UN process in danger unless world agrees on climate change

Arrogance.... the same reason people still cling to failed ideologies like socialism/Marxism.
I'm just not so interested in what the UN thinks anymore. They have lost so much credibility in recent years. Once they became a grotesque playground for the brutal dictators of the world,i stopped giving them so much credibility. This is just more hysterical fear mongering from them. It's actually pretty predictable and tiresome at this point. The UN can just go away as far as i'm concerned. If they were gone tomorrow,i wouldn't miss them one bit. It is what it is.
The United Nation process is in danger of collapsing unless countries are able to agree on the best way to stop global warming by the end of this year, the outgoing head of climate change negotiations has warned.

That's the best news I've had today! I wish more UN processes would be in danger of collapse.
The UN has no credibility. They narrowly avoided a major meltdown in the oil for food scandal. I have no idea why we are still part of that dysfunctional organization filled with thugs and dictators.
Can anyone tell me why man made Global Warming is still a concern??? Especially with all of the faulty data and cover up e-mails that have been released...

Is there really one person outside of Government that believes an increase in carbon dioxide is warming the earth???????:cuckoo:

UN process in danger unless world agrees on climate change - Telegraph

Oh, you'd be amazed at the sheep who still follow the Gorians on this. But like I have always maintained...there's always gonna be a crowd of mindless followers who will believe ANYTHING they are told as long as it comes from one of their own.
The United Nation process is in danger of collapsing unless countries are able to agree on the best way to stop global warming by the end of this year, the outgoing head of climate change negotiations has warned.

That's the best news I've had today! I wish more UN processes would be in danger of collapse.
The UN has no credibility. They narrowly avoided a major meltdown in the oil for food scandal. I have no idea why we are still part of that dysfunctional organization filled with thugs and dictators.

uhh...well, because our thugs and wanna be dictators need a place to hangout.
Hey, they were on the verge of taking over, and now, its all gone.

That's a shame.
Can anyone tell me why man made Global Warming is still a concern??? Especially with all of the faulty data and cover up e-mails that have been released...

Is there really one person outside of Government that believes an increase in carbon dioxide is warming the earth???????:cuckoo:

UN process in danger unless world agrees on climate change - Telegraph

People have been measuring the temperature of the earth all over the earth, every day for well over a hundred years. People have been collecting that data and using it to calculate, among other things, the average temperature of the earth.

Now, there are other people who study things like chemistry .

Those people who studied things like chemistry and other such scientific type stuff felt that most probably, if the earth's atmosphere's carbon content increased it would tend to hold much more heat.

At some time the people who collected the data and calculated the average temperature of the earth year to year got together with the people who studied chemistry and they talked about what they knew.

So they started to take something they called a SAMPLE of the Earth's atmosphere - what you would call 'air', and they measured how much carbon was in it.

They continued to do this year after year for well over a hundred years.

What they found was that the chemists were right - the more carbon that was in the 'air', the warmer the average temperature of the earth was. Wow, what a coincidence!

So for well over a hundred years these people called SCIENTISTS have been continuing to take these measurements and make these calulations, and what's more is that during the past hundred years they've written tens of thousands of reports and articles and such.

What's more is that other things started to happen, like the obvious melting of glaciers all over the world.

Now, out of the tens of thousands of tests and reports and articles that have been written, some minor errors were made, some minor miscalculations, and possibly some exaggerations.

So another group of people - those who were primarily responsible or who profitted the most from the continued release of billions of tons of carbon into the air each year, felt that if the government forced them to modernize their equipmment, it would cost them a lot of money and they didn't like that.

So they decided it was cheaper to find a bunch of idiots who they could convince that 100 years of scientific research supported by overwhelming evidence was all a myth concieved of by Al Gore and his evil liberal minions.

They even convinced these morons that NASA along with every major and minor scientific institution in the world were under the secret mystical power of Al Gore - even those that existed long before AL Gore was ever born.

Of course these idiots live in a surreal fog of stupidity were they cannot distingish reality from there fantasy world, so they were easy to convince.

You can argue for or against Cap & Trad - that's a valid political issue, but anyone who thinks that there is no global warming due to carbon emmissions is a flaming idiot extrodinaire!


You can argue for or against Cap & Trad - that's a valid political issue, but anyone who thinks that there is no global warming due to carbon emmissions is a flaming idiot extrodinaire!


Well I must be a flaming idiot. Along with dozens of other scientists who have realized that correlation does not equal causation.
And therefore anyone who think that a) carbon emissions are the cause of global warming, and b) we can do something about it without destroying our economy are:
Can anyone tell me why man made Global Warming is still a concern??? Especially with all of the faulty data and cover up e-mails that have been released...

Is there really one person outside of Government that believes an increase in carbon dioxide is warming the earth???????:cuckoo:

UN process in danger unless world agrees on climate change - Telegraph

Oh, you'd be amazed at the sheep who still follow the Gorians on this. But like I have always maintained...there's always gonna be a crowd of mindless followers who will believe ANYTHING they are told as long as it comes from one of their own.

Maybe we should call them the Gorgons. It just seems appropriate to me.
Can anyone tell me why man made Global Warming is still a concern??? Especially with all of the faulty data and cover up e-mails that have been released...

Is there really one person outside of Government that believes an increase in carbon dioxide is warming the earth???????:cuckoo:

UN process in danger unless world agrees on climate change - Telegraph

Oh, you'd be amazed at the sheep who still follow the Gorians on this. But like I have always maintained...there's always gonna be a crowd of mindless followers who will believe ANYTHING they are told as long as it comes from one of their own.

Maybe we should call them the Gorgons. It just seems appropriate to me.

Gorgons it is...I like it
People have been measuring the temperature of the earth all over the earth, every day for well over a hundred years. People have been collecting that data and using it to calculate, among other things, the average temperature of the earth.

How on earth do you calculate the average temperature of the earth all over the world by looking at a mere 100 years of a planet that is supposed to be billions years old?

How does the temperature going down for the past 12 years prove we are warming?

And most importantly, What is the temperature the world is supposed to be?
I just don't support the UN like i used to. It really has become a grotesque playground for the brutal Dictators of the World. It now actually serves the brutal Dictators' interests which is the exact opposite of what it was created for. I believe Adolf Hitler would love today's UN. Imagine the amount of propaganda speeches he would have enjoyed delivering at the UN? It might be the time to scrap this current UN and start all over...Or not. They really have lost so much credibility in recent years. It's getting harder & harder to support anything coming from them at this point. It is very sad but it is what it is.
It's only a real concern to the UN Bureaucrats who were hoping to implement a Global Tax to support the growth of they bureacracy - and the Global Warming hucksters who hoped to profit from it.

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