UN: US is violating human rights

United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....
Oh look, Jim is here to say that Nazi Germany wasn't so bad afterall. Nazi Germany is like the US in 2018. Apparently Jews made a big deal out of nothing.

And you and your orange king lie on cue....
If you think the US is like Nazi Germany, then you clearly arent capable of determining what is a lie. You are essentially retarded.
Hey Jim,

When you compare Camps of ours that detain illegals to Nazi Germany treatment to Gypsies, Jews, Gays and others, well you come off foolish!

Also U.S. Human Rights violations according to the U.N. is a damn joke when many other countries around the world genocide and enslave people daily!

Parents bring their children across Cartel held lands with the hope of sneaking into this country and some parents sell their kid into sex slavery just to get them out of that hell hole they live in, well for the few pennies they get so they do not have to feed them anymore...

So as you proclaim today America is Nazi Germany or Andrew Jackson America or FDR America, well let be factual and admit our camps are still better than what those people came from and until you show mass genocide in those Camps, well you are foolish for comparing today America to Nazi Germany!

So we are reaching back to the 1940's to compare atrocities now.....very cool! Compared to the brutal actions by the Huns and the Vikings, trump's little show of power pulling children....even infants...away from their parents is a walk in the park.

Why...we should be thanking the Orange King for being so compassionate to provide beds for the cages that these kids sleep in.

I think we now have our first Ultimate Ruler in this country.
Welcome to a Mexican prison.

When laws are broken.

The compassionate provision of a bed in the cage.

Human Rights Violations?

These are foreigners entering this country illegally. That’s two (2) points on which they fail to qualify as humans (criminals & foreigners)
foreigners are not human?....

Spoken like a True Trumpette....Adolph would be proud.....
hey dumbass?....you see the question mark at the end?...now read the post i was quoting....dont let your hate for trump cloud your thinking jim....
[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20083595, member: 16291”]This nation was founded as the last bastion of humanity
so can you prove this?...[/QUOTE]

Not with anything that you would accept as proof.

Now, most people with a sense of Morality and History can see it for themselves.

Unfortunately the Founderd only did half the job and made the mistake of allowing things to be changed.
[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20083595, member: 16291”]This nation was founded as the last bastion of humanity
so can you prove this?...

Not with anything that you would accept as proof.

Now, most people with a sense of Morality and History can see it for themselves.

Unfortunately the Founderd only did half the job and made the mistake of allowing things to be changed.[/QUOTE]
in other words i would have to take your word for it right?...no thanks,you live in your own little world.....
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” .....unless they are dark skinned and really are looking for a handout....or possibly part of an international gang....cause gangs are recruiting infants and teaching them early....
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass
How did these Central Americans end up at our border?
looking for refuge? Looking for help?
Down on your luck story?

Refuge was the second they crossed into Mehico.

Mexico accepted lots of refugees. We need to do our part & not rip their children from therm when your Orange Butt buddy has no plan where or how to keep therm.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.

How did the get to those border facilities in the first place, cocksucker?

They came seeking help & refuge from this fine Christian country & instead found evil, asswipes who took their children.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass
How did these Central Americans end up at our border?
looking for refuge? Looking for help?
Down on your luck story?

Refuge was the second they crossed into Mehico.

Mexico accepted lots of refugees. We need to do our part & not rip their children from therm when your Orange Butt buddy has no plan where or how to keep therm.

Mexico accepted lots of refugees.


got a link?
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.

How did the get to those border facilities in the first place, cocksucker?

They came seeking help & refuge from this fine Christian country & instead found evil, asswipes who took their children.

They illegally tried to enter the country and we don't have to keep families together just because they want it.

Children have to be protected, and giving each family a separate place to stay isn't in the budget.

They were free to stay home, they chose not to. all on them, none on us.

And they all still get 3 hots and a cot, so probably still better than then conditions they left.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Ignore the ankle-biters, there is no such thing as 'godwin's law', it is a fake meme that the ignorant use to cover their debauchery.

Imagine we see on the news Iran separating children from their parents who are fleeing fighting in Iraq and looking for safe haven, and putting those children in cages. That is what the world sees America doing now.

The name on this atrocity is Lying Trump, REPUBLICAN. Never forget.

If you cross the Iranian border illegally, you are detained indefinitely.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass
How did these Central Americans end up at our border?
looking for refuge? Looking for help?
Down on your luck story?

Refuge was the second they crossed into Mehico.

Mexico accepted lots of refugees. We need to do our part & not rip their children from therm when your Orange Butt buddy has no plan where or how to keep therm.
Orange butt buddy?

You have me mistaken for someone else.

I have a solution to their dilemma.

Turn around and go home.

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