Unacceptable Redistribution of Wealth

While we argue additional tax cuts for the wealthy and the merits of "trickle down" economics a strange thing has happened. The standard of living for working americans has fallen. We make less money than we did a decade ago while the rich have gotten richer

Census: We’re poorer - THE WEEK

The Census Bureau’s annual report on income is out, and “there’s no good news” in it, said Felix Salmon in Reuters, unless you’re “the kind of person who worries about inflation.” Median household income has fallen 3.6 percent, from $52,153 in 2007 to $50,303 in 2008—a loss of “real money.” And 2.5 million more people are living in poverty, including 19 percent of kids under 18. That’s “unconscionable, in the richest country in the world.”

The “big news” from the Census report isn’t the drop in income since 2007, said David Leonhardt in The New York Times. It’s that we’re earning less than a decade ago—median household income in 1998 was $51,295, in today’s dollars. There hasn’t been such a lost decade in 40 years of Census tracking, and probably not since the 1930s. “What’s going on here?” Very slow growth, and the fact that “much of the bounty from our growth” has gone to the very rich.

Now understand friends, that THIS imbecile is presently in another thread clambeing on about how HE and this Marxist rabble are in ideological step with the Founders of the US...

Even as she is in HERE crying about a falling standard of living... how the "RICH GOT RICHER" and she wants THE GOOD KING TO STRAIGHTEN IT OUT AND MAKE THE RICH POOR ... after all, it's only fair; right?

Hey dumbass... answer the post in the other thread and you can rest assured this one will be packed up your rhetorical colon in short order.

Ahh hell... it's too late... its already there...
what bullshit.....i was poor once i am rich now it is not like the tax code adjusted as i went along....i stared in 1983 at 8/hr i know make 1/2 a mill per year.....my money now makes money...stop making excuses why people fail....

You asshole....you are not Rich

The real rich laugh at you and encourage you to help them in keeping those below you from demanding more. You are just a dupe for the real wealthy.

It takes a special kind of dyed in the wool LEFTwinger to make the class warfare argument to another person who considers himself successful and well-off. What an idiotic thing for leftwinger to say.

Almost every person in America is "rich" by the standards of a whole lot of the less fortunate majority of people subsisting here on planet Earth. But, as measured WITHIN the American population, rich can be a relative term. I do not consider myself rich, but it is probable that something like 95%+ of the folks on Earth would happily switch places with me.

And as stupid as your argument is in principle, Leftwinger, it is also factually libtarded. Anybody making a half million dollars per year is indeed rivh. Are there some super rich folks who wouldn't consider that a major figure? Sure. So what?

Dumbass post of the day award contender LEFTwinger is hereby nominated!

Oh you bet that is why so many have to due without Meds, or without auto ins, or without HEAT, or without DECENT food. The fact is that the poor here make many times what the poor in other countries that does NOT not make them poor by our standards The people who are hurt most by poverty are the elderly and the young.....It's hard to focus on your education when all you can think about is your HUNGER!
Oh you bet that is why so many have to due without Meds, or without auto ins, or without HEAT, or without DECENT food. The fact is that the poor here make many times what the poor in other countries that does NOT not make them poor by our standards The people who are hurt most by poverty are the elderly and the young.....It's hard to focus on your education when all you can think about is your HUNGER!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuStsFW4EmQ]YouTube - Kelly's Heroes Oddball - Negative Waves[/ame]
You asshole....you are not Rich

The real rich laugh at you and encourage you to help them in keeping those below you from demanding more. You are just a dupe for the real wealthy.
What a pathetic excuse for a human being!!!

Who the fuck are you to determine who believes that they're rich or not??

No wonder you're a pissed off sniveling little bottom feeder....You actually believe that you're a pissed off sniveling little bottom feeder.....And your reality matches up with your belief perfectly.

You need to relook at the distribution of wealth in this country. Someone making $500K per year is not in the 1% of the population that controls 34% of the wealth. These are the people who pull the strings in this country.
These are the people this thread is dedicated to
You asshole....you are not Rich

The real rich laugh at you and encourage you to help them in keeping those below you from demanding more. You are just a dupe for the real wealthy.

It takes a special kind of dyed in the wool LEFTwinger to make the class warfare argument to another person who considers himself successful and well-off. What an idiotic thing for leftwinger to say.

Almost every person in America is "rich" by the standards of a whole lot of the less fortunate majority of people subsisting here on planet Earth. But, as measured WITHIN the American population, rich can be a relative term. I do not consider myself rich, but it is probable that something like 95%+ of the folks on Earth would happily switch places with me.

And as stupid as your argument is in principle, Leftwinger, it is also factually libtarded. Anybody making a half million dollars per year is indeed rivh. Are there some super rich folks who wouldn't consider that a major figure? Sure. So what?

Dumbass post of the day award contender LEFTwinger is hereby nominated!

Oh you bet that is why so many have to due without Meds, or without auto ins, or without HEAT, or without DECENT food. The fact is that the poor here make many times what the poor in other countries that does NOT not make them poor by our standards The people who are hurt most by poverty are the elderly and the young.....It's hard to focus on your education when all you can think about is your HUNGER!

Are you suggesting that poverty is an undesirable state?

You be all smart and shit!

Wow. Must write that down: poverty sucks.

Good to know.

Now, from that premise you derive the conclusion (via some ill-defined logical process, perhaps) that -- what?

Because poverty sucks any of the rest of us have some SOCIETAL OBLIGATION to alleviate the poor from the unpleasant consequences of poverty?

I ask because -- to be blunt -- if that is what you're saying, then you are wrong.

We can debate morality. That would be a fair and reasonable discussion. But for you to make the argument that SOCIETY and the citizens who comprise a society have a responsibility to alleviate another person's plight, you are going beyond personal morality. You are postulating an underlying basic premise about the legitimate purpose of governments. And your view is not necessarily the correct one. In fact, by and large, historically, we have rejected it.
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You asshole....you are not Rich

The real rich laugh at you and encourage you to help them in keeping those below you from demanding more. You are just a dupe for the real wealthy.
What a pathetic excuse for a human being!!!

Who the fuck are you to determine who believes that they're rich or not??

No wonder you're a pissed off sniveling little bottom feeder....You actually believe that you're a pissed off sniveling little bottom feeder.....And your reality matches up with your belief perfectly.

You need to relook at the distribution of wealth in this country. Someone making $500K per year is not in the 1% of the population that controls 34% of the wealth. These are the people who pull the strings in this country.
These are the people this thread is dedicated to
Like I said before, Dr. Gloom, wealth is earned not distributed.

If you don't have it, you've probably have done little to nothing to acquire it.

But if you need a convenient excuse to be a pissed off bottom feeding failure, so be it.
Well sorry to slap you with some REALITY but that is EXACTELY why the ULTRA WEALTHY don't make jobs HERE but instead send them over seas.

Here's another reality: Brain dead economic populists like you have been making that stupid argument before either of us were born and America, the economic superpower to the world, is still here.

So DO tell why the ULTRA WEALTHY fuck over their fellow country men by sending THEIR FUCKING JOBS OVER SEAS!!!???
in some cases because those workers have priced themselves out of jobs
You asshole....you are not Rich

The real rich laugh at you and encourage you to help them in keeping those below you from demanding more. You are just a dupe for the real wealthy.

It takes a special kind of dyed in the wool LEFTwinger to make the class warfare argument to another person who considers himself successful and well-off. What an idiotic thing for leftwinger to say.

Almost every person in America is "rich" by the standards of a whole lot of the less fortunate majority of people subsisting here on planet Earth. But, as measured WITHIN the American population, rich can be a relative term. I do not consider myself rich, but it is probable that something like 95%+ of the folks on Earth would happily switch places with me.

And as stupid as your argument is in principle, Leftwinger, it is also factually libtarded. Anybody making a half million dollars per year is indeed rivh. Are there some super rich folks who wouldn't consider that a major figure? Sure. So what?

Dumbass post of the day award contender LEFTwinger is hereby nominated!

Oh you bet that is why so many have to due without Meds, or without auto ins, or without HEAT, or without DECENT food. The fact is that the poor here make many times what the poor in other countries that does NOT not make them poor by our standards The people who are hurt most by poverty are the elderly and the young.....It's hard to focus on your education when all you can think about is your HUNGER!
they dont have to do without meds
check with the drug manufacturer, most have programs to GIVE their meds to those that need them but cant afford them
I wonder what the LEFTWinger author of the insipid OP might consider to be the acceptable redistribution of wealth?

My guess is that pretty much ALL of it is fine by the dishonestly usernamed leftwinger goofball.
Partial credit.

Wealth is taken -- by the Government or other thieves.

Otherwise, it is earned.

So Government takes your money, they spend it on roads or the police, which enable you to earn money. I guess taking money isn't so bad after all.

You, too, earn partial credit.

There ARE indeed some valid uses of confiscated wealth by the government to which many of us readily acquiesce.

For example, the military. The judicial system. Police. Etc.

BUT, and this is where you lose some of the credit: there are ALSO many many things which the gubmint does with our confiscated wealth that they have NO legitimate right to be spending that money on.


Confiscated wealth? You are saying that levying taxes is confiscating wealth? It seems to me that using that logic the grocery store is also confiscating your wealth when you buy groceries because it's hard to live without eating.

(Just in case, one could argue you can simply live as a homeless person to avoid taxes, so even the Governernment imposed "confiscation" can be circumvented.)
So DO tell why the ULTRA WEALTHY fuck over their fellow country men by sending THEIR FUCKING JOBS OVER SEAS!!!???

I was at Charleston Harbor a few weeks ago, and In San Francisco last weekend.
There was some ultra wealthy guy at both ports loading these large containers on a ship. Every container was labeled "JOBS". He was shipping all those jobs overseas.
So Government takes your money, they spend it on roads or the police, which enable you to earn money. I guess taking money isn't so bad after all.

You, too, earn partial credit.

There ARE indeed some valid uses of confiscated wealth by the government to which many of us readily acquiesce.

For example, the military. The judicial system. Police. Etc.

BUT, and this is where you lose some of the credit: there are ALSO many many things which the gubmint does with our confiscated wealth that they have NO legitimate right to be spending that money on.


Confiscated wealth? You are saying that levying taxes is confiscating wealth? It seems to me that using that logic the grocery store is also confiscating your wealth when you buy groceries because it's hard to live without eating.

(Just in case, one could argue you can simply live as a homeless person to avoid taxes, so even the Governernment imposed "confiscation" can be circumvented.)

(A) OF COURSE taxation is confiscating our wealth.

(B) That which we voluntarily agree to pay for goods and services is not even remotely akin to confiscation.

Sorry, sithy-liberoidal, but words have actual meaning and thus your ignorant arguments carry absolutely no weight.
You asshole....you are not Rich

The real rich laugh at you and encourage you to help them in keeping those below you from demanding more. You are just a dupe for the real wealthy.
What a pathetic excuse for a human being!!!

Who the fuck are you to determine who believes that they're rich or not??

No wonder you're a pissed off sniveling little bottom feeder....You actually believe that you're a pissed off sniveling little bottom feeder.....And your reality matches up with your belief perfectly.

You need to relook at the distribution of wealth in this country. Someone making $500K per year is not in the 1% of the population that controls 34% of the wealth. These are the people who pull the strings in this country.
These are the people this thread is dedicated to

As long as you measure wealth by money, you will remain poor.
You, too, earn partial credit.

There ARE indeed some valid uses of confiscated wealth by the government to which many of us readily acquiesce.

For example, the military. The judicial system. Police. Etc.

BUT, and this is where you lose some of the credit: there are ALSO many many things which the gubmint does with our confiscated wealth that they have NO legitimate right to be spending that money on.


Confiscated wealth? You are saying that levying taxes is confiscating wealth? It seems to me that using that logic the grocery store is also confiscating your wealth when you buy groceries because it's hard to live without eating.

(Just in case, one could argue you can simply live as a homeless person to avoid taxes, so even the Governernment imposed "confiscation" can be circumvented.)

(A) OF COURSE taxation is confiscating our wealth.

(B) That which we voluntarily agree to pay for goods and services is not even remotely akin to confiscation.

Sorry, sithy-liberoidal, but words have actual meaning and thus your ignorant arguments carry absolutely no weight.

You voluntarily agree to live in society. That includes paying your taxes and paying the grocery store when you get food there.

No one is forcing you to do either, but if you don't pay your taxes or steal the food from the grocery store, someone won't be happy and will come after you.

And like I said, eating isn't really voluntary. Voluntary is buying an ipod or going to the beach on a sunny day. Eating, drinking, sleeping are all basic needs you can't just skip over.
Confiscated wealth? You are saying that levying taxes is confiscating wealth? It seems to me that using that logic the grocery store is also confiscating your wealth when you buy groceries because it's hard to live without eating.

(Just in case, one could argue you can simply live as a homeless person to avoid taxes, so even the Governernment imposed "confiscation" can be circumvented.)

(A) OF COURSE taxation is confiscating our wealth.

(B) That which we voluntarily agree to pay for goods and services is not even remotely akin to confiscation.

Sorry, sithy-liberoidal, but words have actual meaning and thus your ignorant arguments carry absolutely no weight.

You voluntarily agree to live in society. That includes paying your taxes and paying the grocery store when you get food there.

No one is forcing you to do either, but if you don't pay your taxes or steal the food from the grocery store, someone won't be happy and will come after you.

And like I said, eating isn't really voluntary. Voluntary is buying an ipod or going to the beach on a sunny day. Eating, drinking, sleeping are all basic needs you can't just skip over.

Your version of libtarded argumentation is incapable of persuading anybody of pretty much anything.

I live in a society I care about. I DO agree to pay my taxes. In fact, I agree that my government is leigitmate primarily because of the compact I have with them and they with me. The Constitution.

They regularly transgress the Constitution and i am getting progressively more and more pissed off by their transgressions.

The Constitution LIMITS their powers. Their refusal to abide by the restrictions means that the limits get bent, distorted and otherwise violated or broken. ONe of the limits is that any law that violates the Constitution is VOID.

So when I AGREE to pay my taxes (which they threaten to take by force, anyway -- getting us back to confiscation) it is SUPPOSED to be on the basis that the government will engage in those limited powers ONLY.

There is no valid comparison to food shopping. Your argument was absurd from jump. I can haggle with any merchant. Sure, I DO need food. Lots of folks need my services too. They can haggle with me over the fees or costs. It's all good. I don't stick a gun to their heads, nor they to mine.

Can't honestly say that about the Fed. gubmint.

If I do not like Waldbaum's costs for my groceries, I can go to A&P etc. If I don't care for what the Fed. gubmint is doing, I am not really able to shop around and not much inclined to, anyway. I'd prefer to just work toward MAKING the Fed'l gubmint abide by the rules.
..It's hard to focus on your education when all you can think about is your HUNGER!

Ah , excuse me ...but LBJ began the War Against Poverty" in 1965 - are we close to winning yet, if not, why not?!?!?!?!!?


Why not? Well maybe because fewer and fewer control more and more of this countries wealth. The last time SO MUCH wealth was controlled by SO FEW we had the great depression.

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