Unarmed White Woman Shot By Police......Media Doesn't Care...Blames Trump Instead

No they gave a free pass to BLM/Antifa all summer long. You can't deny it.

What "Free Pass" was that? That they weren't going to make a bad situation worse by having the cops shoot people when people were rioting over cops shooting people?

Not that Pelosi had anything to do with what individual mayors did or didn't do.
Tell me about all of those people who were shot by cops in Portland.
The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She stormed the capitol building, what did she think was going to happen?
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, so do not share their views, but they certainly had the right to be heard and occupy a federal building in order to do so.
Whomever would shoot an unarmed protestor is a monster who has to be prosecuted.
The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She stormed the capitol building, what did she think was going to happen?

That is what the 1st amendment, on political expression, is all about.
Shooting her was totally inappropriate.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

What in the world makes you say that the media doesn’t care? I’ve seen this covered non stop

The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She should not have been shot. She should not have broken a window and climbed through into a barricaded area that had guards with guns drawn saying stay out or we will shoot. What more needs to be said. This whole situation is sad and pathetic. Trump is an asshole and now most his people are jumping ship

But whomever shot has to now be prosecuted, or the whole system collapses.
The occupation is against my beliefs, but is guaranteed by the first amendment.
You can't shoot political protestors unless they are about to kill someone.
Whomever shot has to be prosecuted or government is over.
The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She stormed the capitol building, what did she think was going to happen?

That is what the 1st amendment, on political expression, is all about.
Shooting her was totally inappropriate.
It was murder if anyone else did it, but nobody will be prosecuted because shes not the approved color
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

What in the world makes you say that the media doesn’t care? I’ve seen this covered non stop

The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She should not have been shot. She should not have broken a window and climbed through into a barricaded area that had guards with guns drawn saying stay out or we will shoot. What more needs to be said. This whole situation is sad and pathetic. Trump is an asshole and now most his people are jumping ship

But whomever shot has to now be prosecuted, or the whole system collapses.
The occupation is against my beliefs, but is guaranteed by the first amendment.
You can't shoot political protestors unless they are about to kill someone.
Whomever shot has to be prosecuted or government is over.

That’s fine. I don’t know how in the world they saw a threat unless they thought the mob was coming to kill them but I agree, that woman should not have been shot. There should be and I’m sure will be an investigation
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, so do not share their views, but they certainly had the right to be heard and occupy a federal building in order to do so.
Whomever would shoot an unarmed protestor is a monster who has to be prosecuted.

Gotta disagree I am all for people protesting. This bitch was trying to get into the chamber while it was in session. They left pipe bombs and weapons were confiscated. They werent there to be peaceful and she got exactly what she deserved. The people that entered that federal building face federal charges for entering the building. They had zero right to be there.
The capital cops totally goofed.
They had on authority to shoot anyone.
The capital cops totally goofed.
They had on authority to shoot anyone.
The cops actually let the terrorists in. Some heads are going to roll. They have video of the cops taking selfies with the terrorists and opening some of the barricades.
I'm sorry you see a difference.

(there isn't)

Actually, there is, but I don't think explaining it to you a third time will do any good.

You don't think the President should have a higher standard of conduct than some street agitator?

You don't think the President should have a higher standard of conduct than some street agitator?

Of course.

What does that have to do with the protestors?

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