Under New Plan- 85% of Americans Will take Standard IRS Deduction

so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan

You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

The debt can't go down until we have a balanced budget first. Heck, they can't even write a budget without deficit spending.

The new tax bill doesn't affect me so I won't comment on that other than to say non-deductible state and local taxes are not going to save us.

How are you going to balance a budget based on anticipated expenses?
How can you balance the budget when liberals who find a surplus in tax revenues, create new welfare programs to spend that surplus?

I asked you a very simple question. Why don't you answer it?
so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan

You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

The debt can't go down until we have a balanced budget first. Heck, they can't even write a budget without deficit spending.

The new tax bill doesn't affect me so I won't comment on that other than to say non-deductible state and local taxes are not going to save us.

How are you going to balance a budget based on anticipated expenses?
How can you balance the budget when liberals who find a surplus in tax revenues, create new welfare programs to spend that surplus?
Hand outs are how democrats get elected... take away that ability to give them and you end democrats reign of terror. We have spending problem not a revenue problem. we have to be smarter in how we use helping programs... no free rides...

Republican sponsored corporate welfare far and exceeds social welfare. Are you sure you don't have your parties mixed?
so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan


Currently 65%+/- American taxpayers don't qualify for itemized deductions because they don't make enough money and Trump wants to raise that to 85%?

Because their exemptions exceed the 12.5K standard deduction. Once the SD is doubled, it will benefit 20% more Americans. That is why this is a great plan for middle class.


Not if you have a large family. If your family has 4 or more people then the new standard deduction will be less than the old standard deduction and personal exemptions.

meh, someone has to be in the minority. Can't benefit everyone


so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan

You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

Anyone from any State that pays State and local/city tax can deduct it from their federal return.

Shouldn't be! No way should you be able to deduct state and local taxes from your federal income tax. Are you telling me that states who finance themselves with MORE sales taxes that their citizens get screwed!

PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE! Just because someone decides to live in a dtate that hoses its people in State income tax, doesn't mean they should NOT be paying less into the fed.

Again------>if you are rich enough to live in a high taxing authority, do NOT bitch! Pay YOUR FAIR SHARE-)

You pay the property taxes you pay whether you can deduct them or not. What this deduction does is allow those high tax blue states to get off the books welfare from Uncle Sam. By being able to cut your federal taxes by say a grand, the state can then raise theirs by a grand and leave you in the same spot.

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding


No, it benefits people to pay taxes in a State without State income taxes. Trumps plan doesn't include the rich like me or for that matter, Bill Gates.
You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

Anyone from any State that pays State and local/city tax can deduct it from their federal return.

Shouldn't be! No way should you be able to deduct state and local taxes from your federal income tax. Are you telling me that states who finance themselves with MORE sales taxes that their citizens get screwed!

PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE! Just because someone decides to live in a dtate that hoses its people in State income tax, doesn't mean they should NOT be paying less into the fed.

Again------>if you are rich enough to live in a high taxing authority, do NOT bitch! Pay YOUR FAIR SHARE-)

You pay the property taxes you pay whether you can deduct them or not. What this deduction does is allow those high tax blue states to get off the books welfare from Uncle Sam. By being able to cut your federal taxes by say a grand, the state can then raise theirs by a grand and leave you in the same spot.

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Anyone from any State that pays State and local/city tax can deduct it from their federal return.

Shouldn't be! No way should you be able to deduct state and local taxes from your federal income tax. Are you telling me that states who finance themselves with MORE sales taxes that their citizens get screwed!

PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE! Just because someone decides to live in a dtate that hoses its people in State income tax, doesn't mean they should NOT be paying less into the fed.

Again------>if you are rich enough to live in a high taxing authority, do NOT bitch! Pay YOUR FAIR SHARE-)

You pay the property taxes you pay whether you can deduct them or not. What this deduction does is allow those high tax blue states to get off the books welfare from Uncle Sam. By being able to cut your federal taxes by say a grand, the state can then raise theirs by a grand and leave you in the same spot.

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

I did that 16 months ago. Took my pension from a high tax state of Commiefornia, and rolled down to Tennessee. Essentially, I moved back to America


Unless you moved to Nashville, how are you assimilating with stupid?
It is wrong to force people to pay taxes on taxes. One of the reasons that they pay higher taxes is because they have higher per capita incomes. They should not be eliminated.

Who pays taxes on taxes?

You are disingenuous. The left do NOT call them taxes, they call them INVESTMENTS. Being as that you are a 1%, you should be excited to have MORE investments!

Answer the question; Who pays taxes on taxes?

Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?
I look fwd to real savings, not like the 2K we were supposed to get under ACA according to Obama.

so quit whining about your state and property tax being excluded from approved write-offs. States like Ca, NY etc, with high state taxes to pay for their liberal wasteful programs, can have at it. But the continued federal deduction for these policies should and likely will be eliminated

Smart policy is Mr Tumps tax plan

You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

The debt can't go down until we have a balanced budget first. Heck, they can't even write a budget without deficit spending.

The new tax bill doesn't affect me so I won't comment on that other than to say non-deductible state and local taxes are not going to save us.

How are you going to balance a budget based on anticipated expenses?
How can you balance the budget when liberals who find a surplus in tax revenues, create new welfare programs to spend that surplus?

I asked you a very simple question. Why don't you answer it?
I did answer your question. You just have to decipher the answer....you don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize what I said.
You keep hearing the left say that people need to pay their fair share, so the debt will go down, why should high taxed liberal states get to deduct their state and city taxes, just because of how high they are?

The debt can't go down until we have a balanced budget first. Heck, they can't even write a budget without deficit spending.

The new tax bill doesn't affect me so I won't comment on that other than to say non-deductible state and local taxes are not going to save us.

How are you going to balance a budget based on anticipated expenses?
How can you balance the budget when liberals who find a surplus in tax revenues, create new welfare programs to spend that surplus?

I asked you a very simple question. Why don't you answer it?
I did answer your question. You just have to decipher the answer....you don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize what I said.

You bloviated.

Lets try it again; How are you going to balance a budget based on anticipated expenses?
It is wrong to force people to pay taxes on taxes. One of the reasons that they pay higher taxes is because they have higher per capita incomes. They should not be eliminated.

Who pays taxes on taxes?

You are disingenuous. The left do NOT call them taxes, they call them INVESTMENTS. Being as that you are a 1%, you should be excited to have MORE investments!

Answer the question; Who pays taxes on taxes?

Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)
Not a great plan for most small business, which are service orientated. Most small business and s-corp set ups are excluded from getting the new rate, but what they will get is an exciting increase in payroll taxes going forward. I think most of these businesses are better off under current law.
Anyone from any State that pays State and local/city tax can deduct it from their federal return.

Shouldn't be! No way should you be able to deduct state and local taxes from your federal income tax. Are you telling me that states who finance themselves with MORE sales taxes that their citizens get screwed!

PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE! Just because someone decides to live in a dtate that hoses its people in State income tax, doesn't mean they should NOT be paying less into the fed.

Again------>if you are rich enough to live in a high taxing authority, do NOT bitch! Pay YOUR FAIR SHARE-)

You pay the property taxes you pay whether you can deduct them or not. What this deduction does is allow those high tax blue states to get off the books welfare from Uncle Sam. By being able to cut your federal taxes by say a grand, the state can then raise theirs by a grand and leave you in the same spot.

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.
Who pays taxes on taxes?

You are disingenuous. The left do NOT call them taxes, they call them INVESTMENTS. Being as that you are a 1%, you should be excited to have MORE investments!

Answer the question; Who pays taxes on taxes?

Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?
Shouldn't be! No way should you be able to deduct state and local taxes from your federal income tax. Are you telling me that states who finance themselves with MORE sales taxes that their citizens get screwed!

PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE! Just because someone decides to live in a dtate that hoses its people in State income tax, doesn't mean they should NOT be paying less into the fed.

Again------>if you are rich enough to live in a high taxing authority, do NOT bitch! Pay YOUR FAIR SHARE-)

You pay the property taxes you pay whether you can deduct them or not. What this deduction does is allow those high tax blue states to get off the books welfare from Uncle Sam. By being able to cut your federal taxes by say a grand, the state can then raise theirs by a grand and leave you in the same spot.

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?
Not a great plan for most small business, which are service orientated. Most small business and s-corp set ups are excluded from getting the new rate, but what they will get is an exciting increase in payroll taxes going forward. I think most of these businesses are better off under current law.


If Trump wanted to be a hero and cement his 2nd run he can use my plan.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
You are disingenuous. The left do NOT call them taxes, they call them INVESTMENTS. Being as that you are a 1%, you should be excited to have MORE investments!

Answer the question; Who pays taxes on taxes?

Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?

Is that all you have, REALLY! You need me to define for you what I have already spelled out!?!?!?!?!?!

You really are a 1% aren't you-) The one percent who has NOTHING, and tries to make pretend. You are PATHETIC! I bet you are in your parents basement, making pretend, lol!

OK, OK, everyone, this is REALLY Bill Gates, the MAGNIFICENT one Percenter, lol.

You have NOTHING, nothing, just like Shultz! You are a phony-baloney, not a 1 percenter......but a PRETENDER, know nothing, and are disguising what you really are-----> a far leftist, with visions of grandeur-)
You pay the property taxes you pay whether you can deduct them or not. What this deduction does is allow those high tax blue states to get off the books welfare from Uncle Sam. By being able to cut your federal taxes by say a grand, the state can then raise theirs by a grand and leave you in the same spot.

That is why it benefits Americans to live in a no state income tax state, property tax not-withstanding

I am moving from VA a high tax state to FL a no tax state. I will end up with a $10,000 pay increase...

Or you can establish residency in Florida and live in Virginia.
Not legally.

I have properties in California, Nevada, New York, Florida, and US Virgin Islands. Where is my residency?

You are a PHONY, and if I had to bet the farm, I would bet you are LYING through your yellow teeth we can't see, lol.

I have a buck 3.80 that says this person is a phony-baloney! I also have a buck 3.80 that says this person is some UNDERLING WITH VISIONS OF GRANDEUR, trying to convince everyone he is a legend......a legend in his own mind-)
Answer the question; Who pays taxes on taxes?

Good question, to bad I have an answer-)

Do you drink beer or any kind of alcohol? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you use toilet paper-)

WELL, if you use any of these products, and a HOST of others, the government TAXES it significantly as a SIN tax, or as a NOT REQUIRED product. (yes, even toilet paper has a BUILT IN TAX) So when you go to the store and buy these products, YOU are paying a TAX on a TAX! That is correct Mr One Percenter, YOU ARE paying a tax on a tax.

And then, let us all NOT forget all those products and commodities our lobbyists have our government putting a TARIFF on. What is a TARIFF? It is a tax! And when the product or commodity is sold to us, does the price go up because of the TARIFF? Why yes it does! *and don't give me some hocus-pocus it doesn't. Nobody here is dumb enough to believe that someone lobbied to have a tariff so as their products could compete with them, and the price didn't go up, lolol.......and if you are honestly a ONE PERCENTER, you already know this) So therefore, price goes UP, then you pay sales tax, ergo.......you are paying a TAX on a TAX.

I have made my point, so shall rest my case-)

Who paid those TARIFF'S?

The American people through the price! Therefore, DOUBLE TAX-)

First, it's "TAX on a TAX" and now it's "DOUBLE TAX"......which is it?

Is that all you have, REALLY! You need me to define for you what I have already spelled out!?!?!?!?!?!

You really are a 1% aren't you-) The one percent who has NOTHING, and tries to make pretend. You are PATHETIC! I bet you are in your parents basement, making pretend, lol!

OK, OK, everyone, this is REALLY Bill Gates, the MAGNIFICENT one Percenter, lol.

You have NOTHING, nothing, just like Shultz! You are a phony-baloney, not a 1 percenter......but a PRETENDER, know nothing, and are disguising what you really are-----> a far leftist, with visions of grandeur-)

So you've got nothing?

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