Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

Mexico is no longer recognizing the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Just look it up if you don't know what this is.

And the left says it's not an invasion. You can't get a clearer case of the hens inviting the fox for dinner.
What amazes me is how the American Government turned out to be America's worst enemy by suppressing it's citizens from protecting it's own borders.
Most people have no clue the massive damage the US government has done to it's own. Not yet.
But this legislation "should" give them a clue......if they weren't idiots.

Mexicans and Communists think it's funny.
George Soros is making sure that he makes all the money that he can, at tax payer's expense. You isn't going to get nothing free from Soros. He manufactures crisis, and profit from it.

California will become the first state to pay for some adults living in the country illegally to have full health benefits as the solidly liberal bastion continues to resist the policies of Republican President Donald Trump’s administration.

Democrats in the state Legislature reached an agreement Sunday afternoon as part of a broader plan to spend $213 billion of state and federal tax money over the next year. The legislature is expected to approve the deal this week.
California Lawmakers Agree to Fund Health Benefits for Some Undocumented Immigrants

President Donald Trump’s zero tolerance policy stands to create a zombie army of children forcibly injected with medications that make them dizzy, listless, obese and even incapacitated, according to legal filings that show immigrant children in U.S. custody subdued with powerful psychiatric drugs.
Immigrant children forcibly injected with drugs, lawsuit claims

Good, now Trump can cut off all Federal funding to the scum since they now admit they will use them illegally.
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

California voted for this, so they obviously want it

Ahhh, no, don't think this was voted on.

Sure it was. When they elected a super majority of Democrats
When the democrats changed the law to permit vote harvesting. Republicans ahead by double digits lost when the harvested votes were counted. Orange County went solid blue in one election because of vote harvesting. Democrat volunteers were going door to door trying to get ballots. They had boxes of them in cars.

It was such an obvious fraud it should have been stopped.

If it was obvious fraud why didn't the Republicans challenge the results?
The U.S. Constitution guarantees that each state provides a "Republican form of government".

A "Republican form of government is defined as:

"In the context of American constitutional law, the definition of republic refers specifically to a form of government in which elected individuals represent the citizen body and exercise power according to the rule of law under a constitution, including separation of powers with an elected head of state, referred to as "

Strikes Me that California is now in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Or will be if this gets signed into law.
The state with the most poverty, worst schools, most homeless and most debt is spending more money on kissing the asses of the Illegals. Typical screwed up Liberal priority.

Commie California is the model that the Party of Moon Bats want for the entire US.

However, I am with DigalDrifter. Maybe the shithead Illegals here in Florida will move out of my state and head out to California to get better welfare.
The state with the most poverty, worst schools, most homeless and most debt is spending more money on kissing the asses of the Illegals. Typical screwed up Liberal priority.

Commie California is the model that the Party of Moon Bats want for the entire US.

However, I am with DigalDrifter. Maybe the shithead Illegals here in Florida will move out of my state and head out to California to get better welfare.

they're pushing out the middle and working class citizens by the hundreds of thousands per year, so they need criminal illegal aliens in order to keep claiming that big number of Congressional seats. They will lose at least 12 seats at their current rate of out-migration of legal citizens.
The state with the most poverty, worst schools, most homeless and most debt is spending more money on kissing the asses of the Illegals. Typical screwed up Liberal priority.

Commie California is the model that the Party of Moon Bats want for the entire US.

However, I am with DigalDrifter. Maybe the shithead Illegals here in Florida will move out of my state and head out to California to get better welfare.

they're pushing out the middle and working class citizens by the hundreds of thousands per year, so they need criminal illegal aliens in order to keep claiming that big number of Congressional seats. They will lose at least 12 seats at their current rate of out-migration of legal citizens.

I agree that they are pushing out the productive people but that can be a problem for the rest of us.

Here in Florida we get a shitload of those NE assholes running away from the screwed up government of those NE commie states. However, when they get to Florida they forget that voting for Democrats is what screwed everything up and vote for Democrats here.

I suspect the same thing will happen with the ex pat Californians.
Only "some" illegals will have their health care provided by tax payers? Why not all of them, California?
Don't be pussies about this.
George Soros is making sure that he makes all the money that he can, at tax payer's expense. You isn't going to get nothing free from Soros. He manufactures crisis, and profit from it.

California will become the first state to pay for some adults living in the country illegally to have full health benefits as the solidly liberal bastion continues to resist the policies of Republican President Donald Trump’s administration.

Democrats in the state Legislature reached an agreement Sunday afternoon as part of a broader plan to spend $213 billion of state and federal tax money over the next year. The legislature is expected to approve the deal this week.
California Lawmakers Agree to Fund Health Benefits for Some Undocumented Immigrants

President Donald Trump’s zero tolerance policy stands to create a zombie army of children forcibly injected with medications that make them dizzy, listless, obese and even incapacitated, according to legal filings that show immigrant children in U.S. custody subdued with powerful psychiatric drugs.
Immigrant children forcibly injected with drugs, lawsuit claims

Are you implying that Soros owns all the healthcare facilities in California?Why not imply that Soros presented the bill and passed it by his legislative body of cloned Soros humans...???
On the federal level there is already a law that states that medical care must be given even to poor folks with no dough, wow, it's what Jesus would do, but the self righteous right doesn't like being like Christ...
On the federal level there is already a law that states that medical care must be given even to poor folks with no dough, wow, it's what Jesus would do, but the self righteous right doesn't like being like Christ...

Illegal poor folk need to go home. Not our responsibility

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