Understanding Islam


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In my ongoing efforts to bring understanding of Islam to the public, there is some news that will highlight a misunderstanding.

1. It seems that many folks believe that it is haram....forbidden....for a Muslim to make an image of living things....
"Image-making (tasweer) is a controversial issue among Muslims due to the prophetic traditions that strongly prohibit pictures associated with idolatry and rivaling Allah’s creation." Are images, pictures, photos, and cartoons forbidden in Islam?

Near the truth....but still false.

2. "Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5607) and Muslim (2108).

It seems that images which do not have complete features, which do not have a nose or eyes, are not included under the heading of haraam images, and the ones who make them are not included in this warning, because they cannot truly be said to be images, and these images do not imply imitating the creation of Allaah."
Ruling on drawing animate beings without showing the facial features - islamqa.info

3. Which bring us this interesting development:

"A new Barbie doll has been launched as part of Mattel's "sheroes" line. It is a doll in full hijab modeled after American-Muslim Olympic fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad, the first American athlete to compete in the Olympics wearing a headscarf, which -- apparently -- Mattel felt was something for little girls worldwide to emulate. That and the possibility of selling millions of toys in the burgeoning Muslim market, of course."
Hijab Barbie: Useful Idiots of Cultural Jihad

4. ...Leading us to this profound quandary:

Will the Islamofascists cut the head off Ibtihaj Muhammad.....or that of Hijab Barbie???

To be determined, perhaps by a flip of

What is really weird about Islam is that the Left Wingers refuse to admit that it is oppressive, intolerant, hateful, anti-democracy and ultra-violent.
In fact the Left Wingers call people "islamophobic" if they complain about the recurring Muslim Mass Murder sprees
What is really weird about Islam is that the Left Wingers refuse to admit that it is oppressive, intolerant, hateful, anti-democracy and ultra-violent.
In fact the Left Wingers call people "islamophobic" if they complain about the recurring Muslim Mass Murder sprees

Well....in full disclosure....Liberalism/Leftism and Islam have really huge similarities.....

1.The both demand submission, neither one allows what this country was founded on....individualism


2. both loath the US Constitution
One worships sharia....the point-for-point opposite of the Constitution
And the other demands reversal of the limits on government codified in the Constitution
Why does this bother you?

Nay, nay, you little cloaca, you....I provide the OP for remediation of dunces like you.

Here is the understanding provided....
1. It seems that many folks believe that it is haram....forbidden....for a Muslim to make an image of living things....
"Image-making (tasweer) is a controversial issue among Muslims due to the prophetic traditions that strongly prohibit pictures associated with idolatry and rivaling Allah’s creation." Are images, pictures, photos, and cartoons forbidden in Islam?

Near the truth....but still false.

2. "Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5607) and Muslim (2108).

It seems that images which do not have complete features, which do not have a nose or eyes, are not included under the heading of haraam images, and the ones who make them are not included in this warning, because they cannot truly be said to be images, and these images do not imply imitating the creation of Allaah."
Ruling on drawing animate beings without showing the facial features - islamqa.info

And here is the question one is left to ponder:

Will the 7th century maniacs cut the head off the one who advances the idea of dolls, images, for children....
....or merely cut the head off Hijab Barbie???

Or....you know....run both over with a rental truck....
Why does it bother you that some Muslims do not adhere to the belief, so why does a Barbie doll bother you so?
Why is it any concern to you?

I thought we were talking Barbie dolls here, but now you are on the whole Muslim hate thing.
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Why does it bother you that some Muslims do not adhere to the belief, so why does a Barbie doll bother you so?
Why is it any concern to you?

I thought we were talking Barbie dolls here, but now you are on the whole Muslim hate thing.

Stop being silly, you little cloaca, you...It is ignorance that I battle every day.

I provide the OP for remediation of dunces like you.

Here is the understanding provided....
1. It seems that many folks believe that it is haram....forbidden....for a Muslim to make an image of living things....
"Image-making (tasweer) is a controversial issue among Muslims due to the prophetic traditions that strongly prohibit pictures associated with idolatry and rivaling Allah’s creation." Are images, pictures, photos, and cartoons forbidden in Islam?

Near the truth....but still false.

2. "Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5607) and Muslim (2108).

It seems that images which do not have complete features, which do not have a nose or eyes, are not included under the heading of haraam images, and the ones who make them are not included in this warning, because they cannot truly be said to be images, and these images do not imply imitating the creation of Allaah."
Ruling on drawing animate beings without showing the facial features - islamqa.info

And here is the question one is left to ponder:

Will the 7th century maniacs cut the head off the one who advances the idea of dolls, images, for children....
....or merely cut the head off Hijab Barbie???

The image of Muhammad is part of the frieze at the Supreme Court building, of the world's lawgivers.

Coulter wrote the following: "How about we tell the Muslims about the frieze and somebody tell Scalia, Thomas, Roberts and Alito to stay away from work next week?"
What is really weird about Islam is that the Left Wingers refuse to admit that it is oppressive, intolerant, hateful, anti-democracy and ultra-violent.
In fact the Left Wingers call people "islamophobic" if they complain about the recurring Muslim Mass Murder sprees
A fine example of an intolerant and hateful attitude.

There are a billion Muslims, if Islam was oppressive, intolerant, hateful, anti-democracy and ultra-violent then every Muslim would act the same. They do not and judging every Muslim by the worst Muslim is just plain dumb. There are certainly cultures that have very different values than we in the West do but not all of them are Muslim.
What is really weird about Islam is that the Left Wingers refuse to admit that it is oppressive, intolerant, hateful, anti-democracy and ultra-violent.
In fact the Left Wingers call people "islamophobic" if they complain about the recurring Muslim Mass Murder sprees

Well....in full disclosure....Liberalism/Leftism and Islam have really huge similarities.....

1.The both demand submission, neither one allows what this country was founded on....individualism


2. both loath the US Constitution
One worships sharia....the point-for-point opposite of the Constitution
And the other demands reversal of the limits on government codified in the Constitution
A new low for accuracy and rational thought. Congrats.
Islam is a violent and dangerous cult.

There is no such thing as Islamophobia. A “phobia” is an irrational fear and there is nothing irrational about fearing Islam. It is only irrational to not fear it.
Islam is a violent and dangerous cult.
There is no such thing as Islamophobia. A “phobia” is an irrational fear and there is nothing irrational about fearing Islam. It is only irrational to not fear it.

"Islam is a violent and dangerous cult."

1. Dr. Glazov refers to it as a 'blood cult."


2. Michael Savage contrasts it with religion:

"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion." Michael Savage

3. Admiral Lyons says it is a political movement"

Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”

“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”
Admiral Lyons on Obama’s Strategy: ‘It’s Anti-American ... Pro-Islamic, It’s Pro-Iranian, and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood!’

4. Bill Donohue makes this observation:
Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.

5. Crypto-Islamist trumpets same.....the only 'religion'
that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced.

.... is associated more with Islam and not with any other 'religion:
'Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find.

It is said 'we live in interesting times.'
Some still live in the 7th century.
"Why Does ISIS Kill Muslims?
Not only is this considered the deadliest terrorist attack in Egypt, but one of the strangest as well. As the NYT explains, "The scale and ruthlessness of the assault, in an area racked by an Islamist insurgency, sent shock waves across the nation — not just for the number of deaths but also for the choice of target. Attacks on mosques are rare in Egypt, where the Islamic State has targeted Coptic Christian churches and pilgrims but avoided Muslim places of worship."

Indeed, whereas the bombing and burning of churches and the slaughter of Christians in Egypt at the hands of, not just ISIS, but Muslim mobs and murderers, is hardly an uncommon occurrence in Egypt, attacks on mosques in the name of jihad naturally are."
Why Does ISIS Kill Muslims?

Hey....how about we bring lots of these folks here!!!
What is really weird about Islam is that the Left Wingers refuse to admit that it is oppressive, intolerant, hateful, anti-democracy and ultra-violent.
In fact the Left Wingers call people "islamophobic" if they complain about the recurring Muslim Mass Murder sprees

Well....in full disclosure....Liberalism/Leftism and Islam have really huge similarities.....

1.The both demand submission, neither one allows what this country was founded on....individualism


2. both loath the US Constitution
One worships sharia....the point-for-point opposite of the Constitution
And the other demands reversal of the limits on government codified in the Constitution
A new low for accuracy and rational thought. Congrats.

Are you attempting to say that all of the people who have been murdered by Islamic Terrorist are not the victims of violent intolerance?

That is amazing.
Are attempting to say that all of the people who have been murdered by Islamic Terrorist are not the victims of violent intolerance?

That is amazing.
No, I have no trouble denouncing violence. What I'm saying is that not all terrorists are Muslim and not all Muslims are terrorists.
Are attempting to say that all of the people who have been murdered by Islamic Terrorist are not the victims of violent intolerance?

That is amazing.
No, I have no trouble denouncing violence. What I'm saying is that not all terrorists are Muslim and not all Muslims are terrorists.

1. "Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

2. But it is far more than 1%
"Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll."
Two thirds of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs | UK | News | Express.co.uk

By my way of figuring, this means that 2/3 of those allowed in are contributors to terrorism.

You remain one of those less than intuitive apologists for enemies of civilization.

How were you convinced to give up your ability to think?
In my ongoing efforts to bring understanding of Islam to the public, there is some news that will highlight a misunderstanding.

1. It seems that many folks believe that it is haram....forbidden....for a Muslim to make an image of living things....
"Image-making (tasweer) is a controversial issue among Muslims due to the prophetic traditions that strongly prohibit pictures associated with idolatry and rivaling Allah’s creation." Are images, pictures, photos, and cartoons forbidden in Islam?

Near the truth....but still false.

2. "Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5607) and Muslim (2108).

It seems that images which do not have complete features, which do not have a nose or eyes, are not included under the heading of haraam images, and the ones who make them are not included in this warning, because they cannot truly be said to be images, and these images do not imply imitating the creation of Allaah."
Ruling on drawing animate beings without showing the facial features - islamqa.info

3. Which bring us this interesting development:

"A new Barbie doll has been launched as part of Mattel's "sheroes" line. It is a doll in full hijab modeled after American-Muslim Olympic fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad, the first American athlete to compete in the Olympics wearing a headscarf, which -- apparently -- Mattel felt was something for little girls worldwide to emulate. That and the possibility of selling millions of toys in the burgeoning Muslim market, of course."
Hijab Barbie: Useful Idiots of Cultural Jihad

4. ...Leading us to this profound quandary:

Will the Islamofascists cut the head off Ibtihaj Muhammad.....or that of Hijab Barbie???

To be determined, perhaps by a flip of

Why have there not been any terrorist attacks in Italy?

Because Italy does not recognize Islam as a Religion

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