Un-Official State Of the Union "Play by Play" Thread

All comments welcome......And go!
Joe did a lot better than I expected. He didn’t act like he was in the early stages of dementia for a change. He wasn’t perfect by any means as for example he confused Ukrainians with Iranians But he was much improved.

I wonder what new experimental drugs they are using on Joe and hope there are not nasty side effects.

Joe appeared to be reading so I looked for a teleprompter but didn’t see one. Did I miss something?
Joe did a lot better than I expected. He didn’t act like he was in the early stages of dementia for a change. He wasn’t perfect by any means as for example he confused Ukrainians with Iranians But he was much improved.

I wonder what new experimental drugs they are using on Joe and hope there are not nasty side effects.

Joe appeared to be reading so I looked for a teleprompter but didn’t see one. Did I miss something?
The teleprompters could have been outside the tight shot. Biden stumbled and mumbled half words throughout. Slurred words, etc. However, I'm with you, they probably shot him up with something.
LOL....Even though I started this thread I gave up on it when he started throwing all our tax money around.

Sorry. Between the arfcom Ukraine thread, the YouTube Nemico streaming video, the SOTU on Fox News, the three-word USMB SOTU thread, and the police scanner all on at the same time, my head as so full of fuck that I missed this one. :smoke:

I see you made the top of the Most reactions - Past 7 days, you SOB. I'm jealous. :laughing0301:
Looks like Nancy's make-up was put on with a trowel.

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I'm confused, Mud-- -- -- weren't the few best parts of Joe's diatribe tonight that Nancy clapped for throughout the evening just an identical rehashing of the pro America First build it here speech that Trump gave two years ago that she tore up his speech over?

Don't you know? She was high as fuck. That's why she got so excited when Bidedumb mentioned smoking.
I can say this, I don't think we will hearing anything about his son and his connection to Russia. That would throw the entire plan into a loop. The Man with the Plan who has no stand. But to face the reality, he is just a puppet.

Joe never mentions nor brings up his son Hunter. But every speech, he brings up his dead son Bo to use for political advantage.
He's slurring his words. So far the USA SOTU is all about Ukraine?? Shouldn't the USA be the first topic??

Joe spent the first third of his speech rah rah-ing for a minor foreign country on the other side of the world that isn't shit to us because he knew everyone is for them right now (to be against Russia) to try to score cheap brownie points to buoy his audience hoping to distract them from the actual problems facing this country all of which he has created!
BIDEN: “I signed 80 bipartisan bills into law last year, from preventing government shutdowns to protecting Asian Americans from still-too-common hate crimes.”

what about Build Back Better? not a peep about it lol
They're delicious.

WHAT is delicious Jack, that a befuddled asshole president should so harm so many in the country they should all be looking forward to his getting hit by a bus?

You find that kind of national horror, distress, suffering and outrage "delicious?"

You really that sick a fuckhead?

Sure you are.
He is claiming Biden inflation not his fault, saying he cut health care cost, lmao

Did you catch the part about Biden ranting how we must bring down the cost of pharmaceuticals after Trump already doing that last term and one of the first things Joe did when getting into office was to CANCEL Trump's program cutting those costs?!

In other words, the high cost of medicine that Joe wants to tackle now, HE CAUSED!

But Joe released 60 million reserve barrels of oil-- -- -- enough for THREE DAYS!

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