resolutions and sanctions which everyone ignores.

Kick em the hell out of America. Let some other country babysit their asses.

New York City is currently run by Communists. They would never let it go voluntarily.
We should pay just what the other countries pay and not one dollar more. We should also kick the UN out of New York City.

That land is prime and the buildings could be turned into shops, stores and apartments. The city would make a fortune.

The UN is pretty much useless anyway. All they ever do is make resolutions and sanctions which everyone ignores.

Kick em the hell out of America. Let some other country babysit their asses.

The land belongs to the UN dummy, even if we left the UN the government doesn't own that land.
We should pay just what the other countries pay and not one dollar more. We should also kick the UN out of New York City.

That land is prime and the buildings could be turned into shops, stores and apartments. The city would make a fortune.

The UN is pretty much useless anyway. All they ever do is make resolutions and sanctions which everyone ignores.

Kick em the hell out of America. Let some other country babysit their asses.

The land belongs to the UN dummy, even if we left the UN the government doesn't own that land.

Imminent Domain. :FIREdevil:
We should pay just what the other countries pay and not one dollar more. We should also kick the UN out of New York City.

That land is prime and the buildings could be turned into shops, stores and apartments. The city would make a fortune.

The UN is pretty much useless anyway. All they ever do is make resolutions and sanctions which everyone ignores.

Kick em the hell out of America. Let some other country babysit their asses.

The land belongs to the UN dummy, even if we left the UN the government doesn't own that land.

The land belongs to those who can keep it.
We should pay just what the other countries pay and not one dollar more. We should also kick the UN out of New York City.

That land is prime and the buildings could be turned into shops, stores and apartments. The city would make a fortune.

The UN is pretty much useless anyway. All they ever do is make resolutions and sanctions which everyone ignores.

Kick em the hell out of America. Let some other country babysit their asses.

The land belongs to the UN dummy, even if we left the UN the government doesn't own that land.

The land belongs to those who can keep it.

I'm sure that would be your feelings if the government showed up to take your trailer from you too.
We should pay just what the other countries pay and not one dollar more. We should also kick the UN out of New York City.

That land is prime and the buildings could be turned into shops, stores and apartments. The city would make a fortune.

The UN is pretty much useless anyway. All they ever do is make resolutions and sanctions which everyone ignores.

Kick em the hell out of America. Let some other country babysit their asses.

The land belongs to the UN dummy, even if we left the UN the government doesn't own that land.

The land belongs to those who can keep it.

I'm sure that would be your feelings if the government showed up to take your trailer from you too.

There's a difference between foreign interests and American citizens.

And my living room probably dwarfs your apartment.

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