Unbelievable sexism from.. OMG! a leftist! This story takes the cake: Don Lemon


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

This is shocking on so many levels. Lemon was talking about Nikki Haley who is running for president (or VP as another poster suggested). Lemon is on world wide television saying that she is not in her prime because only women in their 20s,30s or 40s are that!

This is someone who has spoken only good things (never bad that I know of) about Hillary, who is (apparently) WAY WAY out of her prime and has been for a LONNNNGGGG time. I don't watch cnn (much) but I am sure Lemon has only said good things about "old" women who are leftists.
If the demonrats need to return personal insults they might try commenting on the lantern hanging off her face.

Better just consider this one as a longshot hopeful attempting to take advantage of the vacancy that will last for a few more months.

This is shocking on so many levels. Lemon was talking about Nikki Haley who is running for president (or VP as another poster suggested). Lemon is on world wide television saying that she is not in her prime because only women in their 20s,30s or 40s are that!

This is someone who has spoken only good things (never bad that I know of) about Hillary, who is (apparently) WAY WAY out of her prime and has been for a LONNNNGGGG time. I don't watch cnn (much) but I am sure Lemon has only said good things about "old" women who are leftists.
Yeah....I'm with you here. What an incredibly stupid misogynist thing to say.
Indeed... he is in deep shit for saying this, and his CNN boss even apologized for him saying it.
When your boss apologizes for you.... yeah... not good.

But the apology is empty.
Why? Because if you see the video if when he said it, he continued to say it 3 times - even as his two female colleagues were in full WTF?? mode. One of the colleagues tried to give him a way out... he didn't bite, and instead chose to reiterate the comment.
Saying something off handedly is one thing, saying it... and then defend it is another. Clearly leading up to the episode, he made a choice this was going to be his response to Nikki's words.
And now "i didn't mean it"??........ yeah... no.
If Trump had said it - Lemon would be raging for days about it.
And since his show is already tanking... a replacement search has surely began. This might finally be the end of one of the worst of CNN

This is shocking on so many levels. Lemon was talking about Nikki Haley who is running for president (or VP as another poster suggested). Lemon is on world wide television saying that she is not in her prime because only women in their 20s,30s or 40s are that!

This is someone who has spoken only good things (never bad that I know of) about Hillary, who is (apparently) WAY WAY out of her prime and has been for a LONNNNGGGG time. I don't watch cnn (much) but I am sure Lemon has only said good things about "old" women who are leftists.

He was simply a quota hire.
Nothing that he says has merit.

This is shocking on so many levels. Lemon was talking about Nikki Haley who is running for president (or VP as another poster suggested). Lemon is on world wide television saying that she is not in her prime because only women in their 20s,30s or 40s are that!

This is someone who has spoken only good things (never bad that I know of) about Hillary, who is (apparently) WAY WAY out of her prime and has been for a LONNNNGGGG time. I don't watch cnn (much) but I am sure Lemon has only said good things about "old" women who are leftists.
Was Lemon speaking as a hie, or a sie?
(she probably gets confused a lot when speaking about men and women)
Lemon declared on air that when he makes a mistake he 'owns it'.

He then apologized to his fellow CNN employees - you know, the 'old women past their prime', but he only did so because his boss threatened to fire his ass.

Even then he refused to apologize to Niki Haley, the original target of his misogynistic, female age-descriminating derogatory comments.

A forced apology to his 'old, past their prime' CNN colleagues (and female Democrats like Hillary, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Warren, etc...), though, makes what he said 'ok' with snowflakes ... apparently.

Lemon declared on air that when he makes a mistake he 'owns it'.

He then apologized to his fellow CNN employees - you know, the 'old women past their prime', but he only did so because his boss threatened to fire his ass.

Even then he refused to apologize to Niki Haley, the original target of his misogynistic, female age-descriminating derogatory comments.

A forced apology to his 'old, past their prime' CNN colleagues (and female Democrats like Hillary, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Warren, etc...), though, makes what he said 'ok' with snowflakes ... apparently.

There are two kinds of apologies...
1) The kind you make when you admit you did something wrong.
2) The kind you make when everyone had to tell you, you did something wrong.

Lemon's empty apology is the 2nd variety.
And absolutely, the fact he did not apologize to Haley is a testament to the kind of person he is. She was the target of his absurd comment. His leaving her out is equally as bad as the comment itself.

This is shocking on so many levels. Lemon was talking about Nikki Haley who is running for president (or VP as another poster suggested). Lemon is on world wide television saying that she is not in her prime because only women in their 20s,30s or 40s are that!

This is someone who has spoken only good things (never bad that I know of) about Hillary, who is (apparently) WAY WAY out of her prime and has been for a LONNNNGGGG time. I don't watch cnn (much) but I am sure Lemon has only said good things about "old" women who are leftists.
Lemon is a moron. LMAO. "Kamala Harris speaks in a very prosecutorial way, very thought out...? WTF, Who is this idiot listening to?
Don Lemon has expressed his contempt for White folks several times, and CNN lets him get away with it.
Lemon's attack on his female co-host might be a symptom of his homosexual fear or women.
CNN allows Lemon to use their platform to spread Left-Wing hate because they agree with him.

This is shocking on so many levels. Lemon was talking about Nikki Haley who is running for president (or VP as another poster suggested). Lemon is on world wide television saying that she is not in her prime because only women in their 20s,30s or 40s are that!

This is someone who has spoken only good things (never bad that I know of) about Hillary, who is (apparently) WAY WAY out of her prime and has been for a LONNNNGGGG time. I don't watch cnn (much) but I am sure Lemon has only said good things about "old" women who are leftists.

Leftists are always the most vitriolic and nasty toward women.

Ask ANY conservative woman.

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