Unarmed White Woman Shot By Police......Media Doesn't Care...Blames Trump Instead

More OP Lies! The watering of the tree of liberty today got got too much media coverage. My tenants struggle to pay their rent & utilities is not getting enough coverage!
Too bad the democrats you support killed their livelihood. And yet your stupid ass still supports them.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

So every black criminal who was shot and killed got exactly what that n****r deserved?

So it's ok to shoot black criminals or hell just regular black folks in your racist eyes, but if white folks storm the Capitol Bldg that is ok. That hate runs deep.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

What in the world makes you say that the media doesn’t care? I’ve seen this covered non stop

The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She should not have been shot. She should not have broken a window and climbed through into a barricaded area that had guards with guns drawn saying stay out or we will shoot. What more needs to be said. This whole situation is sad and pathetic. Trump is an asshole and now most his people are jumping ship

I think you're full of shit.
You have no fucking idea what happened.
And it has zip to do with Trump.
This is what happens when you steal elections.

Are you really this big of a fool, you Trump Humpers are a disgrace.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

So, next time riots and protests start over a black man being shot by cops, when the cops respond to break it up, they should use real bullets, instead of rubber ones?

Protesting isn't engaging in an assault on the capitol. Apples and oranges.

Your antifa shit stains did all that.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

Yeah, hypocrites abound. Instead of Pedo Joe and Sen. Good-for-Nothing recognizing that this nation is divided and preaching compromise and unity--the best they can come up with is---Trump. If that is the case, every BLM/Antifa uprising this year is the direct responsibility of all democrats collectively.

The fact that so called fake ass patriots like you think this is a good thing, pretty much says all that needs to be said. Concerned American my ass.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, so do not share their views, but they certainly had the right to be heard and occupy a federal building in order to do so.
Whomever would shoot an unarmed protestor is a monster who has to be prosecuted.

How would he know that she was unarmed? We is it unacceptable to shoot someone who is storming the Capitol Bldg, but is totally justified to shoot an 12yr old holding a toy gun, you can put 7 slugs into a man's back and that is acceptable, you can put your knee into a man's neck until he is dead and that is acceptable.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, so do not share their views, but they certainly had the right to be heard and occupy a federal building in order to do so.
Whomever would shoot an unarmed protestor is a monster who has to be prosecuted.

How would he know that she was unarmed? We is it unacceptable to shoot someone who is storming the Capitol Bldg, but is totally justified to shoot an 12yr old holding a toy gun, you can put 7 slugs into a man's back and that is acceptable, you can put your knee into a man's neck until he is dead and that is acceptable.

If they are jigaboos I say shoot them all.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

So every black criminal who was shot and killed got exactly what that n****r deserved?

So it's ok to shoot black criminals or hell just regular black folks in your racist eyes, but if white folks storm the Capitol Bldg that is ok. That hate runs deep.

What we saw yesterday was along time in coming. Expecting one side to constantly riot and destroy and the other side to keep taking vile and derogatory nasty venom from the other side's main stream media and entertainers and everything else came to a head. I will tell you. It is getting to the point where maybe deplorables need to vote in hardliners and potential despots. It seems you are heading that way. So one of us needs to be first.
The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She stormed the capitol building, what did she think was going to happen?

So if a store owner or small business owner gets “stormed” by looters during a protest, they should open fire? If protestors storm Federal buildings like they did in Seattle over the Summer, should they expect to be fired upon? Not defending the actions of the woman shot or the people also storming the Capitol, just looking for some consistency as to when firearms should be used against protestors. That’s all.
That is what the 1st amendment, on political expression, is all about.
Shooting her was totally inappropriate.

Guy, if you storm the White House, the Capitol or a sensitive military base, you will be shot and it will be your own damned fault.

Of course.

What does that have to do with the protestors?

He instigated them.... that's the point. If he hadn't told them to go storm the capitol, we wouldn't have had this mess.

Kind of backfired. Most of the mutants who were going to protest all the states backed down, and Biden was confirmed.
So if a store owner or small business owner gets “stormed” by looters during a protest, they should open fire? If protestors storm Federal buildings like they did in Seattle over the Summer, should they expect to be fired upon? Not defending the actions of the woman shot or the people also storming the Capitol, just looking for some consistency as to when firearms should be used against protestors. That’s all.

Kind of a difference between "looters" and people looking to do harm to our members of Congress.

Property can be replaced. Lives cannot.
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So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

This is some disingenuous bullshit.
So if a store owner or small business owner gets “stormed” by looters during a protest, they should open fire? If protestors storm Federal buildings like they did in Seattle over the Summer, should they expect to be fired upon? Not defending the actions of the woman shot or the people also storming the Capitol, just looking for some consistency as to when firearms should be used against protestors. That’s all.

Kind of a difference between "looters" and people looking to do harm to our members of Congress.

Property can be replaced. Lives cannot.

Tell that to David Dorn and his family in St. Louis. You can’t predict or determine if lives are going to harmed or ended. How do you know the woman shot was there to harm Congress members? Maybe she just wanted to talk to them? Nope. You are correct. Can’t take that chance. Open fire.

It’s good that the Left finally sees the value of using firearms against protestors trespassing or intruding. You just never know.
Tell that to David Dorn and his family in St. Louis. You can’t predict or determine if lives are going to harmed or ended. How do you know the woman shot was there to harm Congress members? Maybe she just wanted to talk to them? Nope. You are correct. Can’t take that chance. Open fire.

Yeah, she could have wanted to talk to them, or she could have had a suicide vest on.. You really don't take that kind of a chance.

As for the guy who shot David Dorn, he's been arrested and will spend the rest of his life in prison... as it should be.

Too bad it had to happen, but it wasn't like we listened when they took a knee.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

What in the world makes you say that the media doesn’t care? I’ve seen this covered non stop

The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She should not have been shot. She should not have broken a window and climbed through into a barricaded area that had guards with guns drawn saying stay out or we will shoot. What more needs to be said. This whole situation is sad and pathetic. Trump is an asshole and now most his people are jumping ship

I think you're full of shit.
You have no fucking idea what happened.
And it has zip to do with Trump.
This is what happens when you steal elections.

No sympathy. If this were you or me, we'd be sitting in jail awaiting charges of inciting a riot.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."
Tell that to David Dorn and his family in St. Louis. You can’t predict or determine if lives are going to harmed or ended. How do you know the woman shot was there to harm Congress members? Maybe she just wanted to talk to them? Nope. You are correct. Can’t take that chance. Open fire.

Yeah, she could have wanted to talk to them, or she could have had a suicide vest on.. You really don't take that kind of a chance.

As for the guy who shot David Dorn, he's been arrested and will spend the rest of his life in prison... as it should be.

Too bad it had to happen, but it wasn't like we listened when they took a knee.

In either case, you can’t take the chance. David Dorn should have opened fire. Instead, he got to lay there in his own blood with the underprivileged holding their mobile phones over him giggling, laughing, awing over him begging for help dying slowly like an animal. Clearly, no police officer or otherwise protector of property should take that chance. Further, police clearly need to be funded. They need more guns and military weapons to protect themselves. Even AOC and Bernie Sanders must now see the light on that one given what happened at their workplace yesterday.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

they talked about her killing ALL NIGHT last night.
In either case, you can’t take the chance. David Dorn should have opened fire. Instead, he got to lay there in his own blood with the underprivileged holding their mobile phones over him giggling, laughing, awing over him begging for help dying slowly like an animal.

David Dorn was protecting a pawn shop, I really can't get that worked up about it. Pawn shops take advantage of poverty and despair. Are you really surprised when one was targeted? I'm not.


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