Under New Plan- 85% of Americans Will take Standard IRS Deduction

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?

You are a PHONY, and if I had to bet the farm, I would bet you are LYING through your yellow teeth we can't see, lol.

I have a buck 3.80 that says this person is a phony-baloney! I also have a buck 3.80 that says this person is some UNDERLING WITH VISIONS OF GRANDEUR, trying to convince everyone he is a legend......a legend in his own mind-)

Answer the question.

Also, the poster that I was answering stated by not paying State taxes, he receives a $10,000.00/yr pay increase. Based on current VA State income tax rates, how much in taxable income would he have to make for that kind of savings?
You pay the property taxes you pay whether you can deduct them or not. What this deduction does is allow those high tax blue states to get off the books welfare from Uncle Sam. By being able to cut your federal taxes by say a grand, the state can then raise theirs by a grand and leave you in the same spot.

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?
I have no idea...where is your residency?
You are disingenuous. The left do NOT call them taxes, they call them INVESTMENTS. Being as that you are a 1%, you should be excited to have MORE investments!

Answer the question; Who pays taxes on taxes?

Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?

I answered you, and you are using semantics; we both know this. There ARE hidden taxes in virtually EVERYTHING that is not deemed essential. Your claim that NOBODY should have to pay taxes on taxes is quaint, but trying to insist nobody has until now is ludicrous. What you should be saying is---------->EVERYBODY is already paying tax on a tax, they have just now decided to bring it out in the open.

That being said---------> you aside; I am fascinated that people who constantly insist on higher taxes for CERTAIN people, are bent out of shape over the possibility of higher taxes for them. That is the height of hypocrisy, is it not!

WE are consistent! We don't want higher taxes for us; we don't want higher taxes for you! Still and all...........isn't it kinda funny that the SJWs of these states who have NEVER seen a tax they didn't like, have finally found one; and in essence it is NOT a tax, but rather the loss of a deduction. Forgive me when many of us say........it is ironic at best, and hysterically funny at worst, to see these people reverse their stance so quickly on higher rate %s, that which they all claim in unison will cause a deficit; but oh by the way.......let them keep their carve-out, hehehehehehehe!
That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?
I have no idea...where is your residency?

Could one establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia?
Answer the question; Who pays taxes on taxes?

Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?

I answered you, and you are using semantics; we both know this. There ARE hidden taxes in virtually EVERYTHING that is not deemed essential. Your claim that NOBODY should have to pay taxes on taxes is quaint, but trying to insist nobody has until now is ludicrous. What you should be saying is---------->EVERYBODY is already paying tax on a tax, they have just now decided to bring it out in the open.

That being said---------> you aside; I am fascinated that people who constantly insist on higher taxes for CERTAIN people, are bent out of shape over the possibility of higher taxes for them. That is the height of hypocrisy, is it not!

WE are consistent! We don't want higher taxes for us; we don't want higher taxes for you! Still and all...........isn't it kinda funny that the SJWs of these states who have NEVER seen a tax they didn't like, have finally found one; and in essence it is NOT a tax, but rather the loss of a deduction. Forgive me when many of us say........it is ironic at best, and hysterically funny at worst, to see these people reverse their stance so quickly on higher rate %s, that which they all claim in unison will cause a deficit; but oh by the way.......let them keep their carve-out, hehehehehehehe!

So your issue is that a company pays taxes and passes the cost on to the consumer as a cost is actually a double tax?
Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?

I answered you, and you are using semantics; we both know this. There ARE hidden taxes in virtually EVERYTHING that is not deemed essential. Your claim that NOBODY should have to pay taxes on taxes is quaint, but trying to insist nobody has until now is ludicrous. What you should be saying is---------->EVERYBODY is already paying tax on a tax, they have just now decided to bring it out in the open.

That being said---------> you aside; I am fascinated that people who constantly insist on higher taxes for CERTAIN people, are bent out of shape over the possibility of higher taxes for them. That is the height of hypocrisy, is it not!

WE are consistent! We don't want higher taxes for us; we don't want higher taxes for you! Still and all...........isn't it kinda funny that the SJWs of these states who have NEVER seen a tax they didn't like, have finally found one; and in essence it is NOT a tax, but rather the loss of a deduction. Forgive me when many of us say........it is ironic at best, and hysterically funny at worst, to see these people reverse their stance so quickly on higher rate %s, that which they all claim in unison will cause a deficit; but oh by the way.......let them keep their carve-out, hehehehehehehe!

So your issue is that a company pays taxes and passes the cost on to the consumer as a cost is actually a double tax?

Does the money go to the government, and does the amount move depending upon the cost? If so, then YES, it is a tax, it is just hidden!
I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?
I have no idea...where is your residency?

Could one establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia?
Not without risking a colonoscopy from the tax collectors.
Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?

I answered you, and you are using semantics; we both know this. There ARE hidden taxes in virtually EVERYTHING that is not deemed essential. Your claim that NOBODY should have to pay taxes on taxes is quaint, but trying to insist nobody has until now is ludicrous. What you should be saying is---------->EVERYBODY is already paying tax on a tax, they have just now decided to bring it out in the open.

That being said---------> you aside; I am fascinated that people who constantly insist on higher taxes for CERTAIN people, are bent out of shape over the possibility of higher taxes for them. That is the height of hypocrisy, is it not!

WE are consistent! We don't want higher taxes for us; we don't want higher taxes for you! Still and all...........isn't it kinda funny that the SJWs of these states who have NEVER seen a tax they didn't like, have finally found one; and in essence it is NOT a tax, but rather the loss of a deduction. Forgive me when many of us say........it is ironic at best, and hysterically funny at worst, to see these people reverse their stance so quickly on higher rate %s, that which they all claim in unison will cause a deficit; but oh by the way.......let them keep their carve-out, hehehehehehehe!

So your issue is that a company pays taxes and passes the cost on to the consumer as a cost is actually a double tax?

Does the money go to the government, and does the amount move depending upon the cost? If so, then YES, it is a tax, it is just hidden!

LOL!!!! Next you'll be saying that the tax on profits the company pays is a tax on you.....in utero.
so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan

You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

The debt can't go down until we have a balanced budget first. Heck, they can't even write a budget without deficit spending.

The new tax bill doesn't affect me so I won't comment on that other than to say non-deductible state and local taxes are not going to save us.
yeah the tax "reform" just adds to the debt, and they'll increase defense spending even while cutting spending for terrorism defense.
How does it add to the debt?
It isn't revenue neutral. That's how.
so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan

I have an incredibly simple solution for any liberals who whine about New Yorkers and Californians not being able to deduct their high state taxes.

I wonder if any of them will ask me what it is. ;)
Here's how it works.

You and I earn identical incomes and so we have identical tax rates and pay identical taxes.

But wait! You get a tax deduction for behaving the way the government wants you to behave.

Now we have a deficit because you are paying less taxes.

In order to eliminate that deficit, the government has to raise the tax rate on you and I and everyone else.

In this way, your deduction is being paid out of MY pocket and the pocket of every other taxpayer. It is theft. Your deduction is not you getting to keep more of your money. It is you stealing MY money.

We've lost the innumerate tards right here. Their alleged brains are smoking.

So let's say the government wants to cut tax rates.

To make sure the tax cut is "revenue neutral", they would have to take away that thieving deduction you get.

If the government does NOT take away your thieving deduction, then we have a deficit.

And this is the part where pseudocons who think they are conservatives start screaming like welfare queens.
Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?
I have no idea...where is your residency?

Could one establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia?
Not without risking a colonoscopy from the tax collectors.

Ever hear of snow birds?
I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?
I have no idea...where is your residency?

Could one establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia?
It depends how many days you live in Virginia.
The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?

I answered you, and you are using semantics; we both know this. There ARE hidden taxes in virtually EVERYTHING that is not deemed essential. Your claim that NOBODY should have to pay taxes on taxes is quaint, but trying to insist nobody has until now is ludicrous. What you should be saying is---------->EVERYBODY is already paying tax on a tax, they have just now decided to bring it out in the open.

That being said---------> you aside; I am fascinated that people who constantly insist on higher taxes for CERTAIN people, are bent out of shape over the possibility of higher taxes for them. That is the height of hypocrisy, is it not!

WE are consistent! We don't want higher taxes for us; we don't want higher taxes for you! Still and all...........isn't it kinda funny that the SJWs of these states who have NEVER seen a tax they didn't like, have finally found one; and in essence it is NOT a tax, but rather the loss of a deduction. Forgive me when many of us say........it is ironic at best, and hysterically funny at worst, to see these people reverse their stance so quickly on higher rate %s, that which they all claim in unison will cause a deficit; but oh by the way.......let them keep their carve-out, hehehehehehehe!

So your issue is that a company pays taxes and passes the cost on to the consumer as a cost is actually a double tax?

Does the money go to the government, and does the amount move depending upon the cost? If so, then YES, it is a tax, it is just hidden!

LOL!!!! Next you'll be saying that the tax on profits the company pays is a tax on you.....in utero.

Let me NOT give you the wrong impression..............I am NOT in favor of this plan! Not because I want to keep the status quo, but because it just shifts around responsibility for an already over taxed citizenry.

Things could change with the Senate bill, but I doubt it!

But in closing the discussion with you, I will leave you with this------------> in our country, foreign owners with businesses pay our government taxes on the profit they make. When they are done paying, they can take the remainder BACK to their country of origin WITHOUT more taxes to their home country.

Not so in reverse! If any of us make a dollar in another country, after it is taxed, when we try to bring the dollar home, our country then taxes it! So when you ask why so many of our home country's dollars NEVER come back to circulate here, you now know why! And yet, when a new manufacturing company comes here to build, what is it that even BLUE STATES offer them to relocate to their jurisdiction? TAX BREAKS!

So, for anyone from either side to insist that LOWER taxes do NOT have an impact on the prospects for employment is ludicrous. Even Leftists know this, even though they try to hide the truth from their constituency!
so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan

You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

The debt can't go down until we have a balanced budget first. Heck, they can't even write a budget without deficit spending.

The new tax bill doesn't affect me so I won't comment on that other than to say non-deductible state and local taxes are not going to save us.
yeah the tax "reform" just adds to the debt, and they'll increase defense spending even while cutting spending for terrorism defense.

I'm sure there are plenty of places to cut waste, but then it's political battle. We don't need bureaucracies. We don't need to be funding the arts, NPR, Planned Parenthood or PBS. There is no reason one out of every eight Americans need to be fed by the federal taxpayers.
I'm not arguing, but to address deficits, they gotta address soc sec, medicare AND defense. And Trump is not going there. Say what you will about Obama, but he was willing to address all three. So was Mitt, or at least the first two.

Oh please. Under DumBama, he took our debt from 10 trillion to 20 trillion in eight years. He had no intent on lowering the debt or deficit.

If people want to keep SS and Medicare, we have to fund the programs simple as that. When was the last time they increased deductions for either? I don't know either, but what I do know is that no bank stays open for very long when people deposit $500.00 checks and withdraw $600.00. While medical costs have skyrocketed, we have not funded those increased costs.

This is like talking about undocumented -- The numbers get bigger with every retelling.

Average people will lose money with trump's tax "plan".

You're thinking in the wrong direction about SocSec and Medicare. I suspect that when you get a little older, you'll start paying more attention.
I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?

You are a PHONY, and if I had to bet the farm, I would bet you are LYING through your yellow teeth we can't see, lol.

I have a buck 3.80 that says this person is a phony-baloney! I also have a buck 3.80 that says this person is some UNDERLING WITH VISIONS OF GRANDEUR, trying to convince everyone he is a legend......a legend in his own mind-)

Answer the question.

Also, the poster that I was answering stated by not paying State taxes, he receives a $10,000.00/yr pay increase. Based on current VA State income tax rates, how much in taxable income would he have to make for that kind of savings?
Over $150,000 a year.. At 7% state, that is roughly $10,000 in state taxes, city taxes, and property taxes... Shall we continue?

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