"Unarmed" Black Man Killed By Two White Officers In Atlanta Last Night

If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.

Quite the blanket statement you have there....But, if you are saying that YOU don't like his reactions, then I would just say that would be expected.

Except that isn't what I said.

Did you forget what you typed?

" Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him."

It is exactly what you said.

Indeed I did and that has nothing to do with me.

You didn't qualify in your original statement. How are we to quantify your postings if you purposely remain unclear.

I was clear. "Even the Republican's refuse to support him".

Argue if you wish that's a part of the problem. I do not believe the middle is going to support the gassing of peaceful people associating together for a presidential photo op.

The media says gas was used, the LEA's in charge of the operation to clear the park says it wasn't used...

You can choose who you want to believe I guess, but beware. In light of so called News org's seeing their mission these days as one of driving narrative instead of reporting events is troubling...

No, they all now admit it.
The police claim he pointed the taser at them... of course everyone on the left either dismiss that by pretending it didn't happen, or they dismiss it by choosing not to believe it.
So the question at that point - does an officer have a right to use lethal force against an assailant who has a weapon that can and will incapacitate him/her. My answer - yes. At that point the assailant can take the officers gun and kill him and others.

The only issue I take with your post here is that you qualify the fact that the suspect took the officers tazer, and shot it at the officer was a "claim"..... It's on video.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.

Quite the blanket statement you have there....But, if you are saying that YOU don't like his reactions, then I would just say that would be expected.

Except that isn't what I said.

Did you forget what you typed?

" Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him."

It is exactly what you said.

Indeed I did and that has nothing to do with me.

You didn't qualify in your original statement. How are we to quantify your postings if you purposely remain unclear.

I was clear. "Even the Republican's refuse to support him".

Argue if you wish that's a part of the problem. I do not believe the middle is going to support the gassing of peaceful people associating together for a presidential photo op.

The media says gas was used, the LEA's in charge of the operation to clear the park says it wasn't used...

You can choose who you want to believe I guess, but beware. In light of so called News org's seeing their mission these days as one of driving narrative instead of reporting events is troubling...

No, they all now admit it.

I haven't seen that....However, even if they did, considering we are talking about the safety of the POTUS, and that weapons were found in the park after it was cleared, I would say it was appropiate if it were used.
Look at when John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan. You had a whole army of armed men seeing a gunman shoot three people, yet not a single shot was fired by the police or the secret service. And the gunman was taken down unharmed.

If there was ever a situation where shooting a suspect was warranted, that was it. Yet they didn't shoot Hinckley, they didn't put him in a choke hold.
Not an equal situation. Hinckley was within ten feet of a dozen SS men who tackled him immediately. He had no escape route....if he did and he was running....he would absolutely have been shot.


If there was ever a situation where somebody was a danger to the public it was John Hinckley. He just shot the president and two other people. The secret service was armed with automatic weapons, yet they didn't use them to stop an assassin.

If being a danger is justification to use deadly force, why didn't they use that justification?
The USSS DO NOT carry "automatic weapons". They carry 'semi-automatic' handguns.
You're a fucking moron!
The SS were on top of Hinckley in two seconds.
The police claim he pointed the taser at them... of course everyone on the left either dismiss that by pretending it didn't happen, or they dismiss it by choosing not to believe it.
So the question at that point - does an officer have a right to use lethal force against an assailant who has a weapon that can and will incapacitate him/her. My answer - yes. At that point the assailant can take the officers gun and kill him and others.

The only issue I take with your post here is that you qualify the fact that the suspect took the officers tazer, and shot it at the officer was a "claim"..... It's on video.
No problem... I haven't seen that. If it is on video then... that even further exonerates the officer. And also furthers my claim the leftist are openly and blatantly willing to disregard all facts and circumstances that dispute the accepted narrative.

I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
....he was trying to restrain him because he was a jackass resister--I would not let him go

He was restrained. You don't even believe what you say. If you prefer prison over forgoing ignorance, so be it.
He was restrained by the knee on his neck and another cop's knee on his hips, neither of which caused his death.

Tell the cop you'll be his legal representation at his murder trial.
The LEO won't serve one fucking day in prison. When the jury acquits him you can post all the garbage you want to. It won't make any difference.
Still trying to sell your dozens of 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies on EBay? What about those Trayvon Martin hoodies? You know the ones with Trayvon's face when he was ten years old on them?

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

You can't shoot someone who is running away unless he poses an imminent threat to someone else, and trying to shoot someone in the leg as he is running away only works in the movies. If they had shot him during the struggle they could reasonably have claimed self defense since the guy is obviously very strong, but once he got away from them, even with the taser, and no longer posed an imminent threat to anyone else, the shooting was not justified. These cops needed better training.

The video CNN showed CLEARLY showed the tree dweller turning as he was running away and firing the Taser at the LEO.
What if the tree dweller had broken into YOUR home and threatened YOUR family? Fucking wise up pal!
LEOs are their to protect us from sub-human scum.
Don't like it? Move somewhere on earth that has no law enforcement.
If the tree dweller had started resisting arrest in Africa he would have been shot dead in a millisecond.

If Brooks did turn and point the taser at the cop, then the shooting was justified, but if Brooks was just running away, then the shooting was not justified. In either case, as soon as Brooks assaulted the first cop, he became a violent criminal and if he had lived and justice was possible in Atlanta he would have spent time in prison if he had lived.

When two police officers cannot take an unarmed suspect into custody, obviously they were not well trained, and it is not surprising they were not since the Atlanta police chief who just resigned had said the police spent too much time and effort making arrests and not enough time trying to help young black men.

It is worth noting that unlike your post, there is nothing to suggest that any of the decisions made by these police officers were motivated by racism.
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
I though his name was Floyd. Your intensity of outrage would be Fake if you can’t get the name right

I had been discussing Breonna Taylor. I suppose it's hard to keep all the bad policing straight at times.

Breonna Taylor's death was really horrendous. People should be indicted in her case.

If they are cleared I believe the violence will escalate.
Cleared or convicted the tree dwellers are going to do what they are most famous for: Looting and burning innocent people's businesses. Guess they won't be going to their local Wendy's tonight for burgers and fries.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
I guess we should only recruit police officers who were members of the track team

Why? They had his name and more importantly his car. He wouldn't be that hard to find. The police get paid by the hour.
And if he had been allowed to run away with the Taser and had barricaded himself in YOUR home with YOUR family inside that would be OK with you? You are a fucking idiot!
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.

Quite the blanket statement you have there....But, if you are saying that YOU don't like his reactions, then I would just say that would be expected.

Except that isn't what I said.
You've bored all of us enough already. Now FUCK OFF!
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.

That's tough to say, really.

If the police officer gave official warning "stop or I'll shoot" I would have to side with the cop. And this has nothing to do with the racial ethnicity here of either party.

The "stop or I'll shoot" is not valid.
What bad decision did Breonna Taylor make?
Resisting arrest

She never. She never had the chance. There was also no reason to arrest her.

I didnt realize you were giving up on the black guy and switching to a different incident

I replied to a general comment. Bad decisions also do not mean anyone has the right to kill you.

That depends on what the decision is actually.

What bad decision did Breonna Taylor make?
Resisting arrest

She never. She never had the chance. There was also no reason to arrest her.

I didnt realize you were giving up on the black guy and switching to a different incident

I replied to a general comment. Bad decisions also do not mean anyone has the right to kill you.

That depends on what the decision is actually.


Not according to all.
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

....EXPERTS in their fields kill HUNDREDS of innocents = pilots and military-because they are HUMAN
..you can have the best trained and smart person as a cop--he can and will make a mistake
...these idiots saying the cops should do it differently would do the same things

Are you really saying that you would have just stayed there with your knee on George Taylor's neck for nearly nine minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
Floyd died of natural causes, sudden cardiac arrest, while in police custody. The knee on his neck was nowhere near his carotid arteries or larynx so it was irrelevant to his death.

You intentionally avoided answering my question. Would you have stayed there with your knee on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes while everyone was telling you something was wrong?
It was a judgement call. It was only two minutes since he stopped struggling, and since the purpose of holding him down was to give him time to calm down, it was a good sign that he stopped struggling. No one at the scene realized he had already died from sudden cardiac arrest. Again, since the knee on his neck did not contribute to his death, it was irrelevant whether the cops let him up as soon and he stopped struggling or two minutes later.

One of the other officers told him he had no pulse.

They all can explain it to their new prison buddies.
lol He died from natural causes while in police custody.

Not going to fly in prison.
Since there is no evidence that any of the cops did anything that caused Floyd's death, not only will the copse not go to prison, but they will win substantial civil suits against the state and city for damages they unfairly suffered, and then the same morons and lowlifes who are trying to destroy America now will try again.
Weird you believe that even though the autopsy says it was a homicide.
The autopsy did say it was a homicide but provided no explanation for how anything the police did led to Floyd's sudden cardiac arrest. Apparently the coroner couldn't find any link to anything the police did.
Obviously you forgot your dictionary. Do you know what homicide means?
Yes, and if you knew what it meant, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question. It means Floyd was killed intentionally, but for that to make sense, the report would have to specify exactly what act caused his death by intention, which it does not.
Hey retard. It did specify exactly what caused his death.
Tangentially connected through a lot of abstract dot connecting .
Too bad your opinion doesnt have any bearing on the trial.
It will bear fruit from the fact based jurors.
Too bad for you that its an opinion and not a fact.
Observational reality
We know you have suspended reality so that your emotions can be the governing factor

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