Undecided Voters: did you see, on Super Tuesday, when Biden mistook his sister for his wife?

Jobs and money all came back to get to these levels under Obama and Biden. I don’t credit Trump for the being responsible for those numbers. They would have happened under any president within a small margin IMO.

I want a sense of civility and integrity restored to the office and I want somebody who can rebuild the broken relationships Trump has destroyed all over the world. We have a long way to go to rebuild trust on the world stage. Biden is the best to do so.

If you don't credit Trump, then according to your logic you can't credit Obama and Biden by claiming "money all came back to get to these levels under Obama and Biden" because your logic says those job numbers would have happened under any President within a small margin ---according to your biased logic.


Even worse for you, is that you claimed to want integrity restored to the office ---but you support Biden who exactly committed a corrupt act re: Ukraine from 2014-'16 by having his son go to globally-corrupt company in Ukraine to collect millions of dollars doing something he had no experience in whatsoever. Plus VP Biden corruptly got the prosecutor fired, in 2015, who came to question the Obama Admin about Hunter in Ukraine.

That's what you call integrity?
You're right the economy would have recovered under a McCain or Romney presidency as well. It hit bottom so as long as it was properly managed it would have came back. Obama wasn’t an economic genius, he managed the economy responsibly and it came back. I haven’t seen any significant trend changes under trump. Same unemployment trends, same GDP, same, stock market gains than Obama... more deficit

so I’ll say trump was a fine manager. Nowhere close to what he tries to claim credit for
Jobs and money all came back to get to these levels under Obama and Biden. I don’t credit Trump for the being responsible for those numbers. They would have happened under any president within a small margin IMO.

I want a sense of civility and integrity restored to the office and I want somebody who can rebuild the broken relationships Trump has destroyed all over the world. We have a long way to go to rebuild trust on the world stage. Biden is the best to do so.

If you don't credit Trump, then according to your logic you can't credit Obama and Biden by claiming "money all came back to get to these levels under Obama and Biden" because your logic says those job numbers would have happened under any President within a small margin ---according to your biased logic.


Even worse for you, is that you claimed to want integrity restored to the office ---but you support Biden who exactly committed a corrupt act re: Ukraine from 2014-'16 by having his son go to globally-corrupt company in Ukraine to collect millions of dollars doing something he had no experience in whatsoever. Plus VP Biden corruptly got the prosecutor fired, in 2015, who came to question the Obama Admin about Hunter in Ukraine.

That's what you call integrity?
Yes, I think Joe has integrity and I’m not fooled by your fake spin in Ukraine. Stop lying and try an honest argument
The reason is it's not just one video, it's video after video after video. And what kind of change are you looking for? Too many jobs around for you? Too many people making better money? Too many tax cuts that's partly responsible for the economy? Is the border too secure for you? Do the new trade deals favor the US too much? Is eliminating the fine for not following government orders too much freedom for you? What???

The jobs we have don't pay a living wage, people are making less money than they made in 1973 adjusted for inflation, tax cuts went to rich people, and the trade deals mean we are paying more in the store.

But you live in your slum, collect your welfare disability check, and say to yourself "Well, unemployment is .3% lower than it was in 2016, but at least we got the n****r out of the White House".

Trump cut taxes for our job creators. He removed pricy business regulations, and created the policy that for every new business regulation created, two had to be removed in it's place. He got rid of Commie Care fines. He lowered taxes for workers as well.

Ray wants to got back to the good old days when his insurance company could cheat him out of treatment. Oh, that's right, his boss already cancelled his insurance. Before he cancelled his job. And replaced him two weeks later.

Seems to me you were better off when Obama was in charge.
Yes, I think Joe has integrity and I’m not fooled by your fake spin in Ukraine. Stop lying and try an honest argument
Assuming he gets the nomination, his veep choice will be critical, for obvious reasons.

What's your guess? Does he pick a "progressive" to satisfy the base, or does he stay pragmatic?

I'm almost afraid to find out.
That’s a great question... if I had to pick one I’d say Clyburn... runners up would be a younger black woman like Harris or Abrams... but Harris made a fool out of herself with that bussing attack and Abrams is really green so probably not either of those two. Michelle Obama?? Haha.

Who do you think?
Jobs and money all came back to get to these levels under Obama and Biden. I don’t credit Trump for the being responsible for those numbers. They would have happened under any president within a small margin IMO.

I want a sense of civility and integrity restored to the office and I want somebody who can rebuild the broken relationships Trump has destroyed all over the world. We have a long way to go to rebuild trust on the world stage. Biden is the best to do so.

If you don't credit Trump, then according to your logic you can't credit Obama and Biden by claiming "money all came back to get to these levels under Obama and Biden" because your logic says those job numbers would have happened under any President within a small margin ---according to your biased logic.


Even worse for you, is that you claimed to want integrity restored to the office ---but you support Biden who exactly committed a corrupt act re: Ukraine from 2014-'16 by having his son go to globally-corrupt company in Ukraine to collect millions of dollars doing something he had no experience in whatsoever. Plus VP Biden corruptly got the prosecutor fired, in 2015, who came to question the Obama Admin about Hunter in Ukraine.

That's what you call integrity?
You're right the economy would have recovered under a McCain or Romney presidency as well. It hit bottom so as long as it was properly managed it would have came back. Obama wasn’t an economic genius, he managed the economy responsibly and it came back. I haven’t seen any significant trend changes under trump. Same unemployment trends, same GDP, same, stock market gains than Obama... more deficit

so I’ll say trump was a fine manager. Nowhere close to what he tries to claim credit for
this is responsible?

The Fed's Futile Effort To Bail Out Obamanomics
Yes, I think Joe has integrity and I’m not fooled by your fake spin in Ukraine. Stop lying and try an honest argument
Assuming he gets the nomination, his veep choice will be critical, for obvious reasons.

What's your guess? Does he pick a "progressive" to satisfy the base, or does he stay pragmatic?

I'm almost afraid to find out.
That’s a great question... if I had to pick one I’d say Clyburn... runners up would be a younger black woman like Harris or Abrams... but Harris made a fool out of herself with that bussing attack and Abrams is really green so probably not either of those two. Michelle Obama?? Haha.

Who do you think?
Really tough call. To put this is delicately as possible, both guys will need to pick someone who could step in, uh, fairly soon.

So does Bernie stick with his political principles? If so, Abrams pops to mind. Jill Stein. Tulsi. If he bends over for the party and balances the ticket, maybe Harris, Klobuchar.

Biden, holy crap. Could be very similar options there, only backwards. Biden/Gabbard might be their strongest ticket. Who knows.

Of course, most likely you and I will both be wrong. :laugh:
Confusing sister and wife... could happen to anyone. Especially to the Dem leaders like Omar for whom the sister IS the wife.

Seriously, can anyone name anyone else who has ever made this mistake? Just how far are the democrats willing to embarrass themselves trying to explain this guy?

At least Obama had the ability to ACT and LOOK thoughtful as he claimed he had just visited 57 states!
The jobs we have don't pay a living wage, people are making less money than they made in 1973 adjusted for inflation, tax cuts went to rich people, and the trade deals mean we are paying more in the store.

But you live in your slum, collect your welfare disability check, and say to yourself "Well, unemployment is .3% lower than it was in 2016, but at least we got the n****r out of the White House".

Right Joe, my reply was loaded with racial epithets. I am truly amazed at how people with serious untreated mental issues can see words that were never there. Just had my taxes done last Tuesday, now I have to go back to my professional tax preparer and tell her she lied to me. She pointed out how much more I'm getting back thanks to Trump's tax changes. If not for Trump, I would be paying this year. Now I have to tell her that JoeB on the internet stated only rich people got tax breaks.

Hey Joe, when did DumBama ever bring wages back to 1973 levels? I distinctly remember him lying.....I mean telling the American people that those jobs were never coming back. It's just something we're going to have to get used to. Trump can't bring them back unless he thinks he has a magic wand or something.

Trump Economy: Blue-Collar Wages Rise Faster than White-Collar

Ray wants to got back to the good old days when his insurance company could cheat him out of treatment. Oh, that's right, his boss already cancelled his insurance. Before he cancelled his job. And replaced him two weeks later.

Seems to me you were better off when Obama was in charge.

Sure I was. I lost my insurance thanks to that commie, I was fined because the garbage policies he wanted to replace it with were unaffordable, I was paying more in taxes every pay. Things were great, weren't they?

That's the magic question this year to the country: Are you better off today than you were four years ago?
...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

I saw it.

Joe can't move his head fast enough to keep up with the shifting those two women were doing. However, I personally think he's intentionally trying to look screwed up. He's probably going to win the nomination, and pick some twat(Michelle, Hillary, Warren, Buttigieg) to be his VP, then have to bow out of the race at some point.
...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

I saw it.

Joe can't move his head fast enough to keep up with the shifting those two women were doing. However, I personally think he's intentionally trying to look screwed up. He's probably going to win the nomination, and pick some twat(Michelle, Hillary, Warren, Buttigieg) to be his VP, then have to bow out of the race at some point.

Either that or the Durham investigation leads to Joe and something very damaging comes out. I don't think it's an act at all given his history. That's the real McCoy you seen on that stage. The man is simply not handling the aging process very well. This is one of my favorites.

...is this the guy, you want running the country? ..

... Biden's response? "they switched on me!"


Here he is @ 3 : 20

The decision-making processes of the, Commander-In-Chief, needs much better than this.

I saw it.

Joe can't move his head fast enough to keep up with the shifting those two women were doing. However, I personally think he's intentionally trying to look screwed up. He's probably going to win the nomination, and pick some twat(Michelle, Hillary, Warren, Buttigieg) to be his VP, then have to bow out of the race at some point.

Either that or the Durham investigation leads to Joe and something very damaging comes out. I don't think it's an act at all given his history. That's the real McCoy you seen on that stage. The man is simply not handling the aging process very well. This is one of my favorites.

Ever since he chaired the Clarence Thomas hearings in 92' I've thought he was a sleazebag.
Now he's just an old sleazebag.

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