UN: US is violating human rights

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.

So why aren't they Mexico's problem, again? they're coming through them, after all.

Look Msawrty Burgert, it wasd your orange buddy that took kids from their psrents sdo it is up to
And why aren't you and the other two bit phonies rushing to the INS and applying for sponsoring these children you keep trying to claim you care so much about?

It is not my responsibility to clean up yours & Trump's messes. You took them away, you deal with them.

Nice dodge, there, dickless.

Not a dodge, You & your orange buddy fucked it up, you fix it.,

100% a dodge, you dickless wonder.
They illegally tried to enter the country and we don't have to keep families together just because they want it.

Children have to be protected, and giving each family a separate place to stay isn't in the budget.

They were free to stay home, they chose not to. all on them, none on us.

And they all still get 3 hots and a cot, so probably still better than then conditions they left.

Nope Marty, keep families together because it is the right thing to do. It is also more cost effective.

No, because then you have to create segregated spaces for each individual family, because just because another person is part of a family doesn't mean they are not a predator.

Then you would be bitching about the violence (or worse) between these people and the kids.

So Marty's plan & to shove 11,000 kids in a big room with no caretakers. Sounds like Trump's plan.

Where is it stated that 11,000 kids are shoved in a big room with no caretakers?
You dfd asswipe. You said that it more expensive to keep families together because they needed separate quarters.

So, you stupid fuck, you must mean the kids have no separate quarters. And without parents, we must be paying someone to watch them'

Segregating doesn't mean shoving them into a big room. and even if it did, again, these people willingly brought their kids to a border that is by legal definition, closed to migrants.

It's better to segregate them then to worry about some predator loose in a common holding facility.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.


Those kids being held because their parents stupidity and those like you and the op'er are angry at this Regime enforcing our Immigration laws and comparing the camps to Nazi Germany...

Maybe those kids and their parents should be let go and allow to live illegally so those kids parents can be slaves to the Cartels or some employer that pays them little while making them live under the threat of deportation daily.

While at it the majority of the kids get recruited into gangs like MS-13, DV-13 or worst killed because they refused to join...

Also let not get upset at the reality those like you refuse to hold Nations like El Salvador and Mexico reaponsible for allowing these people to risk their lives and kids lives and refuse to demand those countries to clean their country up so their people would stay and not prefer our camps instead!

So as you mock Marty maybe you should look in the mirror and ask why you support illegals living in the shadow and refuse to help fix the damn system for once!?!
Maybe the parents caught with kids in tow should be held in the family detention centers. Sessions said out loud that this is a policy which is being used as a clear deterrent to those thinking about entering our country illegally. Using small children as a punishment is not cool.

Dragging your kids 100-1000 miles to a border that you aren't legally allowed to cross is cruel, and preventable.

Don't fucking come here.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.


Those kids being held because their parents stupidity and those like you and the op'er are angry at this Regime enforcing our Immigration laws and comparing the camps to Nazi Germany...

Maybe those kids and their parents should be let go and allow to live illegally so those kids parents can be slaves to the Cartels or some employer that pays them little while making them live under the threat of deportation daily.

While at it the majority of the kids get recruited into gangs like MS-13, DV-13 or worst killed because they refused to join...

Also let not get upset at the reality those like you refuse to hold Nations like El Salvador and Mexico reaponsible for allowing these people to risk their lives and kids lives and refuse to demand those countries to clean their country up so their people would stay and not prefer our camps instead!

So as you mock Marty maybe you should look in the mirror and ask why you support illegals living in the shadow and refuse to help fix the damn system for once!?!
Maybe the parents caught with kids in tow should be held in the family detention centers. Sessions said out loud that this is a policy which is being used as a clear deterrent to those thinking about entering our country illegally. Using small children as a punishment is not cool.

Dragging your kids 100-1000 miles to a border that you aren't legally allowed to cross is cruel, and preventable.

Don't fucking come here.

So, stay in a war torn area & get your kids killed,

Coming here as a refugee seeking asylum.

Marty, like Trump, believe in punishing children.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.

"we are going on the road" may lead to death camps, if the checks and balances of the Constitution are usurped, yet your post is nothing but hyperbole and the mongering of hate and fear.

Trump is a dictator, a wannabe King [take a look at the cover of Time Magazine's June 18th Issue, it is how he see's himself]. And, an exact example of what our founders rejected.

Death Camps? Really? Weren't progressive morons like you ;laughing at that concept when it was applied to Obama?

Trump is not a Dictator, the fake template you and the media apply to him makes him look like one.

And Time's cover is exactly why you idiots will get MOAR TRUMP and not even figure out why it is happening.
Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.


Those kids being held because their parents stupidity and those like you and the op'er are angry at this Regime enforcing our Immigration laws and comparing the camps to Nazi Germany...

Maybe those kids and their parents should be let go and allow to live illegally so those kids parents can be slaves to the Cartels or some employer that pays them little while making them live under the threat of deportation daily.

While at it the majority of the kids get recruited into gangs like MS-13, DV-13 or worst killed because they refused to join...

Also let not get upset at the reality those like you refuse to hold Nations like El Salvador and Mexico reaponsible for allowing these people to risk their lives and kids lives and refuse to demand those countries to clean their country up so their people would stay and not prefer our camps instead!

So as you mock Marty maybe you should look in the mirror and ask why you support illegals living in the shadow and refuse to help fix the damn system for once!?!
Maybe the parents caught with kids in tow should be held in the family detention centers. Sessions said out loud that this is a policy which is being used as a clear deterrent to those thinking about entering our country illegally. Using small children as a punishment is not cool.

Dragging your kids 100-1000 miles to a border that you aren't legally allowed to cross is cruel, and preventable.

Don't fucking come here.

So, stay in a war torn area & get your kids killed,

Coming here as a refugee seeking asylum.

Marty, like Trump, believe in punishing children.

So if the area is war torn, then being in a holding area, even separated from your parents, is probably like heaven.....

You idiots are circular logic training at this point.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

The US has ALWAYS violated human rights.

Not only that, people pretend it didn't happen.

It's the Cowboy 'n' Injuns effect. The Cowboys were the good guys committing genocide and ethnic cleansing, the Injuns were the bad guys defending their homeland for the invaders.

Now it's being done cause the so called president is a DICK.
True conservatism when allowed to go to it's logical conclusion gives you this. Human rights violations, torture, and the vile treatment of human beings that aren't part of the perceived 'favored group'. Pol Pot, Hilter, Stalin, Jim Jones, now Trump.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.


Those kids being held because their parents stupidity and those like you and the op'er are angry at this Regime enforcing our Immigration laws and comparing the camps to Nazi Germany...

Maybe those kids and their parents should be let go and allow to live illegally so those kids parents can be slaves to the Cartels or some employer that pays them little while making them live under the threat of deportation daily.

While at it the majority of the kids get recruited into gangs like MS-13, DV-13 or worst killed because they refused to join...

Also let not get upset at the reality those like you refuse to hold Nations like El Salvador and Mexico reaponsible for allowing these people to risk their lives and kids lives and refuse to demand those countries to clean their country up so their people would stay and not prefer our camps instead!

So as you mock Marty maybe you should look in the mirror and ask why you support illegals living in the shadow and refuse to help fix the damn system for once!?!
Maybe the parents caught with kids in tow should be held in the family detention centers. Sessions said out loud that this is a policy which is being used as a clear deterrent to those thinking about entering our country illegally. Using small children as a punishment is not cool.
The reason why they don't keep children with declared parents is because most of the time the children are being trafficked.
The U.N. should work on getting their peacekeepers to stop raping children before criticizing the way the U.S. treats illegal aliens.
United Nations: U.S. is violating human rights

Yup....we are going down the 1930's Germany trail....

Wow, godwin in the OP.

What a fucking loser you are.

Actually in the camps the younger children usually went with the mother to GAS CHAMBERS.

not holding facilities with medical care, food, medicine, etc....

and the Germans came for the jews, not as in this case the other way around, where desperate people drag their kids hundreds or thousands of miles to a border of a country they have no right to be in.

I'm sure your comparison fails on other levels as well, but I'll let other people nitpick.
11,000 children held at border facilities.

Marty says that is nitpicking. Marty is such an ass.


Those kids being held because their parents stupidity and those like you and the op'er are angry at this Regime enforcing our Immigration laws and comparing the camps to Nazi Germany...

Maybe those kids and their parents should be let go and allow to live illegally so those kids parents can be slaves to the Cartels or some employer that pays them little while making them live under the threat of deportation daily.

While at it the majority of the kids get recruited into gangs like MS-13, DV-13 or worst killed because they refused to join...

Also let not get upset at the reality those like you refuse to hold Nations like El Salvador and Mexico reaponsible for allowing these people to risk their lives and kids lives and refuse to demand those countries to clean their country up so their people would stay and not prefer our camps instead!

So as you mock Marty maybe you should look in the mirror and ask why you support illegals living in the shadow and refuse to help fix the damn system for once!?!
Maybe the parents caught with kids in tow should be held in the family detention centers. Sessions said out loud that this is a policy which is being used as a clear deterrent to those thinking about entering our country illegally. Using small children as a punishment is not cool.
The reason why they don't keep children with declared parents is because most of the time the children are being trafficked.


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