Unbridled Bigotry Toward Things Southern

When I was stationed in the South, the difference in culture was readily apparent. Rednecks are still sore over the Civil War and blacks being treated equally. They really, really are.

I once deadheaded with a cab driver, and he spent the whole night drunk off his ass, singing Civil War era songs, going on and on about "Massa Lee", and taking me to every Confederate graveyard in the city.

I also married into a Deep Southern family. Imagine my surprise to discover some of my in-laws had Klan outfits in their closets in this day and age. My mother-in-law had never allowed a "colored" to set foot in her house, and never will.

I received a total immersion in the Deep South culture and came away with the impression they are about a hundred years behind the rest of us. Grandad was a moonshiner and raised fighting cocks. He thought I was a pussy because I drank straight Jack Daniel's. Grandma was never seen wearing shoes and she actually believed the Earth is flat! Her cure-all medicine for every wound her 10 children received was to pour kerosene on it.

After I had been stationed there for three years, some of the civilian workers on the base I had befriended were shocked to discover I did not share their racist views. They thought I was one of them. I was also shocked to discover their true natures.

Racism is still alive in America, not just the Deep South, but is certainly deeper and more vicious down there.

No one is fooled by these pretensions on the part of Southerners as to why their culture is still perceived as racist. Well, here's a clue: THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS!!!

My Southern wife and I divorced once I realized she was bathshit crazy. Crazier than me, which is really saying something. That is entirely unrelated to the Southern culture, but as a result of my marriage to Satan's daughter, I don't care how drop dead gorgeous a woman is, if she has a Southern accent, my stomach turns.

She could be a perfectly nice woman for all I know. It's just a Pavlovian response. My ex-wife's craziness and the Southern racist culture all mixed together.
Your crap may fool non-Southern progressives, but it's not fooling any Southerners.

Nice try.

Quite a few Southerners were shocked to discover I was not a Southerner after I had been there a few years.
Your bullshit about Klan outfits in closets is simply not credible.

Oh, but your fellow progs take it as gospel. But then, with progressives, if they believe it, it's true.
Your crap may fool non-Southern progressives, but it's not fooling any Southerners.

Nice try.

Quite a few Southerners were shocked to discover I was not a Southerner after I had been there a few years.
Your bullshit about Klan outfits in closets is simply not credible.

Oh, but your fellow progs take it as gospel. But then, with progressives, if they believe it, it's true.

That is just his straw man. No one in their right mind would believe that bullshit.
So we can afford to ignore the Old Testament?

You can ignore anything you want to ignore. I really couldn't care less. Clearly you have no idea why the OT is part of the Bible. The Christian religion is founded on the teachings of Christ. The OT is included by Christian churches as a historical reference of the things that led up to the birth of Christ, and also for the prophecy that there would be a Messiah. Prophecies Jesus - 44 Messianic Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled I don't think it was referring to Obama. You are one of those stupid people, no doubt, who thinks there were Christians in the OT. LOL.
How on earth could you make such an assumption based on one question? I simply want to know if, as you say, the Old Testament was written for the Jews, could we then afford to ignore it as the word of God?

I understand why and how the books of the Old Testament were included in the Bible. What I fail to understand is if indeed your point of it being written for the Jews, should it be relevant in a society like contemporary America.

I answered your question. I don't care what you do or do not ignore.
I have noticed a vociferous few on this board who display vitriolic bigotry toward anything Southern. The reasons for their disgusting behavior are unknown, but I suspect an unwarranted sense of self-importance or jealousy because the South has originated almost all of this nation's music and most of its literature of merit.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, a professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, has written a thoughtful article exploring some other reasons for onerous displays of bigotry toward the South and Southerners.

Here is a portion of it:

"A CNN travel editor named Chuck Thompson has established himself as a one-man hate group in writing a short book entitled Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession.” He advertised his book in an October 20 article in Salon entitled “Just Secede Already.” Oh, if only we could.

Hatred of and bigotry toward Southerners is of course nothing new. The New England “Yankees” of the early nineteenth century thought of themselves as God’s chosen people and deplored the immigration into the country of lesser humans from parts of Europe other than their own little section of the British Isles – especially the loathsome Catholic immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Italy (See Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher).

The early nineteenth-century New England descendants of the Puritans so hated Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, and its prospects for accommodating masses of God’s un-chosen people, that they spent a decade plotting secession. This plot culminated in the 1814 Hartford Secession Convention at which the New England Federalists issued severe criticisms of government, but decided that their political and economic fortunes would be best served by undermining the government of the founders from within rather than seceding. Their political descendants (The Whig and Republican parties of that century) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in creating a centralized, bureaucratic empire that would rival the British and Spanish empires."

Rest of article at:

The Bigot?s Guide to Hating Southerners ? LewRockwell.com

What say you, bigots? Why the unwarranted attacks on the South?

I admit an intolerance of some things Southern. To much salt, to much sugar and too much neo-Confederate, anti-American, rhetoric. On the other hand, having traveled extensively in our country, some of my favorite cities are in the south. Fortunately, not every Southerner is the same as the typical loud-mouthed moron from Texas.

My first meeting with Southern Boy's was at NTCSD Boot Camp in 1967. I'd never encountered such a group of dumb, loud, arrogant and bigoted Mama's Boys in my like. There's no crying in baseball, but in Boot Camp when the lights went out homesickness was epidemic among the Texans and Arkansans - it was sadly funny.


Yep, guilty. I so admitted, obviously it went over your head as do most things. Or, maybe you simply don't know the definition of bigotry. Yeah, that's probably it.

Whenever I listened to someone with a Southern Accent I immediately discount anything they may say as dumb. I just as quickly remind myself to actively listen, some actually know what they are talking about. Present company ^^^ excepted.
Nice try.

Quite a few Southerners were shocked to discover I was not a Southerner after I had been there a few years.
Your bullshit about Klan outfits in closets is simply not credible.

Oh, but your fellow progs take it as gospel. But then, with progressives, if they believe it, it's true.

That is just his straw man. No one in their right mind would believe that bullshit.
His fellow leftists would.
You can ignore anything you want to ignore. I really couldn't care less. Clearly you have no idea why the OT is part of the Bible. The Christian religion is founded on the teachings of Christ. The OT is included by Christian churches as a historical reference of the things that led up to the birth of Christ, and also for the prophecy that there would be a Messiah. Prophecies Jesus - 44 Messianic Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled I don't think it was referring to Obama. You are one of those stupid people, no doubt, who thinks there were Christians in the OT. LOL.
How on earth could you make such an assumption based on one question? I simply want to know if, as you say, the Old Testament was written for the Jews, could we then afford to ignore it as the word of God?

I understand why and how the books of the Old Testament were included in the Bible. What I fail to understand is if indeed your point of it being written for the Jews, should it be relevant in a society like contemporary America.

I answered your question. I don't care what you do or do not ignore.
So we can afford to not put the Ten Commandments up in our court rooms? We can forget about the Genesis myth taught as science in our classrooms? We can afford to abandon the pronouncements in Leviticus concerning homosexuality?

It's our society and the imposition of Jewish dogma. So, as you said, the Old Testament was written for the Jews, should Jewish law form the basis of our secular American law?
Southerners never understood what they hold most dearly, the Holy Bible.

Why the anti-south bigotry (odd they frame the question in that particular term)?

You reap what you sow.

I can't tell you how many times one of my Southern in-laws used the bible to justify slavery.

I bet you right now as they are reading this post, there are people who know exactly which verses were used.

Sounds like you married up.
Northerners have always held the south in high esteem where popular culture is concerned. Figures like Truman Capote, Louis Armstrong, William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Johnny Mercer, Harper Lee and Elvis Presley are some of the cornerstones of American popular culture.

What northerners tend to dismiss and deride are the repressive political ideas that bubbled to the top of southern thinking. And some of the most reprehensible villains of American politics have held forth over the south. Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and Sheriff Bull Connor occupy the lowest rung of the ideological ladder. The fact that they enjoyed such wide and deep support among southerners is, in my opinion, the reason there is still a less than favorable attitude toward the south held by northerners.
Southern man
Better keep your head
Don't forget
What your good book said
Southern change
Gonna come at last
Now your crosses
Are burning fast
Southern man

I saw cotton
And I saw black
Tall white mansions
And little shacks.
Southern man
When will you
Pay them back?
I heard screamin'
And bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?

Southern man
Better keep your head
Don't forget
What your good book said
Southern change
Gonna come at last
Now your crosses
Are burning fast
Southern man

Lily Belle,
Your hair is golden brown
I've seen your black man
Comin' round
Swear by God
I'm gonna cut him down!
I heard screamin'
And bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?

Southern man dont need you around anyhow :lol:
Actually, the Bible does tell slaves to submit to their masters:

While the KJV calls them 'servants,' other versions call them slaves.

Colossians 3:22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.

I have a feeling you came here and acted like an asshole. So, of course, no one even pretended to tolerate you.

You missed the one in Genesis.

I told you guys someone would know what I was talking about! :lol:

The OT is not the Christian portion of the Bible. Most everything in the OT was written to the Jews. I am most entertained when people who have never read the Bible, try to interpret it.

Nice try at a dodge, but it was Deep Southern Christians who used Genesis to justify slavery to me, hon.
So we can afford to ignore the Old Testament?

You can ignore anything you want to ignore. I really couldn't care less. Clearly you have no idea why the OT is part of the Bible. The Christian religion is founded on the teachings of Christ. The OT is included by Christian churches as a historical reference of the things that led up to the birth of Christ, and also for the prophecy that there would be a Messiah. Prophecies Jesus - 44 Messianic Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled I don't think it was referring to Obama. You are one of those stupid people, no doubt, who thinks there were Christians in the OT. LOL.
How on earth could you make such an assumption based on one question? I simply want to know if, as you say, the Old Testament was written for the Jews, could we then afford to ignore it as the word of God?

I understand why and how the books of the Old Testament were included in the Bible. What I fail to understand is if indeed your point of it being written for the Jews, should it be relevant in a society like contemporary America.

She isn't fooling anyone.

Bigoted Christians don't hesitate to use the Old Testament to condem gay marriage. They will throw Leviticus at you in a heartbeat.
Don a Confederate article of clothing and saunter up to some good old boys in the South, and within five minutes you will be hearing a ****** joke.

Without the Confederate article of clothing, it may take as long as ten minutes. As long as you are white.
You can ignore anything you want to ignore. I really couldn't care less. Clearly you have no idea why the OT is part of the Bible. The Christian religion is founded on the teachings of Christ. The OT is included by Christian churches as a historical reference of the things that led up to the birth of Christ, and also for the prophecy that there would be a Messiah. Prophecies Jesus - 44 Messianic Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled I don't think it was referring to Obama. You are one of those stupid people, no doubt, who thinks there were Christians in the OT. LOL.
How on earth could you make such an assumption based on one question? I simply want to know if, as you say, the Old Testament was written for the Jews, could we then afford to ignore it as the word of God?

I understand why and how the books of the Old Testament were included in the Bible. What I fail to understand is if indeed your point of it being written for the Jews, should it be relevant in a society like contemporary America.

She isn't fooling anyone.

Bigoted Christians don't hesitate to use the Old Testament to condem gay marriage. They will throw Leviticus at you in a heartbeat.


Now, link to everything I have posted about gay marriage.
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Horseshit, boy.

Mainstream Americans do not accept evangelical and fundamentalist heresies, son.

You keep using that word. I do not believe it means what you think it means.

But that doesn't stop progressives, does it?

You don't understand it. Americans no longer accept as the cultural demography of white protestant evangelical and cultural heresies. They are having enough issue accepting the traditional, liturgical Christian denominations' impacts on our culture.

Most Americans think your belief patterns are freaky, son, and they associate with the TPM and the reactionary fringe movements.
The evangelical and fundamentalist heresies, predominant in the South and in the TPM, threaten the nation.

Losers, we don't want your down home religious heresies and we don't want to go back to the 1950s white America.

The evangelicals and fundamentalists don't want your atheist ass down south either, but they will pray for your soul.

Lots of BLACK fundamentalist and evangelicals down here as well, and it would be a hoot to know what religion has to do with threatening the nation.
Don a Confederate article of clothing and saunter up to some good old boys in the South, and within five minutes you will be hearing a ****** joke.

Without the Confederate article of clothing, it may take as long as ten minutes. As long as you are white.

That is a complete fabrication by a bigoted asshole.

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