UN condemns Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Your post makes no sense. ENGLAND held India as the country with its present borders----LONGER ANY HISTORICAL RULER OF INDIA HELD INDIA------so?
INDIA was never a single independent country until 1948. Israel/Judea with its
capital being Jerusalem-----was an independent country for more than 2500 years. Jerusalem was never a capital city of any country OTHER than the combined Israel/Judea which was and is a jewish country ------aka Judea, aka Palestina. The statement "romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews"
is GIBBERISH. How long was WEST BERLIN part of the UNITED STATES?

Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.
In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

oh----so you imagine that British Mandate Palestine should have
gone back to the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Your post makes no sense. ENGLAND held India as the country with its present borders----LONGER ANY HISTORICAL RULER OF INDIA HELD INDIA------so?
INDIA was never a single independent country until 1948. Israel/Judea with its
capital being Jerusalem-----was an independent country for more than 2500 years. Jerusalem was never a capital city of any country OTHER than the combined Israel/Judea which was and is a jewish country ------aka Judea, aka Palestina. The statement "romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews"
is GIBBERISH. How long was WEST BERLIN part of the UNITED STATES?

Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a satire of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.
Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

Zionists learned well from our own history.......Our own doctrine of "manifest destiny" allowed us with almost religious fervor and impunity, to displace Natives and place them in reservations, and killed all those who objected to that treatment......
For us, "might made us right" and Zionism has not forgotten that sociological lesson......and come to us yearly to help fund the blatant apartheid of Palestinians.
Last edited:
In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Your post makes no sense. ENGLAND held India as the country with its present borders----LONGER ANY HISTORICAL RULER OF INDIA HELD INDIA------so?
INDIA was never a single independent country until 1948. Israel/Judea with its
capital being Jerusalem-----was an independent country for more than 2500 years. Jerusalem was never a capital city of any country OTHER than the combined Israel/Judea which was and is a jewish country ------aka Judea, aka Palestina. The statement "romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews"
is GIBBERISH. How long was WEST BERLIN part of the UNITED STATES?

Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

for the record-------in the pre-world war I era------the THEORETICAL ruler of
what was later called the "BRITISH PALESTINE MANDATE" ---was
Turkey--------the land was administered via crystal ball-----actually a neglected
wasteland. -----its residents being a CONGLOMERATION of
arabs, Armenians, Missionaries and Jews. After world war II-----the situation
remained about the same except that jews continued building schools and
hospitals and developed an actual government-----no one else did. Thus,
according to SOBIE------NOBODY should have a country in that land----ie the
former British Mandate Palestine-----nor Jordan,, not eveh SAUDI ARABIA
Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

Zionists learned well from our own history.......Our own doctrine of "manifest destiny" allowed us with almost religious fervor and impunity, to displace Natives and place them in reservations, and killed all those who objected to that treatment......
For us, "might made us right" and Zionism has not forgotten that sociological lesson......and come to us yearly to help fund the blatant apartheid of Palestinians.

BULLSHIT-------the only people who put arabs in Palestine in "reservations"
have been------other arabs. Jews have nothing to do with the establishment
of PERMANENT REFUGEE CAMPS (aka reservations) As to the sequestration of people in reservations, aka ghettos -------SEE ISLAM----PACT OF OMAR---over the past more than 1000 years. Of course the forerunner to the PACT OF OMAR-------IS JUSTINIAN LAW------aka THE CATHOLIC FIRST REICH
Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

Zionists learned well from our own history.......Our own doctrine of "manifest destiny" allowed us with almost religious fervor and impunity, to displace Natives and place them in reservations, and killed all those who objected to that treatment......
For us, "might made us right" and Zionism has not forgotten that sociological lesson......and come to us yearly to help fund the blatant apartheid of Palestinians.
Palestinians are welcome nowhere in the ME except Israel, idiot. The other countries keep them out or run them out.
Palestinians Are Not Wanted in Jordan
read more: Palestinians are not wanted in Jordan
Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

Zionists learned well from our own history.......Our own doctrine of "manifest destiny" allowed us with almost religious fervor and impunity, to displace Natives and place them in reservations, and killed all those who objected to that treatment......
For us, "might made us right" and Zionism has not forgotten that sociological lesson......and come to us yearly to help fund the blatant apartheid of Palestinians.
Palestinians are welcome nowhere in the ME except Israel, idiot. The other countries keep them out or run them out.
Palestinians Are Not Wanted in Jordan
read more: Palestinians are not wanted in Jordan

if you think Jordan does not want them------talk to an EGYPTIAN about
DA BALESTINIANS............ Egyptians actually become the ESSENCE
OF NAUSEA when they utter the word "BALESTINIAN"
Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

Zionists learned well from our own history.......Our own doctrine of "manifest destiny" allowed us with almost religious fervor and impunity, to displace Natives and place them in reservations, and killed all those who objected to that treatment......
For us, "might made us right" and Zionism has not forgotten that sociological lesson......and come to us yearly to help fund the blatant apartheid of Palestinians.

Awwww. Trying to pull on the heart strings. Anyway, man has been conquering and acquiring lands and territories from others since the beginning of their existence.
Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Italy can try :)
I condemn the UN for condemning Trump. There, now we're even. Movin on..
Wait...you need to pass a resolution regarding the ptoceedure for the UN’s condemnation, then get majority security counsel approval of said proceedures, before a vote on a resolution to proceed with the condemnation proceedings, get approval from the climate change commission, which approval needs to be approved by the security counsel, before you condemn the UN.

You are out of order, sir!
In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Your post makes no sense. ENGLAND held India as the country with its present borders----LONGER ANY HISTORICAL RULER OF INDIA HELD INDIA------so?
INDIA was never a single independent country until 1948. Israel/Judea with its
capital being Jerusalem-----was an independent country for more than 2500 years. Jerusalem was never a capital city of any country OTHER than the combined Israel/Judea which was and is a jewish country ------aka Judea, aka Palestina. The statement "romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews"
is GIBBERISH. How long was WEST BERLIN part of the UNITED STATES?

Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

The US and great Britain gave it to them what are you going to do about it?
Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Italy can try :)

So, if Italy tried to claim land inhabited by Israelis, and Palestinians it's an "Act of War" but when Israel tried to claim land inhabited by overwhelmingly Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians, they should "Sit back, and relax"

What hypocrisy.
Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Your post makes no sense. ENGLAND held India as the country with its present borders----LONGER ANY HISTORICAL RULER OF INDIA HELD INDIA------so?
INDIA was never a single independent country until 1948. Israel/Judea with its
capital being Jerusalem-----was an independent country for more than 2500 years. Jerusalem was never a capital city of any country OTHER than the combined Israel/Judea which was and is a jewish country ------aka Judea, aka Palestina. The statement "romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews"
is GIBBERISH. How long was WEST BERLIN part of the UNITED STATES?

Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

The US and great Britain gave it to them what are you going to do about it?

If that were true, how is it Anglo lands?
News flash it's not.
In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Your post makes no sense. ENGLAND held India as the country with its present borders----LONGER ANY HISTORICAL RULER OF INDIA HELD INDIA------so?
INDIA was never a single independent country until 1948. Israel/Judea with its
capital being Jerusalem-----was an independent country for more than 2500 years. Jerusalem was never a capital city of any country OTHER than the combined Israel/Judea which was and is a jewish country ------aka Judea, aka Palestina. The statement "romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews"
is GIBBERISH. How long was WEST BERLIN part of the UNITED STATES?

Actually my post is not supposed to make sense.

It's a mockery of people thinking that it's their right to control land, when they didn't control that land, or even live on that land as a majority for ages.

Then all you’ve done is shown your ignorance.

It was British land prior. They gave it to israel
In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Italy can try :)

So, if Italy tried to claim land inhabited by Israelis, and Palestinians it's an "Act of War" but when Israel tried to claim land inhabited by overwhelmingly Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians, they should "Sit back, and relax"

What hypocrisy.

To bad, when your the biggest kid on the block that's reality
In a related story....

Liberals Plan to 'Scream Helplessly at the Sky' on Election Anniversary

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Italy can try :)

So, if Italy tried to claim land inhabited by Israelis, and Palestinians it's an "Act of War" but when Israel tried to claim land inhabited by overwhelmingly Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians, they should "Sit back, and relax"

What hypocrisy.

To bad, when your the biggest kid on the block that's reality

Too bad, when Israel gets wiped off the map by the biggest kid on the Middle-Eastern block (Muslims)

Why should we back up Israel, just because these knuckle heads thought it was a good idea to piss off 1.6 billion Muslims?

Does the U.S.A gain anything from Israel? No.

Has Israel acted kindly towards the U.S.A? No.
Trump's "diplomacy" at work ......Stir the hornet's nest and divert attention from Trump's woes' at home.

The U.S. under Trump expects that sovereign country that gets US funds, MUST agree with U.S. policies........or else, extortion will be applied........Well, 128 countries will not be blackmailed by Trump.

What Trump cultists don't want (or are incapable of) understand[ing] is that the money we give foreign entities is NOT just for THEIR sake,,,,,,,but also for ours (unless we become the military arm for the entire planet.).

However, these countries backed us up all the way AND Haley is throwing a party for their loyalty...

Guatemala; Honduras; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Nauru; Palau; Togo and, of course, Israel

Who says we don't have powerful Trump loyalists in the world?.....LOL

The Who? UN?



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