Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump!

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"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."
Why would you leave this key sentence from the author out of your op? Too funny.
It's either a blanket-cover for "satire" (wasn't aware that satire involved raping boys, destroying Christians and taking up guns but?), or it is a confession of what was actually going on: "eruption of inner rage".

And we've seen that eruption manifest. That's why they call them "manifestos". This inner rage isn't comfortable until it has made itself tangible in the physical world.
"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."
Why would you leave this key sentence from the author out of your op? Too funny.
It's either a blanket-cover for "satire" (wasn't aware that satire involved raping boys, destroying Christians and taking up guns but?), or it is a confession of what was actually going on: "eruption of inner rage".

And we've seen that eruption manifest. That's why they call them "manifestos". This inner rage isn't comfortable until it has made itself tangible in the physical world.

If that satire is real than so is this satire:

Gay Conversion Therapists Claim Most Patients Fully Straight By The Time They Commit Suicide lol

There are very few people that actually believe this satire is a real manifesto and those people, like yourself, are idiots blinded by hate.

It is dumb shit like is why most people do not take you remotely seriously.
"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."
Why would you leave this key sentence from the author out of your op? Too funny.
It's either a blanket-cover for "satire" (wasn't aware that satire involved raping boys, destroying Christians and taking up guns but?), or it is a confession of what was actually going on: "eruption of inner rage".

And we've seen that eruption manifest. That's why they call them "manifestos". This inner rage isn't comfortable until it has made itself tangible in the physical world.
Where's the explanation on why five gay men were going to rape you but you got away?

As if you understand anything about homosexuals other than your blatant hatred and obsession with them.

Get some help for your problem.

yeah, that's what happens to closeted homosexuals. their self-hatred makes them obsessed.

kind of like michelle bachman's husband's pray away the gay BS
"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."
Why would you leave this key sentence from the author out of your op? Too funny.
It's either a blanket-cover for "satire" (wasn't aware that satire involved raping boys, destroying Christians and taking up guns but?), or it is a confession of what was actually going on: "eruption of inner rage".

And we've seen that eruption manifest. That's why they call them "manifestos". This inner rage isn't comfortable until it has made itself tangible in the physical world.

The only one calling this a manifesto is you.

All part of your ongoing anti-gay campaign.
The only one calling this a manifesto is you.

All part of your ongoing anti-gay campaign.

Gay gaslighting tip #4891: convince your target that dictionary terms aren't real. Convice the world that the word "manifest" is not part of "manifesto". If something manifests that reflects a statement of intent, call it "a coincidence" or "not really happening". For instance, Kim Davis was never thrown in jail for being a Christian. The gaslighting spin is "she was thrown in jail for disobeying the law". Powerful implication to bystanders "and you will be too, if you try that Christian/now illegal crap!".

Ah gaslighting society. Such a clear run up until now..
The only one calling this a manifesto is you.

All part of your ongoing anti-gay campaign.

Gay gaslighting tip #4891: convince your target that dictionary terms aren't real. Convice the world that the word "manifest" is not part of "manifesto". If something manifests that reflects a statement of intent, call it "a coincidence" or "not really happening". For instance, Kim Davis was never thrown in jail for being a Christian. The gaslighting spin is "she was thrown in jail for disobeying the law". Powerful implication to bystanders "and you will be too, if you try that Christian/now illegal crap!".

Ah gaslighting society. Such a clear run up until now..

Homophobic Bigot gaslighting tip #1: spread lies liberally- believing that some fools will believe the homophobic bigotry.
Homophobic Bigot gaslighting tip #1: spread lies liberally- believing that some fools will believe the homophobic bigotry.

The paramount rule demonstrated here by Syriusly, LGBT Agenda surrogate #99874, is "be sure the world believes that your target is the one tampering with reality, not you".. That's like the first minute of the first day of Gaslighting 101 in the lecture hall.
"This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."
Why would you leave this key sentence from the author out of your op? Too funny.
It's either a blanket-cover for "satire" (wasn't aware that satire involved raping boys, destroying Christians and taking up guns but?), or it is a confession of what was actually going on: "eruption of inner rage".

I want to alert you to this other manifesto- where the English propose cannabilism of Irish babies as part of a diabolical plan to reduce the number of Catholics....

Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal

I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least objection.

I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout.

I do therefore humbly offer it to public consideration that of the hundred and twenty thousand children already computed, twenty thousand may be reserved for breed, whereof only one-fourth part to be males; which is more than we allow to sheep, black cattle or swine; and my reason is, that these children are seldom the fruits of marriage, a circumstance not much regarded by our savages, therefore one male will be sufficient to serve four females. That the remaining hundred thousand may, at a year old, be offered in the sale to the persons of quality and fortune through the kingdom; always advising the mother to let them suck plentifully in the last month, so as to render them plump and fat for a good table. A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends; and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter.
Homophobic Bigot gaslighting tip #1: spread lies liberally- believing that some fools will believe the homophobic bigotry.

The paramount rule demonstrated here by Syriusly, LGBT Agenda surrogate #99874, is "be sure the world believes that your target is the one tampering with reality, not you".. That's like the first minute of the first day of Gaslighting 101 in the lecture hall.

Homophobic Bigot gaslighting tip #2- ignore any facts that point out the essential bigotry of the homophobic bigots post- and just continue to spread lies.
I honestly could care less about an LGBT movement. Or any other movement. Everyone wants equality - yet, we're all born equal. Seems too many groups these days want special treatment - in addition to their God-given rights to live as Americans. You want to fight for people who are oppressed? Move to Iran. Women, Christians, you name it - all persecuted/killed/maimed in the name of Allah. And spare me the "brutal Christians" BS. They were killing Muslims. Seems they had it right thousands of years ago - and the damned Muslims made a comeback. Now, those "oppressed" in the US are siding with them and every bomb-toting camel jockey globally. How about we all just be Americans and STFU about what we do in the bedroom, huh?
I honestly could care less about an LGBT movement. Or any other movement. Everyone wants equality - yet, we're all born equal. Seems too many groups these days want special treatment - in addition to their God-given rights to live as Americans. You want to fight for people who are oppressed? Move to Iran. Women, Christians, you name it - all persecuted/killed/maimed in the name of Allah. And spare me the "brutal Christians" BS. They were killing Muslims. Seems they had it right thousands of years ago - and the damned Muslims made a comeback. Now, those "oppressed" in the US are siding with them and every bomb-toting camel jockey globally. How about we all just be Americans and STFU about what we do in the bedroom, huh?
The question is, "what constitutes the LGBT group"? Is it behaviors or something that is innate. Because if its behaviors, it's a cult. If it's inborn, it's a true civil rights struggle.

See my signature for details on what happens when cults get mistaken for legitimate civil movements...
I honestly could care less about an LGBT movement. Or any other movement. Everyone wants equality - yet, we're all born equal. Seems too many groups these days want special treatment - in addition to their God-given rights to live as Americans. You want to fight for people who are oppressed? Move to Iran. Women, Christians, you name it - all persecuted/killed/maimed in the name of Allah. And spare me the "brutal Christians" BS. They were killing Muslims. Seems they had it right thousands of years ago - and the damned Muslims made a comeback. Now, those "oppressed" in the US are siding with them and every bomb-toting camel jockey globally. How about we all just be Americans and STFU about what we do in the bedroom, huh?
The question is, "what constitutes the LGBT group"? Is it behaviors or something that is innate. Because if its behaviors, it's a cult. If it's inborn, it's a true civil rights struggle.
Tell us about these five gay men, who were going to rape you and what, make you gay?
I honestly could care less about an LGBT movement. Or any other movement. Everyone wants equality - yet, we're all born equal. Seems too many groups these days want special treatment - in addition to their God-given rights to live as Americans. You want to fight for people who are oppressed? Move to Iran. Women, Christians, you name it - all persecuted/killed/maimed in the name of Allah. And spare me the "brutal Christians" BS. They were killing Muslims. Seems they had it right thousands of years ago - and the damned Muslims made a comeback. Now, those "oppressed" in the US are siding with them and every bomb-toting camel jockey globally. How about we all just be Americans and STFU about what we do in the bedroom, huh?
The question is, "what constitutes the LGBT group"? Is it behaviors or something that is innate. Because if its behaviors, it's a cult. If it's inborn, it's a true civil rights struggle.

See my signature for details on what happens when cults get mistaken for legitimate civil movements...

Yup, allowing gays to marry will to lead Nazi Germany. It is the natural progression. lol
I honestly could care less about an LGBT movement. Or any other movement. Everyone wants equality - yet, we're all born equal. Seems too many groups these days want special treatment - in addition to their God-given rights to live as Americans. You want to fight for people who are oppressed? Move to Iran. Women, Christians, you name it - all persecuted/killed/maimed in the name of Allah. And spare me the "brutal Christians" BS. They were killing Muslims. Seems they had it right thousands of years ago - and the damned Muslims made a comeback. Now, those "oppressed" in the US are siding with them and every bomb-toting camel jockey globally. How about we all just be Americans and STFU about what we do in the bedroom, huh?
The question is, "what constitutes the LGBT group"? Is it behaviors or something that is innate. Because if its behaviors, it's a cult. If it's inborn, it's a true civil rights struggle.

See my signature for details on what happens when cults get mistaken for legitimate civil movements...

There are off the charts Boy Scouts and Knights of Columbus, for Christsakes. Every group has it's extremists. No one bothers me personally. If someone ever got in my face with their message, that might get a little uncomfortable, for everyone concerned. I like to safely watch idiots dressed like jackasses supporting a cause on television if I choose, and then shut it off and take the dog out for a walk when I've had enough. That's about the extent at which I get exposed to these people.Same with politicians that I disagree with - game show hosts, guests on talk shows, etc. Shut them off and be done with them.
Normal and Abnormal are often confused by people to mean Acceptable and Unacceptable. Normal/abnormal usually just refers to frequency and commonality of things. And isn't trying to convey acceptability.

Homosexuality is both normal and abnormal depending on how you're discussing it. Normal in it's always been part of the sexuality spectrum, abnormal in terms of a percentage of sexual humans exhibiting it. But sexuality can be acceptable or unacceptable indepedent of sexual orientations. If a man rapes a woman that's just as unacceptable as if a man rapes another man. If a man has sex with a woman that's equally as acceptable as two men having sex together or two women.

Why people not part of a sexual demographic would care or spend any time at all worrying about other demographics is curious. I'm not into shoe fetishes, but know it's a thing to many people. But I don't spend ANY time worrying about who wants to work at a shoe store or what they're doing in the backroom. :) Usually, as has been discovered time and again, the ones vocalizing their objection to something 'other people do' are doing it themselves but secretly. They vocalize their supposed objection as a kind of negative-reinforcement self-therapy. If they denounce it enough maybe they'll change their interest or inclination for the thing.

In other words, for the benefit of the OP, you're probably gay. No straight person writes denouncing homosexuality unless struggling with latent homosexuality themselves.
There are off the charts Boy Scouts and Knights of Columbus, for Christsakes. Every group has it's extremists. No one bothers me personally. If someone ever got in my face with their message, that might get a little uncomfortable, for everyone concerned. I like to safely watch idiots dressed like jackasses supporting a cause on television if I choose, and then shut it off and take the dog out for a walk when I've had enough. That's about the extent at which I get exposed to these people.Same with politicians that I disagree with - game show hosts, guests on talk shows, etc. Shut them off and be done with them.

Well, this isn't just about you. It's about a radical fundimental change to the nuclear family and that society should have a chance to weigh in on depriving CHILDREN (what this is about) of either a mother or father for life, as a brand new institution of law.

Before it was merely a problem, a stastistical bane to society that a child would be motherless or fatherless. Now it is a physical binding law that children be so disenfranchised for life, without the possibility of parole..

...and all born from a mistrial which was based on a false premise, gaslighted into society by a clever cult nexus, using media...at a trial that actively disincluded one of the parties from the radical-revision proposal table (children) of a contract that impacts them more than any other party to the contract.
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There are off the charts Boy Scouts and Knights of Columbus, for Christsakes. Every group has it's extremists. No one bothers me personally. If someone ever got in my face with their message, that might get a little uncomfortable, for everyone concerned. I like to safely watch idiots dressed like jackasses supporting a cause on television if I choose, and then shut it off and take the dog out for a walk when I've had enough. That's about the extent at which I get exposed to these people.Same with politicians that I disagree with - game show hosts, guests on talk shows, etc. Shut them off and be done with them.

Well, this isn't just about you. It's about a radical fundimental change to the nuclear family and that society should have a chance to weigh in on depriving CHILDREN (what this is about) of either a mother or father for life, as a brand new institution of law.

Before it was merely a problem, a stastistical bane to society that a child would be motherless or fatherless. Now it is a physical binding law that children be so disenfranchised for life, without the possibility of parole..

The 'statistical bane' you're speaking of is the product of your own lies. Not any study. As every example of a young person without a good same sex role model given in your study........was the child of a single parent. Not a two parent household, which is what we're speaking of regarding same sex parents.

Worse, the Prince's Trust has extensive mentoring programs to provide young people with these exact good same sex role models cited in their study. Demonstrating definitively that the good same sex role model need not be a parent.

And obliterating your entire narrative.

Worse still, your self destructive and hopeless hatred and obsessions with gays is beyond apparent. You lie about then constantly, you speak of almost nothing else, you start dozens of threads about them, you post thousands of times about them, you sacrifice your own mental and physical health to slander them, you insinuate they're pedophiles, rapists, cultists and nazis.

And you know -Know- that your proposals to deny marriage to same sex parents will hurt tens of thousands of children and help none. Yet you're more than willing to hurt any number of children if it lets you hurt gay people too.

No thank you. Your illness does not translate into our crisis.
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Wanting children to have both a mother and father is not an "illness". Your group's gaslighting hasn't gone that far yet...

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