UN chief admits bias against Israel

That's nothing but a propaganda piece. It states several inaccuracies and try's to frame Israeli bias around the sheer volume of resolutions against the Jewish State. It doesn't address the fact that Israel "deserved" these resolutions.

When you take a closer look at what these resolutions are about, a different picture emerges.

For example, let's look at the resolutions on Israel for the year 1981...

One condemns Israel's attack on a nuclear facility in Iraq.
Another deals with the living conditions of the Palestinian people.
Another one addresses Israeli human rights violations in the OPT.

In every case, the resolutions are a result of Israeli actions, not prejudice against Israel.

But one of those resolutions jumped off the screen at me, which is worth noting. It is UN Resolution 36/172-M, calling on Israel to stop collaborating with South Africa. Surprise, surprise, surpise! Apparantly, Israel was sending arms to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

Noting with indignation the recent vetoing by the Western permanent members of the Security Council of proposals to impose mandatory sanctions against the apartheid regime of South Africa,

Concerned that some Western countries and Israel continue to provide military supplies to South Africa, directly and indirectly, in gross violation of the provisions of Security Council resolution 418 (1977) of 4 November 1977 forbidding the supply of arms and all related materiel to the apartheid regime,
Do you really expect the world community to look the other way when Israel pulls this crap?

Earth to Israel, you either accept responsibility for your own actions, or eventually, you will be forced to.
The UN has always favored Israel over Palestine.


Israel and Palestine declared independence in 1948.


The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933

Israel had no defined territory and its "permanent" population was recent immigrants. Israel still has no defined territory.

Palestine had territory defined by international borders and its permanent population had a long history in Palestine.

Which did the UN favor in violation of international law?

As I racall, Palestine didn't declare independence, since it really didn't exist as a nation up until 1967, and didn't recognize at all the borders os 1948.
Tinny, Billo, et al - Thanks for showing everyone that blind unreasoning hatred against a nation because its founders were Jews is completely acceptable and 'understandable' to you.
It's a little hard to sell that "blind unreasoning" rap, when I stated my reasons, in the post you're trying to use against me.
As I racall, Palestine didn't declare independence, since it really didn't exist as a nation up until 1967, and didn't recognize at all the borders os 1948.
Israel didn't exist as a nation, but that didn't stop it from declaring its independance in 1948.
As I racall, Palestine didn't declare independence, since it really didn't exist as a nation up until 1967, and didn't recognize at all the borders os 1948.
Israel didn't exist as a nation, but that didn't stop it from declaring its independance in 1948.

The nation of Israel existed for 2000 years. You didn't attend your history lessons.

"Palestinians" were nothing but a bunch of collected Arab clans with no connection to each other but the hatred towards the Jewish Kuffar:cool:
As I racall, Palestine didn't declare independence, since it really didn't exist as a nation up until 1967, and didn't recognize at all the borders os 1948.
Israel didn't exist as a nation, but that didn't stop it from declaring its independance in 1948.

The United States didn't exist as a nation, but that didn't stop it from declaring its independence in 1776.
I'm not blaming jews, I'm blaming Israeli's.

Right wing Israeli's, to be exact.

Why do you always try to make this about Judaism, when it is a matter of International Law?

Because if it was, you would have pointed out on both side's issues with international law. But no, all the blame is on Israelis.

Because we're not Muslims?

Seems so, to me.
We obviously are not going to agree there.

But I am not surprised that it comes from you, since you attend to listen to one side of the story only. Saw you praising the Liberals without taking to mind the huge hypocrisy they hold.
"...only listening to one side of the story..."?

No matter how many times I explain my reasons, or how much detail I go into, or how many citations I provide (when stating my issues with Israel), you automatically dismiss all of it and play the anti-semitism card. Which wouldn't be so bad, if you could only explain "why" I hate jews? But you can't! If you can't explain your claim, why would anyone take it seriously? It becomes nothing but a "label", you're trying to attach, with the hope it sticks.

BTW, the jewish left are not hypocrites. They're the only reason you people should have a country.
Because if it was, you would have pointed out on both side's issues with international law. But no, all the blame is on Israelis.

Because we're not Muslims?

Seems so, to me.
When Israel is guilty of human rights abuses, you want me to explain why it had to violate the human rights in the first place?

That's kind of a strange request!
The nation of Israel existed for 2000 years. You didn't attend your history lessons.

"Palestinians" were nothing but a bunch of collected Arab clans with no connection to each other but the hatred towards the Jewish Kuffar:cool:
What happened 2000 years ago, has no legal standing in international law today.
Because if it was, you would have pointed out on both side's issues with international law. But no, all the blame is on Israelis.

Because we're not Muslims?

Seems so, to me.
When Israel is guilty of human rights abuses, you want me to explain why it had to violate the human rights in the first place?

That's kind of a strange request!

Do you condemn the brutal arrest of Bo'az Albert in Yitzhar?
The land of Israel was given to the Jewish people by law in 1922 by the League of Nations, later to be called the United Nations. The arabs agreed to having countries surrounding Israel. The Jews' right to the land was protected in 1922 by the League of Nations with the proviso that the UN carried on ensuring the Jews entitlement to the land. As I keep saying, the fact that after then the arabs have refused land since is their serious problem.
That's nothing but a propaganda piece. It states several inaccuracies and try's to frame Israeli bias around the sheer volume of resolutions against the Jewish State. It doesn't address the fact that Israel "deserved" these resolutions.

When you take a closer look at what these resolutions are about, a different picture emerges.

For example, let's look at the resolutions on Israel for the year 1981...


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