Under what circumstances, if any, could you see yourself taking up arms against fellow Americans?

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.
If the South ever "rises again."

Agreed, What a change a century and a half has been. My great grandfather fought for the north against slavery. Today I would fight for the south against slavery.

The left keeps assuming the military would be loyal to their socialist controlled government. The ideology of most of those in the military is counter to that, I don't think this would play out like they think it would
There are no circumstances in which I'd take up arms. Against anybody.

Not even to protect yourself or a family member?
I'd imagine there are a bunch of thieves/criminals in your area that would love your address.

OK, here's my address:

123 Not The Comic Books Way,
Reality, Theworld

Not my brain child. I stole it from liberal gun grabbers,so consider the source.
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.
The next time they don't pick up their dog poop...
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.

An armed rebellion against the government would be a futile gesture. Government's Continuity of Government plans were designed to survive a Soviet nuclear strike. A bunch of yahoos with ARs and AKs would be throwing their lives away for little more than a few nights mention on the news.

My plan's simple. Once family doesn't tie me down here any longer, I'm heading for a not-fucked up country that isn't trying to take over the world.
If they try to rob me, or attempt other criminal acts....if the turn into the German, Russian, Chinese, Cuban, and many Latin American countries in the 20th century and some that are still there today.....

If law enforcement teams up with drug cartels to murder me and my neighbors as they are doing right now in Mexico...

If the government encourages and arms one group of our people to slaughter another group as happened in Rwanda....
Having taken the oath, as have millions of others, to support and defend the COTUS against all enemies, foreign and domestic, I suppose most of us would,

It seems to me the babel from the right, those who seem to want to fight from the safety of their keyboard would go the way of David Koresh, Donald David DeFreeze, Timothy McVeigh, or join Eric Rudolph & Robert Hanssen at FDX Florence - seems the keyboard commandos would be better off seeking asylum in Russian with Edward Snowden.
When the revolution comes, I will take up arms against slower drivers in the left lane.
Seriously...we have a revolution every 2 years. That is the great thing about our republic. The ones who want an armed insurrection (teapers) are the ones who do not believe in democracy.

That is what I look forward to the day these bastards try to start their revolution. They are anti-American, anti-democracy cowards who threaten the American way with threats and violence. They are terrorists...more dangerous to the American people than any killer muslim. They are savages.

Your grasp on reality is tenuous, at best.
Because I believe in the Constitution? Yep, you are a teaper.
Seriously...we have a revolution every 2 years. That is the great thing about our republic. The ones who want an armed insurrection (teapers) are the ones who do not believe in democracy.

That is what I look forward to the day these bastards try to start their revolution. They are anti-American, anti-democracy cowards who threaten the American way with threats and violence. They are terrorists...more dangerous to the American people than any killer muslim. They are savages.

Your grasp on reality is tenuous, at best.
Because I believe in the Constitution? Yep, you are a teaper.

Actually, you don't believe in the Constitution ... you have made it perfectly clear that you do not believe in freedom of speech (unless, of course, they say what you want them to say), you don't believe in the freedom of assembly (unless it's a meeting of liberal nitwits), you don't believe in the 2nd Amendment, and you don't believe in the separation of powers.

You talk one game ---- but you play a decidedly different one.
:lmao: You fucking teapers make up shit at will, don't you. Fuck you...you are a pathetc low info lemmng. Don't assign values or opinoins to me. Fucking idiot. That s what low info lemmings do...they can't argue a point, so they assign values PLEASE START YOUR WAR.
I could easily imagine Obama sending Federal marshals in to confiscate ballots because they were "under threat." That would be cause to take up arms right there.
You could imagine a lot...but you are a racist teaper idiot with a vivid imagination...like an 8 year old.

:lol: Teaper racists are pathetic.
Defending yourself against a rabble is one thing but the term "taking up arms" indicates intentional aggression or revolution. The answer is ....never.
When the revolution comes, I will take up arms against slower drivers in the left lane.
I will be picking teapers off one at a time.
Possibly said in jest but there is lots of hatred behind it. What if you substituted the "N" word for the "T" word"? It wasn't that long ago when democrats used to talk that way.
Yep, democrats did talk that way n the past. Today, it is teapers talking that way. I can't wait until your ilk starts your war. I am ready, whether it is an idiot liberal or a racist teaper.
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.

To be honest, the only thing the right gets a hardon over is Gubmint taking their guns

Everything else, they couldn't care less about
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.
I could easily imagine Obama sending Federal marshals in to confiscate ballots because they were "under threat." That would be cause to take up arms right there.
You could imagine a lot...but you are a racist teaper idiot with a vivid imagination...like an 8 year old.

:lol: Teaper racists are pathetic.
Could you imagine out of state police going door to door confiscating guns, in contravention of the law? Could you, asshole?

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