Unbridled Bigotry Toward Things Southern


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2012
I have noticed a vociferous few on this board who display vitriolic bigotry toward anything Southern. The reasons for their disgusting behavior are unknown, but I suspect an unwarranted sense of self-importance or jealousy because the South has originated almost all of this nation's music and most of its literature of merit.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, has written a thoughtful article exploring some other reasons for onerous displays of bigotry toward the South and Southerners.

Here is a portion of it:

"A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession.” He advertised his book in an October 20 article in Salon entitled “Just Secede Already.” Oh, if only we could.

Hatred of and bigotry toward Southerners is of course nothing new. The New England “Yankees” of the early nineteenth century thought of themselves as God’s chosen people and deplored the immigration into the country of lesser humans from parts of Europe other than their own little section of the British Isles – especially the loathsome Catholic immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Italy (See Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher).

The early nineteenth-century New England descendants of the Puritans so hated Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, and its prospects for accommodating masses of God’s un-chosen people, that they spent a decade plotting secession. This plot culminated in the 1814 Hartford Secession Convention at which the New England Federalists issued severe criticisms of government, but decided that their political and economic fortunes would be best served by undermining the government of the founders from within rather than seceding. Their political descendants (The Whig and Republican parties of that century) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in creating a centralized, bureaucratic empire that would rival the British and Spanish empires."

Rest of article at:

The Bigot?s Guide to Hating Southerners ? LewRockwell.com

What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?
I have noticed a vociferous few on this board who display vitriolic bigotry toward anything Southern. The reasons for their disgusting behavior are unknown, but I suspect an unwarranted sense of self-importance or jealousy because the South has originated almost all of this nation's music and most of its literature of merit.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, has written a thoughtful article exploring some other reasons for onerous displays of bigotry toward the South and Southerners.

Here is a portion of it:

"A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession.” He advertised his book in an October 20 article in Salon entitled “Just Secede Already.” Oh, if only we could.

Hatred of and bigotry toward Southerners is of course nothing new. The New England “Yankees” of the early nineteenth century thought of themselves as God’s chosen people and deplored the immigration into the country of lesser humans from parts of Europe other than their own little section of the British Isles – especially the loathsome Catholic immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Italy (See Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher).

The early nineteenth-century New England descendants of the Puritans so hated Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, and its prospects for accommodating masses of God’s un-chosen people, that they spent a decade plotting secession. This plot culminated in the 1814 Hartford Secession Convention at which the New England Federalists issued severe criticisms of government, but decided that their political and economic fortunes would be best served by undermining the government of the founders from within rather than seceding. Their political descendants (The Whig and Republican parties of that century) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in creating a centralized, bureaucratic empire that would rival the British and Spanish empires."

Rest of article at:

The Bigot?s Guide to Hating Southerners ? LewRockwell.com

What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?

Don't expect any straight answers. Many of those try to sell the south still lynches blacks, still have state segregation etc, or at least try to convey that impression.
I have noticed a vociferous few on this board who display vitriolic bigotry toward anything Southern. The reasons for their disgusting behavior are unknown, but I suspect an unwarranted sense of self-importance or jealousy because the South has originated almost all of this nation's music and most of its literature of merit.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, has written a thoughtful article exploring some other reasons for onerous displays of bigotry toward the South and Southerners.

Here is a portion of it:

"A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession.” He advertised his book in an October 20 article in Salon entitled “Just Secede Already.” Oh, if only we could.

Hatred of and bigotry toward Southerners is of course nothing new. The New England “Yankees” of the early nineteenth century thought of themselves as God’s chosen people and deplored the immigration into the country of lesser humans from parts of Europe other than their own little section of the British Isles – especially the loathsome Catholic immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Italy (See Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher).

The early nineteenth-century New England descendants of the Puritans so hated Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, and its prospects for accommodating masses of God’s un-chosen people, that they spent a decade plotting secession. This plot culminated in the 1814 Hartford Secession Convention at which the New England Federalists issued severe criticisms of government, but decided that their political and economic fortunes would be best served by undermining the government of the founders from within rather than seceding. Their political descendants (The Whig and Republican parties of that century) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in creating a centralized, bureaucratic empire that would rival the British and Spanish empires."

Rest of article at:

The Bigot?s Guide to Hating Southerners ? LewRockwell.com

What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?

Its known why, it is called divide and conquer. the conservative Christian family values of the south is a threat to the left. It is for the same reason they have been attacking and demonizing the Tea Party they are also a threat to the left

What the left and the liberal main stream media in their northern elitist bubble doesn't understand or refuses to acknowledge. America is conservative and the conservative movement is growing every year It is why channels like CNN and MSNBC is tanking in the ratings they are not in line with the majority of America

Conservatives continue to make up the largest segment of political views in the country, outnumbering liberals nearly two-to-one, according to a new poll Thursday.
The Gallup survey found that 40 percent of Americans consider themselves conservative; 35 percent consider themselves moderate; and 21 percent see themselves as liberal. The figures did not change from 2010.

the third straight year, conservatives outnumbered both moderates and liberals.
Conservatives began outstripping moderates in 2008, and the percentage of moderates has declined steadily over the past two decades, from 43 percent 1992 to 35 percent in 2011.
In fact, both self-identified conservatives and liberals have risen in number since the early 1990s, indicating a growing polarization in American politics.
While self-identified conservatives dominate the Republican Party, making up 71 percent, the Democratic Party is more split — 39 percent of Democrats view themselves as liberal, and 38 percent consider themselves moderates.
Meanwhile, independents are mostly moderate (41 percent), but skew more toward conservatism (35 percent) than liberalism (20 percent).
he Gallup survey, which was conducted from January to December 2011, includes 20,392 respondents and has a margin of error of plus or minus one percentage point.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71385.html#ixzz2ikhsXxGv
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The evangelical and fundamentalist heresies, predominant in the South and in the TPM, threaten the nation.

Losers, we don't want your down home religious heresies and we don't want to go back to the 1950s white America.
The evangelical and fundamentalist heresies, predominant in the South and in the TPM, threaten the nation.

Losers, we don't want your down home religious heresies and we don't want to go back to the 1950s white America.

My, my. Charges of heresy.

Should we revive that quaint New England tradition, the dunking stool?

Maybe you could begin the Yankee Inquisition.
Southern man
Better keep your head
Don't forget
What your good book said
Southern change
Gonna come at last
Now your crosses
Are burning fast
Southern man

I saw cotton
And I saw black
Tall white mansions
And little shacks.
Southern man
When will you
Pay them back?
I heard screamin'
And bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?

Southern man
Better keep your head
Don't forget
What your good book said
Southern change
Gonna come at last
Now your crosses
Are burning fast
Southern man

Lily Belle,
Your hair is golden brown
I've seen your black man
Comin' round
Swear by God
I'm gonna cut him down!
I heard screamin'
And bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?
I have noticed a vociferous few on this board who display vitriolic bigotry toward anything Southern. The reasons for their disgusting behavior are unknown, but I suspect an unwarranted sense of self-importance or jealousy because the South has originated almost all of this nation's music and most of its literature of merit.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, has written a thoughtful article exploring some other reasons for onerous displays of bigotry toward the South and Southerners.

Here is a portion of it:

"A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession.” He advertised his book in an October 20 article in Salon entitled “Just Secede Already.” Oh, if only we could.

Hatred of and bigotry toward Southerners is of course nothing new. The New England “Yankees” of the early nineteenth century thought of themselves as God’s chosen people and deplored the immigration into the country of lesser humans from parts of Europe other than their own little section of the British Isles – especially the loathsome Catholic immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Italy (See Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher).

The early nineteenth-century New England descendants of the Puritans so hated Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, and its prospects for accommodating masses of God’s un-chosen people, that they spent a decade plotting secession. This plot culminated in the 1814 Hartford Secession Convention at which the New England Federalists issued severe criticisms of government, but decided that their political and economic fortunes would be best served by undermining the government of the founders from within rather than seceding. Their political descendants (The Whig and Republican parties of that century) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in creating a centralized, bureaucratic empire that would rival the British and Spanish empires."

Rest of article at:

The Bigot?s Guide to Hating Southerners ? LewRockwell.com

What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?

Please watch the video.

This man is a White Racist Republican.

This man is a Member of The Republican Party.

This man is a Republican.

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/23/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central.
Bred of an unbridled arrogance hard wired in into all things and thoughts Liberal, especially on display in that NYT article yesterday about the detached Obama slouching down in his chair, chewing gum, idly browsing his blackberry all during a closed Security Agency discussion on what was going to Hell in a handbasket in his Syria policy as if all that was going on was beneath his pay grade. He Who Walks On Water was content knowing all he has to do is show his pearly whites and say a few words and all his supporters would be reaching for their genitals while simultaneously having orgasms and screaming "He's going to pay for my groceries". That's all you need today to win elections in this nation of Rachel Jeantells along with bedazzling them with tons of free stuff. You heard him after the deficit ceiling discussion was settled "If you want to change things win elections!" As far as parting the seas, as his followers expected, goes, all he's managed to do so far is parting Reggie Loves ways up in the Lincoln Bedroom the night US Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glenn Doherty, Sean Smith, and Tyrone Woods were murdered in Benghazi during that impromptu demonstration that took place intent on killing Americans in Benghazi.

Back during the Civil War after General William Tecumsah Sherman had burned most of South Carolina and Georgia to the ground he turned his army northward in an attempt to catch Robert E Lee and his army in Virginia. Just prior to facing Confederate General Johnson in North Carolina Sherman gathered his officers together to remind them that North Carolina had just barely voted for secession and that the combat excesses displayed in Georgia and South Carolina would be frowned upon. New York City voted 81 per cent for Barack Obama.

The Romans had a splendid idee when they razed Carthage to the ground and sowed the land it had stood on with salt preventing any plant life or cities from being re established on that site. Perhaps we could keep that in mind dealing with Chicago after Obama is impeached.

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 384 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. | Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog
I have noticed a vociferous few on this board who display vitriolic bigotry toward anything Southern. The reasons for their disgusting behavior are unknown, but I suspect an unwarranted sense of self-importance or jealousy because the South has originated almost all of this nation's music and most of its literature of merit.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, has written a thoughtful article exploring some other reasons for onerous displays of bigotry toward the South and Southerners.

Here is a portion of it:

"A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession.” He advertised his book in an October 20 article in Salon entitled “Just Secede Already.” Oh, if only we could.

Hatred of and bigotry toward Southerners is of course nothing new. The New England “Yankees” of the early nineteenth century thought of themselves as God’s chosen people and deplored the immigration into the country of lesser humans from parts of Europe other than their own little section of the British Isles – especially the loathsome Catholic immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Italy (See Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher).

The early nineteenth-century New England descendants of the Puritans so hated Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, and its prospects for accommodating masses of God’s un-chosen people, that they spent a decade plotting secession. This plot culminated in the 1814 Hartford Secession Convention at which the New England Federalists issued severe criticisms of government, but decided that their political and economic fortunes would be best served by undermining the government of the founders from within rather than seceding. Their political descendants (The Whig and Republican parties of that century) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in creating a centralized, bureaucratic empire that would rival the British and Spanish empires."

Rest of article at:

The Bigot?s Guide to Hating Southerners ? LewRockwell.com

What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?

It's ok because they think they are enlightened.
racist homophobic anti-Muslim hillybilly rednecks complain about anti-Southern bigotry?

haa!!! too funny.
The evangelical and fundamentalist heresies, predominant in the South and in the TPM, threaten the nation.

Losers, we don't want your down home religious heresies and we don't want to go back to the 1950s white America.

Well said comrade! Extra bread for you today! Keep up the good propaganda.....I mean work. :thup:
The evangelical and fundamentalist heresies, predominant in the South and in the TPM, threaten the nation.

Losers, we don't want your down home religious heresies and we don't want to go back to the 1950s white America.

Heresies against what?

Oh, yes -- the progressive agenda you revere.
What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?


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The evangelical and fundamentalist heresies, predominant in the South and in the TPM, threaten the nation.

Losers, we don't want your down home religious heresies and we don't want to go back to the 1950s white America.

Heresies against what?

Oh, yes -- the progressive agenda you revere.

Anti-heretical evangelicalism equates with mainstream America, not progressivism.
this threads reminds us all of the racist/anti-semites/homophobes in this forum who yell and moan about "bigotry" against their views.
I have noticed a vociferous few on this board who display vitriolic bigotry toward anything Southern. The reasons for their disgusting behavior are unknown, but I suspect an unwarranted sense of self-importance or jealousy because the South has originated almost all of this nation's music and most of its literature of merit.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, has written a thoughtful article exploring some other reasons for onerous displays of bigotry toward the South and Southerners.

Here is a portion of it:

"A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession.” He advertised his book in an October 20 article in Salon entitled “Just Secede Already.” Oh, if only we could.

Hatred of and bigotry toward Southerners is of course nothing new. The New England “Yankees” of the early nineteenth century thought of themselves as God’s chosen people and deplored the immigration into the country of lesser humans from parts of Europe other than their own little section of the British Isles – especially the loathsome Catholic immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Italy (See Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher).

The early nineteenth-century New England descendants of the Puritans so hated Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, and its prospects for accommodating masses of God’s un-chosen people, that they spent a decade plotting secession. This plot culminated in the 1814 Hartford Secession Convention at which the New England Federalists issued severe criticisms of government, but decided that their political and economic fortunes would be best served by undermining the government of the founders from within rather than seceding. Their political descendants (The Whig and Republican parties of that century) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in creating a centralized, bureaucratic empire that would rival the British and Spanish empires."

Rest of article at:

The Bigot?s Guide to Hating Southerners ? LewRockwell.com

What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?

Please watch the video.

This man is a White Racist Republican.

This man is a Member of The Republican Party.

This man is a Republican.

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/23/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central.
This man's views -- as shown in this heavily-edited video -- are his own, and are not shared by all Republicans, as you're desperately trying to imply.

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