Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump!

Did you learn anything by reading the OP or are you fully reformed by your masters?

  • Wow, what an eye-opener. I had no idea. I am forever changed by this new insight.

  • The OP is complete rubbish and none of it has moved or changed me.

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As if you understand anything about homosexuals other than your blatant hatred and obsession with them.

Get some help for your problem.

So apparently Silhouette hit a nerve with you. Must be because you are trying to justify your gayness. Syriusly, the gay behavior is not normal, depraved, filthy, and degenerate. YOU need help for your problem.

LOL....I have been confronting Silhouette's campaign of attacking homosexuals with lies for several years now.

Why? Because she trying to spread hate against fellow Americans- based entirely upon who they are sexually attracted to.

If you find her lies and attacks against Americans who happen to be homosexual to fuel your own degenerate fantasies- well feel free to join her campaign.
And getting nowhere. That's because screaming "liar!" isn't actually a refutation. "

Except I haven't just been screaming liar.

I have shown repeatedly that Silhouette flat out lies.

She lies about the Prince's Study every time she claims it shows that children do best when raised by parents of opposite gender.
She lies every time she refers to the "Mayo Clinic" study.

I have repeatedly shown with quotes and citations that she is lying.

Silhouette is oblivious to having her lies shown to the world- and you just don't give a damn that she lies.
:lmao: You have no clue that you just unwittingly proved me correct.

Like I said- Silhouette lies- and you just don't give a damn that she lies.
No- you are the one who is just making up a whole 'gay' component about Roof's attacks on African Americans.

Because that is what you do.

That's not a substantive rebuttal. You have failed to explain the elephant in the living room which is Dylann Roof's spiffy and neat black friend.

I don't have to explain why Dylann's friend said what he said- I can go by what Dylann himself said- along with what other friends of Dylann's said.

What we do know is that no one has mentioned anything 'gay' about Roof- except you.

You have fantasized about him being gay- and you have fantasized about him murdering over gay issues- while ignoring the real elephant in the room- Roof publishing his own manifesto on his anger towards blacks.
Roof's own words

The website, "The Last Rhodesian," includes a passage about why the writer, identified as Roof, chose Charleston.

I wish with a passion that ******* were treated terribly throughout history by Whites, that every White person had an ancestor who owned slaves, that segregation was an evil an oppressive institution, and so on. Because if it was all it true, it would make it so much easier for me to accept our current situation. But it isnt true. None of it is. We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons.

Only a fourth to a third of people in the South owned even one slave. Yet every White person is treated as if they had a slave owning ancestor. This applies to in the states where slavery never existed, as well as people whose families immigrated after slavery was abolished. I have read hundreds of slaves narratives from my state. And almost all of them were positive. One sticks out in my mind where an old ex-slave recounted how the day his mistress died was one of the saddest days of his life. And in many of these narratives the slaves told of how their masters didnt even allowing whipping on his plantation.

Segregation was not a bad thing. It was a defensive measure. Segregation did not exist to hold back negroes. It existed to protect us from them. And I mean that in multiple ways. Not only did it protect us from having to interact with them, and from being physically harmed by them, but it protected us from being brought down to their level. Integration has done nothing but bring Whites down to level of brute animals. The best example of this is obviously our school system.

I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.
So apparently Silhouette hit a nerve with you. Must be because you are trying to justify your gayness. Syriusly, the gay behavior is not normal, depraved, filthy, and degenerate. YOU need help for your problem.

LOL....I have been confronting Silhouette's campaign of attacking homosexuals with lies for several years now.

Why? Because she trying to spread hate against fellow Americans- based entirely upon who they are sexually attracted to.

If you find her lies and attacks against Americans who happen to be homosexual to fuel your own degenerate fantasies- well feel free to join her campaign.
And getting nowhere. That's because screaming "liar!" isn't actually a refutation. "

Except I haven't just been screaming liar.

I have shown repeatedly that Silhouette flat out lies.

She lies about the Prince's Study every time she claims it shows that children do best when raised by parents of opposite gender.
She lies every time she refers to the "Mayo Clinic" study.

I have repeatedly shown with quotes and citations that she is lying.

Silhouette is oblivious to having her lies shown to the world- and you just don't give a damn that she lies.
:lmao: You have no clue that you just unwittingly proved me correct.

Like I said- Silhouette lies- and you just don't give a damn that she lies.
You did it again!

What you are the recipient of here Conservative is called 'gaslighting'. When any cult seeks to insert its abnormal values into a group or society, it must first convince those society members that they must doubt their trust of even the thousands-years old definitions of words in their dialect. In order for "queer" to become normal, people engaged in normalcy must be caused to doubt themselves...feel ashamed for it...fear not going along with the new thing...be told that "no, up is not up, it's down....white is not white, it's now black".

wow, i'm really impressed I made you that crazy with a throw-away line.

So I will ask you a question. When did you figure out you were Straight? Probably the same time I and every other straight male does, when you started growing hair on various parts of your body and finally noticed that girls weren't 'icky' anymore and had these lovely round parts.

(This works on the assumption that you are actually straight and not a self-loathing gay dude).

It's not your sexuality that's the problem, dude. It's your hatred and obsession that concerns me. Because honestly, you strike me as the type that will probably commit some act of violence against gay people given the chance.
I know how much USMB's polls mean to Silhouette so it should noted that 70% of the respondents presently believe the OP is complete rubbish. :lol:
It's not your sexuality that's the problem, dude. It's your hatred and obsession that concerns me. Because honestly, you strike me as the type that will probably commit some act of violence against gay people given the chance.

I already have committed an act of violence against gay people. When I was a teenager a group of five gays pinned me in a house and tried to gang-rape me. This was during the height of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" conversion era. They had been avid followers of that cult film (aptly assigned genre). They saw me as a Brad and Janet "project" to convert by force if necessary, just like the film depicted was OK to do. They said so. At first they announced their intent and when I flatly refused their advances, two of them grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into a bedroom. I had run away from home (was vulnerable without adult custodians) and was staying at a friend's who was out of the house at the time. These were some of his buddies.

When they grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into the back room I acted quickly. I jerked free and ran straight at the biggest one in the group with full force. I slammed them up against the wall of the house so friggin' hard that the walls shook. I think I may have broken some ribs as a courtesy to them who would've raped me if they could. Unknown to them, I had been breaking and training horses for several years when this happened. I was ripped and incredibly strong for my age. The smaller ones, spooked by my sudden ferocity, started backing out the front door. They took off as a group and I never saw them again.

As a result, I strongly recommend that people first read the manifesto and the OP as a whole, then watch the cult film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". If you're still ambivalent at this being a metaphor for this cult taking over our country's normal value system, then I suggest you don't sign up for the mensa society any time soon. And keep doing that homework so you too can learn who it was who launched the Hollywood arm of the LGBT Agenda way back when. And what his deepest motivations were. Add a couple of very rich donors to the project and viola! Gaslighting begins to catch flame.

A random act of violence against gays will solve nothing. Morever, I didn't go to excess to defend myself then. For instance, I could've drawn a weapon on them but chose not to. Because my family had experience with gays from our family friend, and my brother had clued me in that our friend had serious issues which are obvious in any gay person IMHO, I was left after the event thinking...as I'm always wont to do... So I thought about why they did what they did and it became obvious that they were acting out a film's theme like zombies. I pondered that they too were undoubtedly converted in same or similar ways to that type of habitual sexual mania. Misery loves company. I ascertained all this very quickly from the looks on the various of the five's faces. A couple of them looked like they were reliving the horrors of their first initiation, and it's my belief they were the first two that fled out the front door. The largest behaved more like a perp who was pulled short by not getting what they wanted.

Nowadays that group would run to the press and sue me for "beating up gays". But this type of "aggressive-hitting" or even rape by gays of straights in conversion-attempts...particularly vulnerable kids like I was, happens more often than you think. I defended myself with restraint. But others may not.
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I already have committed an act of violence against gay people. When I was a teenager a group of five gays pinned me in a house and tried to gang-rape me. This was during the height of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" conversion era. They had been avid followers of that cult film (aptly assigned genre). They saw me as a Brad and Janet "project" to convert by force if necessary, just like the film depicted was OK to do.

Oh, wait, i thought you hated gays because they made your best friend gay and he died of the AIDS.

This is a new story, man.

Your homophobic snuff fantasies are kind of disturbing to read, though. I don't believe this story any more than I believe you whacky story about your AIDS buddy.
If you're still ambivalent at this being a metaphor for this cult taking over our country's normal value system, then I suggest you don't sign up for the mensa society any time soon. And keep doing that homework so you too can learn who it was who launched the Hollywood arm of the LGBT Agenda way back when. And what his deepest motivations were. Add a couple of very rich donors to the project and viola! Gaslighting begins to catch flame.

dude, i have to admit, I've never had a gay dude hit on me, ever.

I did date a girl who was involved in stage performances of RHPC. She was kind of a freak.
It's not your sexuality that's the problem, dude. It's your hatred and obsession that concerns me. Because honestly, you strike me as the type that will probably commit some act of violence against gay people given the chance.

I already have committed an act of violence against gay people. When I was a teenager a group of five gays pinned me in a house and tried to gang-rape me. This was during the height of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" conversion era. They had been avid followers of that cult film (aptly assigned genre). They saw me as a Brad and Janet "project" to convert by force if necessary, just like the film depicted was OK to do. They said so. At first they announced their intent and when I flatly refused their advances, two of them grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into a bedroom. I had run away from home (was vulnerable without adult custodians) and was staying at a friend's who was out of the house at the time. These were some of his buddies.

When they grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into the back room I acted quickly. I jerked free and ran straight at the biggest one in the group with full force. I slammed them up against the wall of the house so friggin' hard that the walls shook. I think I may have broken some ribs as a courtesy to them who would've raped me if they could. Unknown to them, I had been breaking and training horses for several years when this happened. I was ripped and incredibly strong for my age. The smaller ones, spooked by my sudden ferocity, started backing out the front door. They took off as a group and I never saw them again.

As a result, I strongly recommend that people first read the manifesto and the OP as a whole, then watch the cult film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". If you're still ambivalent at this being a metaphor for this cult taking over our country's normal value system, then I suggest you don't sign up for the mensa society any time soon. And keep doing that homework so you too can learn who it was who launched the Hollywood arm of the LGBT Agenda way back when. And what his deepest motivations were. Add a couple of very rich donors to the project and viola! Gaslighting begins to catch flame.

A random act of violence against gays will solve nothing. Morever, I didn't go to excess to defend myself then. For instance, I could've drawn a weapon on them but chose not to. Because my family had experience with gays from our family friend, and my brother had clued me in that our friend had serious issues which are obvious in any gay person IMHO, I was left after the event thinking...as I'm always wont to do... So I thought about why they did what they did and it became obvious that they were acting out a film's theme like zombies. I pondered that they too were undoubtedly converted in same or similar ways to that type of habitual sexual mania. Misery loves company. I ascertained all this very quickly from the looks on the various of the five's faces. A couple of them looked like they were reliving the horrors of their first initiation, and it's my belief they were the first two that fled out the front door. The largest behaved more like a perp who was pulled short by not getting what they wanted.

Nowadays that group would run to the press and sue me for "beating up gays". But this type of "aggressive-hitting" or even rape by gays of straights in conversion-attempts...particularly vulnerable kids like I was, happens more often than you think. I defended myself with restraint. But others may not.

Oh, wait, i thought you hated gays because they made your best friend gay and he died of the AIDS. ...This is a new story, man....Your homophobic snuff fantasies are kind of disturbing to read, though. I don't believe this story any more than I believe you whacky story about your AIDS buddy.

My friend is in the account. Read the whole thing. I guess you're in the habit of telling victims of crimes that they imagined the whole thing. More gaslighting:

"this could have never happened. Rocky Horror never was a cult phenomenon. Rocky Horror has no such dominant theme of sexual assault or forced conversion from straight to gay..your eyes are getting heavy...this never happened...this never could happen....gays never seek out vulnerable orphans or runaways to sexually assault or "turn"...."
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It's not your sexuality that's the problem, dude. It's your hatred and obsession that concerns me. Because honestly, you strike me as the type that will probably commit some act of violence against gay people given the chance.

I already have committed an act of violence against gay people. When I was a teenager a group of five gays pinned me in a house and tried to gang-rape me. This was during the height of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" conversion era. They had been avid followers of that cult film (aptly assigned genre). They saw me as a Brad and Janet "project" to convert by force if necessary, just like the film depicted was OK to do. They said so. At first they announced their intent and when I flatly refused their advances, two of them grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into a bedroom. I had run away from home (was vulnerable without adult custodians) and was staying at a friend's who was out of the house at the time. These were some of his buddies.

When they grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into the back room I acted quickly. I jerked free and ran straight at the biggest one in the group with full force. I slammed them up against the wall of the house so friggin' hard that the walls shook. I think I may have broken some ribs as a courtesy to them who would've raped me if they could. Unknown to them, I had been breaking and training horses for several years when this happened. I was ripped and incredibly strong for my age. The smaller ones, spooked by my sudden ferocity, started backing out the front door. They took off as a group and I never saw them again.

As a result, I strongly recommend that people first read the manifesto and the OP as a whole, then watch the cult film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". If you're still ambivalent at this being a metaphor for this cult taking over our country's normal value system, then I suggest you don't sign up for the mensa society any time soon. And keep doing that homework so you too can learn who it was who launched the Hollywood arm of the LGBT Agenda way back when. And what his deepest motivations were. Add a couple of very rich donors to the project and viola! Gaslighting begins to catch flame.

A random act of violence against gays will solve nothing. Morever, I didn't go to excess to defend myself then. For instance, I could've drawn a weapon on them but chose not to. Because my family had experience with gays from our family friend, and my brother had clued me in that our friend had serious issues which are obvious in any gay person IMHO, I was left after the event thinking...as I'm always wont to do... So I thought about why they did what they did and it became obvious that they were acting out a film's theme like zombies. I pondered that they too were undoubtedly converted in same or similar ways to that type of habitual sexual mania. Misery loves company. I ascertained all this very quickly from the looks on the various of the five's faces. A couple of them looked like they were reliving the horrors of their first initiation, and it's my belief they were the first two that fled out the front door. The largest behaved more like a perp who was pulled short by not getting what they wanted.

Nowadays that group would run to the press and sue me for "beating up gays". But this type of "aggressive-hitting" or even rape by gays of straights in conversion-attempts...particularly vulnerable kids like I was, happens more often than you think. I defended myself with restraint. But others may not.

Oh, wait, i thought you hated gays because they made your best friend gay and he died of the AIDS. ...This is a new story, man....Your homophobic snuff fantasies are kind of disturbing to read, though. I don't believe this story any more than I believe you whacky story about your AIDS buddy.

My friend is in the account. Read the whole thing. I guess you're in the habit of telling victims of crimes that they imagined the whole thing. More gaslighting:

"this could have never happened. Rocky Horror never was a cult phenomenon. Rocky Horror has no such dominant theme of sexual assault or forced conversion from straight to gay..your eyes are getting heavy...this never happened...this never could happen....gays never seek out vulnerable orphans or runaways to sexually assault or "turn"...."
So, you're telling us that five girls tried to rape you? Do I understand that correctly?
Thanks to you Paint for bumping the thread with your strawmen. Have you ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Yes, I'll bet you have.
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

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