Under what circumstances, if any, could you see yourself taking up arms against fellow Americans?

If anyone tried to suspend the Constitution.
That would occur after a large-scale armed insurrection rather than before so don't do us no favors Jonny Reb.

Don't bet on it.
Widespread chaos and lawlessness are legitimate reasons to declare martial law as well as some sort of dire external threat but notice that it is in reaction to something. Martial law cannot just be declared for no good reason so give me a scenario where the president, absent a threat, can just do that and count on the Army to do the dirty work.

There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
If anyone tried to suspend the Constitution.
That would occur after a large-scale armed insurrection rather than before so don't do us no favors Jonny Reb.

Don't bet on it.
Widespread chaos and lawlessness are legitimate reasons to declare martial law as well as some sort of dire external threat but notice that it is in reaction to something. Martial law cannot just be declared for no good reason so give me a scenario where the president, absent a threat, can just do that and count on the Army to do the dirty work.

There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.
"Under what circumstances, if any, could you see yourself taking up arms against fellow Americans?"

None whatsoever – the notion is unfounded idiocy.
If anyone tried to suspend the Constitution.
That would occur after a large-scale armed insurrection rather than before so don't do us no favors Jonny Reb.

Don't bet on it.
Widespread chaos and lawlessness are legitimate reasons to declare martial law as well as some sort of dire external threat but notice that it is in reaction to something. Martial law cannot just be declared for no good reason so give me a scenario where the president, absent a threat, can just do that and count on the Army to do the dirty work.

There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.

I really don't think they would have the balls to try that, I seriously doubt the US military would sit on their hands if they did.
That would occur after a large-scale armed insurrection rather than before so don't do us no favors Jonny Reb.

Don't bet on it.
Widespread chaos and lawlessness are legitimate reasons to declare martial law as well as some sort of dire external threat but notice that it is in reaction to something. Martial law cannot just be declared for no good reason so give me a scenario where the president, absent a threat, can just do that and count on the Army to do the dirty work.

There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.

I really don't think they would have the balls to try that, I seriously doubt the US military would sit on their hands if they did.
Well, the US military is PROHIBITED from taking action against US citizens. Posse Comitatus
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.
What are these other so called "americans" demanding they have a right to take from me? True Americans wouldn't even be thinking this way. How many of these "american's" are illegals demanding benefits? They shouldn't even be here. How many of these "americans" are forcing me to purchase insurance that I don't need or want?

How about you define what you think an American is and then I can tell you whether or not I think taking up arms against them is warranted.
Don't bet on it.
Widespread chaos and lawlessness are legitimate reasons to declare martial law as well as some sort of dire external threat but notice that it is in reaction to something. Martial law cannot just be declared for no good reason so give me a scenario where the president, absent a threat, can just do that and count on the Army to do the dirty work.

There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.

I really don't think they would have the balls to try that, I seriously doubt the US military would sit on their hands if they did.
Well, the US military is PROHIBITED from taking action against US citizens. Posse Comitatus

So Canadians are now US citizens, do try to keep up.
Widespread chaos and lawlessness are legitimate reasons to declare martial law as well as some sort of dire external threat but notice that it is in reaction to something. Martial law cannot just be declared for no good reason so give me a scenario where the president, absent a threat, can just do that and count on the Army to do the dirty work.

There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.

I really don't think they would have the balls to try that, I seriously doubt the US military would sit on their hands if they did.
Well, the US military is PROHIBITED from taking action against US citizens. Posse Comitatus

So Canadians are now US citizens, do try to keep up.
No, you arrogant bastard...you try to keep up and try to educate yourself about Posse Comitatus and the US Army on American soil. That is why Bush signed the agreement wth the fucking canadians.
Seriously...we have a revolution every 2 years. That is the great thing about our republic. The ones who want an armed insurrection (teapers) are the ones who do not believe in democracy.

That is what I look forward to the day these bastards try to start their revolution. They are anti-American, anti-democracy cowards who threaten the American way with threats and violence. They are terrorists...more dangerous to the American people than any killer muslim. They are savages.

The RW has groomed some very stupid people. There is no telling how far they might go if ordered by FOX to react violently to any particular set of circumstances. They already have convinced these cretens that Liberals are evil and the enemies of the nation. Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove and the Kochs have worked tirelessly to divide the country. They bankrolled the Tea Party and have made it their mission to vilify anyone that does not tow their political agendas.. If there is an armed attempt to take politics to the streets I would look in their direction for it's genesis.
There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.

I really don't think they would have the balls to try that, I seriously doubt the US military would sit on their hands if they did.
Well, the US military is PROHIBITED from taking action against US citizens. Posse Comitatus

So Canadians are now US citizens, do try to keep up.
No, you arrogant bastard...you try to keep up and try to educate yourself about Posse Comitatus and the US Army on American soil. That is why Bush signed the agreement wth the fucking canadians.

Bringing foreign troops onto American soil under the command of a US President is the equivalent of using US troops on American soil and would have no constitutional validity. That's why I say the US military wouldn't allow it. Do I need to remind you that our military is sworn to uphold the Constitution first and foremost?
If anyone tried to suspend the Constitution.
That would occur after a large-scale armed insurrection rather than before so don't do us no favors Jonny Reb.

Actually, that's not even remotely true ... the President has the authority to invoke martial law when, in his opinion, the public safety is threatened. Congress may override that, but given the War Powers Act, they cannot do it before the 90 day window. It has happened in the past, and it will happen again.
Seriously...we have a revolution every 2 years. That is the great thing about our republic. The ones who want an armed insurrection (teapers) are the ones who do not believe in democracy.

That is what I look forward to the day these bastards try to start their revolution. They are anti-American, anti-democracy cowards who threaten the American way with threats and violence. They are terrorists...more dangerous to the American people than any killer muslim. They are savages.

Your grasp on reality is tenuous, at best.
Don't bet on it.
Widespread chaos and lawlessness are legitimate reasons to declare martial law as well as some sort of dire external threat but notice that it is in reaction to something. Martial law cannot just be declared for no good reason so give me a scenario where the president, absent a threat, can just do that and count on the Army to do the dirty work.

There is no scenario where the Constitution, in total, could be constitutionally suspended. There is one provision in the Constitution where a single right might be suspended, that is habeas corpus.

Period, end of story.
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.

I really don't think they would have the balls to try that, I seriously doubt the US military would sit on their hands if they did.
Well, the US military is PROHIBITED from taking action against US citizens. Posse Comitatus

.. which, of course, can be suspended by the stroke of Obama's pen.
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.

Get on Social Media and follow your local "Militia". I did and saw a bunch of trigger happy idiots repeating easy to prove false politics to rile up a bunch of emotional small brains. They say, "Lets take this Country back!".

Funny thing is they don't know who they need to shoot to take it back. They just want to shoot Politicians because they are extremely uneducated on politics. It's disturbing to know America has so many of these small brains ready to pull the trigger without knowing politicians are puppets.

Most Americans know shooting things won't solve a problem. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD.
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.

Get on Social Media and follow your local "Militia". I did and saw a bunch of trigger happy idiots repeating easy to prove false politics to rile up a bunch of emotional small brains. They say, "Lets take this Country back!".

Funny thing is they don't know who they need to shoot to take it back. They just want to shoot Politicians because they are extremely uneducated on politics. It's disturbing to know America has so many of these small brains ready to pull the trigger without knowing politicians are puppets.

Most Americans know shooting things won't solve a problem. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD.

.... especially if it is Obama's pen. It can override a whole Constitution!!!
That is why Bush signed an agreement with the canadians, allowing them to send in canadian troops to quel American uprisings.

I really don't think they would have the balls to try that, I seriously doubt the US military would sit on their hands if they did.
Well, the US military is PROHIBITED from taking action against US citizens. Posse Comitatus

So Canadians are now US citizens, do try to keep up.
No, you arrogant bastard...you try to keep up and try to educate yourself about Posse Comitatus and the US Army on American soil. That is why Bush signed the agreement wth the fucking canadians.

Bringing foreign troops onto American soil under the command of a US President is the equivalent of using US troops on American soil and would have no constitutional validity. That's why I say the US military wouldn't allow it. Do I need to remind you that our military is sworn to uphold the Constitution first and foremost?
Feel free to look up the agreement bush and harper made in 2008. Feel free to research Posse Comitatus. You can say the US military would never allow it...but you would be guessing. A teaper uprising in Montana...the US miltary can't act, but the canadian military can because of this agreement. It is a way around Posse Comitatus. And despite what you think...most Americans don't want an armed insurrection and would want it quelled ASAP.
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.

Get on Social Media and follow your local "Militia". I did and saw a bunch of trigger happy idiots repeating easy to prove false politics to rile up a bunch of emotional small brains. They say, "Lets take this Country back!".

Funny thing is they don't know who they need to shoot to take it back. They just want to shoot Politicians because they are extremely uneducated on politics. It's disturbing to know America has so many of these small brains ready to pull the trigger without knowing politicians are puppets.

Most Americans know shooting things won't solve a problem. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD.

.... especially if it is Obama's pen. It can override a whole Constitution!!!

^agreed. They wanted to take back America the very instant Obama came into office. I've openly discussed issues with them and they have told me "The American people don't know what they need anymore and we have to use Government to tell them what is best for them". We can all see what they are turning into.

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