"Unarmed" Black Man Killed By Two White Officers In Atlanta Last Night

If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?

Support him. That's your call.

(The economy is all fake)

I know it is, with or without your permission...

As for the economy being "all fake"..... I would ask,

1. Are you employed?

2. Has your salary increased over the past 3 1/2 years?
If you got drunk and punched the Black Mayor of Atlanta in the face then shot a taser at her, I'm pretty sure her armed security would shoot you.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?

Support him. That's your call.

(The economy is all fake)

I know it is, with or without your permission...

As for the economy being "all fake"..... I would ask,

1. Are you employed?

2. Has your salary increased over the past 3 1/2 years?

Yes, No.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.
Agreed. Gone very poorly for you Leftards. You lions even have my Leftard friends shaking their heads at the hypocrisy of Democrats.
Because they are unable to trust them. It's been pointed out that the things now being caught on camera have been happening for decades.
So the black guy in Atlanta thought that fighting with the cops was going to improve his situation how?
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.

Quite the blanket statement you have there....But, if you are saying that YOU don't like his reactions, then I would just say that would be expected.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

A video shown on CNN yesterday CLEARY shows the tree dweller taking the LEO's Taser and start to run away. As he is running he turns and fires the Taser at a LEO. You all can see the sparks from the Taser.
Then a LEO shoots the tree dweller.
Biden is demanding to know why the LEO didn't shoot the Taser out of the tree dwellers hand.........you know like they did in the Roy Rogers show from the fifties.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?

Support him. That's your call.

(The economy is all fake)

I know it is, with or without your permission...

As for the economy being "all fake"..... I would ask,

1. Are you employed?

2. Has your salary increased over the past 3 1/2 years?

Yes, No.

Hmmm... Then I'd find a different job there buddy.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

A video shown on CNN yesterday CLEARY shows the tree dweller taking the LEO's Taser and start to run away. As he is running he turns and fires the Taser at a LEO. You all can see the sparks from the Taser.
Then a LEO shoots the tree dweller.
Biden is demanding to know why the LEO didn't shoot the Taser out of the tree dwellers hand.........you know like they did in the Roy Rogers show from the fifties.

Why you "lying, dogfaced, pony soldier" ....lol
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.
Agreed. Gone very poorly for you Leftards. You lions even have my Leftard friends shaking their heads at the hypocrisy of Democrats.

I'm not here to defend Democrats. Overall they are no better.
Because they are unable to trust them. It's been pointed out that the things now being caught on camera have been happening for decades.
So the black guy in Atlanta thought that fighting with the cops was going to improve his situation how?

It's not about him. It's not about any one situation. It's about decades of issues.
Now we get to hear from the filthy Moon Bats about how great a family man Rayshard was, how the cops were white supremacists because of their skin color, how he was just having a juice box at his kids birthday, how "mababydindunutin", how I am a white supremacist, how my privilege caused that man to fight and run from the police, how black people should have the right to eat Wendys, how black peoples problems are everyone else's fault except their own, etc....
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.

Quite the blanket statement you have there....But, if you are saying that YOU don't like his reactions, then I would just say that would be expected.

Except that isn't what I said.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.
Agreed. Gone very poorly for you Leftards. You lions even have my Leftard friends shaking their heads at the hypocrisy of Democrats.

I'm not here to defend Democrats. Overall they are no better.

Funny that in my time in this message board community, I have never read anything from you that doesn't lock step with the left side of politics...

So, what is it that you break ranks with today's Democrat party's lurch to the far left on?
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?

Support him. That's your call.

(The economy is all fake)

I know it is, with or without your permission...

As for the economy being "all fake"..... I would ask,

1. Are you employed?

2. Has your salary increased over the past 3 1/2 years?

Yes, No.

Hmmm... Then I'd find a different job there buddy.

I'm retiring July 24th.
The POS resisted arrest, punched a cop and then pointed the cops taser at him. Justified shooting. Anyone protesting over this is a racist piece of garbage.

Again, same story. Black guy breaks the law. Fights cops and resists arrest. Gets shot in the process. Blacks and guild-ridden white liberals cry racism. BLM ignores the 1000's of blacks killed by other blacks and shows up for this one. The MSM runs wild with it. It's all Trump's fault.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.

Quite the blanket statement you have there....But, if you are saying that YOU don't like his reactions, then I would just say that would be expected.

Except that isn't what I said.

Did you forget what you typed?

" Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him."

It is exactly what you said.
If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
ya, they had his car. Impound that, and wait for him to come for it.

The odds of finding him that night are good. They generally do.
I was an MP in the Army. A Colonel told me if I did something wrong I would get chewed out by him and my life would go on
But If I had an unauthorized shooting, I would be in and out of court my whole life
In other words, Just let the person go and get chewed out.

Clearly not the same thing here....What was the Colonel's advise when a detainee overpowered you enough to take a weapon off your person?

A huge part of the problem is you still have a president and many others unwilling to sit down and listen.
You’re why Trump will take 50 States.

And if so and he continues the way he is the problem continues to grow.

So, essentially what you are saying here is that if Trump is re elected, and doesn't do things the way YOU think they should be done, then you'll continue to ramp up the violence?

How about you accept the results of an election?

If he wins he wins. I don't really care who wins as neither are anything I support. If you can look around and see what is happening and you want Trump to stay on the same path, so be it. I doubt you are going to like the results.

Well, we will know in November won't we? But, why wouldn't I want the path for the country that the President is taking? Economic sucess, more level playing field in the world, and minus coronovirus numbers, unemployment at historic lows....Other than style issues you have what's the down side?
Be realistic. Rioting and murdering and disbanded police departments is going to make people vote for the party behind the violence.

Trump's reactions have all gone over really poorly. Even the Republicans have refused to defend him. If you believe that is irrelevant, OK, we will see.
Agreed. Gone very poorly for you Leftards. You lions even have my Leftard friends shaking their heads at the hypocrisy of Democrats.

I'm not here to defend Democrats. Overall they are no better.

Funny that in my time in this message board community, I have never read anything from you that doesn't lock step with the left side of politics...

So, what is it that you break ranks with today's Democrat party's lurch to the far left on?

I have never voted for a Democrat for president. Few condemn the actions of Obama more than I do. Yes, I supported Sanders because I believed he was the best option to end the wars and to see that people can affordably access health care.

I care about those two things because I'm a Christian, not because I am a Democrat. (because overall they do not believe those things)

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