UN just passed 7 ANTI-ISRAEL Resolutions, one of them denying Israel access to the Temple Mount.

To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Kind of doubt the UN will back up their BS with UN troops. Means nothing except the UN being the UN.
There are pros and cons about Israel. There is however several million people living there. They do not deserve to be in harms way. I at times questioned the United States relationship as if Israel had a say in our government operations. When Obama was elected the whole Middle East situation inverted. Watching a sitting President crapping on the Israeli President visiting D.C. with Repub only in the Congress listening to his speech was eerie. The UN has more power then is let on.

You don't know what happened????

Obama invited Bibi to come and talk about stopping the building of Jewish only settlements.. Bibi came with a diagram showing how many more settlements he was going to build.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Kind of doubt the UN will back up their BS with UN troops. Means nothing except the UN being the UN.
There are pros and cons about Israel. There is however several million people living there. They do not deserve to be in harms way. I at times questioned the United States relationship as if Israel had a say in our government operations. When Obama was elected the whole Middle East situation inverted. Watching a sitting President crapping on the Israeli President visiting D.C. with Repub only in the Congress listening to his speech was eerie. The UN has more power then is let on.

You don't know what happened????

Obama invited Bibi to come and talk about stopping the building of Jewish only settlements.. Bibi came with a diagram showing how many more settlements he was going to build.
The Egyptians and Jordanians have homes in Jordan and Egypt.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Sounds like you need to man up and join Hamas. Kick those Zionists out, and you can be a hero to the Palestinian people, and to all your Twatter troll friends.

ā€œWhen peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.ā€​

ā€• Golda Meir
Psalm 59 5-14

5 You, Lord God Almighty,
you who are the God of Israel,
rouse yourself to punish all the nations;
show no mercy to wicked traitors.
6 They return at evening,
snarling like dogs,
and prowl about the city.
7 See what they spew from their mouthsā€”
the words from their lips are sharp as swords,
and they think, ā€œWho can hear us?ā€
8 But you laugh at them, Lord;
you scoff at all those nations.
9 You are my strength, I watch for you;
you, God, are my fortress,
10 my God on whom I can rely.
God will go before me
and will let me gloat over those who slander me.
11 But do not kill them, Lord our shield,
or my people will forget.
In your might uproot them
and bring them down.
12 For the sins of their mouths,
for the words of their lips,
let them be caught in their pride.
For the curses and lies they utter,
13 consume them in your wrath,
consume them till they are no more.
`14 Then it will be known to the ends of the earth
that God rules over Jacob.

Psalm 2​

1 Why do the nations conspire
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 ā€œLet us break their chains
and throw off their shackles.ā€
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
5 He rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 ā€œI have installed my king
on Zion, my holy mountain.ā€
7 I will proclaim the Lordā€™s decree:
He said to me, ā€œYou are my son;
today I have become your father.
8 Ask me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
9 You will break them with a rod of iron[b];
you will dash them to pieces like pottery.ā€
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear
and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

Psalm 37

10 A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
though you look for them, they will not be found.
11 But the meek will inherit the land
and enjoy peace and prosperity.
12 The wicked plot against the righteous
and gnash their teeth at them;
13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
for he knows their day is coming.
14 The wicked draw the sword
and bend the bow
to bring down the poor and needy,
to slay those whose ways are upright.
15 But their swords will pierce their own hearts,
and their bows will be broken.
16 Better the little that the righteous have
than the wealth of many wicked;
17 for the power of the wicked will be broken,
but the Lord upholds the righteous.
18 The blameless spend their days under the Lordā€™s care,
and their inheritance will endure forever.
19 In times of disaster they will not wither;
in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.
20 But the wicked will perish:
Though the Lordā€™s enemies are like the flowers of the field,
they will be consumed, they will go up in smoke.

Psalm 37

27 Turn from evil and do good;
then you will dwell in the land forever.
28 For the Lord loves the just
and will not forsake his faithful ones.
Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed[c];
the offspring of the wicked will perish.
29 The righteous will inherit the land
and dwell in it forever.
30 The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom,
and their tongues speak what is just.
31 The law of their God is in their hearts;
their feet do not slip.
32 The wicked lie in wait for the righteous,
intent on putting them to death;
33 but the Lord will not leave them in the power of the wicked
or let them be condemned when brought to trial.
34 Hope in the Lord
and keep his way.
He will exalt you to inherit the land;
when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.
Their Covenant was replaced with Jesusā€™s.

Jews openly reject Jesus and thus God, they arenā€™t going to heaven.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.
Lol if you go to Israel you'll find that most jews either 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation settlers, you checked on Palestinians and they have been there for centuries.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Israel issue was settled by the league of nations, after World War II and it should stay settled. If people would quit attacking and trying to move in on them, or wipe them back off the map. Some say the league stole the land to create a place for the displaced and persecuted Jews. If it was. It was and it was and is established. I do not favor giving it back, but do favor selling the Israelis anything they would like to buy to keep it. Frank Burns, Doctor, philosopher, international statesman, and ferret faced weasel said it best. If you steal something, don't ever try to return it as it will only cause problems.
View attachment 488718
A thief is a thief. The imperialists back then tried to accommodate the jews after thr Nazis massacred them. Little did they know that the Jews will massacre the Palestinians...oh the irony !!!
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Sounds like you need to man up and join Hamas. Kick those Zionists out, and you can be a hero to the Palestinian people, and to all your Twatter troll friends.
Keep giving your tax money to murderers.
I donā€™t see what everyone is bitching about.

They keep calling Israelis ā€œterroristsā€.

All I see are dead Muslims:
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
The usual uneducated response from someone who doesn't know why he dislikes Israel, other than he is supposed to.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.
Their Covenant was replaced with Jesusā€™s.

Jews openly reject Jesus and thus God, they arenā€™t going to heaven.
So what? There are many religions that donā€™t believe in ā€œ Jesusā€ and the ā€œ Virgin Birthā€ In 1964 the ā€œ Churchā€ formally stopped preaching the Jews were ā€œ Christ Killersā€ so why does the ā€œ Churchā€ still preach it?
Even if it were true, didnā€™t GOD send his ONLY SON down to die for our sins? Another ā€œ Christianā€ Hypocrite exposed
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.
Their Covenant was replaced with Jesusā€™s.

Jews openly reject Jesus and thus God, they arenā€™t going to heaven.
So what? There are many religions that donā€™t believe in ā€œ Jesusā€ and the ā€œ Virgin Birthā€ In 1964 the ā€œ Churchā€ formally stopped preaching the Jews were ā€œ Christ Killersā€ so why does the ā€œ Churchā€ still preach it?
Even if it were true, didnā€™t GOD send his ONLY SON down to die for our sins? Another ā€œ Christianā€ Hypocrite exposed
Well no shit there are many religions that donā€™t believe in Jesus. Christians believe Jesus is the ONLY way to get into heaven, so I donā€™t know why so many Christians defend Jews so much, and act like they are going to heaven.

Yes, God did send his only Son to die for our sins. Not sure what point youā€™re trying to make there. It still requires believe in Jesus being the Son of God and being the Messiah. Jews donā€™t.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

The Temple ruins had been abandoned for over 500 years before the al Aksa osque was built.
To Celebrate the hope that Joe Biden could be named Fraudster in Chief and UN Puppet President of China and Russia, The UN pulled this fast one while hardly anyone was looking in America.

This will be the first challenge presented to America in 2021 as The Middle East will be on the brink of War if The United States pulls away it's support from Israel.

So you have this, and The Great Reset, where the ultra wealthy are vowing to destroy cash and impose a cashless economy that they can lord over and control 100%.

Snip of The Article Below

A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.

ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 12:14 PM

UN ā€˜Decolonizationā€™ Committee Passes Slew of Anti-Israel Resolutions by Large Majority
by Algemeiner Staff

The United Nations building in New York. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
A UN body voted in favor of seven anti-Israel resolutions on Tuesday and Wednesday, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israelā€™s ambassador to the world body.
ā€œWhat is the point of these resolutions? Just to pave the way for future resolutions?ā€ Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan challenged fellow diplomats in a statement decrying the votes.

ā€œBy supporting these resolutions you are not only wasting UN resources, you are also sabotaging any changes of future peace,ā€ Erdan warned.
The resolutions attacking Israel for alleged abuses of human rights and expansion of settlements were approved by the UNā€™s Fourth Committee ā€” which concerns itself with ā€œdecolonizationā€ matters ā€” this week.
One resolution on eastern Jerusalem referred to the historic Temple Mount site in the Old City by its Islamic name, ignoring its Jewish one.

This was ā€œan audacious attempt to rewrite history,ā€ Erdan charged.

Here are links to the resolutions passed so you can review them yourself.

Fuck Israel and fuck all the zionist criminals that have been killing and stealing lands. Time to cut the money and aid we give those criminals.

Here is a solution:

Send all the zionists paching back to where they come from, the jews, Christians and muslims that have and houses and roots there can stay and come back to their land.
Eveytime I see an Israeli either they don't look nothing like a middle eastern or they say they migrated from somwhere in Europe or Russia fuck them they need to give the homes and lands they stole.
Jews have been living there since before Islam existed, by thousands of years.

Israel is not going to walk into the sea just because you're butthurt.

And Arabs have lived there since Abraham.
Arab Schmarab.

Israel was given the birth right, inheritance and The Covenant with God.

Ishmael was given the Arab Lands.

Go back home to where you belong.
Their Covenant was replaced with Jesusā€™s.

Jews openly reject Jesus and thus God, they arenā€™t going to heaven.
So what? There are many religions that donā€™t believe in ā€œ Jesusā€ and the ā€œ Virgin Birthā€ In 1964 the ā€œ Churchā€ formally stopped preaching the Jews were ā€œ Christ Killersā€ so why does the ā€œ Churchā€ still preach it?
Even if it were true, didnā€™t GOD send his ONLY SON down to die for our sins? Another ā€œ Christianā€ Hypocrite exposed
Well no shit there are many religions that donā€™t believe in Jesus. Christians believe Jesus is the ONLY way to get into heaven, so I donā€™t know why so many Christians defend Jews so much, and act like they are going to heaven.

Yes, God did send his only Son to die for our sins. Not sure what point youā€™re trying to make there. It still requires believe in Jesus being the Son of God and being the Messiah. Jews donā€™t.
There are many Jews who have accepted Christ as The Messiah, and even more will accept Him as Messiah during The Tribulation, or called (the last 7 years of prophecy that needs to be fulfilled before The Return of Messiah) The Time of Jacob's Trouble.

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