
Do you understand how your Obama Derangement Syndrome is causing you to appear mentally ill to all the normal people?
Asswarp isn't a bit upset that they didn't tell him about Petraeus..

Did you actually see his press conference? I couldn't watch. I'm so sick of his big ears and baron samedi smile I changed the channel to the shopping network.
"We're going to help industry and small business..."

Yeah right. We heard that shit four years ago.
Do you understand how your Obama Derangement Syndrome is causing you to appear mentally ill to all the normal people?

Willow needs to turn off Fox & Friends :tinfoil: If you ever look at her links they invariably say : Fox News.
What gets me. He is telling repubs to pass the rich tax. Is that all that non-economic basic having mother fucker got? WTF is that gonna do? Shouldnt he be working with something that will ACTUALLY make a difference? I saw him on the tv, and it pissed me off. He dont know shit. I haver a better understanding of economics than he does, and I dont know shit. He needs to hurry up and hire that economics person to do HIS JOB. Goddamn were fucked
Asswarp isn't a bit upset that they didn't tell him about Petraeus..

That's because it was his idea. We are to overlook the similar behavior in Petraeus' replacement though.

As far as who Obama wants to tax, Did the 2 percent just magically become the one percent too? I've heard it twice now, and wonder if next month it will change again to the top 5 percent, then 9.......
What gets me. He is telling repubs to pass the rich tax. Is that all that non-economic basic having mother fucker got? WTF is that gonna do? Shouldnt he be working with something that will ACTUALLY make a difference? I saw him on the tv, and it pissed me off. He dont know shit. I haver a better understanding of economics than he does, and I dont know shit. He needs to hurry up and hire that economics person to do HIS JOB. Goddamn were fucked

I hear smoke was coming out of his ears (that's a lot of smoke and some huge ears) when questioned about Susan Rice becoming Secretary of State and being told that Graham and McCain will do everything they can to see it doesn't happen.

The mere fact that Obama would suggest her shows you just how much he just doesn't give a shit about anything other than what he wants.

With all the qualified people out there, Susan Rice is the best he can do? Why would an intelligent person like they claim he is even entertain a person who is going to further divide the parties?

But he's a uniter...so they say.
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Do you understand how your Obama Derangement Syndrome is causing you to appear mentally ill to all the normal people?

Willow needs to turn off Fox & Friends :tinfoil: If you ever look at her links they invariably say : Fox News.

Links? What links? She just makes things up.

Guess you're not watching your dear leader who is still lying his ass off as I type this. Said he sent Susan Rice out to lie to America, so we shold blame him.
Asswarp isn't a bit upset that they didn't tell him about Petraeus..

Did you actually see his press conference? I couldn't watch. I'm so sick of his big ears and baron samedi smile I changed the channel to the shopping network.

I never watch the asshole. And don't give a damn what he has to say. I would just as soon watch wet paint dry.
Asswarp isn't a bit upset that they didn't tell him about Petraeus..

Did you actually see his press conference? I couldn't watch. I'm so sick of his big ears and baron samedi smile I changed the channel to the shopping network.

I never watch the asshole. And don't give a damn what he has to say. I would just as soon watch wet paint dry.

Watching obama is a waste of time. All you get is more lies. obama isn't a president but he does play one on TV.
What gets me. He is telling repubs to pass the rich tax. Is that all that non-economic basic having mother fucker got? WTF is that gonna do? Shouldnt he be working with something that will ACTUALLY make a difference? I saw him on the tv, and it pissed me off. He dont know shit. I haver a better understanding of economics than he does, and I dont know shit. He needs to hurry up and hire that economics person to do HIS JOB. Goddamn were fucked

I hear smoke was coming out of his ears (that's a lot of smoke and some huge ears) when questioned about Susan Rice becoming Secretary of State and being told that Graham and McCain will do everything they can to see it doesn't happen.

The mere fact that Obama would suggest her shows you just how much he just doesn't give a shit about anything other than what he wants.

With all the qualified people out there, Susan Rice is the best he can do? Why would an intelligent person like they claim he is even entertain a person who is going to further divide the parties?

But he's a uniter...so they say.

God dont I know it. She lied her ass off to us. She dont even deserve to be in the UN! GAG
Asswarp isn't a bit upset that they didn't tell him about Petraeus..


I really wanted a piece of that Broadwell ass.


Me, too!

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Asswarp isn't a bit upset that they didn't tell him about Petraeus..

That's because it was his idea. We are to overlook the similar behavior in Petraeus' replacement though.

As far as who Obama wants to tax, Did the 2 percent just magically become the one percent too? I've heard it twice now, and wonder if next month it will change again to the top 5 percent, then 9.......

he's cool,, every time he mentions "rich" it's followed by "little bit more" "little bit more"
He right out admitted that Susan Rice went on all five networks with the false video story "at the behest of the WH" what he didn't tell us was "Who gave Susan Rice that false information"?

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