Under what circumstances, if any, could you see yourself taking up arms against fellow Americans?

Not 'M' arxism? Being anti-capitalist doesn't mean one needs to be anti-capitalization.

Really, 'something new' is exactly what I espouse, and am looking for. I have some ideas. It involves radical change of the scale that occurred at the time of the Renaissance, when capitalism evolved.
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.

In the last 6 years the republicans have been constantly swearing allegiance to anybody who was against the president. Grover norquist, Newt Gingrich, Netanyahoo. Traitors all.
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.

In the last 6 years the republicans have been constantly swearing allegiance to anybody who was against the president. Grover norquist, Newt Gingrich, Netanyahoo. Traitors all.

Or they recognize what a complete disaster your boy is
I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws, though not as strict as during the Soviet era. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power. So did the Soviets.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as "anti-government." The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)
Under what circumstances, if any, could you see yourself taking up arms against fellow Americans?

Pride parades, definitely pride parades :)
I would NEVER willingly "take up arms" against any American. However, if it gets to the point where "Americans" are following the illegal orders of a tyranical government and have taken up arms against its' citizens, then I would have no choice. Now, at my age, I wouldn't expect to hold out for very long - but to those who might wish to come through MY front door - at least one of you WILL die (and yes, I know you will get me). Question is - which one of them wants to be first?
When the revolution comes, I will take up arms against slower drivers in the left lane.
I will be picking teapers off one at a time.

One behind every tree eh?
You know they're watching you right now dont you?........BOO!!
They should be. My neighborhood of true conservatives has a plan for the teaper filth. We are just waiting for the racist cum bags to start their war. Hell, we even have a bunker. Bring it, bitches. I am dreaming of the day we purge America of these anti-American pussies.
Under a hypothetical scenario, of dire proportions. Probably the blind mutated religious cult, that wants to destroy all technology.
I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws, though not as strict as during the Soviet era. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power. So did the Soviets.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as "anti-government." The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)

I'm willing to bet you're an insomniac who stays up all night listening to Alex Jones. Call me psychic. :lol:
And the far right reactionary weirdos rant about non-issues.

We had no problem with folks in houses or bunkers before; there will be none in the future.
I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as anti-government. The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)
Nope, you didn't understand my post, you were right about that. Why is it that leftists never get points? Any idea?
Stereotype all leftists, lack any basic understanding of marxism. - Formula for success

Still nothing, huh?
Not sure what you're asking for.
And the far right reactionary weirdos rant about non-issues.

We had no problem with folks in houses or bunkers before; there will be none in the future.

Yessiree! YOUR side had no trouble whatsoever burning 84 men, women and children to death in Waco, did you? What a guy! Oh, and let's not forget Randy Weaver's Son and Wife who, that "hero" shot in the head while she was standing in her door, unarmed and holding a 10 month old baby.

Yeah, YOUR side is real good at that, aren't they?
And the far right reactionary weirdos rant about non-issues.

We had no problem with folks in houses or bunkers before; there will be none in the future.

Yessiree! YOUR side had no trouble whatsoever burning 84 men, women and children to death in Waco, did you? What a guy! Oh, and let's not forget Randy Weaver's Son and Wife who, that "hero" shot in the head while she was standing in her door, unarmed and holding a 10 month old baby.

Yeah, YOUR side is real good at that, aren't they?
Dumb ass, Ruby Ridge happened under Bush. As for Waco, dumb actions on all sides. The Feds should have simply waited and taken the miscreant down when he was outside the compound.

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