UN condemns Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital

The UN has been around how long?

All these years. All the meetings in NYC. Trillions of US dollars thrown at this organization and the next time it does something useful, it will be the first.

I will applaud and gleefully support with donations (I am kidding, FBI) the terrorist organization that hijacks a plane with George Soros, his entire family, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bush brothers, and John McCain on board, and crashes that bitch straight into the full UN assembly.

The mushroom cloud from such an explosion would improve the enviroment and likely cure cancer. Hell, I would pay just to roast a few marshmellows on the resulting bonfire.

Zionist Christians now question the Vietnam war because it didn't help bring Jesus floating down from the clouds....
Why do you think the US was begging Israel to stay out of Iraq war, to remain neutral when Hussein was popping off missiles/rockets at Israel? I know you won't get it, but I am going to let you dwell on that question...see if you can possibly come up with the answer on your own. I will even let you 'phone a friend

Moron are you referring to the FIRST Gulf war or baby Bush's invasion of Iraq??
This isn't surprising. I would expect the inner ring of terrorists and counries around israel ie....lebanon, fatah, hamas, hezbollah, syria, to attack but these terrorist countries will be annihilated.

Let's just hope you, your preacher, and your church get it first...
If corrupt Globalist assholes are condemning it, Trump must be onto something. Good on em. :thup:
Dude, WE should not have even been in the Viet Nam war!

My point was simple........

How often does Israel come to our aid...whether we're right or wrong.........Versus how often we come to Israel's aid....whether right or wrong.......???

Could you answer THAT question, Queasy?
I used to like Nikki Haley - she occasionally made smart decisions to tone down the Trumpy shit. Looks like she's gone all in just most of the rest of these bumbling sycophants.

What do you think - school yard bully or Mafia tactics? Leans Mafia for me. And guess what's gonna happen two weeks from now when we need help on Iran and NoKo -- Sad

I like Nikki Haley but she represents Trump and does what she is told

So she loses all international credibility just like Colin Powell did in lying about WMDs

On what planet do you gain respect by letting people walk all over you in matters that aren’t their concern?

The delicate political climate in the Middle East has been a UN concern for 70 years

Trumps decision to unilaterally upset the apple cart for political gain was universally condemned around the world

Even by our allies

Sovereign nations determine where their embassy goes with the host countries input.

The un does not
Israel only cares about Israel.

Each and every non-Jew who considers Israel our "ally" is a SUB HUMAN who has lived life with a paper bag over the head...
The UN has been around how long?

All these years. All the meetings in NYC. Trillions of US dollars thrown at this organization and the next time it does something useful, it will be the first.

I will applaud and gleefully support with donations (I am kidding, FBI) the terrorist organization that hijacks a plane with George Soros, his entire family, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bush brothers, and John McCain on board, and crashes that bitch straight into the full UN assembly.

The mushroom cloud from such an explosion would improve the enviroment and likely cure cancer. Hell, I would pay just to roast a few marshmellows on the resulting bonfire.

What a dumbass post :disbelief: Are you Ann Coulter or John Bolton?
Well, we got Ludwig Fainberg in return, a Jewish Israeli gangster who bought in drugs, prostitutes, sex slaves into the U.S, and tried to give a Nuclear Submarine to the Drug Cartel enemies of America.
.. but you hate all Jews / Israel because of Ludwig Fainberg?

There's monstrous reasons to not like Jews.

I especially don't like them for how they've treated Polish people.

Poland accepted millions of Jewish refugees, and granted Jews the first Jewish Civil Rights the Statute of Kalisz, had the only organization dedicated to saving Jews in WW2 called Zegota, the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations save Holocaust victim Jews, warned the World about the Holocaust with Jan Karski, and documented the Holocaust with Witold Pilecki.

All Poles have gotten in return is Jews butchering thousands of Poles like Jakub Berman, or Salomon Morel.

All Poles have gotten in return is Jews spreading dumb Polak jokes, and Poland did the Holocaust false propaganda.


Is that a 757 or a cruise missile?

911 was an obvious fraud. Anyone who still blames "radical Islam" is either a Zionist Traitor or a SUB HUMAN...
Deflection, really? Why is it you commiecrats never answer direct questions?

Idiot, who gives a fuck about a "congressional" opinion that Jerusalem MUST become the capital of Israel........

Jerusalem is a holy site for NOT only the Jews and even the Pope is against that complete takeover by Bebe and his pals in the U.S. congress.

Does THAT answer your fucking question??

Since when do you want the pope influencing us policy? Perhaps we should adopt his abortion policy since you want his input

How is the fact that anyone sees Jerusalem as a holy city have any impact whatsoever on whether Jerusalem is the capital of Israel? Many in the United States see it as a holy city, does that mean it’s ours? Does it make it any less the capital of Israel?

Where our embassy in Israel is is between us and Israel and congressional opinion has a high influence on that
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Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES
Video of the actual collision of the cruise missile and the Pentagon on 911

OFF to "conspiracy" you go!!!!!!!!!


Zionist filth is always trying to CENSOR TRUTH
Now why don't you stop deflecting and answer how our previous positions of appeasement severed our country or middle east peace?

Well, Tigger......we came closer last month.....but then the Zionists in Israel had a shit fit.....

American and Israeli officials on Saturday night quickly dismissed an Israeli TV report that claimed the Trump administration is ready to recognize a Palestinian state as a central element of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, that the US will not insist on the evacuation of any settlements or settlers under a permanent accord, and that Washington backs most of Israel’s security demands regarding the West Bank.

US, Israel dismiss TV report claiming Trump ready to recognize Palestinian state

Never mind, I guess you're just too stupid to honestly answer a simple question.


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