Under what circumstances, if any, could you see yourself taking up arms against fellow Americans?

I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws, though not as strict as during the Soviet era. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power. So did the Soviets.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as "anti-government." The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)
There you have it...I will die for Rush Limbaugh

Can't make this shit up

Not a thing about human suffering or loss of personal freedom.....Guns and Rush Limbaugh is what conservatives will fight and die for

Loss of personal freedom!?! You are kidding, right? Let's briefly stare at this hog, shall we? The NSA watches (and listens) to nearly call made by Americans today. Drones fly over most major cities - watching. The President (Thanks Bush and Obama) can order YOUR death because they "want to" without charges or warrants.

"Loss of personal freedom"!?!?! Yeah, right. I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since the early 90s. I have NEVER heard ONE Alex Jones show. I USED to listen to Chuck Harder on a regular basis (back in the early 90s) until Bill Clinton had him audited repeatedly until he had to quit the business - then George Bush continued (for a total 0f nearly 18 years)

Yeah, you're right. a "loss of personal freedom". You fools had better wake up and you had better do it soon.
You want to talk personal freedom worth fighting and dying for?

Look at the Civil Rights movement. Lynching, bombing, fire hoses, attack dogs. No right to vote, freedom of assembly, fair trials

Martin Luther King fought using the Constitution not guns

And you only care about your precious guns and Rush Limbaugh
I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws, though not as strict as during the Soviet era. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power. So did the Soviets.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as "anti-government." The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)
There you have it...I will die for Rush Limbaugh

Can't make this shit up

Not a thing about human suffering or loss of personal freedom.....Guns and Rush Limbaugh is what conservatives will fight and die for

Loss of personal freedom!?! You are kidding, right? Let's briefly stare at this hog, shall we? The NSA watches (and listens) to nearly call made by Americans today. Drones fly over most major cities - watching. The President (Thanks Bush and Obama) can order YOUR death because they "want to" without charges or warrants.

"Loss of personal freedom"!?!?! Yeah, right. I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since the early 90s. I have NEVER heard ONE Alex Jones show. I USED to listen to Chuck Harder on a regular basis (back in the early 90s) until Bill Clinton had him audited repeatedly until he had to quit the business - then George Bush continued (for a total 0f nearly 18 years)

Yeah, you're right. a "loss of personal freedom". You fools had better wake up and you had better do it soon.
You want to talk personal freedom worth fighting and dying for?

Look at the Civil Rights movement. Lynching, bombing, fire hoses, attack dogs. No right to vote, freedom of assembly, fair trials

Martin Luther King fought using the Constitution not guns

And you only care about your precious guns and Rush Limbaugh

There is none so blind as he who will NOT see......Bet you a plugged nickel that when a republican takes the office next year - your tune changes 180 degrees.....
I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws, though not as strict as during the Soviet era. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power. So did the Soviets.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as "anti-government." The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)
There you have it...I will die for Rush Limbaugh

Can't make this shit up

Not a thing about human suffering or loss of personal freedom.....Guns and Rush Limbaugh is what conservatives will fight and die for

Loss of personal freedom!?! You are kidding, right? Let's briefly stare at this hog, shall we? The NSA watches (and listens) to nearly call made by Americans today. Drones fly over most major cities - watching. The President (Thanks Bush and Obama) can order YOUR death because they "want to" without charges or warrants.

"Loss of personal freedom"!?!?! Yeah, right. I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since the early 90s. I have NEVER heard ONE Alex Jones show. I USED to listen to Chuck Harder on a regular basis (back in the early 90s) until Bill Clinton had him audited repeatedly until he had to quit the business - then George Bush continued (for a total 0f nearly 18 years)

Yeah, you're right. a "loss of personal freedom". You fools had better wake up and you had better do it soon.
You want to talk personal freedom worth fighting and dying for?

Look at the Civil Rights movement. Lynching, bombing, fire hoses, attack dogs. No right to vote, freedom of assembly, fair trials

Martin Luther King fought using the Constitution not guns

And you only care about your precious guns and Rush Limbaugh

There is none so blind as he who will NOT see......Bet you a plugged nickel that when a republican takes the office next year - your tune changes 180 degrees.....
Republicans are no longer capable of winning the White House

Maybe that is why they advocate revolution
I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws, though not as strict as during the Soviet era. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power. So did the Soviets.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as "anti-government." The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)

Let's take these one at a time.

1. I've seen no evidence that any administration has any interest in trying to confiscate all privately owned weapons which is not to say that every weapon is a weapon that is legal to own.

2. I've also seen no evidence that the gov't has any interest in who can or can't be church pastors. With that said, it seems like just about anyone can proclaim himself or herself to be a messenger of some kind of religious message, then establish a religious organization, and then preach pretty much any wacked out idea they want.

3. I've also seen no evidence that the gov't has any interest in shutting down conservative TV or radio stations although keep in mind that they're public airwaves and must be licensed to broadcast.

4. I've seen virtually no evidence that the gov't has sought to shut down conservative websites. In fact, there must be several thousand websites that push all kinds of cock & bull nonsense and are allowed to continue without any gov't interference, although there are some websites that might find themselves in trouble if and when they engage in illegal activity like preaching hate messages, or fomenting public discord, and/or riots, or otherwise interfering with law-abiding citizens going about their daily business. Some of these websites may also be involved in fraud or other illegal activity which constitutes a conspiracy and a possible criminal enterprise, and they can't hide behind the Constitutional right of freedom of speech which is what it seems like a lot of people claim once they run afoul of the law.

But a good question to ask you is whether or not you would take up arms to fight an attempt by some conservative group to overthrow the gov't.
And the far right reactionary weirdos rant about non-issues.

We had no problem with folks in houses or bunkers before; there will be none in the future.

Yessiree! YOUR side had no trouble whatsoever burning 84 men, women and children to death in Waco, did you? What a guy! Oh, and let's not forget Randy Weaver's Son and Wife who, that "hero" shot in the head while she was standing in her door, unarmed and holding a 10 month old baby.

Yeah, YOUR side is real good at that, aren't they?
False comparison as you well know, so that dog does not hunt. We will have no problems at all with your types. Until you put your children before your hate, you risk all of what you should cherish.

RandallFlagg is unhappy with "houses or bunkers" although he is the one who brought it up. Weaver was justly compensated, with no help from the far right. Branch Davidians shot the feds to pieces and refused to surrender. The ultimate debacle was on their heads. The government has the right to law enforcement. You don't have the right to lawful resistance. Tis what is. Rise up and die.[/QUOTE]
I think many liberty-loving Americans would consider taking up arms in the following cases:

* If the government tried to confiscate all privately owned weapons. (Under Stalin, the NKVD undertook mass gun confiscation of guns among the peasantry during Collectivization. To this day, Russia has very strict gun control laws, though not as strict as during the Soviet era. The Nazis confiscated firearms from Jews and other demographics that they viewed as a threat. In North Korea, private gun ownership is illegal.)

* If the government tried to dictate who could be church pastors and what they could and could not teach. (The Nazis started doing this once they felt they were sufficiently entrenched in power. So did the Soviets.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative TV and radio shows. (Both the Nazis and the Soviets shut down opposition TV and radio programs. So does North Korea.)

* If the government began to shut down conservative websites. (The Russian government seeks to shut down websites that are viewed as "anti-government." The Chinese government strictly regulates Internet access and bans/shuts down all "anti-government" websites that somehow pop up.)

Let's take these one at a time.

1. I've seen no evidence that any administration has any interest in trying to confiscate all privately owned weapons which is not to say that every weapon is a weapon that is legal to own.

2. I've also seen no evidence that the gov't has any interest in who can or can't be church pastors. With that said, it seems like just about anyone can proclaim himself or herself to be a messenger of some kind of religious message, then establish a religious organization, and then preach pretty much any wacked out idea they want.

3. I've also seen no evidence that the gov't has any interest in shutting down conservative TV or radio stations although keep in mind that they're public airwaves and must be licensed to broadcast.

4. I've seen virtually no evidence that the gov't has sought to shut down conservative websites. In fact, there must be several thousand websites that push all kinds of cock & bull nonsense and are allowed to continue without any gov't interference, although there are some websites that might find themselves in trouble if and when they engage in illegal activity like preaching hate messages, or fomenting public discord, and/or riots, or otherwise interfering with law-abiding citizens going about their daily business. Some of these websites may also be involved in fraud or other illegal activity which constitutes a conspiracy and a possible criminal enterprise, and they can't hide behind the Constitutional right of freedom of speech which is what it seems like a lot of people claim once they run afoul of the law.

But a good question to ask you is whether or not you would take up arms to fight an attempt by some conservative group to overthrow the gov't.

mikegriffiths is simply using scare tactics about things that are not happening.

I am sure that he is being watched by the staties and feebs, so no worry.
And the far right reactionary weirdos rant about non-issues.

We had no problem with folks in houses or bunkers before; there will be none in the future.

Yessiree! YOUR side had no trouble whatsoever burning 84 men, women and children to death in Waco, did you? What a guy! Oh, and let's not forget Randy Weaver's Son and Wife who, that "hero" shot in the head while she was standing in her door, unarmed and holding a 10 month old baby.

Yeah, YOUR side is real good at that, aren't they?
Dumb ass, Ruby Ridge happened under Bush. As for Waco, dumb actions on all sides. The Feds should have simply waited and taken the miscreant down when he was outside the compound.

No shit Sherlock. So, when George H W Bush (a criminal and a thief) did it - you're asserting that it was a crime. However, when that cocksucker from Hope Arkansas did it - it was "dumb actions" on both sides. See, stupid - you liberal assholes are all highly predictable. You'll defend your sides' actions all day. The only dumbass I see here - is you.

Not to put too fine a point on it ... but he was the cocksuckee.
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.

History tells us you are absolutely wrong ... but I'm pretty sure you never let facts get in your way.
History is entirely irrelevant to what the Oath of Enlistment we are required to say twice (once at the processing center and once at graduation) says we have to do. If you simply don't believe that it says that, then I'm sure I could find it in Title 10 of the US Code.

I seem to recall some of our antecedents (professional military) who said an oath, and then took up arms against the prevailing government - those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.

Check out the Revolutionary War (how many American revolutionaries learned their skills in service of the king?)

Check out the Civil War (how many confederate officers were graduates of West Point and trained during the Indian wars?)

By the way, I repeated that oath 6 times - one for each enlistment.
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.

Sure, kill a bunch of people so you can put your kind of government in there that leftists will later subvert and take over?

Don't think so.
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.

History tells us you are absolutely wrong ... but I'm pretty sure you never let facts get in your way.
History is entirely irrelevant to what the Oath of Enlistment we are required to say twice (once at the processing center and once at graduation) says we have to do. If you simply don't believe that it says that, then I'm sure I could find it in Title 10 of the US Code.

I seem to recall some of our antecedents (professional military) who said an oath, and then took up arms against the prevailing government - those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.

Check out the Revolutionary War (how many American revolutionaries learned their skills in service of the king?)

Check out the Civil War (how many confederate officers were graduates of West Point and trained during the Indian wars?)

By the way, I repeated that oath 6 times - one for each enlistment.

Remember Kent State; the shot were not even armed.
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.

History tells us you are absolutely wrong ... but I'm pretty sure you never let facts get in your way.
History is entirely irrelevant to what the Oath of Enlistment we are required to say twice (once at the processing center and once at graduation) says we have to do. If you simply don't believe that it says that, then I'm sure I could find it in Title 10 of the US Code.

I seem to recall some of our antecedents (professional military) who said an oath, and then took up arms against the prevailing government - those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.

Check out the Revolutionary War (how many American revolutionaries learned their skills in service of the king?)

Check out the Civil War (how many confederate officers were graduates of West Point and trained during the Indian wars?)

By the way, I repeated that oath 6 times - one for each enlistment.
Many of us on the Board took the oath multiple times.

That does not excuse you for rebellion.

Take up arms against the Republic, and you pay the price.
The Oath of Enlistment:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The simplest answer to your question is if those fellow Americans are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They may become this by swearing allegiance to a hostile foreign power. They may become this by committing terrorism. They may become this by conspiring against our republic. If they take up arms against the legitimate government of the United States then we are contractually obligated to do so against them.

History tells us you are absolutely wrong ... but I'm pretty sure you never let facts get in your way.
History is entirely irrelevant to what the Oath of Enlistment we are required to say twice (once at the processing center and once at graduation) says we have to do. If you simply don't believe that it says that, then I'm sure I could find it in Title 10 of the US Code.

I seem to recall some of our antecedents (professional military) who said an oath, and then took up arms against the prevailing government - those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.

Check out the Revolutionary War (how many American revolutionaries learned their skills in service of the king?)

Check out the Civil War (how many confederate officers were graduates of West Point and trained during the Indian wars?)

By the way, I repeated that oath 6 times - one for each enlistment.

Remember Kent State; the shot were not even armed.
Some one did fire a pistol, and it was not the officer.
It seems as if hyperbole abounds these days. I see posts about it all the time about the need for another revolution, and/or why people think their state should break away from the US. It makes it onto talk radio frequently and occasionally even on the news (like when Rick Perry mentioned it a couple of years ago) That's only dwarfed by talk of conspiracies and tyranny (as in judicial tyranny) and a whole host of other alleged abuses of the US Constitution etcetera by whomever is the political villain du jour.

With that said, under what circumstances would you be willing to actually take up arms against or in defense of the gov't? Please be specific.

Wow, hard to say for sure what I'd do in such a drastic situation. And it would depend on if the government had turned into something I'd be willing to fight and die to prevent. So far, we're no where close to that threshold.

So if it hit right now, I'd be shooting at the insurgents. Very reluctantly - but shooting nontheless.
On these very boards we hear veiled threats against gay Americans....if any of those try to harm me and mine....they'd have a few extra holes in them.
If Republicans were to take over the country and start rounding up non-whites, gays, non-Christians and send them to slave labor camps/death camps.....I would take up arms against my country
Amusing thread...

A few people get angry and vent their spleen on an internet forum, and suddenly, the GOP is wanting to foment open insurrection. You just can't make this shit up....

BTW....there is a revolution going on, and it won't require guns of any kind. Its gaining momentum and as long as the conservatives continue to dominate State Legislatures, the reality of it is getting closer and closer....and there won't be a single thing that the Federal Government will be able to do about it.

Enjoy your conspiracies folks.

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