Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist

Where did Aryans Greeks Mexicans asians come from? I heard that story before and thought that was the one you were going to tell. This guy who believes in ancient aliens told me how all the races came to be.

Well the Biblical story for that would be the Tower of Babel. There are a lot of other stories from ancient mythology according to different cultures. The quick story of the Tower of Babel is that at one time all of mankind looked the same and spoke the same language. Man got rich, powerful, and arrogant and tried to build a tower to the skies in order to be equal with God. God punished them for their arrogance by destroying the tower, and making it so that they all spoke different languages. By doing so they could not understand each other enough to coordinate and make such an effort again. Then he scattered them around the world where they evolved according to their surroundings. It's almost certainly mythology, of course. I don't believe for a second that actually happened, but that's the tale.
Jesus needs to visit me like he did Saul just now on bible ad on NBC. Ask me why I'm persecuting him.
Where did Aryans Greeks Mexicans asians come from? I heard that story before and thought that was the one you were going to tell. This guy who believes in ancient aliens told me how all the races came to be.

Well the Biblical story for that would be the Tower of Babel. There are a lot of other stories from ancient mythology according to different cultures. The quick story of the Tower of Babel is that at one time all of mankind looked the same and spoke the same language. Man got rich, powerful, and arrogant and tried to build a tower to the skies in order to be equal with God. God punished them for their arrogance by destroying the tower, and making it so that they all spoke different languages. By doing so they could not understand each other enough to coordinate and make such an effort again. Then he scattered them around the world where they evolved according to their surroundings. It's almost certainly mythology, of course. I don't believe for a second that actually happened, but that's the tale.
I love how most all myth is based on some fact. Like there may have been a great flood. Certainly many different cultures wrote about them.
Where did Aryans Greeks Mexicans asians come from? I heard that story before and thought that was the one you were going to tell. This guy who believes in ancient aliens told me how all the races came to be.

Well the Biblical story for that would be the Tower of Babel. There are a lot of other stories from ancient mythology according to different cultures. The quick story of the Tower of Babel is that at one time all of mankind looked the same and spoke the same language. Man got rich, powerful, and arrogant and tried to build a tower to the skies in order to be equal with God. God punished them for their arrogance by destroying the tower, and making it so that they all spoke different languages. By doing so they could not understand each other enough to coordinate and make such an effort again. Then he scattered them around the world where they evolved according to their surroundings. It's almost certainly mythology, of course. I don't believe for a second that actually happened, but that's the tale.
I love how most all myth is based on some fact. Like there may have been a great flood. Certainly many different cultures wrote about them.

Well as the old saying goes, "there is a flood of flood narratives". What always struck me is that Noah was kind of a dick. In all the other stories, the guy lobbies on behalf of mankind. He begs the gods not to flood the Earth and spare everyone. Noah is just like "oh ok. You are going to kill everyone? No sweat. Not my problem. Have at 'em". Not exactly the guy I want on my side when I am being accused of something.
Where did Aryans Greeks Mexicans asians come from? I heard that story before and thought that was the one you were going to tell. This guy who believes in ancient aliens told me how all the races came to be.

Well the Biblical story for that would be the Tower of Babel. There are a lot of other stories from ancient mythology according to different cultures. The quick story of the Tower of Babel is that at one time all of mankind looked the same and spoke the same language. Man got rich, powerful, and arrogant and tried to build a tower to the skies in order to be equal with God. God punished them for their arrogance by destroying the tower, and making it so that they all spoke different languages. By doing so they could not understand each other enough to coordinate and make such an effort again. Then he scattered them around the world where they evolved according to their surroundings. It's almost certainly mythology, of course. I don't believe for a second that actually happened, but that's the tale.
I love how most all myth is based on some fact. Like there may have been a great flood. Certainly many different cultures wrote about them.

Well as the old saying goes, "there is a flood of flood narratives". What always struck me is that Noah was kind of a dick. In all the other stories, the guy lobbies on behalf of mankind. He begs the gods not to flood the Earth and spare everyone. Noah is just like "oh ok. You are going to kill everyone? No sweat. Not my problem. Have at 'em". Not exactly the guy I want on my side when I am being accused of something.
When I was a child I was told Noah warned people and they laughed at him. Did you see the movie? Not what I expected.
Where did Aryans Greeks Mexicans asians come from? I heard that story before and thought that was the one you were going to tell. This guy who believes in ancient aliens told me how all the races came to be.

Well the Biblical story for that would be the Tower of Babel. There are a lot of other stories from ancient mythology according to different cultures. The quick story of the Tower of Babel is that at one time all of mankind looked the same and spoke the same language. Man got rich, powerful, and arrogant and tried to build a tower to the skies in order to be equal with God. God punished them for their arrogance by destroying the tower, and making it so that they all spoke different languages. By doing so they could not understand each other enough to coordinate and make such an effort again. Then he scattered them around the world where they evolved according to their surroundings. It's almost certainly mythology, of course. I don't believe for a second that actually happened, but that's the tale.
I love how most all myth is based on some fact. Like there may have been a great flood. Certainly many different cultures wrote about them.

Well as the old saying goes, "there is a flood of flood narratives". What always struck me is that Noah was kind of a dick. In all the other stories, the guy lobbies on behalf of mankind. He begs the gods not to flood the Earth and spare everyone. Noah is just like "oh ok. You are going to kill everyone? No sweat. Not my problem. Have at 'em". Not exactly the guy I want on my side when I am being accused of something.
When I was a child I was told Noah warned people and they laughed at him. Did you see the movie? Not what I expected.

There is nothing in the Biblical account that he warned people and was laughed at. Yeah I saw the movie. Total BS as far as what scripture says. It was Lord of the Rings meets Genesis. It broke from scripture so badly that the only things the movie and the Bible had in common were a guy named Noah and a lot of water.
Where did Aryans Greeks Mexicans asians come from? I heard that story before and thought that was the one you were going to tell. This guy who believes in ancient aliens told me how all the races came to be.

Well the Biblical story for that would be the Tower of Babel. There are a lot of other stories from ancient mythology according to different cultures. The quick story of the Tower of Babel is that at one time all of mankind looked the same and spoke the same language. Man got rich, powerful, and arrogant and tried to build a tower to the skies in order to be equal with God. God punished them for their arrogance by destroying the tower, and making it so that they all spoke different languages. By doing so they could not understand each other enough to coordinate and make such an effort again. Then he scattered them around the world where they evolved according to their surroundings. It's almost certainly mythology, of course. I don't believe for a second that actually happened, but that's the tale.
I love how most all myth is based on some fact. Like there may have been a great flood. Certainly many different cultures wrote about them.

Well as the old saying goes, "there is a flood of flood narratives". What always struck me is that Noah was kind of a dick. In all the other stories, the guy lobbies on behalf of mankind. He begs the gods not to flood the Earth and spare everyone. Noah is just like "oh ok. You are going to kill everyone? No sweat. Not my problem. Have at 'em". Not exactly the guy I want on my side when I am being accused of something.
When I was a child I was told Noah warned people and they laughed at him. Did you see the movie? Not what I expected.

There is nothing in the Biblical account that he warned people and was laughed at. Yeah I saw the movie. Total BS as far as what scripture says. It was Lord of the Rings meets Genesis. It broke from scripture so badly that the only things the movie and the Bible had in common were a guy named Noah and a lot of water.

I think one of the things that pissed me off about that movie was the political suggestions. For example, Noah was a vegetarian and would hurt no animals. Pfft....read the fucking Bible. The very first thing he did after getting off the ark was to perform a ritual of sacrifice where an animal was slaughtered, the fat was burnt as an offering to God, and they ate the rest. Vegetarian...give me a fucking break.

Or the idea that humans were a pox on the planet and Noah was convinced that humanity must die to save the planet. What total horseshit. Noah was instructed to bring both his sons and both his sons' wives in order to repopulate the human species. Just a terrible depiction of the Biblical account that was so political it made me sick.
Well the Biblical story for that would be the Tower of Babel. There are a lot of other stories from ancient mythology according to different cultures. The quick story of the Tower of Babel is that at one time all of mankind looked the same and spoke the same language. Man got rich, powerful, and arrogant and tried to build a tower to the skies in order to be equal with God. God punished them for their arrogance by destroying the tower, and making it so that they all spoke different languages. By doing so they could not understand each other enough to coordinate and make such an effort again. Then he scattered them around the world where they evolved according to their surroundings. It's almost certainly mythology, of course. I don't believe for a second that actually happened, but that's the tale.
I love how most all myth is based on some fact. Like there may have been a great flood. Certainly many different cultures wrote about them.

Well as the old saying goes, "there is a flood of flood narratives". What always struck me is that Noah was kind of a dick. In all the other stories, the guy lobbies on behalf of mankind. He begs the gods not to flood the Earth and spare everyone. Noah is just like "oh ok. You are going to kill everyone? No sweat. Not my problem. Have at 'em". Not exactly the guy I want on my side when I am being accused of something.
When I was a child I was told Noah warned people and they laughed at him. Did you see the movie? Not what I expected.

There is nothing in the Biblical account that he warned people and was laughed at. Yeah I saw the movie. Total BS as far as what scripture says. It was Lord of the Rings meets Genesis. It broke from scripture so badly that the only things the movie and the Bible had in common were a guy named Noah and a lot of water.

I think one of the things that pissed me off about that movie was the political suggestions. For example, Noah was a vegetarian and would hurt no animals. Pfft....read the fucking Bible. The very first thing he did after getting off the ark was to perform a ritual of sacrifice where an animal was slaughtered, the fat was burnt as an offering to God, and they ate the rest. Vegetarian...give me a fucking break.

Or the idea that humans were a pox on the planet and Noah was convinced that humanity must die to save the planet. What total horseshit. Noah was instructed to bring both his sons and both his sons' wives in order to repopulate the human species. Just a terrible depiction of the Biblical account that was so political it made me sick.
And who did Noah's grandkids marry?
I love how most all myth is based on some fact. Like there may have been a great flood. Certainly many different cultures wrote about them.

Well as the old saying goes, "there is a flood of flood narratives". What always struck me is that Noah was kind of a dick. In all the other stories, the guy lobbies on behalf of mankind. He begs the gods not to flood the Earth and spare everyone. Noah is just like "oh ok. You are going to kill everyone? No sweat. Not my problem. Have at 'em". Not exactly the guy I want on my side when I am being accused of something.
When I was a child I was told Noah warned people and they laughed at him. Did you see the movie? Not what I expected.

There is nothing in the Biblical account that he warned people and was laughed at. Yeah I saw the movie. Total BS as far as what scripture says. It was Lord of the Rings meets Genesis. It broke from scripture so badly that the only things the movie and the Bible had in common were a guy named Noah and a lot of water.

I think one of the things that pissed me off about that movie was the political suggestions. For example, Noah was a vegetarian and would hurt no animals. Pfft....read the fucking Bible. The very first thing he did after getting off the ark was to perform a ritual of sacrifice where an animal was slaughtered, the fat was burnt as an offering to God, and they ate the rest. Vegetarian...give me a fucking break.

Or the idea that humans were a pox on the planet and Noah was convinced that humanity must die to save the planet. What total horseshit. Noah was instructed to bring both his sons and both his sons' wives in order to repopulate the human species. Just a terrible depiction of the Biblical account that was so political it made me sick.
And who did Noah's grandkids marry?

Well according to Genesis they interbred so everyone alive today would be descendants of Noah. Noah became a second Adam.
Well as the old saying goes, "there is a flood of flood narratives". What always struck me is that Noah was kind of a dick. In all the other stories, the guy lobbies on behalf of mankind. He begs the gods not to flood the Earth and spare everyone. Noah is just like "oh ok. You are going to kill everyone? No sweat. Not my problem. Have at 'em". Not exactly the guy I want on my side when I am being accused of something.
When I was a child I was told Noah warned people and they laughed at him. Did you see the movie? Not what I expected.

There is nothing in the Biblical account that he warned people and was laughed at. Yeah I saw the movie. Total BS as far as what scripture says. It was Lord of the Rings meets Genesis. It broke from scripture so badly that the only things the movie and the Bible had in common were a guy named Noah and a lot of water.

I think one of the things that pissed me off about that movie was the political suggestions. For example, Noah was a vegetarian and would hurt no animals. Pfft....read the fucking Bible. The very first thing he did after getting off the ark was to perform a ritual of sacrifice where an animal was slaughtered, the fat was burnt as an offering to God, and they ate the rest. Vegetarian...give me a fucking break.

Or the idea that humans were a pox on the planet and Noah was convinced that humanity must die to save the planet. What total horseshit. Noah was instructed to bring both his sons and both his sons' wives in order to repopulate the human species. Just a terrible depiction of the Biblical account that was so political it made me sick.
And who did Noah's grandkids marry?

Well according to Genesis they interbred so everyone alive today would be descendants of Noah. Noah became a second Adam.
What are your thoughtd on the anti Christ and Armageddon and or the rapture and what's the difference?
I think one of the things that pissed me off about that movie was the political suggestions. For example, Noah was a vegetarian and would hurt no animals. Pfft....read the fucking Bible. The very first thing he did after getting off the ark was to perform a ritual of sacrifice where an animal was slaughtered, the fat was burnt as an offering to God, and they ate the rest. Vegetarian...give me a fucking break.

Or the idea that humans were a pox on the planet and Noah was convinced that humanity must die to save the planet. What total horseshit. Noah was instructed to bring both his sons and both his sons' wives in order to repopulate the human species. Just a terrible depiction of the Biblical account that was so political it made me sick.

OH! OH! And all the people getting pissed off that there were no black people in the movie. HELLO!!! It was before the Tower of Babel account idiots! Different races had not been established yet. According to scripture there was only one race and language at the time. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bunch of different races if God hadn't created different races yet, huh? At least they got that right.

Now where Noah got his Australian accent is a bit of a puzzle. :lol:

See now you have me ranting. :lol:
I think one of the things that pissed me off about that movie was the political suggestions. For example, Noah was a vegetarian and would hurt no animals. Pfft....read the fucking Bible. The very first thing he did after getting off the ark was to perform a ritual of sacrifice where an animal was slaughtered, the fat was burnt as an offering to God, and they ate the rest. Vegetarian...give me a fucking break.

Or the idea that humans were a pox on the planet and Noah was convinced that humanity must die to save the planet. What total horseshit. Noah was instructed to bring both his sons and both his sons' wives in order to repopulate the human species. Just a terrible depiction of the Biblical account that was so political it made me sick.

OH! OH! And all the people getting pissed off that there were no black people in the movie. HELLO!!! It was before the Tower of Babel account idiots! Different races had not been established yet. According to scripture there was only one race and language at the time. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bunch of different races if God hadn't created different races yet, huh? At least they got that right.

Now where Noah got his Australian accent is a bit of a puzzle. :lol:

See now you have me ranting. :lol:
I would have assumed Noah's 3 sons had a black wife asian and white
Mix an asian and black you get a Samoan. Black and white made Greeks and Arabs. Etc.
Absurd racism and bigotry drive the POS OP to start these troll threads over and over and over.
What are your thoughtd on the anti Christ and Armageddon and or the rapture and what's the difference?

Pfft...that is a thread unto itself. Seriously, there is no way to give a brief summary of those topics. I actually started two threads that dealt specifically with them. They were not well received. They got derailed by literalists and Christian extremists who were far more interested in attacking the messenger instead of the message and pounding a traditional futuristic (bullshit) interpretation instead of looking at it from a scholarly perspective. Eventually, I gave up just as I was starting to explore the text of Revelation, because it became pointless.

You can check it out if you wish. Lots of reading, but it breaks it down pretty thoroughly...between the fundamentalist howler monkeys throwing waves of excrement at me for being a heretic. :lol: I will say though, that of all the books in the Bible, Revelation is the one on which I am by far the most educated and knowledgeable about. If you want to narrow down your questions I can give a better answer.

On The Apocalypse Part I US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

On The Apocalypse Part II US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What are your thoughtd on the anti Christ and Armageddon and or the rapture and what's the difference?

Pfft...that is a thread unto itself. Seriously, there is no way to give a brief summary of those topics. I actually started two threads that dealt specifically with them. They were not well received. They got derailed by literalists and Christian extremists who were far more interested in attacking the messenger instead of the message and pounding a traditional futuristic (bullshit) interpretation instead of looking at it from a scholarly perspective. Eventually, I gave up just as I was starting to explore the text of Revelation, because it became pointless.

You can check it out if you wish. Lots of reading, but it breaks it down pretty thoroughly...between the fundamentalist howler monkeys throwing waves of excrement at me for being a heretic. :lol: I will say though, that of all the books in the Bible, Revelation is the one on which I am by far the most educated and knowledgeable about. If you want to narrow down your questions I can give a better answer.

On The Apocalypse Part I US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

On The Apocalypse Part II US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What did you think of the old and new cosmos series? My athiest friends and I loved watching them together. We bought the new series and watched them again. Then I found the old ones at the library and watched it a few times. Hard to fathom just how enormous our cosmos. The truth is better than fiction.
What are your thoughtd on the anti Christ and Armageddon and or the rapture and what's the difference?

Let me just quickly address the rapture concept to illustrate my point. The Rapture would be the shortest explanation of the three you ask about. This is as brief as I can get and I am leaving a TON out. The Bible doesn't speak of a rapture the way it is traditionally viewed. The traditional view is that prior to the end of times, the faithful will ascend to heaven and be spared the ravages and catastrophes that God will inflict upon the Earth when the Son of Man comes who will defeat evil and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. The problem is that there is no account in the Bible that says that. That traditional view is the result of the predictions of Jesus, Paul, and Revelation being jammed together to make one story.

Jesus predicted that the Son of Man would come and would bring judgement upon the Earth and usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth. But there was no predictions of world-wide disasters or wars or anything of that nature. In fact, according to Mark, it had already been accomplished by the mere presence of Jesus. There was no mass ascension of the faithful to heaven. So for Jesus, God's kingdom would be on Earth, the future of the faithful was on Earth, but there would be no mass ascension or world-wide disasters.

Paul predicted a mass ascension of the faithful (living and dead) to heaven before God punished the wicked on Earth. BUT, man's future was in heaven and not on Earth. For Paul, once the faithful ascended to heaven, the Earth became an afterthought and everyone would live in harmony with God in heaven. So according to Paul, there would be a mass ascension, there would be punishment on Earth for the wicked, but God's kingdom and the future of the faithful was in heaven and not on Earth.

Revelation predicts that there will be disasters and wars, God's kingdom will come to Earth in the form of New Jerusalem, but contrary to popular belief it does not predict a mass ascension. There is the suggestion of a limited ascension of 144,000 (and that's a LONG story), but not the mass ascension that Paul predicted. In Revelation, man's future is on Earth and not in heaven.

So what the church did was to take the Son of Man and judgement from Jesus, God's kingdom on Earth from Jesus and Revelation, the mass ascension from Paul, and the wars and devastation from Revelation and crammed them all together to create the concept of the Rapture. Unfortunately, none of those three sources describe it in the traditional way that we think of it today. Therefore, the traditional account of the Rapture is merely an attempt by the church to iron out contradictions between those sources by crushing them all together and creating their own story. In short, scripture does not support the traditional concept of a Rapture. This is very common, unfortunately, when distinguishing between religious dogma and actual scripture.
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