Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump!

Did you learn anything by reading the OP or are you fully reformed by your masters?

  • Wow, what an eye-opener. I had no idea. I am forever changed by this new insight.

  • The OP is complete rubbish and none of it has moved or changed me.

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Sil is riding her unicorn again.
"your eyes are getting heavy...the cued statements in the youtube below the day after Roof shot up the Christians is not really existing in reality. That youtube was carefully fabricated using photoshop and a rehearsed plant put there that day to make it look like it wasn't about race when it really was...it really was...it really was...about racial unrest...racial unrest...racial unrest..."

View it again Jake:

Cue at 35 seconds & 230 seconds:
Exactly. You do not have any evidence. Just your imagination and wild ass speculation. Your theories are all the same: Gays are to blame.

A kid who never spoke ill of blacks before?! :lmao: Your delusions knows no bounds.

Sorry I ruined your solo dance party on these poor people's graves. :(

I'm not the one planning a huge media event falsely portraying Roof's massacre as "against blacks" in order to glean a few more votes for democrats by spurring racial unrest on false pretenses in order to polarize minorities away from the GOP. THAT blame goes to the LGBT/dem machine...not me. I'm here to protect lives from the flames of a manufactured race-war which will undoubtedly claim lives and perhaps even start a situation of civil martial law...

Roof didn't hate blacks. That's a fact. Why he shot up a Church Bible study that particular day is up for speculation, but it wasn't because of his "hatred for blacks as a conservative (beta boy, upside down dainty wristwatch wearing)". You are trying to create racial unrest for political reasons off the backs of the dead nine Christians. And I should be thrown in jail?

You are free to delude yourself all you wish when it comes to Roof's obvious racism; however, do not expect the rest of us to follow suit. If you truly cared about these people so much you wouldn't blatantly lie about the reason they were murdered. You only care about finding a way to use their lifeless bodies as a vehicle to attack gay people. Nothing more.

I don't think you should be thrown in jail but I do think you should check yourself into some treatment facility for the mentally ill.

Meanwhile- another friend of Roof's talks about his threats of violence based upon race.

I'll buy the one more candid, just hours after the attack instead of some plant that came out to paint the "racial unrest" story later...thanks...

Shocking! You'll stick to the video that confirms whatever nonsense you're cooking up in your imagination. lol
Sil does not care about any of the people involved.

Her campaign is against LGBT and will make any wild claim in support of it, as she is doing here.
Exactly. You do not have any evidence. Just your imagination and wild ass speculation. Your theories are all the same: Gays are to blame.

A kid who never spoke ill of blacks before?! :lmao: Your delusions knows no bounds.

Sorry I ruined your solo dance party on these poor people's graves. :(

I'm not the one planning a huge media event falsely portraying Roof's massacre as "against blacks"

No- you are the one who is just making up a whole 'gay' component about Roof's attacks on African Americans.

Because that is what you do.
Sil is riding her unicorn again.
"your eyes are getting heavy...the cued statements in the youtube below the day after Roof shot up the Christians is not really existing in reality. That youtube was carefully fabricated using photoshop and a rehearsed plant put there that day to make it look like it wasn't about race when it really was...it really was...it really was...about racial unrest...racial unrest...racial unrest..."

View it again Jake:

Where exactly does he say that Roof shot up the church because of gays?

Oh wait- nowhere- matter of fact- he said that Roof never planned on attacking a church at all- and he also said that he had mentioned this a week before the event you said was the reason for Roof's attack.

Your blatant lies to attack gays continue.
There is no 'gay component' to Roof's attack.

Here is a quote from Silhouette on the ark


As if you understand anything about homosexuals other than your blatant hatred and obsession with them.

Get some help for your problem.

So apparently Silhouette hit a nerve with you. Must be because you are trying to justify your gayness. Syriusly, the gay behavior is not normal, depraved, filthy, and degenerate. YOU need help for your problem.

LOL....I have been confronting Silhouette's campaign of attacking homosexuals with lies for several years now.

Why? Because she trying to spread hate against fellow Americans- based entirely upon who they are sexually attracted to.

If you find her lies and attacks against Americans who happen to be homosexual to fuel your own degenerate fantasies- well feel free to join her campaign.
And getting nowhere. That's because screaming "liar!" isn't actually a refutation. "

Except I haven't just been screaming liar.

I have shown repeatedly that Silhouette flat out lies.

She lies about the Prince's Study every time she claims it shows that children do best when raised by parents of opposite gender.
She lies every time she refers to the "Mayo Clinic" study.

I have repeatedly shown with quotes and citations that she is lying.

Silhouette is oblivious to having her lies shown to the world- and you just don't give a damn that she lies.
:lmao: You have no clue that you just unwittingly proved me correct.
No- you are the one who is just making up a whole 'gay' component about Roof's attacks on African Americans.

Because that is what you do.

That's not a substantive rebuttal. You have failed to explain the elephant in the living room which is Dylann Roof's spiffy and neat black friend basically swearing on his mother's grave just hours after Dylann killed the 9 at Bible study, that Dylann didn't have a racist bone in his body....that instead he had a lust to kill that was amorphic. "Because that's what you do" fails to explain this glaring exception to the "This was a racial crime" narrative.

LGBT gaslighting tip #5421: "If your eyes and ears are clearly telling you what is right in front of them, ignore whatever that is if it conflicts with the LGBT ramping-up-racial-tension-vote-getter campaign."

ROOF WAS ABSOLUTELY A RACIST AND THIS WAS A RACIAL CRIME (no matter what his best black friend said hours after he did it..)

Sleight of hand, draw the curtain part way...only allow the crowd to see what you want them to. That manifesto in the OP is absolutely correct. The LGBT are superior at theatrical sleuth.
There is no spiffy retort.

You are wrong, Sil, as always.

Nothing new.
Everybody should disregard Roof's own words on the matter and just blithely accept Sil's imagination instead.

Sorry you can't use all those dead bodies to smear queers. That must eat you up inside.
Sil being a lying piece of shit #57634: Use any tragedy and find a way, far fetched or not, to smear gays.
You are wrong, Sil, as always.

Nothing new.

People who gaslight, often employ words like "always" and "never" often. The extremism serves to completely annihilate the morale of those they are targeting. Anyone with a severely diminished morale will without question begin to doubt themselves. Others looking on shrink in horror and, too, begin to doubt themselves. It is a powerful psychological tool to remake a target group into your liking.

The most foolish thing the LGBT gaslighter-original crew did was to allow their manifesto to be published. In so doing they broke the first LAW of gaslighting: NEVER allow your targets to catch on that you are in control of them, bending their will and their minds. Tsk tsk. Amatuers!
You are wrong, Sil, as always.

Nothing new.

People who gaslight, often employ words like "always" and "never" often. The extremism serves to completely annihilate the morale of those they are targeting. Anyone with a severely diminished morale will without question begin to doubt themselves. Others looking on shrink in horror and, too, begin to doubt themselves. It is a powerful psychological tool to remake a target group into your liking.

The most foolish thing the LGBT gaslighter-original crew did was to allow their manifesto to be published. In so doing they broke the first LAW of gaslighting: NEVER allow your targets to catch on that you are in control of them, bending their will and their minds. Tsk tsk. Amatuers!
For amateurs they've won, and you've lost. They are living their lives, and you are whining here.

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