UN condemns Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital

There will never be a "peace agreement" until all foreign interests vacate the issue and allow the two principal players to solve the problem.

Yeah right - this just gives Neocon Netty free reign to take more land and bomb the fuk outta 'em.

There will never be a "peace agreement" until all foreign interests vacate the issue and allow the two principal players to solve the problem.

So, you are in agreement that the U.S. should stop sending $40 BILLION every year to Israel as "military aid"???
Israel is an ally under constant attack from its enemies. There is a long laundry list of nations to whom I would cut financial aid for before Israel.

Of course, your boy Barry spent 8 years helping terrorists and Israel's enemies while trying to overthrow Netanyahu, so I understand where your comment is coming from.....
Nutcakes is a name, moron.

Did you cheer with the Mossad on 911???

Full text of "9-11 Cop Breaks Silence - Israeli Mossad Involvement in Attacks"

9-11 Cop Breaks Silence

[ and Other Info on Mossad Ties to 9/11 Attack I

By Dave Gahary -

September 23, 2011

The New Jersey police officer responsible for capturing five Israelis who filmed
and celebrated while the World Trade Center towers burned has broken his silence,
agreeing to a Sept. 16 exclusive interview with AMERICAN FREE PRESS.

As AFP readers are no doubt aware, these are the same Israelis who were
working under the direction of Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company
at the center of Israeli involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Sgt. Scott DeCarlo has never spoken to the media about the details of that day
except for two 30-second cameo appearances in Internet videos from undetermined
sources. In fact, DeCarlo confirmed that this is the first, and last, interview he will ever
grant in regard to this subject.

DeCarlo revealed to AFP hidden details about the events of 9-1 1 that
mainstream media venues should have uncovered 10 years ago, if not for their near-
total blackout of meaningful coverage where Israel is concerned.

Although not scheduled to work that day, DeCarlo reported anyway and "was
posted on the highway" to prevent traffic from entering New York City.

"There was a BOLO, which is a 'Be On the Look Out' for a particular van,
perhaps loaded with explosives," explained DeCarlo, "that may have been on its way to
destroy the George Washington Bridge."

DeCarlo explained: "It [the a\T^
suspicious van] happened to come «**** s "-<w*»*i.

our way, and I grabbed my sergeant
[DeCarlo himself was a patrolman at
that time] and said: 'Hey, man, that's
our van.' It wasn't the exact license
plate given reported — it was off by
one numeral — but I said: 'That's
gotta be it; it's just too close.'"

He continued: "The van was coming off the [N.J.] Turnpike trying to get on Route
3. Traffic was rolling at two miles an hour, so we got in front of the van on foot, weapons
drawn, and stopped it."

All five of the Israeli spies refused to exit their vehicle, so DeCarlo was forced to
get physical.

"We asked them to get out of the van, but they didn't listen," he said. "So, we . . .
put them in handcuffs and did it as quickly as possible."

AFP asked DeCarlo why he thought the Israelis refused to follow his orders.
DeCarlo was unsure, but asked this writer, "You ever have a gun pointed at your head?"

DeCarlo then described what happened after the spies were dragged from their
van. "When we removed them, one of the guys that was rather chatty said: 'We're not
your enemy, we're your friend. Our enemies are your enemies,'" DeCarlo said. "At that
point they said they were from Israel. They kept saying, 'Hey, we're on your side.'"

"We brought them over to the New Jersey State Police holding cells in the
Meadowlands Stadium, and that's the last I saw of them," he said. Shortly after that, the
FBI reportedly took over. The five Israelis were held for 10 weeks, but were eventually
deported to Israel on charges of immigration violations. In November 2001, they
appeared on an Israeli TV talk show discussing how they were in the U.S. "to
document the event."
Israel is an ally under constant attack from its enemies.

That is a total lie, and it is from a ZIONIST TRAITOR = easy65

This is the truth of the 67 war

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move
Well, we got Ludwig Fainberg in return, a Jewish Israeli gangster who bought in drugs, prostitutes, sex slaves into the U.S, and tried to give a Nuclear Submarine to the Drug Cartel enemies of America.

So you 'worship' / supported a U.S. President who financed / supplied / armed / trained / protected / defended / used our military to fight for terrorists, Muslim Extremists, Human Traffickers, extremely violent gangs, and who violated the Constitution / Law in order to help the leading exporter of terrorism in the world get more time to advance their nuclear program, to help Russia acquire 20% of the US uranium supply, and who did nothing to deter / delay North Korea from advancing its nuclear program while acquiring missile technology giving them the capability to strike the U.S. ... but you hate all Jews / Israel because of Ludwig Fainberg?

View attachment 167453


Jews voted for Obama, and Israel was more against Assad, than against ISIS just like Obama.

It seems Jews, and Obama fought for ISIS the Christian killers, rather than Assad the Christian candiate..... Why? Why? Why?

Because because they both hated Christians the most?

BTW, the majority of Obama's funding came from Jewish donors, and with Jews in Florida voting for Obama, and Jewish domination in the Liberal media, and Hollywood?

Uh, yeah without Jews Obama wouldn't have won.

ASSAD is Christian? since when? Have you ever met a Syrian Christian?
I have. We have LOTS of Syrian Christians in the USA

Syria's Christians Back Assad

right----like HAITIANS backed PAPA DOC
Nutcakes is a name, moron.

Did you cheer with the Mossad on 911???

Full text of "9-11 Cop Breaks Silence - Israeli Mossad Involvement in Attacks"

9-11 Cop Breaks Silence

[ and Other Info on Mossad Ties to 9/11 Attack I

By Dave Gahary -

September 23, 2011

The New Jersey police officer responsible for capturing five Israelis who filmed
and celebrated while the World Trade Center towers burned has broken his silence,
agreeing to a Sept. 16 exclusive interview with AMERICAN FREE PRESS.

As AFP readers are no doubt aware, these are the same Israelis who were
working under the direction of Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company
at the center of Israeli involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Sgt. Scott DeCarlo has never spoken to the media about the details of that day
except for two 30-second cameo appearances in Internet videos from undetermined
sources. In fact, DeCarlo confirmed that this is the first, and last, interview he will ever
grant in regard to this subject.

DeCarlo revealed to AFP hidden details about the events of 9-1 1 that
mainstream media venues should have uncovered 10 years ago, if not for their near-
total blackout of meaningful coverage where Israel is concerned.

Although not scheduled to work that day, DeCarlo reported anyway and "was
posted on the highway" to prevent traffic from entering New York City.

"There was a BOLO, which is a 'Be On the Look Out' for a particular van,
perhaps loaded with explosives," explained DeCarlo, "that may have been on its way to
destroy the George Washington Bridge."

DeCarlo explained: "It [the a\T^
suspicious van] happened to come «**** s "-<w*»*i.

our way, and I grabbed my sergeant
[DeCarlo himself was a patrolman at
that time] and said: 'Hey, man, that's
our van.' It wasn't the exact license
plate given reported — it was off by
one numeral — but I said: 'That's
gotta be it; it's just too close.'"

He continued: "The van was coming off the [N.J.] Turnpike trying to get on Route
3. Traffic was rolling at two miles an hour, so we got in front of the van on foot, weapons
drawn, and stopped it."

All five of the Israeli spies refused to exit their vehicle, so DeCarlo was forced to
get physical.

"We asked them to get out of the van, but they didn't listen," he said. "So, we . . .
put them in handcuffs and did it as quickly as possible."

AFP asked DeCarlo why he thought the Israelis refused to follow his orders.
DeCarlo was unsure, but asked this writer, "You ever have a gun pointed at your head?"

DeCarlo then described what happened after the spies were dragged from their
van. "When we removed them, one of the guys that was rather chatty said: 'We're not
your enemy, we're your friend. Our enemies are your enemies,'" DeCarlo said. "At that
point they said they were from Israel. They kept saying, 'Hey, we're on your side.'"

"We brought them over to the New Jersey State Police holding cells in the
Meadowlands Stadium, and that's the last I saw of them," he said. Shortly after that, the
FBI reportedly took over. The five Israelis were held for 10 weeks, but were eventually
deported to Israel on charges of immigration violations. In November 2001, they
appeared on an Israeli TV talk show discussing how they were in the U.S. "to
document the event."

Dude, take your constant shit to the 'Conspiracy Corner' where it belongs....right next to 'Elvis did not die - he went back home and brought back the UFO Invasion Force'.
There will never be a "peace agreement" until all foreign interests vacate the issue and allow the two principal players to solve the problem.

So, you are in agreement that the U.S. should stop sending $40 BILLION every year to Israel as "military aid"???
Israel is an ally under constant attack from its enemies. There is a long laundry list of nations to whom I would cut financial aid for before Israel.

Of course, your boy Barry spent 8 years helping terrorists and Israel's enemies while trying to overthrow Netanyahu, so I understand where your comment is coming from.....

Israel is an ally because of AIPAC, not because of any kind of merit Israel has done.

Where was Israel during the War in Iraq?

Where was Israel during the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, or the Jonathan Pollard, or Yair Klein debacles?

Oh, but where was Israel when it was time to accept mega $$$ from the U.S.A... Aha..
Now why don't you stop deflecting and answer how our previous positions of appeasement severed our country or middle east peace?

Well, Tigger......we came closer last month.....but then the Zionists in Israel had a shit fit.....

American and Israeli officials on Saturday night quickly dismissed an Israeli TV report that claimed the Trump administration is ready to recognize a Palestinian state as a central element of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, that the US will not insist on the evacuation of any settlements or settlers under a permanent accord, and that Washington backs most of Israel’s security demands regarding the West Bank.

US, Israel dismiss TV report claiming Trump ready to recognize Palestinian state
The Palestinians should get with the program,

Yeah, so they should exterminate themselves instead of waiting for Israel to do it for them....

Texas Zionists = still happy you guys helped LBJ whack JFK???
Israel is an ally under constant attack from its enemies. There is a long laundry list of nations to whom I would cut financial aid for before Israel.

Of course, your boy Barry spent 8 years helping terrorists and Israel's enemies while trying to overthrow Netanyahu, so I understand where your comment is coming from.....

Sorry - time to stop sending BILLIONS per year in welfare to a tyrant. We can use that money to fund CHIP.
America FIRST and all that shit amiright?
Dude, take your constant shit to the 'Conspiracy Corner' where it belongs....right next to 'Elvis did not die - he went back home and brought back the UFO Invasion Force'.

"Conspiracy" censorship is triggered here by


the CIA Archives
the NYC Cop who arrested the 5 Dancing Mossad on 911
Where was Israel during the War in Iraq?
This proves you have no idea what is going on, don't understand the politics of the situation.

Why do you think the US was begging Israel to stay out of Iraq war, to remain neutral when Hussein was popping off missiles/rockets at Israel? I know you won't get it, but I am going to let you dwell on that question...see if you can possibly come up with the answer on your own. I will even let you 'phone a friend'. :p
Where was Israel during the War in Iraq?
This proves you have no idea what is going on, don't understand the politics of the situation.

Why do you think the US was begging Israel to stay out of Iraq war, to remain neutral when Hussein was popping off missiles/rockets at Israel? I know you won't get it, but I am going to let you dwell on that question...see if you can possibly come up with the answer on your own. I will even let you 'phone a friend'. :p

Israel never fought in a war with the U.S.A.

What an ally... LOL
Without the Vietnam war, there would never have been the 67 war, since all of the weapons Israel used in the 67 land grab were supposed to go to our troops in 'nam, but were functionally stolen by LBJ and his band of Zionist Traitors...
This isn't surprising. I would expect the inner ring of terrorists and counries around israel ie....lebanon, fatah, hamas, hezbollah, syria, to attack but these terrorist countries will be annihilated.

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