Underage use of weapons


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
When I was a kid, I would get an F if I didn't have a knife on my belt when I showed up to AG class. Our family had an unlocked loaded 12 gauge shotgun to be only used if someone illegally came into my house. I was trained it was a weapon, not a toy. It was a tool to end life by those who needed to. When to use and not use it. When to put my finger on the trigger and when not to. I took my neighbors .22 to the woods, where we used to dump our garbage before garbage pickup was invented, and did target practice on refrigerators. I killed a woodpecker once and saw the light of life leave him, deciding at that point I would never shot an animal except for food. Furthermore, I used my neighbor's 12 gauge to stand gator guard when they took their baths in a retention pond when the sceptic tank overfilled.

My parents had a shooting range in school, and took weapon training in class.

Neither did my nor my parent's generation had any mass shootings in school. And our bullies were worse. If they kicked your ass, you were told to defend yourself. They weren't punished. Yet we did not do mass shootings.

What has changed since then?
When I was a kid, I would get an F if I didn't have a knife on my belt when I showed up to AG class. Our family had an unlocked loaded 12 gauge shotgun to be only used if someone illegally came into my house. I was trained it was a weapon, not a toy. It was a tool to end life by those who needed to. When to use and not use it. When to put my finger on the trigger and when not to. I took my neighbors .22 to the woods, where we used to dump our garbage before garbage pickup was invented, and did target practice on refrigerators. I killed a woodpecker once and saw the light of life leave him, deciding at that point I would never shot an animal except for food. Furthermore, I used my neighbor's 12 gauge to stand gator guard when they took their baths in a retention pond when the sceptic tank overfilled.

My parents had a shooting range in school, and took weapon training in class.

Neither did my nor my parent's generation had any mass shootings in school. And our bullies were worse. If they kicked your ass, you were told to defend yourself. They weren't punished. Yet we did not do mass shootings.

What has changed since then?
Populaton density. Think of it like the overcrowding rat experiments, showing they become more violent and even cannibalistic as population increases.
When I was a kid, I would get an F if I didn't have a knife on my belt when I showed up to AG class. Our family had an unlocked loaded 12 gauge shotgun to be only used if someone illegally came into my house. I was trained it was a weapon, not a toy. It was a tool to end life by those who needed to. When to use and not use it. When to put my finger on the trigger and when not to. I took my neighbors .22 to the woods, where we used to dump our garbage before garbage pickup was invented, and did target practice on refrigerators. I killed a woodpecker once and saw the light of life leave him, deciding at that point I would never shot an animal except for food. Furthermore, I used my neighbor's 12 gauge to stand gator guard when they took their baths in a retention pond when the sceptic tank overfilled.

My parents had a shooting range in school, and took weapon training in class.

Neither did my nor my parent's generation had any mass shootings in school. And our bullies were worse. If they kicked your ass, you were told to defend yourself. They weren't punished. Yet we did not do mass shootings.

What has changed since then?
70 years.
When I was a kid, I would get an F if I didn't have a knife on my belt when I showed up to AG class. Our family had an unlocked loaded 12 gauge shotgun to be only used if someone illegally came into my house. I was trained it was a weapon, not a toy. It was a tool to end life by those who needed to. When to use and not use it. When to put my finger on the trigger and when not to. I took my neighbors .22 to the woods, where we used to dump our garbage before garbage pickup was invented, and did target practice on refrigerators. I killed a woodpecker once and saw the light of life leave him, deciding at that point I would never shot an animal except for food. Furthermore, I used my neighbor's 12 gauge to stand gator guard when they took their baths in a retention pond when the sceptic tank overfilled.

My parents had a shooting range in school, and took weapon training in class.

Neither did my nor my parent's generation had any mass shootings in school. And our bullies were worse. If they kicked your ass, you were told to defend yourself. They weren't punished. Yet we did not do mass shootings.

What has changed since then?
We have become less rural and less family structure oreinted and less tradition building in the family. Good family values dosen't get passed on to the younger generations. As for weapons I got my first rifle at the age of eleven my dad and mom had a serious talk with me and said we both think you are mature enough to handel the responsibility dont let us down. And I never have. I still have my Remington model 514 and still hunt with it.

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