Unarmed White Woman Shot By Police......Media Doesn't Care...Blames Trump Instead

Yet you get more worked up over Congress under attack because, according to you, unlike a lowly pawn shop, Congress never “takes advantage of poverty and despair”. That is rich.

I am a DC native born and raised. Worshiping and elevating Congressional representatives gets you nowhere.Their lives are no more important or less important than a pawn shop owner.

We'd have a difficult time without Congress...

We'd probably be better off with less pawn shops.

When Trump's mob of thugs attacked Congress, they attacked all of us.
You are quick to judge with no evidence.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

She was breaking the law,

She was in the wrong and paid a price for it.

George Floyd broke the law and paid a price for it.
Yet you get more worked up over Congress under attack because, according to you, unlike a lowly pawn shop, Congress never “takes advantage of poverty and despair”. That is rich.

I am a DC native born and raised. Worshiping and elevating Congressional representatives gets you nowhere.Their lives are no more important or less important than a pawn shop owner.

We'd have a difficult time without Congress...

We'd probably be better off with less pawn shops.

When Trump's mob of thugs attacked Congress, they attacked all of us.

An American small business owner’s livelihood is just as important as the chamber of elected officials who are supposed to be serving him/her. The Hill will be fine. They can print money to repair, replace, and fortify from happening ever again.
As usual Mudbutt is another Trump Humper making excuses for insurrection by a group of Trump Humper thugs.
If the woman was black, and unarmed by the way, and shot by cops you would magically give a shit.

But we understand what really motivates you. It's not justice, by the way.
It's racial animus.

Did Miriam Carey get Justice?
She got mercy or more specifically her daughter did. Carey had severe documented mental issues including psychosis---she was convinced that Obama had ordered her home city in Connecticut locked down and had her under surveillance---

I couldn't imagine how much she would have been freaking out with real lockdowns like we have now.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

If Trump had accepted his defeat like EVERY FUCKING PRESIDENT before him, there wouldn't have been a riot or even a crowd.

Yes, All of this is his fault.

All of it.

So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

So, next time riots and protests start over a black man being shot by cops, when the cops respond to break it up, they should use real bullets, instead of rubber ones?

She was engaged in an act of terrorism!

If any other group, Muslims for example had done the same thing you wouldn't hesitate in calling them terrorists. Just because she was white doesn't excuse her. She was a terrorist!
An American small business owner’s livelihood is just as important as the chamber of elected officials who are supposed to be serving him/her. The Hill will be fine. They can print money to repair, replace, and fortify from happening ever again.

I agree.

And we need to identify every White Trash Mutant who stormed the Capitol and put them in prison.

Then prosecute the guy who instigated them.

She was engaged in an act of terrorism!

If any other group, Muslims for example had done the same thing you wouldn't hesitate in calling them terrorists. Just because she was white doesn't excuse her. She was a terrorist!
That doesn't excuse an extrajudicial murder by some faceless cop.
Are you happy this woman was killed?
She was engaged in an act of terrorism!

If any other group, Muslims for example had done the same thing you wouldn't hesitate in calling them terrorists. Just because she was white doesn't excuse her. She was a terrorist!
That doesn't excuse an extrajudicial murder by some faceless cop.
Are you happy this woman was killed?
She was trying to prevent the elected president from taking power. An act of sedition.
She forced her way into the Capitol building a clear act of terrorism.
They should have all been shot and she got no more than she should have expected.
An American small business owner’s livelihood is just as important as the chamber of elected officials who are supposed to be serving him/her. The Hill will be fine. They can print money to repair, replace, and fortify from happening ever again.

I agree.

And we need to identify every White Trash Mutant who stormed the Capitol and put them in prison.

Then prosecute the guy who instigated them.

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Trump didn't instigate anything you shit for brains...........

Only one person was shot.... an unarmed female Trump supporters......

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