UN Warns Americans: Do Not Elect Mitt Romney


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

Colin Perkel of The Canadian Press reported Emmerson’s remarks from a symposium in Toronto on the impact of 9/11 on human rights:

"The re-introduction of torture under a Romney administration would significantly increase the threat levels to (Americans) at home and abroad," Emmerson said.

"Such a policy, if adopted, would expose the American people to risks the Obama administration is not currently exposing them to."

U.S. intelligence services were able to pinpoint Osama bin Laden’s location and carry out the successful mission to kill him in May 2011 based on information yielded during waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and information from Al Qaeda operative Hassan Ghul, who was captured in Iraq in 2004.

Obama opposed both waterboarding and the Iraq War, without which bin Laden would not have been found.

Emmerson warned that Romney could reinstate waterboarding if he took office. He also criticized the Obama administration’s drone program--an initiative begun by the Bush administration but accelerated by President Obama, partly because of his reluctance to capture, detain or interrogate terror suspects.

In a second term, Obama may renew efforts to close the Guantanámo Bay prison, despite widespread public opposition.

[Again, I goofed and didn't include the link to BigGovernment.

However, the truth of this is how, day by day, and supported by our president, the United Nations is doing everything it can to weaken our Constitutional Republic and putting us under their control. We cannot tolerate this!!!
The American people should pray that our beloved Pres. Obama get's elected to a second term.

Because he will follow the Constitution and lead our nation back to it's former glory and make the U.S. #1 in everything. :cool:
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

Colin Perkel of The Canadian Press reported Emmerson’s remarks from a symposium in Toronto on the impact of 9/11 on human rights:

"The re-introduction of torture under a Romney administration would significantly increase the threat levels to (Americans) at home and abroad," Emmerson said.

"Such a policy, if adopted, would expose the American people to risks the Obama administration is not currently exposing them to."

U.S. intelligence services were able to pinpoint Osama bin Laden’s location and carry out the successful mission to kill him in May 2011 based on information yielded during waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and information from Al Qaeda operative Hassan Ghul, who was captured in Iraq in 2004.

Obama opposed both waterboarding and the Iraq War, without which bin Laden would not have been found.

Emmerson warned that Romney could reinstate waterboarding if he took office. He also criticized the Obama administration’s drone program--an initiative begun by the Bush administration but accelerated by President Obama, partly because of his reluctance to capture, detain or interrogate terror suspects.

In a second term, Obama may renew efforts to close the Guantanámo Bay prison, despite widespread public opposition.

[Again, I goofed and didn't include the link to BigGovernment.

However, the truth of this is how, day by day, and supported by our president, the United Nations is doing everything it can to weaken our Constitutional Republic and putting us under their control. We cannot tolerate this!!!

The UN can kiss my all-American ass. Of course they favor nobama, he's their planted shill.
The American people should pray that our beloved Pres. Obama get's elected to a second term.

Because he will follow the Constitution and lead our nation back to it's former glory and make the U.S. #1 in everything. :cool:

Are you on drugs? Or are you this delusional because you're off your meds this morning?

Oh, I get it, you're joking.
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

Colin Perkel of The Canadian Press reported Emmerson’s remarks from a symposium in Toronto on the impact of 9/11 on human rights:

"The re-introduction of torture under a Romney administration would significantly increase the threat levels to (Americans) at home and abroad," Emmerson said.

"Such a policy, if adopted, would expose the American people to risks the Obama administration is not currently exposing them to."

U.S. intelligence services were able to pinpoint Osama bin Laden’s location and carry out the successful mission to kill him in May 2011 based on information yielded during waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and information from Al Qaeda operative Hassan Ghul, who was captured in Iraq in 2004.

Obama opposed both waterboarding and the Iraq War, without which bin Laden would not have been found.

Emmerson warned that Romney could reinstate waterboarding if he took office. He also criticized the Obama administration’s drone program--an initiative begun by the Bush administration but accelerated by President Obama, partly because of his reluctance to capture, detain or interrogate terror suspects.

In a second term, Obama may renew efforts to close the Guantanámo Bay prison, despite widespread public opposition.

[Again, I goofed and didn't include the link to BigGovernment.

However, the truth of this is how, day by day, and supported by our president, the United Nations is doing everything it can to weaken our Constitutional Republic and putting us under their control. We cannot tolerate this!!!
well might be true but i don,t think americans will care what un think deep down. so does not really make a difference what un think
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

Colin Perkel of The Canadian Press reported Emmerson’s remarks from a symposium in Toronto on the impact of 9/11 on human rights:

"The re-introduction of torture under a Romney administration would significantly increase the threat levels to (Americans) at home and abroad," Emmerson said.

"Such a policy, if adopted, would expose the American people to risks the Obama administration is not currently exposing them to."

U.S. intelligence services were able to pinpoint Osama bin Laden’s location and carry out the successful mission to kill him in May 2011 based on information yielded during waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and information from Al Qaeda operative Hassan Ghul, who was captured in Iraq in 2004.

Obama opposed both waterboarding and the Iraq War, without which bin Laden would not have been found.

Emmerson warned that Romney could reinstate waterboarding if he took office. He also criticized the Obama administration’s drone program--an initiative begun by the Bush administration but accelerated by President Obama, partly because of his reluctance to capture, detain or interrogate terror suspects.

In a second term, Obama may renew efforts to close the Guantanámo Bay prison, despite widespread public opposition.

[Again, I goofed and didn't include the link to BigGovernment.

However, the truth of this is how, day by day, and supported by our president, the United Nations is doing everything it can to weaken our Constitutional Republic and putting us under their control. We cannot tolerate this!!!
well might be true but i don,t think americans will care what un think deep down. so does not really make a difference what un think

I believe you have finally understood. Some of us really don't give much of a shit what a bunch of whiny foreigners think.
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

Colin Perkel of The Canadian Press reported Emmerson’s remarks from a symposium in Toronto on the impact of 9/11 on human rights:

"The re-introduction of torture under a Romney administration would significantly increase the threat levels to (Americans) at home and abroad," Emmerson said.

"Such a policy, if adopted, would expose the American people to risks the Obama administration is not currently exposing them to."

U.S. intelligence services were able to pinpoint Osama bin Laden’s location and carry out the successful mission to kill him in May 2011 based on information yielded during waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and information from Al Qaeda operative Hassan Ghul, who was captured in Iraq in 2004.

Obama opposed both waterboarding and the Iraq War, without which bin Laden would not have been found.

Emmerson warned that Romney could reinstate waterboarding if he took office. He also criticized the Obama administration’s drone program--an initiative begun by the Bush administration but accelerated by President Obama, partly because of his reluctance to capture, detain or interrogate terror suspects.

In a second term, Obama may renew efforts to close the Guantanámo Bay prison, despite widespread public opposition.

[Again, I goofed and didn't include the link to BigGovernment.

However, the truth of this is how, day by day, and supported by our president, the United Nations is doing everything it can to weaken our Constitutional Republic and putting us under their control. We cannot tolerate this!!!
well might be true but i don,t think americans will care what un think deep down. so does not really make a difference what un think

I believe you have finally understood. Some of us really don't give much of a shit what a bunch of whiny foreigners think.
well maybe but does not mean we don,t have a right to a view. I don,t think you read my posts much as i don,t wine. I think i be as fair and balanced as possible on here.

even if you dislike you, i always try to be civil to you
Pres. Obama has lead us down the road to economic recovery.

While single handedly working to to end our dependence on fossil fuels.

And ending the occupation of foreign nations as part of the war on terror.

All loyal and patriotic Americans should be grateful and vote him a second term. :cool:
Pres. Obama has lead us down the road to economic recovery.

While single handedly working to to end our dependence on fossil fuels.

And ending the occupation of foreign nations as part of the war on terror.

All loyal and patriotic Americans should be grateful and vote him a second term. :cool:
agree with that
If the UN opposes something, that's a pretty safe bet that what they're opposing is good for America.

The UN is nothing more than a hate-America, hate-Israel club for terrorists, thugs, and their appeasers.

The US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US. Seize their assets in America to pay for all their damn traffic tickets.
The UN can go Fuck Themselves.. They are as bad as Obama. He gets in again and we'll be fighting the powder blues too. And why does the UN now have an army? Gee let me guess.......
well might be true but i don,t think americans will care what un think deep down. so does not really make a difference what un think

I believe you have finally understood. Some of us really don't give much of a shit what a bunch of whiny foreigners think.
well maybe but does not mean we don,t have a right to a view. I don,t think you read my posts much as i don,t wine. I think i be as fair and balanced as possible on here.

even if you dislike you, i always try to be civil to you

Decker, You're snake oil. Fuck you. NEGGED!
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The UN can go Fuck Themselves.. They are as bad as Obama. He gets in again and we'll be fighting the powder blues too. And why does the UN now have an army? Gee let me guess.......
i am not a snake oil. fine you have the right to give me a negative rep but sad that you resort to such attacks.
Pres. Obama has lead us down the road to economic recovery.

While single handedly working to to end our dependence on fossil fuels.

And ending the occupation of foreign nations as part of the war on terror.

All loyal and patriotic Americans should be grateful and vote him a second term. :cool:
agree with that

Spoken like a true Muslim. Go Fuck Yourself.
He gets in again, I'll see you in combat.
Would you like my address?? :cuckoo: :lol:

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