Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump!

Did you learn anything by reading the OP or are you fully reformed by your masters?

  • Wow, what an eye-opener. I had no idea. I am forever changed by this new insight.

  • The OP is complete rubbish and none of it has moved or changed me.

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Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit

Gays are still pretty funny. Militants of all flavors try and suck the fun out of the room. I have little use for whiny bitches. lol
Thanks to you Paint for bumping the thread with your strawmen. Have you ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Yes, I'll bet you have.
Many times, and tell us which sex were the gays who tried to rape you, pretty panties?

Use your imagination. What gender of gays would be the most likely to launch a sexual assault?
If they were men, since you are female, that would have been a heterosexual rape. Par for the course. Maybe they thought you were a lez? Men rape them to change teach them better...
It's not your sexuality that's the problem, dude. It's your hatred and obsession that concerns me. Because honestly, you strike me as the type that will probably commit some act of violence against gay people given the chance.

I already have committed an act of violence against gay people. When I was a teenager a group of five gays pinned me in a house and tried to gang-rape me. This was during the height of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" conversion era. They had been avid followers of that cult film (aptly assigned genre). They saw me as a Brad and Janet "project" to convert by force if necessary, just like the film depicted was OK to do. They said so. At first they announced their intent and when I flatly refused their advances, two of them grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into a bedroom. I had run away from home (was vulnerable without adult custodians) and was staying at a friend's who was out of the house at the time. These were some of his buddies.

When they grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into the back room I acted quickly. I jerked free and ran straight at the biggest one in the group with full force. I slammed them up against the wall of the house so friggin' hard that the walls shook. I think I may have broken some ribs as a courtesy to them who would've raped me if they could. Unknown to them, I had been breaking and training horses for several years when this happened. I was ripped and incredibly strong for my age. The smaller ones, spooked by my sudden ferocity, started backing out the front door. They took off as a group and I never saw them again.

As a result, I strongly recommend that people first read the manifesto and the OP as a whole, then watch the cult film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". If you're still ambivalent at this being a metaphor for this cult taking over our country's normal value system, then I suggest you don't sign up for the mensa society any time soon. And keep doing that homework so you too can learn who it was who launched the Hollywood arm of the LGBT Agenda way back when. And what his deepest motivations were. Add a couple of very rich donors to the project and viola! Gaslighting begins to catch flame.

A random act of violence against gays will solve nothing. Morever, I didn't go to excess to defend myself then. For instance, I could've drawn a weapon on them but chose not to. Because my family had experience with gays from our family friend, and my brother had clued me in that our friend had serious issues which are obvious in any gay person IMHO, I was left after the event thinking...as I'm always wont to do... So I thought about why they did what they did and it became obvious that they were acting out a film's theme like zombies. I pondered that they too were undoubtedly converted in same or similar ways to that type of habitual sexual mania. Misery loves company. I ascertained all this very quickly from the looks on the various of the five's faces. A couple of them looked like they were reliving the horrors of their first initiation, and it's my belief they were the first two that fled out the front door. The largest behaved more like a perp who was pulled short by not getting what they wanted.

Nowadays that group would run to the press and sue me for "beating up gays". But this type of "aggressive-hitting" or even rape by gays of straights in conversion-attempts...particularly vulnerable kids like I was, happens more often than you think. I defended myself with restraint. But others may not.

Wow- a whole new story from Silhouette.

Isn't it odd- after years of telling us that her jihad against gays was because of a friend who died of AIDs- whom she didn't even know was gay- suddenly there is a new story about an 'attempted rape'- and suddenly

I don't believe a word of it.

We have seen Silhouette lie over and over- and now this sudden new story of attempted rape- by 5- count them 5! attackers- which she bravely fought off all by herself.

I don't believe a word of it.
It's not your sexuality that's the problem, dude. It's your hatred and obsession that concerns me. Because honestly, you strike me as the type that will probably commit some act of violence against gay people given the chance.

I already have committed an act of violence against gay people. When I was a teenager a group of five gays pinned me in a house and tried to gang-rape me. This was during the height of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" conversion era. They had been avid followers of that cult film (aptly assigned genre). They saw me as a Brad and Janet "project" to convert by force if necessary, just like the film depicted was OK to do. They said so. At first they announced their intent and when I flatly refused their advances, two of them grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into a bedroom. I had run away from home (was vulnerable without adult custodians) and was staying at a friend's who was out of the house at the time. These were some of his buddies.

When they grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into the back room I acted quickly. I jerked free and ran straight at the biggest one in the group with full force. I slammed them up against the wall of the house so friggin' hard that the walls shook. I think I may have broken some ribs as a courtesy to them who would've raped me if they could. Unknown to them, I had been breaking and training horses for several years when this happened. I was ripped and incredibly strong for my age. The smaller ones, spooked by my sudden ferocity, started backing out the front door. They took off as a group and I never saw them again.

As a result, I strongly recommend that people first read the manifesto and the OP as a whole, then watch the cult film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". If you're still ambivalent at this being a metaphor for this cult taking over our country's normal value system, then I suggest you don't sign up for the mensa society any time soon. And keep doing that homework so you too can learn who it was who launched the Hollywood arm of the LGBT Agenda way back when. And what his deepest motivations were. Add a couple of very rich donors to the project and viola! Gaslighting begins to catch flame.

A random act of violence against gays will solve nothing. Morever, I didn't go to excess to defend myself then. For instance, I could've drawn a weapon on them but chose not to. Because my family had experience with gays from our family friend, and my brother had clued me in that our friend had serious issues which are obvious in any gay person IMHO, I was left after the event thinking...as I'm always wont to do... So I thought about why they did what they did and it became obvious that they were acting out a film's theme like zombies. I pondered that they too were undoubtedly converted in same or similar ways to that type of habitual sexual mania. Misery loves company. I ascertained all this very quickly from the looks on the various of the five's faces. A couple of them looked like they were reliving the horrors of their first initiation, and it's my belief they were the first two that fled out the front door. The largest behaved more like a perp who was pulled short by not getting what they wanted.

Nowadays that group would run to the press and sue me for "beating up gays". But this type of "aggressive-hitting" or even rape by gays of straights in conversion-attempts...particularly vulnerable kids like I was, happens more often than you think. I defended myself with restraint. But others may not.

Wow- a whole new story from Silhouette.

Isn't it odd- after years of telling us that her jihad against gays was because of a friend who died of AIDs- whom she didn't even know was gay- suddenly there is a new story about an 'attempted rape'- and suddenly

I don't believe a word of it.

We have seen Silhouette lie over and over- and now this sudden new story of attempted rape- by 5- count them 5! attackers- which she bravely fought off all by herself.

I don't believe a word of it.
Five males against one girl, gay or not she hasn't a chance.
My friend is in the account. Read the whole thing. I guess you're in the habit of telling victims of crimes that they imagined the whole thing. More gaslighting:

"this could have never happened. Rocky Horror never was a cult phenomenon. Rocky Horror has no such dominant theme of sexual assault or forced conversion from straight to gay..your eyes are getting heavy...this never happened...this never could happen....gays never seek out vulnerable orphans or runaways to sexually assault or "turn"...."

Except the person- you- claiming to be a victim of violent crime- lies all the time- you have been caught lying repeatedly- among the most recent examples is lying about the Prince's Study and the "Mayo Clinic" Study.

Even your own web page- where you explained why you are so obsessed with your hatred of homosexuals in the United States didn't mention this before.

Why would anyone believe you?
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit
There is a bisexual transvestite, no gays at all.

Good grief...Rocky Horror is referred to as the symbol of gay pride. Do you ever tire of sticking your snout in threads and getting it slapped?
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit
There is a bisexual transvestite, no gays at all.

Good grief...Rocky Horror is referred to as the symbol of gay pride. Do you ever tire of sticking your snout in threads and getting it slapped?
One, it's not gay. Two, nearly everyone who loves it is straight. The Wizard of Oz would have been a better "gay movie", and no one was a fag in that either.
Here in Silhouette's own words- from her own blog- are the reasons she is so obsessed about attacking homosexuals- not one word about an attempted rape


Silhouette's effort

Having spent a great deal of time in the world of sinners, and still observing and studying the lingo and mechanisms there, I decided to be virtually the lone voice on opposing opinions to what I call the Gay Agenda.

I'm sort of a rogue Christian, as I hardly darken the door of a church these days, having been raised and confirmed Christian many years ago. I think I was called to be in a foxhole instead of an easy-chair.

I actually stumbled onto some of the founding members of a Los Angeles/Hollywood organization dedicated to siezing the media to carve up and dispense chosen information set in a light to favor the LGBT Agenda. It was at a totally unrelated site. But the site it was on and the discipline I was looking into there gave me clues as to how they intended to proceed. And in fact this is exactly what they were and are doing. It is a very carefully tooled psychological mechanism of using a relatively small group of coordinated individuals acting their parts flawlessly to create a mirage in any fashion they choose. It is extremely effective and had been working like a well-oiled machine. There couldn't be a better venue than the internet to pull this off.

With my background (at left) and my knowledge of how I knew this group would proceed, and literally the lone voice on standing up to the LGBT propaganda/fear machine and organized teams of bloggers keeping a jack boot on all conversations about what the LGBT think tank was up to, I posted for over a decade up to 3 hours a day, every day, 7 days a week between farm chores, raising kids as a single parent and just trying to maintain a normal life besides.

After becoming partially disabled, my mission instead of waning, doubled in strength. Daily I wake confronting what most try to forget: the looming mortality that will eventually claim me. Instead of wallowing in this, I made it the wind beneath my sails. I made a pledge to myself to leave my kids with a world they could be proud of, instead of a world which I could clearly see was going to hell in a handbasket.

While blogging I received no paycheck for the 10s of thousands of hours I dedicated, save for a steady stream of abuse and group attacks form the notoriously-aggressive LGBT online lobby. Few came to my side and when they did, the opposition doubled-down. They bullied, shamed and belittled any aid that came to me with the usual vitriole: "bigot!" "hater!" "homophobe!!". If that failed they often would post vile pictures or language aimed at making normally modest Christians cringe and retreat. That of course is what's called for in the strategy I learned they were employing. Again, it is extremely effective unless called out as such. Which is exactly what I did, relentlessly.

Such was the battlefront, day in and day out. But I stayed the course. And in so doing I researched and fact checked numerous dubious claims by the LGBT Front. I remained cordial, stalwart and strong, refusing to be dragged down to the level of those who made a great, persistent and coordinated effort to silence me, all in the name of "tolerance". I advocate compassion toward individual gays but never to promote their behavior as a normal value. See Jude 1 of the New Testament for details.

I delight in seeing that now more and more Christians & secular folks with them are braving forward, ignoring the bullying, standing up for their truth and their opinions. This is the greatest thing I could hope for: Company! Finally! And finally hope to confront what happened to my friend and what his unchecked disease did to so many other men in the same boat.

So it is with a lighter heart I thank people joining the effort. And I hope that now after all this time people might give to relieve the drains in my life that have started since my mission years ago. Give what you can. My highest value is in your prayers. But getting the mortgate paid each month is running a close second right about now. Do what you can. All is appreciated.

P.S. Be sure to visit the chat forums at http://effortmatters.yuku.com ~ Silhouette

Why bother?

My passion to educate and confront people about the LGBT agenda began early in life. A good family friend was molested as a boy by a gay man. From his habituated wounds he "became gay".

From not confronting his actual wounds, he went from there to being suicidal and even murderous. He used sex as a drug. After contracting HIV, he went out in vengeance & mania and had as many anonymous unprotected encounters as he could. All told, many 100s or even 1,000s of men were likely infected by his unresolved childhood trauma.

He died of AIDS in his early 30s. By then he had accelerated the early demise of many other men like him. This is the dirty secret of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Under the veil of "anti-bullying (zero tolerance for opposing opinions) this physical and spiritual epidemic thrives.

Unfortunately his is not an isolated story. The following quote is from a CDC study on the origins and suffering of gay men:

"ATLANTA 2005 (Clinical Psychiatry News) -Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse, that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph. D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta"

The Mayo Clinic tells us that behaviors such as these can be transmitted from one generation to the next.

"One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the "Victim-to-Abuser" cycle or "Abused-Abuser" phenomena.

"..why the Abused-Abuser phenomena occurs: idenfication with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place."

Upon researching various topics related to the psychology of these afflicted homosexuals, I stumbled upon the events in the 1970s where the American Psychological Association was essentially taken over by LGBT activists. That explained so many things that had gone awry in psychology ever since.

Most recently I learned that the APA has simply discarded the scientific process in favor of just plain cult dogma as their official position on matters for public consumption; and worse yet, that other actual scientific organizations like the AMA, American Pediatrics and other vital groups rely on "as fact".

I knew that if someone didn't confront this and confront it quickly, the goal would be completed. That goal, in my humble opinion, is to access the minds of children to infect the core of society itself with the notion that this cult's values are "the new normal". After reading about the chillingly-close parallels of child predators and how this neo-cult was progressing, the end game was clearly the same for both: to normalize that which must never be normal in order ot soften the minds of children to accept what those responsible want them to be open to doing to them.

At that point, my recall returned to my friend, how he was inducted and what happened to him as he passed on the social and physical contagion. Normalizing this is the worst thing a society could do. A close second to that is treating these people harshly; a thing we must never do. We must see the disease, how it progresses, where it starts and where it's going with an honest and compassionate eye. And it was to this end that I struggled for years to reach.

I think we may finally be getting to that milestone.
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit
There is a bisexual transvestite, no gays at all.

Good grief...Rocky Horror is referred to as the symbol of gay pride. Do you ever tire of sticking your snout in threads and getting it slapped?
One, it's not gay. Two, nearly everyone who loves it is straight. The Wizard of Oz would have been a better "gay movie", and no one was a fag in that either.

Once again, because you say something means nothing to me, learn that...then live it
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit
There is a bisexual transvestite, no gays at all.

Good grief...Rocky Horror is referred to as the symbol of gay pride. Do you ever tire of sticking your snout in threads and getting it slapped?

idk about that, a lot of my LGBT folks thought it was offensive...
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit
There is a bisexual transvestite, no gays at all.

Good grief...Rocky Horror is referred to as the symbol of gay pride. Do you ever tire of sticking your snout in threads and getting it slapped?

idk about that, a lot of my LGBT folks thought it was offensive...

I think it is hysterical. Tim Curry is a treasure!
Now The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is at fault. This thread just keeps getting odder and odder. lol

Rocky Horror is a classic. That was back when gays were funny, now they are all militant and shit
There is a bisexual transvestite, no gays at all.

Good grief...Rocky Horror is referred to as the symbol of gay pride. Do you ever tire of sticking your snout in threads and getting it slapped?
One, it's not gay. Two, nearly everyone who loves it is straight. The Wizard of Oz would have been a better "gay movie", and no one was a fag in that either.

Once again, because you say something means nothing to me, learn that...then live it
You have a total inability to deal with the truth or reality, just like you are telling lies about your attempted rape by five gay men.

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