UN condemns Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Video of the actual collision of the cruise missile and the Pentagon on 911
OFF to "conspiracy" you go!!!!!!!!!
Zionist filth is always trying to CENSOR TRUTH

What a dumbass post :disbelief: Are you Ann Coulter or John Bolton?
Oh, by all means, list all those UN accomplishmenrs.

They will pass a resolution to pass another resolution stating that something should be done. Then, take credit for US action. I need to pass aresolution to tell all you UN lovers to fuck off.
Wow, getting a lot of HATE for posting THE ACTUAL VIDEO of the cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 911.

Why the HATE?

Don't these Zionists want Americans to have TRUTH???

Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree
In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?

You do not understand the Old Testament, and what Einstein really warned us about.

The Bible's "Israel" is much much larger than Israel is today.

It includes land west of the Euphrates River.

Know where that is, the Euphrates??

Joshua did...


1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast. 5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life:
Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.
your post is meaningless-----Einstein was "warning" against the specific politicians
and policies that he rejected------notably MENACHEM BEGIN------he was not alone.
Lots of people rejected Menachem Begin. Lots of people rejected JFK too.
Lots of people reject Donald Trump. Some people even rejected Richard Nixon
Dude, WE should not have even been in the Viet Nam war!

My point was simple........

How often does Israel come to our aid...whether we're right or wrong.........Versus how often we come to Israel's aid....whether right or wrong.......???

Could you answer THAT question, Queasy?

What kind of question is that asshat ?
They only have like 7 million people and only like 50 miles across ..we have to keep them out of wars
Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land
Screw the UN. They're no more effective than the League of Nations.

Less bureaucratic diplomacy and more free trade is what keeps nations at peace. When people trade, they tend not to war. Skin in the game and all...


Is that a 757 or a cruise missile?

911 was an obvious fraud. Anyone who still blames "radical Islam" is either a Zionist Traitor or a SUB HUMAN...

How many cruise missiles have airplane tires ?

What did they do bring in a truck full of mangled airplane parts and scatter them around on the ground in front of 100s of spectators?

Trump's "diplomacy" at work ......Stir the hornet's nest and divert attention from Trump's woes' at home.

The U.S. under Trump expects that sovereign country that gets US funds, MUST agree with U.S. policies........or else, extortion will be applied........Well, 128 countries will not be blackmailed by Trump.

What Trump cultists don't want (or are incapable of) understand[ing] is that the money we give foreign entities is NOT just for THEIR sake,,,,,,,but also for ours (unless we become the military arm for the entire planet.).

However, these countries backed us up all the way AND Haley is throwing a party for their loyalty...

Guatemala; Honduras; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Nauru; Palau; Togo and, of course, Israel

Who says we don't have powerful Trump loyalists in the world?.....LOL
And they might pay for that shit to.
Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.
Arabs are a different
people from a different land

Not exactly.

This map shows Arab tribes (Arabu, and Nabatu) close to Israel, and Judah.

Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?
Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?
They will when the Muslims take over.


Is that a 757 or a cruise missile?

911 was an obvious fraud. Anyone who still blames "radical Islam" is either a Zionist Traitor or a SUB HUMAN...
I don't have much trust in the Federal Government but I do have faith in our troops and not a single one who was on the scene has come forward with a story that deviates from the official narrative. Also what is the FPS on that video anything below 24 and the human eye doesn't process it as a fluid video. and where is impact #3
Trump is a smart guy (actually he probably has brilliant advisors.
Right now----the PLANET is in a pre world war mode-----what we are
seeing is POLARIZATION------the people of the earth are PICKING SIDES

Completely disgusting move to provoke war on Israel's behalf.

In what way do you imagine that Israel would benefit from a war?
In what way do you and your friends Imagine that Israel benefited
from the US invasion of Iraq? Are you trying to insist that there are
countries that WANT TO BE PROVOKED TO WAR----because Israel calls
Jerusalem its capital? If you read the Koran carefully----you will find that
the writers of that book agree

Because Palestine also calls Jerusalem it's capital.

there is no country called PALESTINE at this time. Historically
PALESTINA ---was the name that the romans called JUDEA which
consisted of the lands called JUDAH and ISRAEL. The capital of
the COMBINED LANDS called Judah and Israel AKA PALESTINA
is JERUSALEM-------Palestinians are jews. Arabs are a different
people from a different land

The Romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews, anyways.

Should Italy have the right to attack Israel, and Palestine, and bulldoze their houses to make way for New Italy?

Your post makes no sense. ENGLAND held India as the country with its present borders----LONGER ANY HISTORICAL RULER OF INDIA HELD INDIA------so?
INDIA was never a single independent country until 1948. Israel/Judea with its
capital being Jerusalem-----was an independent country for more than 2500 years. Jerusalem was never a capital city of any country OTHER than the combined Israel/Judea which was and is a jewish country ------aka Judea, aka Palestina. The statement "romans held Israeli territory longer than Jews"
is GIBBERISH. How long was WEST BERLIN part of the UNITED STATES?

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