Under what circumstances, if any, could you see yourself taking up arms against fellow Americans?

LOL ... the Rw's insist having the very thing that would extinguish these so called patriots like the little bugs they really are ...

a powerful Military ..

RW idiots.

I thought you were a Republican? Now you're not? Have you updated your facebook page?

And fighting the military means you want a strong military? Say what? You may want to read your shit before you click

apparently the inane brain waves of the RW's escape you faster than the sarcasm in my post.
LOL ... the Rw's insist having the very thing that would extinguish these so called patriots like the little bugs they really are ...

a powerful Military ..

RW idiots.

I thought you were a Republican? Now you're not? Have you updated your facebook page?

And fighting the military means you want a strong military? Say what? You may want to read your shit before you click

apparently the inane brain waves of the RW's escape you faster than the sarcasm in my post.

Maybe you could have made it clever or witty or something to give me a hint rather than making it typical leftist crap. And another republican who's insulting me by calling me a Republican?
LOL ... the Rw's insist having the very thing that would extinguish these so called patriots like the little bugs they really are ...

a powerful Military ..

RW idiots.

I thought you were a Republican? Now you're not? Have you updated your facebook page?

And fighting the military means you want a strong military? Say what? You may want to read your shit before you click

apparently the inane brain waves of the RW's escape you faster than the sarcasm in my post.

Maybe you could have made it clever or witty or something to give me a hint rather than making it typical leftist crap. And another republican who's insulting me by calling me a Republican?

oh please ... you needed a hint to figure my comment out?

so go find another thread and be stupid.
Seriously...we have a revolution every 2 years. That is the great thing about our republic. The ones who want an armed insurrection (teapers) are the ones who do not believe in democracy.

That is what I look forward to the day these bastards try to start their revolution. They are anti-American, anti-democracy cowards who threaten the American way with threats and violence. They are terrorists...more dangerous to the American people than any killer muslim. They are savages.

Your grasp on reality is tenuous, at best.
Because I believe in the Constitution? Yep, you are a teaper.
Seriously...we have a revolution every 2 years. That is the great thing about our republic. The ones who want an armed insurrection (teapers) are the ones who do not believe in democracy.

That is what I look forward to the day these bastards try to start their revolution. They are anti-American, anti-democracy cowards who threaten the American way with threats and violence. They are terrorists...more dangerous to the American people than any killer muslim. They are savages.

Your grasp on reality is tenuous, at best.
Because I believe in the Constitution? Yep, you are a teaper.

Actually, you don't believe in the Constitution ... you have made it perfectly clear that you do not believe in freedom of speech (unless, of course, they say what you want them to say), you don't believe in the freedom of assembly (unless it's a meeting of liberal nitwits), you don't believe in the 2nd Amendment, and you don't believe in the separation of powers.

You talk one game ---- but you play a decidedly different one.
:lmao: You fucking teapers make up shit at will, don't you. Fuck you...you are a pathetc low info lemmng. Don't assign values or opinoins to me. Fucking idiot. That s what low info lemmings do...they can't argue a point, so they assign values PLEASE START YOUR WAR.

So much for intelligent input .... when confronted with information that disputes your misconceptions, your initial reaction is to attack, rather than discuss the disconnects.

You ought to be embarrassed ... this approach is intellectually bankrupt and morally lazy. Go away.
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.

History tells us you are absolutely wrong ... but I'm pretty sure you never let facts get in your way.
When the revolution comes, I will take up arms against slower drivers in the left lane.
I will be picking teapers off one at a time.

Talk's cheap ....
Bullets were cheap, too, until the rubes started hoarding 'em!

Now I will have to ask myself, "Is that dipshit on his cell phone while he's driving worth the cost of this bullet?"

Before all the hoarding, I would not have hesitated. But now...
The RW has groomed some very stupid people. There is no telling how far they might go if ordered by FOX to react violently to any particular set of circumstances. They already have convinced these cretens that Liberals are evil and the enemies of the nation. Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove and the Kochs have worked tirelessly to divide the country. They bankrolled the Tea Party and have made it their mission to vilify anyone that does not tow their political agendas.. If there is an armed attempt to take politics to the streets I would look in their direction for it's genesis.
You're insane.

Maybe so. Arguing with you treasonous A-Holes could be construed as a repetitive waste of time which seems to be the commonly accepted definition of insanity.
I'd be fighting against the state, and the capitalists who control the state.

I thought you were a Marxist, you should love our government, why would you fight them when you are getting your way?
Holy. Shit. You need a basic course on Marxist theory. I vehemently oppose the current state, and communism calls for the abolition of the state.

I see, so you're another of the you're confused between whether you want a ubiquitous State or no State crowd who talks about no State while fighting for a ubiquitous State?
What are you talking about? If the state will continue to exist for some time, it might aswell be used to help those suffering in a capitalist system.

So we can't have economic freedom (capitalism) while we wait for your goal of no government to be accomplished by the ubiquitous government you want until we accomplish no government. And I didn't think you knew what you were talking about. LOL, I was right...
You don't know what you're talking about, tell me, what is marxism? Don't look it up on wikipedia either.
I thought you were a Marxist, you should love our government, why would you fight them when you are getting your way?
Holy. Shit. You need a basic course on Marxist theory. I vehemently oppose the current state, and communism calls for the abolition of the state.

I see, so you're another of the you're confused between whether you want a ubiquitous State or no State crowd who talks about no State while fighting for a ubiquitous State?
What are you talking about? If the state will continue to exist for some time, it might aswell be used to help those suffering in a capitalist system.

So we can't have economic freedom (capitalism) while we wait for your goal of no government to be accomplished by the ubiquitous government you want until we accomplish no government. And I didn't think you knew what you were talking about. LOL, I was right...
You don't know what you're talking about, tell me, what is marxism? Don't look it up on wikipedia either.

So I have to explain Marxism to a Marxist before I tell you what's wrong with it? If you know, my answer is clear
Holy. Shit. You need a basic course on Marxist theory. I vehemently oppose the current state, and communism calls for the abolition of the state.

I see, so you're another of the you're confused between whether you want a ubiquitous State or no State crowd who talks about no State while fighting for a ubiquitous State?
What are you talking about? If the state will continue to exist for some time, it might aswell be used to help those suffering in a capitalist system.

So we can't have economic freedom (capitalism) while we wait for your goal of no government to be accomplished by the ubiquitous government you want until we accomplish no government. And I didn't think you knew what you were talking about. LOL, I was right...
You don't know what you're talking about, tell me, what is marxism? Don't look it up on wikipedia either.

So I have to explain Marxism to a Marxist before I tell you what's wrong with it? If you know, my answer is clear
Oh, I know you attempt to oversimplify a very complex subject you know nothing about.
I see, so you're another of the you're confused between whether you want a ubiquitous State or no State crowd who talks about no State while fighting for a ubiquitous State?
What are you talking about? If the state will continue to exist for some time, it might aswell be used to help those suffering in a capitalist system.

So we can't have economic freedom (capitalism) while we wait for your goal of no government to be accomplished by the ubiquitous government you want until we accomplish no government. And I didn't think you knew what you were talking about. LOL, I was right...
You don't know what you're talking about, tell me, what is marxism? Don't look it up on wikipedia either.

So I have to explain Marxism to a Marxist before I tell you what's wrong with it? If you know, my answer is clear
Oh, I know you attempt to oversimplify a very complex subject you know nothing about.

Nope, you didn't understand my post, you were right about that. Why is it that leftists never get points? Any idea?
What are you talking about? If the state will continue to exist for some time, it might aswell be used to help those suffering in a capitalist system.

So we can't have economic freedom (capitalism) while we wait for your goal of no government to be accomplished by the ubiquitous government you want until we accomplish no government. And I didn't think you knew what you were talking about. LOL, I was right...
You don't know what you're talking about, tell me, what is marxism? Don't look it up on wikipedia either.

So I have to explain Marxism to a Marxist before I tell you what's wrong with it? If you know, my answer is clear
Oh, I know you attempt to oversimplify a very complex subject you know nothing about.

Nope, you didn't understand my post, you were right about that. Why is it that leftists never get points? Any idea?
Stereotype all leftists, lack any basic understanding of marxism. - Formula for success
Holy. Shit. You need a basic course on Marxist theory. I vehemently oppose the current state, and communism calls for the abolition of the state.

I see, so you're another of the you're confused between whether you want a ubiquitous State or no State crowd who talks about no State while fighting for a ubiquitous State?
What are you talking about? If the state will continue to exist for some time, it might aswell be used to help those suffering in a capitalist system.

So we can't have economic freedom (capitalism) while we wait for your goal of no government to be accomplished by the ubiquitous government you want until we accomplish no government. And I didn't think you knew what you were talking about. LOL, I was right...
You are doing a good job of demonstrating your total ignorance of the marxist philosophy.

You can't defeat what you don't even comprehend.

Being an imbecile I knew this would go over your head.


Always your syntax check .
I see, so you're another of the you're confused between whether you want a ubiquitous State or no State crowd who talks about no State while fighting for a ubiquitous State?
What are you talking about? If the state will continue to exist for some time, it might aswell be used to help those suffering in a capitalist system.

So we can't have economic freedom (capitalism) while we wait for your goal of no government to be accomplished by the ubiquitous government you want until we accomplish no government. And I didn't think you knew what you were talking about. LOL, I was right...
You are doing a good job of demonstrating your total ignorance of the marxist philosophy.

You can't defeat what you don't even comprehend.

Being an imbecile I knew this would go over your head.


Always your syntax check .
There are no circumstances in which I'd take up arms. Against anybody.

Not even to protect yourself or a family member?
I'd imagine there are a bunch of thieves/criminals in your area that would love your address.

OK, here's my address:

123 Not The Comic Books Way,
Reality, Theworld

Not my brain child. I stole it from liberal gun grabbers,so consider the source.

I don't know what that means, but the phrase "liberal gun grabber" is oxymoronic.

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