Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump!

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Gaslighting angle #772218: "When the subject of HIV/AIDS comes up, ONLY talk about worldwide HIV/AIDS statistics and NEVER discuss America's unique problem with the epidemic. Because if you discuss that unique problem, the world will find out that HIV is being spread through anal sex between men the predominance of the time.

How Is HIV Spread? In the United States, HIV is spread mainly by

  • Having sex with someone who has HIV. In general:
    • Anal sex is the highest-risk sexual behavior.
      Receptive anal sex (bottoming) is riskier than insertive anal sex (topping).
HIV/AIDS | Gay and Bisexual Men's Health | CDC


Except there's nothing unique about our problem. IN fact, in the US, the number of new cases and the number of deaths has actually declined.


so now we see the homophobe has squirmed away from his concern for the Children to AIDS. Because he thinks the Butt Sex is Icky.

You would misrepresent facts and risk young human life to gaslight society into accepting your cult's sexual addiction. Sure, as older gays get sick and die off, "the number of HIV infected older males has dropped". I guess it also helps if you slow down testing or if 50% of the infected population aren't counted in your statistics...yet...until you get all your legal victories out of the way. Then you'll ramp up your "Help HIV patients!!" banners again. Because after indoctrinating youth (and the society that protects them) that "anal sex is just fine and if you disagree, you're a homophobe!" for enough time we'll have plenty of HIV patients to see to. Hope we can afford that $500,000 average per-patient-before-they-die price tag by then. You are one sick fuck bro.

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010.
  • Over 50% of youth with HIV in the United States do not know they are infected. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

*Note that the word in the quote above is "INCREASE" and not "decrease". It turns out the difference in perceiving between the two realities is the difference between life and death. These are the extremes to which the LGBT cult gaslighters will go to forward their agenda...

...still questioning whether or not it's a true bone fide cult? :scared1:
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You would misrepresent facts and risk young human life to gaslight society into accepting your cult's sexual addiction. Sure, as older gays get sick and die off, "the number of HIV infected older males has dropped". I guess it also helps if you slow down testing or if 50% of the infected population aren't counted in your statistics...yet...until you get all your legal victories out of the way. Then you'll ramp up your "Help HIV patients!!" banners again.

HIV wasn't a boon to the gay rights movement. In fact, it probably set it back 20 years, which is why you got bullshit rulings like Hardwicke and dumb policies like "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". It gave the Homophobes a bogeyman to be scared of.

Hope we can afford that $500,000 average per-patient-before-they-die price tag by then. You are one sick fuck bro.

Average treatment for a cancer patient is higher than that. Should we let all of them die, too?
Hope we can afford that $500,000 average per-patient-before-they-die price tag by then. You are one sick fuck bro.

Average treatment for a cancer patient is higher than that. Should we let all of them die, too?
No, but we shouldn't be in grade school teaching them to smoke cigarettes. Your cult is in grade school now teaching kids "the joys of anal sex". I hope that class includes photos like this one:

Anyone doubt that homophobes like Silhouette would oppose a cure to AID's- just because they believe it would only benefit gays?
A stupid idea? No. But not the only idea or always the best idea.

Again- I know straight couple who have the parenting skills of feral wolves. I know gay couples who are awesome parents and their kids turned out fine.

I promise you, you'd find more products of straight couple than gay couples in the prisons.

Then again I know straight couples who raised kids just fine and gay couples who are torturing their child(ren) psychologically and even physically, borne from their addiction to "being gay". Case in point, the two lesbians who are drugging their minor son to eventually have his dick amputated to complete their/his utter rejection of the male gender.
Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And I know of cases where wolves successfully fed and adapted a human child to survive in the wild where they otherwise would've died on their own.

Back to logic now...

All things being equal, we then turn to the STRUCTURE of straight vs gay parenting to see what isn't equal. And we find in the gay home a case of where each child in it, of whichever gender, will be deprived of either a father or mother for life. And the Prince's Trust has found that lack of a regular female or male role model pertaining to the child's own gender, in their daily lives means they will grow up depressed, on drugs and indigent; even suicidal: stemming specifically from a feeling of not belonging. PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

The same cut and paste bullshit.

The Prince Trust study doesn't even mention same sex parents, gays, gay marriage or any of the claims you've made. Every example of a child without a good same sex role model specifically offered in the study has single parent.

Every single one.

The study never so much as mentions fathers. Or mothers. It speaks only of good same sex role models. And the Prince Trust has an extensive mentoring program to provide just such role models.

Mentor a young person | Volunteer | The Prince's Trust

Obliterating your nonsense narrative that ONLY a mother or father can provide a good same sex role model. You're completely full of shit. We know you're full of shit. You know we know you're full of shit. Making these thumb sucker threads of yours utterly pointless. As no one, not even you, is buying your nonsense.

Take a look at that little boy in the picture above. That face has "I don't belong" written all over it. So his lesbian moms who made him feel that way are now drugging him for eventual unnecessary and illegal surgery (the culmination of years of evident child coercion) "so he can finally feel like he belongs...er...um...I mean "so he can finally be the girl "he's" always "wanted" to be.."

Its a screenshot taken of a video. In the actual video, the kid is adjusting in her seat.

You have no idea what you're talking about Sil. You're literally offering us anything you make up as evidence. And you've never so much as met this kid. Let alone speak for anyone in the family.

Your imagination isn't evidence, Sil. You can't get around that.
A stupid idea? No. But not the only idea or always the best idea.

Again- I know straight couple who have the parenting skills of feral wolves. I know gay couples who are awesome parents and their kids turned out fine.

I promise you, you'd find more products of straight couple than gay couples in the prisons.

Then again I know straight couples who raised kids just fine and gay couples who are torturing their child(ren) psychologically and even physically, borne from their addiction to "being gay". Case in point, the two lesbians who are drugging their minor son to eventually have his dick amputated to complete their/his utter rejection of the male gender.
Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And I know of cases where wolves successfully fed and adapted a human child to survive in the wild where they otherwise would've died on their own.

Back to logic now...

All things being equal, we then turn to the STRUCTURE of straight vs gay parenting to see what isn't equal. And we find in the gay home a case of where each child in it, of whichever gender, will be deprived of either a father or mother for life. And the Prince's Trust has found that lack of a regular female or male role model pertaining to the child's own gender, in their daily lives means they will grow up depressed, on drugs and indigent; even suicidal: stemming specifically from a feeling of not belonging. PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

The same cut and paste bullshit.

The Prince Trust study doesn't even mention same sex parents, gays, gay marriage or any of the claims you've made. Every example of a child without a good same sex role model specifically offered in the study has single parent.

Every single one.

The study never so much as mentions fathers. Or mothers. It speaks only of good same sex role models. And the Prince Trust has an extensive mentoring program to provide just such role models.

Mentor a young person | Volunteer | The Prince's Trust

Obliterating your nonsense narrative that ONLY a mother or father can provide a good same sex role model. You're completely full of shit. We know you're full of shit. You know we know you're full of shit. Making these thumb sucker threads of yours utterly pointless. As no one, not even you, is buying your nonsense.

Take a look at that little boy in the picture above. That face has "I don't belong" written all over it. So his lesbian moms who made him feel that way are now drugging him for eventual unnecessary and illegal surgery (the culmination of years of evident child coercion) "so he can finally feel like he belongs...er...um...I mean "so he can finally be the girl "he's" always "wanted" to be.."

Its a screenshot taken of a video. In the actual video, the kid is adjusting in her seat.

You have no idea what you're talking about Sil. You're literally offering us anything you make up as evidence. And you've never so much as met this kid. Let alone speak for anyone in the family.

Your imagination isn't evidence, Sil. You can't get around that.

I think it is false to say that Silhouette doesn't know what she is talking about.

Based upon her posts she is either
  • truly delusional- incapable of understanding the truth even when confronted with it- or
  • a blatant liar- since she continues to repost the same lies over and over again.
Personally I think her delusions allow her rationalizations on why it is okay for her to lie in order to attack homosexuals.
A stupid idea? No. But not the only idea or always the best idea.

Again- I know straight couple who have the parenting skills of feral wolves. I know gay couples who are awesome parents and their kids turned out fine.

I promise you, you'd find more products of straight couple than gay couples in the prisons.

Then again I know straight couples who raised kids just fine and gay couples who are torturing their child(ren) psychologically and even physically, borne from their addiction to "being gay". Case in point, the two lesbians who are drugging their minor son to eventually have his dick amputated to complete their/his utter rejection of the male gender.
Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And I know of cases where wolves successfully fed and adapted a human child to survive in the wild where they otherwise would've died on their own.

Back to logic now...

All things being equal, we then turn to the STRUCTURE of straight vs gay parenting to see what isn't equal. And we find in the gay home a case of where each child in it, of whichever gender, will be deprived of either a father or mother for life. And the Prince's Trust has found that lack of a regular female or male role model pertaining to the child's own gender, in their daily lives means they will grow up depressed, on drugs and indigent; even suicidal: stemming specifically from a feeling of not belonging. PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

The same cut and paste bullshit.

The Prince Trust study doesn't even mention same sex parents, gays, gay marriage or any of the claims you've made. Every example of a child without a good same sex role model specifically offered in the study has single parent.

Every single one.

The study never so much as mentions fathers. Or mothers. It speaks only of good same sex role models. And the Prince Trust has an extensive mentoring program to provide just such role models.

Mentor a young person | Volunteer | The Prince's Trust

Obliterating your nonsense narrative that ONLY a mother or father can provide a good same sex role model. You're completely full of shit. We know you're full of shit. You know we know you're full of shit. Making these thumb sucker threads of yours utterly pointless. As no one, not even you, is buying your nonsense.

Take a look at that little boy in the picture above. That face has "I don't belong" written all over it. So his lesbian moms who made him feel that way are now drugging him for eventual unnecessary and illegal surgery (the culmination of years of evident child coercion) "so he can finally feel like he belongs...er...um...I mean "so he can finally be the girl "he's" always "wanted" to be.."

Its a screenshot taken of a video. In the actual video, the kid is adjusting in her seat.

You have no idea what you're talking about Sil. You're literally offering us anything you make up as evidence. And you've never so much as met this kid. Let alone speak for anyone in the family.

Your imagination isn't evidence, Sil. You can't get around that.

I think it is false to say that Silhouette doesn't know what she is talking about.

Based upon her posts she is either
  • truly delusional- incapable of understanding the truth even when confronted with it- or
  • a blatant liar- since she continues to repost the same lies over and over again.
Personally I think her delusions allow her rationalizations on why it is okay for her to lie in order to attack homosexuals.

I think it safe to say that Sil is self soothing. With threads like this where she tells herself the same reassuring lies the rhetorical equivalent of sucking her thumb.
No, but we shouldn't be in grade school teaching them to smoke cigarettes. Your cult is in grade school now teaching kids "the joys of anal sex". I hope that class includes photos like this one:

Well,t hey are teaching them how to do it safely to avoid this.

Because, hey its not like the kids won't figure this out on their own.

Oh, 37% of straights have done anal. But you aren't all that upset about that.

Meanwhile, Lesbians don't do the Anal at all. But I'm guessing you still hate the Dykes.
No, but we shouldn't be in grade school teaching them to smoke cigarettes. Your cult is in grade school now teaching kids "the joys of anal sex". I hope that class includes photos like this one:

Well,t hey are teaching them how to do it safely to avoid this.
Yeah, because kids aren't impressionable when instructed by adults. You teach them that the digestive system is part of the reproductive tract, some are going to use it that way that otherwise wouldn't have. And we all know how the statistics line up with kids being reliable users of condoms, "every time"..

Let me know when your spaceship has landed on earth, OK?

The only safe lesson to teach kids in school about anal sex is "never do it". Then when they reliably don't use a condom each time they have sex, they'll stand a fighting chance of living without the hell of HIV/AIDS...
No, but we shouldn't be in grade school teaching them to smoke cigarettes. Your cult is in grade school now teaching kids "the joys of anal sex". I hope that class includes photos like this one:

Well,t hey are teaching them how to do it safely to avoid this.
Yeah, because kids aren't impressionable when instructed by adults. You teach them that the digestive system is part of the reproductive tract, some are going to use it that way that otherwise wouldn't have. And we all know how the statistics line up with kids being reliable users of condoms, "every time"..

Let me know when your spaceship has landed on earth, OK?

The only safe lesson to teach kids in school about anal sex is "never do it". Then when they reliably don't use a condom each time they have sex, they'll stand a fighting chance of living without the hell of HIV/AIDS...

Yeah- exactly like the only thing we should teach kids about 'fire' is 'never do it'.
No, but we shouldn't be in grade school teaching them to smoke cigarettes. Your cult is in grade school now teaching kids "the joys of anal sex". I hope that class includes photos like this one:
Well,t hey are teaching them how to do it safely to avoid this.
Yeah, because kids aren't impressionable when instructed by adults. You teach them that the digestive system is part of the reproductive tract, some are going to use it that way that otherwise wouldn't have. And we all know how the statistics line up with kids being reliable users of condoms, "every time"..

Let me know when your spaceship has landed on earth, OK?

The only safe lesson to teach kids in school about anal sex is "never do it". Then when they reliably don't use a condom each time they have sex, they'll stand a fighting chance of living without the hell of HIV/AIDS...

Yeah- exactly like the only thing we should teach kids about 'fire' is 'never do it'.

The analogy is better using cigarettes. Fire is necessary. Cigarettes and anal sex are not. Are you even aware that you are justifying a deadly behavior Syriously? And, teaching kids that "it's perfectly normal, natural and OK"...?

This is what happens when you gaslight kids that "anal sex is OK"...

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC
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No, but we shouldn't be in grade school teaching them to smoke cigarettes. Your cult is in grade school now teaching kids "the joys of anal sex". I hope that class includes photos like this one:
Well,t hey are teaching them how to do it safely to avoid this.
Yeah, because kids aren't impressionable when instructed by adults. You teach them that the digestive system is part of the reproductive tract, some are going to use it that way that otherwise wouldn't have. And we all know how the statistics line up with kids being reliable users of condoms, "every time"..

Let me know when your spaceship has landed on earth, OK?

The only safe lesson to teach kids in school about anal sex is "never do it". Then when they reliably don't use a condom each time they have sex, they'll stand a fighting chance of living without the hell of HIV/AIDS...

Yeah- exactly like the only thing we should teach kids about 'fire' is 'never do it'.

The analogy is better using cigarettes. Fire is necessary. Cigarettes and anal sex are not.


Yes- a better analogy is cigarettes.

Telling teens that smoking cigarettes is dangerous has clearly stopped all cigarette smoking.
There is a bisexual transvestite, no gays at all.

Good grief...Rocky Horror is referred to as the symbol of gay pride. Do you ever tire of sticking your snout in threads and getting it slapped?

idk about that, a lot of my LGBT folks thought it was offensive...

I've never met anyone who thought it was anything but a cult classic. It's a freaking theatrical performance/movie. It was hilarious and in college they would show it and the theater was packed with people just having fun. Now people like paintbynumbers want to make it some political issue

Well yea that's what I figured to, but... maybe it's the "new crop" of LGBT's - the younger "everything offends me" types? Most of these folks are in their 20s...

Rocky Horror Picture Show plays at least once a month in San Francisco.

No one protests. I have yet to hear of anyone being offended by it.

There is no issue.

Fun movie.

Does it count if I'm offended that RHPS is a cult classic because I think it's just an awful movie? And I say that as someone who considers Flash Gordon a cult classic. :lmao:

As if you understand anything about homosexuals other than your blatant hatred and obsession with them.

Get some help for your problem.
Ahh..any discussion of homosexuals and homosexuality by heterosexuals is "blatant hatred".....
Thanks for confirming your conspiratorial every one is out to get me bullshit...
yes, all heterosexuals HATE gays. You got us.....

As if you understand anything about homosexuals other than your blatant hatred and obsession with them.

Get some help for your problem.
Even if what you just said was 100% true, it does not change one iota of the truth of the OP.

Since you commonly lie and misrepresent facts- there is no evidence that there is any truth in your OP.

Everything you post- including your lies such as what the Prince's Study says, or your lies about the "Mayo Clinic Study" is based upon your hatred and obsession with homosexuals.
And there it is,....In the absence of ideas with which to engage in substantive debate, roll out the old "you're a liar" card.
The only safe lesson to teach kids in school about anal sex is "never do it". Then when they reliably don't use a condom each time they have sex, they'll stand a fighting chance of living without the hell of HIV/AIDS...

Hey, i think the since it's been established abstinence programs doesn't work for the straights, why do you think it's going to work for the gays?

Maybe you need to take your obsession with other people's sex lives and see a shrink.

As if you understand anything about homosexuals other than your blatant hatred and obsession with them.

Get some help for your problem.
Even if what you just said was 100% true, it does not change one iota of the truth of the OP.

Since you commonly lie and misrepresent facts- there is no evidence that there is any truth in your OP.

Everything you post- including your lies such as what the Prince's Study says, or your lies about the "Mayo Clinic Study" is based upon your hatred and obsession with homosexuals.
And there it is,....In the absence of ideas with which to engage in substantive debate, roll out the old "you're a liar" card.

LOL- Silhouette has been posting the same anti-gay lies for years- and I have repeatedly pointed out the same lies- the Prince's Study lie- the Mayo Clinic lie.

I bring this up because Silhouette has a long established pattern of lying- a virtual disconnect with the facts.

You want to point to a 'truth' in the OP that you want to engage in a substantive debate over- go for it- I would welcome an actual debate by anyone interested in facts rather than propaganda.

As if you understand anything about homosexuals other than your blatant hatred and obsession with them.

Get some help for your problem.
Ahh..any discussion of homosexuals and homosexuality by heterosexuals is "blatant hatred".....
Thanks for confirming your conspiratorial every one is out to get me bullshit...
yes, all heterosexuals HATE gays. You got us.....

Hmmmm as a very hetero married husband and father......why would you think that I think that all heterosexuals hate gays?

Silhouette has been posting her anti-gay crap for over 2 years- and I have been responding to her anti-gay crap for two years.

Hell- she claims that the Charleston shooter of the African American church is gay- and killed those people in a gay rage- despite the guy posting his racial hatred online.

So- 'any discussion about homosexuals and homosexuality' is not 'blatant hatred'- but Silhouette spending 2 years lying on message boards in order to harm homosexuals is an example of 'blatant hatred'.

If you feel that was too close to home for you- well that is your problem- not mine.
Yes- a better analogy is cigarettes.

Telling teens that smoking cigarettes is dangerous has clearly stopped all cigarette smoking.
Just so everyone is clear here on Syriusly's "logic" on anal sex is "if its dangerous and a bunch of people are doing it, we should tell them it's OK; and, we should teach kids in school that it's OK, even desirable".
Yes- a better analogy is cigarettes.

Telling teens that smoking cigarettes is dangerous has clearly stopped all cigarette smoking.
Just so everyone is clear here on Syriusly's "logic" on anal sex is "if its dangerous and a bunch of people are doing it, we should tell them it's OK; and, we should teach kids in school that it's OK, even desirable".

Once again Silhouette demonstrates her disconnect with the truth.

You have stated that the only thing that should be taught about anal sex is "don't do it"- and I pointed out that strategy hasn't stopped cigarette smoking.

I believe we should do what the CDC recommends
HIV Risk and Prevention | HIV/AIDS | CDC

- and what the Mayo Clinic recommends

HIV/AIDS Prevention - Mayo Clinic

Not what Silhouette demands.

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